American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 34 is the portal opened by Loki?

Chapter 34 is the portal opened by Loki?

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube originally came from the interstellar, and does not belong to the earth. S.H.I.E.L.D. forcibly preserves things from the universe, which is actually risky.

If Loki came to the earth just to "recycle" the Rubik's Cube, and then left the earth after taking it away, then it would actually be a good thing.

Not only did the place not lose anything, but it also avoided all kinds of dangers that might be caused by the Rubik's Cube.

But if Loki gets the Rubik's Cube and doesn't leave the earth, if he wants to do something on the earth, it will be quite troublesome.

"We don't know Loki's purpose yet, but sir, I don't think he will leave so easily."

After pondering for a moment, the black widow spoke with a heavy expression.

"Why do you think so?" Nick Fury's face was equally heavy, and it could be seen that he should have the same judgment as Black Widow.

"Loki said he would bring to Earth a world free from care."

Black Widow stated her basis for inference, "If his goal is only the Rubik's Cube, wouldn't it be strange to say these words? He should be planning to do something to the earth."

"In addition, we have all seen Loki's ability. No one can stop him from leaving the base, but why did he take Barton and Dr. Silverig away together?"

"It's impossible. He needs Barton to act as his driver, right?"

"There is also Dr. Silvig. Although he is a scientist, he is also an old man. To Loki, his only value is the knowledge in his head!"

"Loki needs Dr. Silvig's knowledge!"

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube!" Iron Man interjected, his voice full of dignity, "Loki needs Dr. Silvig, and continue to study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

"So, Loki is really going to plan something on Earth next." Nick Fury made a heavy conclusion.

On this point, there is basically no objection, and it can be said that a consensus has been reached.

After all, the possibility of Loki bringing Dr. Silvig back to Asgard to study the Rubik's Cube is still very small.

That's Asgard, the legendary God's Domain. To study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, you still need the help of the people on Earth?
Relying on the knowledge of Earthlings?

Then this God's Domain is too useless, right?

And it was clearly shown in the video, Loki controlled many people in one go, except for Dr. Silverig, the others were all secret agents.

If it is said that Dr. Silvig's research on the Rubik's Cube has the value of allowing Loki to bring it back to Asgard, although this possibility is not high, it is after all.

And what about those agents?
What is the value to Loki?
You can't take it to Asgard to fight, right?

Those agents are worthless to God's Domain, and their value can only be displayed on Earth.

Obviously, Loki intends to plan something on Earth, so these extra people are needed.

"We don't know what Loki wants to do on Earth, but is it possible that it has something to do with the Chitauri?"

After a moment of dull silence at the scene, Iron Man spoke again with a solemn expression.

Nick Fury and Black Widow looked at each other, and they both saw a solemn look on each other's faces.

Like Iron Man, they actually have this kind of worry.

"This is exactly what I want to say, the second crucial question." Nick Fury nodded and echoed.

Under the gazes of Nick Fury and Black Widow, Iron Man clearly launched his own analysis.

"First of all, the space wormhole opened by the Chitauri when they invaded New York is exactly the same as the space wormhole opened by the Rubik's Cube."

"So we have to make a bad and bad conclusion: the Chitauri also used the Rubik's Cube to open the space wormhole."

"Then here comes the problem. We already know that after Loki snatched the Rubik's Cube, it was the first time Nick Fury summoned the Avengers. Note, it was the first time."

"This means that Loki took the Rubik's Cube first, and the Chitauri invaded New York later. This time sequence is very important and can convey some important information."

"Do you still remember my conjecture in the last question? The Chitauri may not have a high degree of civilization, but they opened a space wormhole in a very inconsistent way."

"And now, we know that Loki has stolen the Rubik's Cube and is still planning something on Earth... Don't you think of something?"

"Stark, are you's Loki who used the Rubik's Cube to help the Chitauri open the space wormhole!" Black Widow took Iron Man's words, her eyes lit up slightly.

Iron Man's deduction immediately connected the previous video with this video.

Moreover, it also made up for some doubts and loopholes in the two videos, which is also logically tenable.

Such inferences are often closer to the truth.

"A very fruitful inference! Let's dig deeper." Nick Fury's expression moved slightly, and he also very much agrees with Iron Man's inference.

"If there is no relationship between Loki and the Chitauri invasion of Earth, then there are two situations."

"First, we took back the Rubik's Cube from Loki, and then the Chitauri snatched the Rubik's Cube from us."

"Second, the Chitauri took the Rubik's Cube directly from Loki."

Iron Man and Black Widow couldn't help nodding each other. Such a situation is indeed possible. No matter how reasonable Iron Man's inference is, it is just an inference.

They cannot rule out other possibilities.

"I don't think the first scenario is likely to happen!" After Iron Man thought for a while, he quickly shook his head and made a judgment.

"If the Chitauri really planned an operation to snatch the Rubik's Cube from S.H.I.E.L.D., then it must not be a large army, but a special operations team to sneak into the earth to fight secretly."

"It makes sense." Black Widow agreed, "If they sent the main fleet to Earth in order to rob the Rubik's Cube, why should they rob the Rubik's Cube again?"

The purpose of the Chitauri robbing the Rubik's Cube is to open the space wormhole and allow large groups of troops to invade the earth through the wormhole.

If a large number of troops have been sent to the earth from the beginning, then why do we need the Rubik's Cube?

So if the other party really came to S.H.I.E.L.D. to snatch the Rubik's Cube, it would definitely be like Loki, just a special team to snatch it.

"But we have also seen that if the Chitauri leave their main fleet, their combat power will be extremely limited, and even my steel armor can't deal with it!"

"And S.H.I.E.L.D. has gone through Loki's snatching of the Rubik's Cube, the security level of the base will definitely be greatly improved, and the Avengers will respond quickly to support."

"In this case, I don't think the Chitauri will be able to steal the Rubik's Cube."

(End of this chapter)

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