American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 334 To whom did Tony Stark leave his legacy

Chapter 334 To whom did Tony Stark leave his legacy
The video is over.

This video first confirmed another important information for everyone, that is the cosmic sphere, that is, which heroes are responsible for going back to find the power gem.

Gears of War Rod and Nebula.

Then everyone's previous speculation can be more certain: After the Hulk and Rocket Raccoon asked Thor to come out of the mountain, Thor must have gone to find the reality gem.

According to the search situation of the other five gems, it can be seen that everyone is basically a two-person partner. Of course, there are three people when searching for the Rubik's Cube and the scepter in Stark Tower.

But basically it's two people.

From this, everyone can also speculate that Thor probably had a partner when he went back to the past to find the Reality Gem.

As for that partner...

Everyone thought about it, and after excluding other people who were looking for gems, they still felt that Rocket Raccoon was more likely.

After all, he and Thor once went to Nidweal to forge the Storm Ax together, so they still have a certain friendship.

After mastering another piece, the puzzle about everyone traveling through time and space to find gems became more and more complete.

In addition to the related puzzles of finding gems, this video also shows everyone the process of how Thanos grasped the action clues of the heroes in the past.

Generally speaking, it is actually four words.

"One hundred secrets and one sparse."

Captain America couldn't help sighing, "Although Nebula's situation was a bit unexpected, we must have known that Nebula was a reformer at the time, and our plan was still not perfect."

"Captain, who would have thought that two nebulas could share memory?" Peter Parker didn't think it was everyone's problem.

This happened by accident.

After all, how could anyone have predicted what happened to Xing Yun in advance?

"I have the same opinion as Peter. What happened to Nebula is irreproachable, but after everyone got the gems, they were obviously careless."

Tony Stark also said on the side, "The Hulk snapped his fingers, how important this is, but Nebula was absent at that time, and none of us doubted this."

This is indeed the negligence of the Avengers.

This is one of them.

The second is that the time machine is such an important thing, another nebula can be used casually, and according to the original image, that nebula was invaded.

From beginning to end, no alarm was raised.

That's a time machine.

Once such an important thing falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is not an exaggeration to upgrade the security to the highest level.

As a result, it was so easily hacked by Nebula.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is destined not to happen in the future.

The time machine will never be born.

[Please listen to the question: After Tony Stark died, who did he hand over Edith, the intelligence system of his augmented reality strategy? 】

[A. Ministry of Defense]

[B. Captain America Steve Rogers]

[C. Spiderman Peter Parker]

[D. War Machine Rhodes]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a box of memory bread (300 pieces);

Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the system's notification tone suddenly sounded, and the latest question appeared.

This topic is about who Tony Stark will leave his legacy to after his death. Everyone is still quite interested in this.

"The intelligence system of the augmented reality strategy, what kind of system is this?" Scott Lang couldn't help asking curiously.

"Although I don't know what kind of system this is, it looks very powerful." Peter Parker said excitedly with a look of worship.

Not only that.

Seeing that his name also appeared in the options, Peter Parker became even more excited.

This shows what?
This explains that he is also one of Tony Stark's "legacy candidates".

"Stark, have you developed any intelligence system?" Captain America turned his head and asked Tony Stark beside him.

They have carried out many tasks with Tony Stark and cooperated a lot, but they never knew that Tony Stark had such a system.

"No, I haven't developed this system now." Tony Stark shook his head, "This should be something I will develop in the future."

"OK." Captain America nodded, expressing that he knew what he knew, and then continued to say to Tony Stark, "Stark, this question is about who you will leave your things to, so it's up to you Let's analyze it."

"Although I don't know exactly what kind of system this system is, it's an intelligence system." Tony Stark had nothing to excuse, and immediately started his own analysis.

"If it's an intelligence system, the Ministry of Defense certainly has a use for it, but I don't think I'll leave my legacy to those hypocrites."

"I can be sure that if my system is handed over to them, they will not use my system to make the world better. On the contrary, it will become more chaotic!"

Except for Peter Parker, everyone on the scene is not a naive child, especially through the answering system to learn the truth of many worlds.

Learned a lot of things that ordinary people didn't know.

Everyone knows that although Tony Stark's words contain certain personal prejudices, they are definitely not pure alarmist talk.

Because this risk is real.

When some organizations have a sharp sword in their hands, there will always be some politicians, some people in power, who will turn that sharp sword into a tool to satisfy their own desires.

We cannot guarantee that all organizations, like the Avengers, simply maintain world peace.

Without any additional interests or political factors.

"So, I can't leave my legacy to those guys!" Tony Stark said firmly to everyone.

"I absolutely believe that!" Scott Lang shrugged, expressing his approval first.

The others are not surprised either, as of now they already know Tony Stark very well, and it is indeed not like Tony Stark's temperament to leave it to the Ministry of Defense.

Option A, basically without any doubts, was ruled out by everyone.

"Option B, Rogers?" Tony Stark fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, "I think, I can't think of a reason to rule out this option."

"I think the answer should be Rogers." Strange even gave such an opinion, "There are several options in the answer, no one is more suitable for owning this intelligence system than Rogers."

"First of all, Rogers is an Avenger and an agent. He really needs this intelligence system."

"Secondly, although I don't know exactly what this system is, since it was developed by Stark, it is definitely not an ordinary system."

"As Stark said, this is a sharp sword. Whether this sharp sword can benefit society or harm society depends on the person holding the sword, so Stark will choose to leave this system to him. Trusted people."

"And Rogers, that's the kind of person."

"Although Rogers and Stark had conflicts, frictions, and even 'stopped talking' for a while, the two of them later abandoned their previous grievances and began to fight side by side, becoming close comrades-in-arms."

"Indeed, no matter how you look at it, I can't see a reason to exclude Rogers."

"Then option B is pending." Thor interjected.

"Then what about me?" Peter Parker glanced at everyone and asked, and then gave his own analysis, "But my words... I don't think it should be mine, I'm still a student."

Leave an awesome intelligence system to a student?
No matter how you look at it, this is somewhat unreasonable.

"Is it possible that this is the case." Captain America pondered for a while, but gave another guess, "Stark is not reserved for you at the time, but for you in the future?"

"It makes sense, this possibility cannot be ruled out." Tony Stark nodded emphatically on the side.

"Although this child has always been just a child, even in the final battle, the child will always grow up."

"According to our previous information, Peter Parker really wants to be an Avenger, so I think it is very possible for him to become a real Avenger in the future."

Peter Parker wants to be the Avenger, there is still no big doubt about this.

After all, if Peter Parker didn't want to be an Avenger, why would Tony Stark "canonize" Peter Parker as an Avenger before he went to fight Thanos to the death on the spaceship of Ebony Maw?
This must be something like this that Peter Parker has expressed before.

Peter Parker's proud and excited expression after being "canonized" at that time can also illustrate this point.

Considering that Peter Parker can suppress the strength of Bucky and Sam at the same time in the civil war at a young age, everyone does not feel any surprise that Peter Parker will become an Avenger in the future.

Even things that are taken for granted.

So in this case, it is reasonable for Tony Stark to leave an intelligence system for the future Peter Parker.

Peter Parker didn't need it when he was a student, but he will be an Avenger in the future, wouldn't he need it?
"So... it is really possible that this system is reserved for me? This option is also to be determined, right?" Peter Parker was a little excited when he thought of this.

My idol actually left something for me after his death!

It's a great feeling!

Of course he doesn't want his idol to really die, but through this kind of thing he can feel his idol's attitude towards him.

This is very cool.

"It seems so, boy!" Thor said to Peter Parker with a smile.

After everyone's discussion, option C Peter Parker is also to be determined.

Soon, everyone's attention was on the last option.

"War Machine Rhodes, Tony Stark's best friend, can even be said to be Tony Stark's most trustworthy friend?"

Thor spoke at this time and joined in the analysis, "He is still an air force, but also an Avenger, and even more of a war machine with another set of armor... Stark, I think Rhodes is also possible."

In this topic, War Machine Rhodes actually has a high degree of overlap with Captain America to a certain extent.

Rhodes has all the reasons for being a candidate for Captain America.

"No, Thor, I don't think it should be Rhodes."

After Captain America pondered for a while, he gave a different answer, "Rhode is different from me. Although Rhode is also a superhero and an Avenger, he is also an Air Force Colonel!"

"In other words, Rhodes is still a member of the military system, and all actions of Rhodes are under the control of the military."

"If Stark handed over that set of intelligence systems to Rhodes, it is actually equivalent to handing over that set of systems to the Air Force!"

"The captain is right!" Strange immediately agreed.

This is indeed the biggest difference between Rhodes and Captain America.

Captain America is a "free man". All his actions are based on his own wishes, and he does not belong to an organization or work for others.

That intelligence system was given to Captain America, so it belongs to Captain America.

But Rhodes has always been a member of the Air Force. All Rhodes' actions are not decided by himself, but are orders received from the upper echelon.

Under such circumstances, how could Rhodes have such an intelligence system?

Even if Tony Stark handed over the intelligence system to Rhodes, the system would still fall under the control of the Air Force.

This is an unmistakable thing.

First of all, it is impossible for the Air Force to allow one of its own colonels to have a private intelligence system.

Furthermore, with Rhodes' temperament, he would definitely choose to hand over that intelligence system.

As a close friend of Rhodes, Tony Stark of course knows all of this clearly. From this perspective, he really doesn't need to leave any intelligence system for Rhodes.

"In addition, Rhodes actually has another fatal flaw."

Scott Lang's voice sounded, and he also thought of a question, "This is what we have discussed in other answers. Rhodes is too old, and I am afraid he will retire soon?"

An air force colonel who is about to retire, what Stark has to do is to let the other party retire smoothly to live a retirement life, instead of leaving the other party with any intelligence system.

At this point in the discussion, the option of War Machine Rhodes was basically ruled out by everyone without any doubts.

Now there are only two candidates left, Captain America Steve Rogers and Spiderman Peter Parker. Next, as long as there is a screening between the two, the answer to this question will come out.

(End of this chapter)

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