American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 329 Strong ancient 1, 1 hit breaks the timeline

Chapter 329 The powerful ancient one breaks the timeline with one blow
Although everyone at the scene didn't know what kind of skill "Jing Ling Dispatch" was, but seeing Strange's reaction, they also knew that this skill must not be an ordinary skill.

to be honest.

At present, everyone has already experienced answering questions again and again, and won rewards one after another, and they have long been calm about this.

Even if it is produced by the system, if it is not a real good thing, it is not enough to impress everyone.

Even some rewards may be rejected by the answerers.

For example, weirdo cells, such as KW74, and Dabai, were all given to others by the winners, and even the weirdo cells couldn't even be given away.

At this time, the winners can still be excited, it must be the kind of really good things.

"Mr. Strange, what kind of skill is this spirit-detaining general?" Peter Parker couldn't help but asked.

"Spirit, soul? Could it be that this is a soul-related skill?" Thor made a basic judgment with interest.

"How should I put it?" Strange briefly sorted out the memory of the General of the Juling, and then explained to everyone, "Simply speaking, this skill is a skill to manipulate the soul."

Manipulate the soul!

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but shudder slightly, this skill is indeed a bit too heaven-defying.

That is the soul of man.

"It's not just manipulating the soul. After using this skill, you can even use part of the soul's skills for your own use."

Strange added another explanation for everyone, "However, my skill is incomplete. If it is a complete spirit arrester, it can also devour souls and gain the ability of souls permanently."

"Devouring souls?" Scott Lang couldn't help but shuddered, "Isn't this a little too scary? It's better to be an incomplete detainer."

"I think so too." Strange shrugged and couldn't agree more.

"Wait a moment."

Tony Stark spoke suddenly, and he remembered a very interesting thing, "Can't all the mages of Karma Taj be able to knock out human souls? From this point of view, this skill is as good as Strange's." What a perfect match!"

When Tony Stark finished speaking, everyone involuntarily recalled the scene where the Ancient One mage knocked out the Hulk's soul with one palm.

They couldn't help but strongly agree with Tony Stark's words. Those mysterious mages' methods of casting souls are really a perfect match for the spirit of the generals!
This skill is simply developed for the mysterious mage.

Just imagine, in the course of the battle, Doctor Strange first knocked out the enemy's soul with a palm, and then sent a general to control the opponent's soul, which is simply invincible.

Strange didn't say anything more, but thought in his mind.

The captured spirits can exist in the world for a long time through detaining the spirit, truly breaking the boundary between life and death.

If Christine really died in the future and things were irreparable, he might only use this method to make Christine live forever.

Of course.

This is just the last step back.

It was a method that Strange would only consider when there was no other method.

But Strange would never do that if there was even the slightest possibility.

But when he thought about the absolute timing of Christine's death, Strange couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart.

This kind of thing is calculated to be him, and he is powerless to change it!
What Strange didn't know was that he had completely overthought. The matter involved in this question was not actually a matter of the main universe, but a matter of other parallel universes.

It's just that so far, neither Strange nor the other answerers have seen any clues from this question that are obviously contrary to the various intelligences of the main universe.

So I can't tell that this is something from other universes.

It was like the parallel universe of zombies at that time.

[End of the answer, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system's notification sounded at this time, interrupting everyone's discussion.

Everyone turned their attention back to the big screen, and a corresponding video appeared at this time.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was inside the Kama Taj Temple, but Doctor Strange was sizing up with the Eye of Argonaut, with a melancholy expression on his face.

"I'm going to boil water and make tea, lest you do anything impulsive." The Mage King next to Doctor Strange said to Doctor Strange.

Then turned and left.

Doctor Strange stared at the Eye of Agamotto for a while, and made a decision.

"You're right, there's no need to dwell on the past all night." Doctor Strange casually placed such an important thing as the Eye of Agamotto on the table beside him.

Also got up and left.

There is no doubt that it is natural to drink tea with the Master King.

Not long after, Doctor Strange, who had finished drinking tea with the Mage King, pushed out the door from Karma Taj, only to see that the whole world had changed drastically.

But seeing everything around, what tall buildings, cars and pedestrians, etc., everything is melting and evaporating!

This scene looks so weird.

"Is this the whole universe starting to collapse as mentioned in the title?"

Captain America's complexion began to become extremely serious. It can be said that he has never seen such a strange and terrifying scene in his life.

Even he felt his scalp tingling.

That was horrible.

Whether it is a person or a thing, no matter what is good or evil, good or bad, there is no difference at all in this kind of universe collapse, and they will all collapse together with the collapse of the universe.

"It turns out that the collapse of the universe turned out to be like this?" Tony Stark said in an informed tone.

He had never seen such a thing as the collapse of the universe before, and now he has seen it.

on the screen.

"What the hell is in the whiskey?"

Doctor Strange himself was also stupefied, he suspected that something had been added to the wine, and he fainted.

But sadly, it's all true.

Also at this moment, suddenly, behind Doctor Strange, a shining space door suddenly appeared, and a glowing ancient mage slowly glanced out from the space door.

That's right, it's the glowing Ancient One mage.

This ancient mage is not the same as the ancient mage in the soul state. Although the ancient mage in the soul state is also translucent, at least there is no light shining all over his body.

But this ancient one mage.

The whole body is full of light.

Everyone in front of the screen was at a loss as to what was going on with this Ancient One mage.

"Hi Stephen." The Ancient One greeted Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange became more and more confused: "No, wait a minute, haven't you already..."

"Dead? Of course!" Master Gu Yi interjected.

"Then this must be..."

"A psychological phantom from another branch of the universe, you can take me as an echo."

"I was going to say it definitely means the end of the world has arrived."

"There is also a reason for this. You have always been so prophetic." The Ancient One did not deny Doctor Strange's conjecture, "But I am worried that our time is running out."

"Who caused all this?" Doctor Strange asked puzzled.


"how is this possible!"

"It's you, Doctor Strange! You used your magic eyes to escape to the past, and I couldn't keep up." The Ancient One explained to Doctor Strange.

"I drew power from the dark dimension and split you in half, but I also split the timeline in half, so that the timelines of the two of you are in the same universe."

"The two Doctor Stranges were created by the Ancient One!" Peter Parker said in surprise.

When answering the question, everyone discussed what happened to the two strange doctors, and now everyone finally knows this.

Unexpectedly, the culprit turned out to be Master Gu Yi.

I just don't know why the Ancient One would attack Doctor Strange, who is the successor of the Ancient One!
It is highly valued by the ancient master.

"Did the ancient one even split the timeline in two?" Scott Lang couldn't help swallowing hard with a thud.

I know that Master Gu Yi is powerful, but it's a bit too exaggerated to be so powerful, right?
I feel that even a cosmic overlord like Thanos is not worth mentioning compared to Gu Daxie.

It's such a pity that such a big guy died.

"Two timelines?"

on the screen.

Doctor Strange's voice continued, and his face became serious, "This approach is neither simple nor wise."

"To be precise, it is extremely dangerous." The Ancient One corrected and supplemented Doctor Strange's statement on the side.

"So now, I have an evil doppelganger?" Doctor Strange's head hurt.

"It's more appropriate to call it going astray." The Ancient One said, "If another Doctor Strange reversed the absolute point of time."

"You mean to save Christine."

"You can't save her, Stephen, otherwise it will cause a time paradox and lead to the destruction of this world!" The Ancient One solemnly warned Doctor Strange, "We are running out of time, and I am afraid that the only mage who can rival him is you. Myself! Doctor Strange!"

After Master Gu Yi finished speaking, the person disappeared.

Then there was a cut in the camera.

However, Doctor Strange had already returned to Karma Taj at this time, and was making corresponding preparations.

But he saw many magical symbols with golden lights floating in the air in front of him and the Mage King.

"That is to say, the framework of reality is collapsing. It started because of you, and it must end because of you." There was a kind of surprise in the voice of the Mage King, and it was obvious that this kind of thing caught him by surprise.

Not only that.

At this time, the head of the Mage King also began to melt, and was in the process of evaporating.

"To be honest, we've been through weirder things."

"But do you want to stop him?" Mage Wang asked in a deep voice, "Don't you love Christine?"

"I, I think I have no choice, at least I can save you too."

"Okay." The Mage King began to push his hand towards Doctor Strange, and the golden magic runes floating beside the two of them all flew towards Doctor Strange.

Into the body of Doctor Strange, disappeared.

And when the two had just finished all this, a layer of magic portal appeared on the ground under Doctor Strange's feet.

All of a sudden, Doctor Strange was transported to a place full of darkness.

"Where am I?"

After looking around, Doctor Strange asked.

"What you should ask is when are you!"

In the dark corner, a voice sounded, and then, a figure slowly walked in front of Doctor Strange.

That's amazing, it's another Doctor Strange, that is, the double body of Doctor Strange, or the blackened version of Doctor Strange.

"It's him!"

Thor immediately pointed to another Doctor Strange and shouted, "It was he who was right, he is the Doctor Strange who knew the Observer!"

The same skinny, the same smoky makeup, can't go wrong.

It's just that everyone is still very curious about what happened to Doctor Strange's double body to become such a ghost!
Even if you don't do anything, just stand there, you don't look like a good person.

"Don't be afraid, old friend, because you and I are one." The blackened version of Doctor Strange continued to say to Doctor Strange.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing such a ghostly appearance of his double body, Doctor Strange was shocked.

"It's enough for me to have you, I don't need Ancient One, I don't need Wang, they won't understand us." The blackened version of Doctor Strange didn't explain what Dr. Strange said, but talked about his own purpose, "They don't even know her ! We know her and love her!"

"We can't resurrect her, the world outside is collapsing!" Doctor Strange said.

Compared with his own rebirth, which obviously fell into too much obsession, Doctor Strange can still understand the importance.

"How dare you lie to me? I am you!" the blackened version of Doctor Strange said angrily.

Following the anger of the blackened version of Doctor Strange, phantoms of wild beasts appeared on his body, as well as the roar of wild beasts.

It seems that there are many beasts hidden in its body.

While it's not known exactly what happened to these beasts, it's clear that the blackened Doctor Strange must have practiced some sort of sinister dark magic.

That's why it became such a ghost.

"How many nights have we spent in the Holy of Holies, with the Time Stone in our hands! Knowing that we can go back in time, we can't muster the courage!"

"But I chose courage, sacrificing everything in the centuries of change, just to save Christine!"

The blackened version of Doctor Strange shouted at Doctor Strange again emotionally.

"Now you can leave her alone?"

"No, Stephen, we can!" After saying this, the blackened version of Doctor Strange grabbed Doctor Strange's arm.

The two were teleported away at once.

(End of this chapter)

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