American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 309 Reunion?lame!Lao Tzu Space Guardians!

Chapter 309 Reunion?lame!Lao Tzu Space Guardians!
"That's right, according to Peter and Aunt May's words, when she came back, she confused the family in the apartment."

"The point is, 'that family.'"

After bringing up an interesting topic, Strange analyzed it himself.

"This sentence describes such a situation for us, 'Aunt May' appears in other people's homes, but the interesting problem is precisely here."

"It's fine for the hostess to think that 'Aunt Mei' is a mistress, but why does grandma think that Aunt Mei is a ghost? Could it be that Aunt Mei is exactly the same as someone who has died?"

"And the dead person was still acquainted with 'the family in the apartment'!"

"But here comes the question again. If this is the case, why does the hostess think that Aunt Mei is the mistress?"

This is indeed a very interesting topic.

The reaction of the family in the apartment was obviously not quite right.

"The reason why the family in the apartment reacted like this is because of 'Shuo Mie is back'."

Tony Stark said on the sidelines, "There are not a few people who experienced the flickering, and the time when the flickering happened was before and after the death of Iron Man... What is it, it is in line with this in terms of time and scope. At two o'clock?"

After being reminded by Tony Stark, everyone at the scene started to use their brains and thought about it.

Soon, Scott Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

After all, before and after the death of Iron Man, there were not many events covering a large area, so it is not difficult to lock.

"It was Dr. Banner who snapped his fingers and brought back the half of the earth that was wiped out by Thanos. That's what Shuo Mie must be referring to!"

Scott Lang said in a very affirmative tone.

"Yes, that must be it."

Peter Parker nodded again and again, expressing agreement, "Didn't Dr. Banner snap his fingers five years after Thanos snapped his fingers? During these five years, many houses must have been vacated because of Thanos' snapping fingers." , so someone else lived in it.”

"As a result, when Dr. Banner brought people back, those who came back were equivalent to suddenly appearing in someone else's house."

"Aunt Mei must have encountered such a situation!"

If this is the case, the reaction of "the family in the apartment" is more normal.

Because Aunt Mei suddenly appeared in her home, the hostess would naturally think that her husband was hiding someone in her home.

Otherwise, how could a stranger suddenly appear in his home?
As for that grandma?

It may be that seeing Aunt Mei's sudden "rebirth" from nothing to something made Aunt Mei a ghost.

There is no doubt that Shuo Mie must be such a thing.

And listening to the name, the word "shimmering" is also highly in line with the matter of "instantly disappearing".

On this point, everyone has no doubts.

[Please listen to the question: In order to fight against Infinity Ultron, the observer selected specific personnel from the multiverse to form the "Multiverse Guardian Team". Who of the following people is not in the team? 】

【A. Iron Man Tony Stark】

[B. Doctor Strange Stephen Strange]

【C. Thor】

[D, Captain Carter]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will receive the reward skill Magic Seal-Curse Bullet;

Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

At this time, the system's notification tone suddenly sounded, and the latest question appeared.

Everyone at the scene was also very interested in this question, and it involved how to deal with Infinite Ultron.

"Wow, 'Guardians of the Multiverse', this is much more popular than the Avengers, and more popular than Star Lord's Guardians of the Galaxy."

Scott Lang exclaimed immediately, and was stimulated by the extremely coaxed title of "Guardians of the Multiverse".

"Guardians of the universe, isn't this too exaggerated?" Peter Parker was also speechless, "Guarding the entire universe... this is really crazy!"

"Infinite Ultron, has it reached this level?" Captain America's complexion began to become serious.

They knew that Infinity Ultron was very powerful before, and they have always placed Infinity Ultron in a position above Thanos.

But Captain America didn't expect that Infinity Ultron would be so powerful that it couldn't be dealt with by a single universe, and needed the "Multiverse Guardians" to deal with it.

Knowing that a potential enemy has such terrifying strength, Captain America can't relax anyway.

"'Observer', who is he?" Thor also spoke at this time, he was very interested in this mysterious guy.

Although I don't know who the Observer is, but this guy was able to select people from the multiverse to form a multiverse guard team, obviously he is also a big boss.

A boss who is at the same level as Infinity Ultron, can surpass a single universe, and reach the level of a multiverse!

"I'm also very interested in this guy."

Tony Stark murmured on the sidelines, and made a natural guess, "Could it be that... the huge bald head that appeared in the last round of answers?"

That huge bald head is the only multiverse boss other than Infinity Ultron that everyone knows so far.

It is not surprising that Tony Stark made such a guess.

"It's possible, very possible!" Strange agreed, "Isn't that guy in that mysterious place, observing the multiverse? This fits the title 'Observer' very well."

"Well, it makes sense." Peter Parker also echoed, and put forward another piece of evidence, "In the last video, the bald head was noticed by Infinity Ultron, obviously he was frightened! He was worried that Infinity Ultron would break into Multiverse!"

Except for Doctor Strange, who was "absent" from answering the relevant questions, the terrified face of the observer involuntarily appeared in the minds of the other people present.

When he was discovered by Infinite Ultron, he was so frightened that he reflexively cut off the "connection".

"So the bald man will not remain indifferent, he should take certain measures, and it is reasonable to form a multiverse guard, right?"

Peter Parker continued.

After everyone's discussion, although we can't be sure yet, we are very sure that the huge bald head is the observer.

"So... for the time being, let's assume that the bald guy is the observer, and then, let's start analyzing this topic."

Captain America made a final decision and said to everyone.

But this made it a bit difficult for everyone on the scene, because everyone didn't know anything about the criteria for the observers to select the Space Guard.

How to analyze this topic, everyone has no idea for a while, and feels a little helpless.

"Everyone, let's take a look at the four options first."

In desperation, Thor had no choice but to make a proposal like this.

Everyone actually thought the same way, so they began to focus on the four options on the big screen one by one.

"Iron Man, Thor, Doctor Strange, and another captain, but it's not Captain America, but Captain Carter, Fine, all very powerful superheroes."

Scott Lang made a brief summary. At first glance, there is no clue.

"Look carefully at these four people, can you find any characteristics that three of them have but the other one does not? If you can find it, will this problem be solved?"

Scott Lang then shrugged at everyone.

"Uh..." Thor rested his chin on one hand, thought for a while, and slapped his thigh suddenly, "I thought about it, the three of Stark and the others are men, and Captain Carter is a woman!"

Everyone was speechless.

I knew that a guy with well-developed limbs like Thor couldn't have any hope.

"Let's look at several options separately."

Captain America suggested on the side, and was the first to enter the analysis, "Look at Stark first, Stark is the maker of Ultron, and he knows Ultron far better than others, and then Add Stark's skill, and I think... I don't see a reason for Stark to be excluded."

"Excuse me, captain. It needs to be clear here. The Stark in the option does not necessarily create Ultron."

Tony Stark added, "We have seen the image of the birth of Infinity Ultron. The Stark in his world has been killed by him. The Stark in this question is from other universes. Did he create it?" Ultron, we don't know."

"Even if Ultron is not created, this Stark is also Iron Man, that's enough! As for artificial intelligence robots, he should be the best." Strange gave such a view.

"Well." Tony Stark shrugged, "The doctor has a point."

"So Mr. Stark is to be determined." Peter Parker glanced at everyone and said.

"It can only be determined first."

Option A can only be marked as such temporarily.

Even not only option A, but the remaining three options of BCD, after everyone's discussion, are all pending.

There is no option to rule out.

It has to be said that this topic is actually quite difficult.

Everyone at the scene was lost in thought, and the scene was temporarily quiet.

"Let's study this question carefully again, and don't let go of every detail. Could there be something that we have missed?"

After a moment of silence, Tony Stark couldn't help but remind everyone.

According to everyone's consistent experience in answering questions, this situation is generally caused by ignoring some key details.

"Multiverse Guardians! Ladies and gentlemen, we have discussed so much just now, has the background of 'multiverse' never been discussed?"

After pondering for a while, Strange solemnly told everyone that he felt that he might have grasped something vaguely.

"Yes, we haven't analyzed the background of the multiverse. We just confirmed that Stark may not have created Ultron. If we dig deeper, can we find something?"

Scott Lang put his hand on his chin and said to everyone with a straight face.

"Everyone, I thought of a point, I don't know if it will be useful."

Peter Parker suddenly said, "Since the people in the options are all from the multiverse, and will eventually fight against Infinity Ultron, then in the universe of the decisive battle... the people in the options, I mean the original Are these people who lived in that universe no longer there?"

"Otherwise, why would the observer choose these people from other universes?"

"This kid still has some truth to say."

Tony Stark agreed with this, "So in the world where the observer chooses to fight Infinity Ultron, these people in the options should be dead...or the three of them are already dead, no, it should be said that all of them are dead. Dead, although it is a bit confusing, but you should understand what it means."

"What do you mean? Stark, don't play charades." Thor didn't understand, and he asked straightforwardly.

"Stark said that the three people in the options should be dead. That's because only three people in the options were selected by the observer, so the person who was not selected may not be dead."

"Later, Stark said that they should all be dead. That's because of Ultron's style. He has always slaughtered the entire planet. He carried out massacres on every planet!"

"So since the three important people in the options are all dead, it means that the universe is very likely to have been cleaned by Infinite Ultron."

"So they're all dead."

Strange translated Tony Stark's words for Thor, and Thor understood.

"That is to say, the final battle place chosen by the observer is a... desolate star that was slaughtered by Infinity Ultron?" Thor suddenly realized.

This is also reasonable for everyone.

The battle with Infinity Ultron is destined to destroy the planet, and the damage caused is too great.

Had they been observers, they would have made the same choice.

So everyone agrees with this conclusion.

"It should be like this, but even if we know this, what's the use for our answer?" Thor scratched his head and said.

"No, it works."

Tony Stark said, "If it's a desolate star, Jarvis probably won't be able to use it."

"Why?" Thor still couldn't understand, "Isn't Titan just a desolate star? Don't you still use Friday?"

"It's different. Even though I'm on Titan, Jarvis's computing host is still on Earth and can be connected remotely."

"But this question is different."

(End of this chapter)

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