American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 293 Avengers VS Guardians of the Galaxy Who is stronger?

Chapter 293 Avengers VS Guardians of the Galaxy Who is stronger?

So far, the first three options have been analyzed, leaving only the last option.

Regarding this option, T'Challa was very sure: "Najiya will not do this, I can be sure of that."

Nakia is T'Challa's ex-girlfriend!

Although separated now, T'Challa still knows Nakia very well.

"Such a sure tone."

Thorton smiled, and looked at T'Challa winkingly, "It seems that this person has an unusual relationship with T'Challa. Nagia? This should be a woman's name, is it what I imagined?"

"Thor, I know what you want to say, but Nakia and I have separated for the time being." T'Challa did not deny it, but admitted it openly.

With T'Challa's explanation in this way, his judgment on this option is even more convincing.

Even though they have separated now, it is true that T'Challa knows Nagia very well, which is an indisputable fact.

"Wait a minute Mr. T'Challa, you two broke up? Did you break up peacefully? Because I have seen many girls who actually hold grudges against boys after breaking up. They may not see anything on the surface, but in private, they may Do something bad to your ex-boyfriend."

Peter Parker said quickly on the side.

"You've seen a lot? Didn't you just go to high school?" Tony Stark couldn't help but cast a glance at Peter Parker, "What are high school students doing now?"

"Stark, are you sure it's appropriate for you to say such a thing?" Scott Lang couldn't help complaining.

You, the biggest playboy in America, are not qualified to say such things.

"No, Peter." T'Challa's voice sounded, and he said to Peter Parker with certainty, "Najiya is not this kind of person, I'm sure."

There is no doubt that the last option can also be ruled out.

Everyone has already analyzed the four options, and after a comprehensive comparison, the answer has undoubtedly surfaced.

Naturally, it is Mbaku of the Jabari tribe.

"I choose B, M'Baku!"

T'Challa didn't have any nonsense, and immediately gave his own answer to the answering system.

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to T'Challa, the answerer, for receiving the reward boxing Wing Chun! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

With these few beeps from the system, T'Challa immediately became a kung fu master.

He carefully sorted out the information about Wing Chun in his mind, and couldn't help showing a very satisfied smile.

"That's right, what a superb boxing technique!" T'Challa couldn't help but nodded.

"Wing Chun? Singing Spring? This is really a strange name." Peter Parker couldn't help but whispered.

"The naming style of this boxing sounds like that kind of oriental boxing. I wonder if it's T'Challa?"

Tony Stark, who had rich experience, asked with a straight face.

"That's right Stark, this is indeed a set of oriental boxing." T'Challa nodded.

Swish swish!
As he said that, T'Challa also punched a few times casually to demonstrate for everyone.

Its speed is strange, and the two hands punched quickly one after another, making everyone at the scene dazzled.

"T'Challa, so this is actually a set of... oriental-style fighting skills?" Tony Stark couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it, "I thought it was like my lingbo microsteps, Thor How about the Vigorous Vajra Palm, does your boxing need to consume something called 'internal force'?"

"'Internal force', what is that?" T'Challa couldn't help asking curiously.

You guessed it right, Wing Chun does not need internal strength, it can only rely on the physical strength of ordinary people.

"That is a kind of magical power. Although I don't understand it exactly, we don't have it, so we can only use physical strength to replace it." Tony Stark shrugged and explained for T'Challa.

"It sounds like your kung fu requires extra energy, but Wing Chun doesn't. It... how should I put it, it can be regarded as a set of oriental fighting skills according to what you said."

T'Challa murmured.

"Eastern fighting, wow, sounds very interesting, Mr. T'Challa, what kind of move did you make those two gestures just now?" Peter Parker asked, looking at T'Challa enthusiastically.

"I'm cutting the opponent's middle lane." T'Challa replied, "Ip Man likes to use this move very much."

"Ip Man?" Scott Lang frowned slightly. He had never heard of this name.

"Oh, no, so, I ignored it."

T'Challa smiled slightly, and added to everyone, "All my experience and skills about Wing Chun now come from that man named Ip Man. He is a very powerful Kung Fu master, and he can easily win by himself." Ten kung fu masters."

"One against ten? I bet I can do better." Tony Stark looked disapproving.

"I can fight against a hundred." Thor also said coquettishly to everyone.

"It sounds like this is a very remarkable person." Captain America expressed full affirmation.

Only a fighting master like Captain America knows what it's like to be one against ten in a fight.

That has to be something that only a genius among geniuses can do.

Even if it is him, if it is not directly crushed by the body of a "super human", Captain America can be sure that he cannot do this.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

Not long after, the system's notification sounded, interrupting everyone's discussion.

A corresponding video just appeared on the big screen.

The first thing that appears in everyone's sight is a city that looks very developed and full of modern high-tech atmosphere.

There are high-rise buildings full of "exotic style" everywhere, and there are even suspended trains "floating" in the city.

A fighter plane that was very advanced at first glance, just landed slowly on the ground.

"This is Wakanda? Wow, so beautiful!" Peter Parker couldn't help admiring.

"Is this a third-world country? T'Challa, you Wakanda people are really good at talking nonsense." Scott Lang couldn't help but yelled out.

This is so advanced that it has become such a city. How do you Wakanda have the face to say that you are a third-world country?

How dare you say that you are from the poorest country in the world?

Compared with Wakanda, other countries are like poor ghosts!

on the screen.

The fighter plane slowly stopped in a square, and T'Challa, Okoye, and Nagia slowly walked out of it.

Under the fighter plane, T'Challa's mother and sister Shu Rui were already waiting for them there.

"Queen, princess, please forgive me!"

Nakiya walked up to T'Challa's mother first, and said to the two.

"Thank you, Nakia!" the Queen returned, "It is very kind of you to come back."

"So she is Nakiya!"

Scott Lang said, "Isn't she the one who, with T'Challa, captured Crowe?"

"Not only to help T'Challa capture Crowe, but also to help T'Challa fight the leopard." Captain America added on the side.

Especially in the first battle against the leopard, T'Challa's situation was very unfavorable at the beginning.

Nagia was also injured by the leopard in that battle, so it can be said that she was helping T'Challa at the risk of her life!

This kind of woman really wouldn't deal with T'Challa.

After recognizing this person as Nagia, everyone finally understood why T'Challa had so much confidence in this woman.

"Take her to the river to prepare for the ceremony."

Okoye's voice sounded, and she casually gave instructions to her subordinates.

Immediately someone took Nakiya away.

Naturally, the "ceremony" in Okoye's mouth refers to the king's challenge.

Next, there was a cut in the camera.

However, on the surface of the vast river, several boats were slowly moving forward, and each boat was full of people.

Everyone is singing and dancing.

Obviously, this is Wakanda's custom culture, some ritual activities before the ceremony.

And when everyone began to sail forward on the river, at the end of the river, on the edge of the cliff, one after another "round platforms" suddenly rose up from the bottom of the water.

An underwater arena was built so quickly!
People from various tribes in Wakanda also arrived one by one, waiting for the start of the challenge according to the distribution of the mountains on the edge of the cliff.

A fighter plane flew over at this time, and T'Challa, who accepted the challenge, made his debut at this time.

"I, Zu Li, the son of Badu!"

The host of this challenge, Zu Li, began to introduce to all the Wakanda people around, "I would like to introduce Prince T'Challa, Black Panther!"

Immediately there was a burst of cheers from around.

"Your Highness, remove the power of the black panther first!" Zu Li followed up and said to everyone.

He also picked up a bowl of unknown water and poured it into T'Challa's mouth.

After T'Challa finished drinking, he immediately showed a painful and uncomfortable look.

"The power of the black panther? What is this, Mr. T'Challa?" Peter Parker looked at T'Challa beside him curiously and asked.

"This is a kind of power that only the black panthers of Wakanda can obtain, and it is a kind of power bestowed by the goddess Bastet to the guardian of Wakanda!"

T'Challa simply explained to everyone, "This power is too powerful for ordinary people to resist, so it is unfair to use this power when the king challenges, so at this time, it is necessary to remove this power. "

"Wait a minute, I didn't understand." Peter Parker became more and more confused, "You said that this power is bestowed by a goddess? Is it the goddess I imagined? You Wakanda, do you really have gods?"

"We in Wakanda envelop Goddess Buster." Black Panther continued, "We believe that the heart-shaped grass is a gift from Goddess Buster."

"Heart-shaped grass?"

"Yes, taking it can make people gain power beyond ordinary people."

"It turns out that Wakanda also has a super serum, which is really impressive." Tony Stark sighed.

on the screen.

"May the glory of the ancestors last forever!"

Zu Li's voice continued, "In ritual battles, victory comes from the victory or death of the other side. If any tribe intends to send a warrior to fight, then I will show him the way to the throne right now."

With that said, Zu Li pointed at T'Challa.

The challenge to the throne has officially begun!
"The Merchant Tribe is not participating in the Throne Challenge today!"

"The frontier tribes are not participating in the challenge to the throne today!"

"River Tribe is not participating in the Throne Challenge today!"

"The Mountain Mine Tribe is not participating in the throne challenge today!"

But then, the four tribes present all announced that they would not participate in the challenge for the throne.

"Is there anyone else with royal blood who wants to participate in the challenge?" Zu Li glanced at the crowd again and asked confirmingly.

But at this time, T'Challa's sister Su Rui raised her hand.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone in front of the screen was also surprised. Su Rui didn't want to ruin his brother's place, did he?

But the answer to this question is obviously not Su Rui.

"This tights are really uncomfortable! Since no one is challenging, let's pack up and go home, shall we?"

Su Rui said so.

Everyone at the scene was speechless for a while.

Princess of Wakanda, isn't this too skinny?
But at this moment, a special slogan suddenly sounded.

This caused everyone at the scene to change their expressions slightly, feeling very surprised, because everyone recognized that this slogan came from the Jabari tribe!
Jabari has always lived in seclusion on the snow-capped mountains!

This challenge to the throne, why did the Jabari tribe come out?

Under everyone's surprised eyes, M'Baku came to T'Challa just like that.

"M'Baku, what are you doing here?" Zu Li stared at M'Baku in a deep voice and asked.

"Today is Throne Challenge Day."

M'Baku said, before turning around and yelling at all the Wakanda around him, "We watch you from the mountains, we listen to you, we are disgusted to see you like this!"

"Because you actually let a little kid supervise your advanced technology. The princess despises tradition. Now you have to pass the throne to this person who can't even protect his father."

"We don't accept it! I say, we don't accept it!"

"I, M'Baku, the leader of the Jabari tribe..."

"I accept your challenge, M'Baku!"

T'Challa directly interrupted M'Baku's "long speech" and said in a deep voice.

Needless to say, M'Baku and T'Challa fought fiercely under the witness of all the tribes.


There is no doubt that T'Challa is victorious.

Otherwise, where would his throne be taken away by the money leopard?
However, M'Baku's strength is also very strong, and T'Challa also paid a big price. He was even almost defeated by M'Baku during the period, and won with great difficulty in the end.


At the moment T'Challa won, there were loud cheers all around.

The picture is frozen here.

"I have to say T'Challa, it's really hard for you to win."

Thor immediately began to taunt, he laughed and teased T'Challa, "Almost, almost, the throne is not yours."

"This kind of thing won't happen now." T'Challa looked calm, "I only need Chembaku's middle lane, and I can knock him down instantly!"

In the past, I might not think there was anything, but after mastering Wing Chun, to be precise, after Ip Man's combat experience, and looking at M'Baku's fighting style, it can be said that there are flaws everywhere.

Now T'Challa can be quite sure that in the entire Wakanda, it is impossible for anyone to be his opponent.

Even without relying on the power of the heart-shaped grass, he can still hit ten of them!

"No, you only need a hole wave, and it's impossible for M'Baku to come to your side."

Scott Lang said with bright eyes, "I can't wait to see such an interesting scene now."

"No, Scott!" T'Challa waved his hand, "Except for Wing Chun, the upside-down world, Dongdongbo, I don't intend to use it on my compatriots, that's not fair."

It's okay to say that Wing Chun can be regarded as a broad and profound fighting technique, but the other two are just dead.

Once this hangs out, who can stop it?
Isn't that bullying?

It's simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

[Please listen to the question: The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the members of the Avengers met by chance on Titan, and the two sides started a big battle due to a misunderstanding. Who of the following characters was captured by Iron Man? 】

【A. Star Lord Peter Quill】

【B. Drax the Destroyer】

【C. Praying Mantis】

【D. Nebula】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a DC MINI dream stealer;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

Not long after, a new topic appeared.

 DC MINI, from Totoshi Kon's "Red Pepper"

(End of this chapter)

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