American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 284 Iron Man: Go to Thanos' hometown to fight Thanos!

Chapter 284 Iron Man: Go to Thanos' hometown to fight Thanos!
on the screen.

After rescuing Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange greeted each other, and then began to discuss business matters.

"This ship is self-correcting its course, and it is autopiloting." Tony Stark said to everyone with a serious face.

"Can we control it? Fly back to our home?" Doctor Strange immediately began to ask for granted.

But Tony Stark didn't answer, as if he didn't hear it, but saw him pacing back and forth while thinking about something.

"Stark!" Until Doctor Strange called out again, "Can you take us home?"

"I heard it!" Tony Stark replied in a deep voice, "but I'm thinking, maybe we shouldn't go back!"

This decision, I have to say, still surprised everyone.

"We must not send the gem to Thanos!" Doctor Strange said firmly to Tony Stark, "I'm afraid you still don't understand the seriousness of the matter."

"What? No! You don't understand!" Tony Stark retorted heavily, "Thanos has been in my mind for six years, ever since he sent an army to New York, and now he's back!"

"I do not know what to do!"

"So I'm not sure whether to fight him on our turf or their turf!"

"But you saw what they could do, what they did! At least go to his territory and be surprised!"

"I said, let's call the door! Doctor, do you agree?"

"It turns out that Stark and the others are not the passive Titans, but the Titans who actively decided to go!" Thor couldn't help being surprised.

This point is somewhat different from what everyone expected.

After Tony Stark and the others killed Ebony Maw, they didn't try to return to Earth at all, but planned to take the initiative to go to Titan to deal with Thanos.

Because Tony Stark doesn't want to use Earth as a battlefield!

Otherwise, with Tony Stark's ability, it shouldn't be too strange even if he figured out the donut spaceship and then took everyone back to Earth.

"Okay, Stark, let's go find him!"

on the screen.

Doctor Strange’s voice sounded, and after some contemplation, he agreed to Tony Stark’s plan, “But you have to understand, if I were to choose to save you, the child, or the Time Stone, I would let you all do so without hesitation. Die!"

"I have to, because this is about the fate of the entire universe!"

Several old people who answered the question felt speechless for a while.

Doctor Strange vowed to say such cold-blooded and heartless words here, but at the critical moment, didn't he still take the Time Stone to save Tony Stark's life?

"Okay! Good three views! We have reached an agreement!" Tony Stark nodded and said, and the two sides reached an agreement on this.

"Then boy!"

Immediately afterwards, Tony Stark came to Spider-Man's side again, and patted each of his shoulders with his hands, "You are an Avenger now!"

When Peter Parker heard these words, an expression of excitement and excitement immediately appeared on his face.

The picture is frozen here.

"It turns out that Stark 'sealed' Peter Parker as the Avenger, so that's what happened!" Thor's voice sounded first, and he said with some surprise.

This situation is completely different from what everyone expected when answering the question at the beginning.

Because not only is it not an unofficial route, it's not even an official route.

Strictly speaking, Peter Parker at this time is not an Avenger at all.

It's just that Tony Stark admitted that he is an Avenger, that's all.

But can Tony Stark represent the Avengers?

Could it represent the rest of the Avengers?

Obviously not.

"Mr. Stark, will we go to an alien planet to fight aliens together in the future? Is this really me? This is really unimaginable, it's like a dream!"

Peter Parker danced excitedly beside Tony Stark, his face was flushed, and even full of longing.

One can't wait to go to space with his idol right away to maintain the peace of the universe.

Seeing Peter Parker's happy look, everyone at the scene couldn't bear to tell Peter Parker, boy, you will die on Titan by then!
But then again.

Peter Parker died under the snap of Thanos' fingers, and even if he was not on the Titan star, it probably wouldn't be able to change the ending.

After all, the snapping of Thanos' fingers has an effect on the entire universe!
On Titan or on Earth, the difference is not that great.

"Stark, you were a little reckless at the time."

Captain America suddenly said in a deep voice, "Such an important action requires a detailed plan in advance, and you can't act impulsively on the spur of the moment."

"Look! I knew it!" Tony Stark shrugged, his face not surprised.

He knew that Captain America would definitely say something after seeing the image, and as expected, it came again.

"Stark, this is a serious question! You didn't know what was on Titan at the time, and you lacked all the necessary information."

"You were lucky at the time. There was only Thanos on Titan, but what if there was an army there?"

"Not only will you die in vain, but you will also send the time gem to Thanos' hands. Didn't you think of this consequence at the time?"

Seeing Tony Stark's indifferent face, Captain America couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Then, is there an army on Titan? No, right? Rogers, do you think I'm a fool? If there is an army on Titan, of course I won't throw myself into the trap. You have never heard of the word adapting to the situation." Bar."

Tony Stark still looked unconcerned.

"Stark, Rogers, these are things that didn't happen, it's meaningless to discuss them, OK?"

Seeing Tony Stark and Captain America started to fight again, Thor, who is used to seeing this scene, immediately came out to smooth things over.

Tony Stark and Captain America shut their mouths.

As Thor said, after so many answers, it is impossible for the situation in the video to happen, and there is no need to discuss it at all.

[Please listen to the question: How did Ultron obtain six infinite gems and become Infinite Ultron? 】

[A. Collect six infinite gems from all over the universe]

[B. Tony Stark created Ultron to snap his fingers, and Ultron took the opportunity to take the gem]

[C. After Thanos snapped his fingers in Wakanda, he was found by Ultron first, and Ultron killed him and snatched the gems]

[D. When you meet Thanos who comes to snatch the gems, kill Thanos instead and get another five gems]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a dose of the improved No. 5 compound;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

After everyone discussed for a while, they were interrupted by the system's notification tone.

The latest topic appeared.

Everyone temporarily put away their minds and focused on the latest topic.

Infinite Ultron!

These four words made the eyes of several old people who answered the question couldn't help but shrink severely.

This is a super "villain" who is more powerful and terrifying than Thanos!
Thanos is only attacking the entire universe, at most he can only wipe out half of the creatures in the universe, but this Infinite Ultron is the one who slaughtered the multiverse!
The pressure it brings to everyone is much greater than Thanos.

"Obtain six Infinity Gems and become Infinity Ultron!" Captain America said in a deep voice, "It seems that our previous guess is correct, 'Infinity Ultron' refers to the one who has collected all six Infinity Gems. Ultron!"

"'Infinite Ultron'? Is this the Infinite Ultron that slaughtered the multiverse mentioned in your data?" Scott Lang showed surprise on his face, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Captain America and asked. .

"Yes, that's him!" Captain America nodded solemnly.

"This question came just right." Tony Stark said so.

Everyone has known this guy Unlimited Ultron for a long time, but everyone has never understood this guy at all.

This question will reveal the relevant information about this enemy who is more dangerous than Thanos.

"According to our previous answers, Ultron is dead and was killed by everyone in the Battle of Sokovia!" Thor's voice sounded, and he said to everyone, "So obviously, this question is The topic of other universes other than the main universe!"

"That's right, this is a topic of other universes independent of the main universe." Tony Stark nodded, "Then we might as well give this universe a name, let's call it 'Infinite Ultron Universe'."

Everyone at the scene did not express any objection.

There is nothing wrong with this naming being vivid and vivid.

As for how to answer this question of other parallel universes, everyone had a detailed discussion as early as when the question of Captain Carter's universe appeared.

Now that the topic of Infinite Ultron Universe comes out, everyone will naturally know how to analyze it.

"According to our consistent experience in answering questions, the general framework of other parallel universes is basically the same as that of the main universe, only some minor differences will lead to completely different results."

However, because there are still newcomers on the scene who don't know, Tony Stark explained it briefly.

"Butterfly effect! Mr. Stark, I know, is it a butterfly effect?" Peter Parker immediately interjected and asked.

"That's right, kid, it's the butterfly effect."

Tony Stark nodded, responded, and then continued, "So when we answer questions outside the main universe, we can just use the information from the main universe."

"As for what the small difference is, it requires our analysis and judgment."

This method of analysis was discussed by everyone a long time ago, and everyone naturally had no doubts, so they began to enter the analysis one after another.

"Collect six infinity gems throughout the universe?"

Thor shook his head first, even he could analyze this option, "Is this impossible? Even if Ultron is a robot, he can't fly to the earth! Stark, am I right?"

"Thor, you make a lot of sense." Before Tony Stark could answer, T'Challa nodded, "Earth does not have the ability to travel between stars."

Everyone has discussed the space technology of the earth. It is impossible for the earth to land on other planets except the moon in the short future.

Even Titan.

Everyone had "misunderstood" before that it was the earth's technology that climbed up, but now we know that it was a complete "misunderstanding".

It is alien technology, not earth technology, that makes it to Titan.

So in this case, it is naturally impossible for Ultron to fly out of the earth. After all, the limitations of the earth's aerospace technology cannot be broken by a robot.

"Will it be like Stark, relying on an alien spaceship?" Scott Lang put forward a reasonable guess.

It is true that the future of the earth will not reach the interstellar level, but it does not matter, there will be many alien forces coming to the future of the earth!

Ultron may not have the opportunity to take this opportunity to venture into the universe.

"It's possible, but it's also not a big possibility." Captain America shook his head immediately, "Ultron's strength is far from enough to collect six infinite gems. Infinite Ultron is not bad, but Ultron? It's still not enough some."

Infinity gems are stored separately among the great powers in the universe. How easy is it to snatch the gems from those great powers one by one?
Ultron can't even beat the Avengers!

"Not only that, I don't think Ultron will collect gems." Tony Stark gave a judgment from another angle.

"Don't forget what my purpose of creating Ultron is to maintain world peace! Even though Ultron misinterpreted my meaning, his purpose is to destroy all human beings!"

"Instead of collecting Infinity Gems!"

"What's more, when Ultron was active, everyone didn't know much about the infinite gems, let alone Ultron."

After everyone's discussion, option A is illogical from multiple perspectives, and it was naturally ruled out by everyone.

Next, we continue to analyze option B.

"Tony Stark made Ultron snap his fingers? This is inconsistent with the information we know." Thor said immediately, "Isn't it the Hulk who snapped his fingers?"

"Could it be that the subtle difference that Mr. Stark said is here?" Peter Parker had been hearing it until now, and finally had the opportunity to interject.

"After the superheroes collected all the gems, in order not to hurt anyone, Tony Stark made a robot to snap his fingers? This sounds like a possibility." Captain America immediately took over the topic and began to analyze, "But even if it is possible, how could Stark make Ultron again?"

Ultron is the "big villain" who once tried to destroy all mankind!

Tony Stark wouldn't do this as long as his brain wasn't twitching, would he?

(End of this chapter)

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