American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 276 Captain America, Lonely Life to Old Age

Chapter 276 Captain America, Lonely to Old Age

"The final ending of Captain America? This is an interesting question."

Scott Lang showed a very interested look on his face, "According to me, a person like the captain will definitely have a perfect ending!"

After saying this, Scott Lang quickly glanced at the several options on the big screen, and the smile on his face froze slightly.

It seems that most of the options are not very good!
Either die alone, or be killed.

The only seemingly perfect ending is obviously impossible, because Peggy Carter is already an old lady who is nearly a hundred years old.

How is it possible to spend a lifetime with Captain America?
It's even hard to say whether Peggy Carter will survive to make it to Endgame.

"Why are the options for this question so bad?"

Thor also muttered on the side, slightly dissatisfied, "It shouldn't be like this! Rogers deserves a better ending!"

"Let's analyze the topic."

The expression on Captain America's face didn't change much. After he pondered for a moment, he spoke again.

"This is about your question, so Rogers, this question is mainly for you to analyze." Tony Stark made a gesture of invitation to Captain America.

Peter Parker didn't intervene much, and he hasn't quite figured out the situation yet, so he watched everyone's "performance" with great interest.

Captain America didn't say too much nonsense, and immediately entered the analysis, "End of life, alone... How to put it, I don't know, but I think it is possible."

"B, died in an operation against criminals? This is also possible. Every operation of mine is accompanied by such risks. It is not a strange thing to die in any operation."

"Spending my life with Carter Peggy? This option can obviously be ruled out. Peggy is nearly a hundred years old and has a family. How can I spend my life with her?"

Does spending a lifetime together mean that Captain America stayed with Peggy Carter until Peggy Carter came to the end of her life?

Obviously not like this.

Captain America only accompanied Peggy Carter for a few short years, and then spent the rest of his life by himself. What kind of life together is this?
What's more, Captain America doesn't think he will go to accompany Peggy Carter, she is already married!

Even if Peggy Carter's husband had died long ago, this was equally impossible.

What is he going to do?
The third person in the Peggy Carter family?
What about trouble?

This option is obviously impossible, and even absurd, it's just like a joke.

"Wait a moment!"

Tony Stark interrupted Captain America in time at this moment. He stared at option C, frowning, "This option is a bit strange, isn't it?"

"Peggy Carter? Is that the female agent from back then, the one who promised to dance with the captain? I know her!" Peter Parker finally found a chance to interject, "You are right Mr. Stark, this is absolutely strange! This Obviously impossible!"

"That's right, even children can see that this option is indeed a bit too simple, it's like giving away points. According to my experience, the answering system should not give such an idiot option."

Tony Stark said to everyone sternly.

In fact, there is no need for Tony Stark to say anything, everyone at the scene felt the same way, as long as people who are not out of their minds will not choose this option, it is simply to make up for the number.

"Stark, what do you mean?" T'Challa asked while looking at Tony Stark.

"We should have misunderstood the meaning of this option." Tony Stark said with great certainty.

"For example, there was a question before, asking who defeated Captain America, but there happened to be Captain America in the options. At that time, that option was the same as this option, which seemed very absurd."

"But's because we overlooked some key things that we find it ridiculous."

"This question is also the same. It is indeed impossible for Captain America to spend his whole life with the Peggy Carter we know, but the answering system never told us that the Carter in the option is that Carter, right?"

"Stark, what do you mean?"

Scott Lang was directly stunned by Tony Stark, "It's not that Carter, who else could it be? Another person with the same name and surname?"

"Of course there is this possibility, but apart from that, there are other possibilities." Tony Stark said heavily, "For example... that is Peggy Carter in another time, or another universe. Peggy Carter!"

"Everyone, spread your thinking, we can't always think about problems with old ideas and old eyes."

"We already know that everyone can travel through time in the future, we know more about the existence of multiverses, and we even know that there is another Captain Carter who travels to the present, so... nothing is impossible!"

Both Scott Lang and T'Challa were stunned.

Tony Stark's analysis angle really greatly expanded their thinking and refreshed their understanding of the topic.

"Time travel? Mr. Stark, is it like "Back to the Future"? It turns out that "Back to the Future" is real!" Peter Parker exclaimed excitedly.

"No, of course not!" Tony Stark said quickly, "Son, I know you have a lot of questions, and you will understand everything after answering the questions."

"Rogers, buddy!" Thor patted Captain America on the shoulder excitedly, "It seems that you and Captain Carter may really meet one day!"

"Stark is right. As far as this option is concerned, it is more reasonable for this Carter to be another Carter." T'Challa also spoke, expressing his agreement.

"But we can never be sure of that, can we?" Captain America said.

"That's right, we really can't be sure, that's why we need to analyze." Tony Stark spread out his hands and made a gesture of invitation to Captain America, "So ~ please continue your analysis, Captain."

"If it's another Carter, I'm neither sure nor sure, I can only wait to be determined!"

Captain America continued the previous analysis and started, "D, lost the purpose of life, self-freezing? I am not such a pessimistic and desperate person, I think this option can be ruled out."

Captain America quickly analyzed the four options, and the preliminary result was that only option D was ruled out.

As for the other three options, there is no clue for the time being, and we can only be determined temporarily.

On this point, other people at the scene actually agreed.

This is Captain America, the spiritual model of the entire United States, how could he be so decadent that he freezes himself?

Of course, no one can be [-]% sure about option D.

Perhaps Captain America has really experienced some things, was hit to a mental breakdown, and eventually self-frozen, and it cannot be said that it will not happen.

But this possibility is after all smaller.

Not only that, in fact, every option of this question cannot be determined [-]%, and it is not too analyzable.

In this case, to a large extent, we can only rely on the subjective judgment of the parties and everyone.

"So for this question, we have only ruled out one option at the moment." Scott Lang pouted slightly, "The remaining three options seem to be unanalyzable... Wait a minute."

As he spoke, Scott Lang raised his head abruptly, stared at the big screen and glanced a few times, and seemed to find something.

He said to everyone enthusiastically: "Have you found out that option C is actually the opposite option to A and B."

This is natural, we have spent our whole life together, so how can we end up alone?
How could it be possible to be killed in the mission?

That's a "lifetime" together!
"That is to say, let's judge C first. The answer is that the possibility of C is not big!" T'Challa said immediately.

If option C is likely to be relatively large, you don’t even need to look at the other two options. If C is ruled out, it’s not too late to look at the other two options.

"Although I hope that this kind of thing will happen, I have to say that I am not very optimistic."

After everyone's contemplation, Tony Stark spoke first.

"For this option, I think of two possibilities."

"The first one is that Rogers took the initiative to travel back in time, stayed in Peggy Carter's era, and spent his life with Peggy Carter."

"After all, we already know for sure that superheroes have mastered the method of traveling through time in the future, and Rogers has traveled back to the past many times, so I can be sure that this situation is technically achievable."

"As for the second case, that is...something other than the first case, such as traveling through the universe, or some other methods that we can't think of."

"Or, Lang said, I met a Carter with the same name and surname."

"And if that's the case, we have almost no known clues that we can rely on, so I can only look at it from a probabilistic perspective."

"Unfortunately, from the perspective of probability, it is a completely small probability event."

"And the first case?"

"Based on what I know about Rogers, I don't think he would have chosen that way, because although that Carter is also Carter, it is not the Carter that Rogers was at all."

"In addition to this, there is another very important reason. Time cannot be interfered with so much!"

"Shuttle back to the past and borrow some things to use? If you return it in time, of course there will be no problem."

"Can you live in the past and not come back?"

"A butterfly flapping its wings can cause a massive earthquake. I can't even imagine what that could cause."

"Although this will not affect the reality here, it will eventually affect a certain reality. Rogers is not such a person who can't tell the difference."

"Of course, this is just my opinion. On this kind of matter, of course Rogers' own thoughts are more authoritative."

Having said that, Tony Stark set his sights on Captain America, "So Rogers, how would you choose?"

Captain America immediately stared at Tony Stark seriously, and asked seriously: "Stark, if you don't come back in the past, will you really mess up a certain related reality?"

"Of course!"

Tony Stark nodded without hesitation, "If you play with time, time will definitely come back, let alone decades."

"If that's the case, then I definitely won't do it." Captain America said firmly.

After a pause, Captain America added something: "Also, Stark, you are right, that Peggy Carter is indeed not my Carter!"

"So... I'm also leaning towards the fact that I wouldn't do that."

After Tony Stark's analysis, and Captain America's own "authoritative discourse", option C was just ruled out.

"The background of this question is after the endgame, that is to say, Thanos is dead." Tony Stark's voice sounded immediately, and he continued to add.

"But for Captain America, what's the difference if a Thanos dies? Or for this world, what's the difference?"

"Let me tell you, it's no different!"

"There will still be a lot of evil in the world, and the evil is inexhaustible! This point will not change because of the death of Thanos."

"So I don't think Captain America's status will change much. He should continue to bear the honor and responsibility of 'Captain America' and fight against evil."

"Just like before Thanos appeared."

"In other words, one Thanos dies, but there will always be another Thanos, so Captain America will always be Captain America."

Other people at the scene also exchanged a few words with each other, and no one raised any objections, and a consensus was temporarily reached on this question.

C is temporarily ruled out.

For now, only A and B remain.

"So now the question we need to figure out is which option is A or B." Scott Lang glanced at everyone and said.

"It is impossible for us to know option B, but I think option A is easy to judge."

Thor also analyzed it very rarely, "Rodgers, do you think you will marry someone in the future? If he gets married in the future, wouldn't he die alone?"

"I don't know." After pondering for a while, Captain America shook his head.

But quickly added, "I don't know what will happen in the future, but right now, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship."

"Family and stability are no longer my pursuits. That me has always remained more than 70 years ago."

Things about Captain America and Peggy Carter have long been spread along with Captain America's deeds, and everyone at the scene knows it.

So Captain America's simple statement, everyone can fully understand it.

"It seems that A is chosen for this question." Scott Lang came to such a conclusion.

Although we don't know what will happen in the future, it is enough for everyone to know that Captain America intends to be alone.

For this question, this is already a basis for judgment.

What's more, everyone knows the strength of Captain America.

Even a well-deserved cosmic overlord like Thanos can't kill Captain America, so the possibility of him being killed in the process of fighting other criminals is not considered great.

After everyone's discussion, the answer to this question was unanimously identified as option A.

(End of this chapter)

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