American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 262 Doctor Strange's soul is beaten out!

Chapter 262 Doctor Strange's soul is beaten out!
"I refuse because I don't believe in any myths about organ chakras! I don't believe in any spiritual power or power of faith."

Strange walked up to Master Ancient One excitedly, and shouted angrily, "There is no such thing as a soul, people are matter! That's all!"

"Even you are just an insignificant speck of dust in this universe!"

"You underestimate yourself too much." Master Gu Yi still looked calm.

This attitude annoyed Strange even more, he couldn't help shouting angrily, "You think you've seen through me, don't you? But in fact, I've seen through you!"

While speaking, Strange poked the Ancient One with his hand emotionally.

But at this time, the Ancient One suddenly slapped Strange with his palm.

A transparent Strange was directly punched out by the Ancient One Mage.

It was not the first time for the old men who answered the question to see this scene, and they knew that Strange's soul was beaten out by the Ancient One.

But Scott Lang and T'Challa were really surprised.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

Scott Lang couldn't help but exclaimed, "What's the matter with that transparent Strange? Don't tell me it's Strange's soul. There really is such a thing in this world?"

"That's right Lang, that is indeed Strange's soul." Thor smiled coyly, quoting Baron Mordo's words, "Forget everything you know."

After getting confirmation from Thor, Scott Lang and T'Challa are completely messed up.

The soul actually exists!
It can even be punched out with one palm!

The three views of the two were greatly challenged.

on the screen.

Strange's soul immediately returned to his body, and he was also greatly shocked.

"What happened just now?" Strange asked in shock.

"I knocked your soul out of your body." Master Gu Yi told the truth.

"What's in the tea? LSD?"

How could Strange believe such words, thinking that Master Ancient One had tampered with the tea.

"That's just tea." Gu Yi said calmly.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"There are too many unknown things to tell you, keep your eyes open!" At this point, the Ancient One mage suddenly tapped Strange's head.

The Strange flew away all at once, and kept flying, and even flew out of the earth and into space.

This is not counting.

Immediately afterwards, Strange was pulled by an irresistible force, traveling in various dimensions and in the cosmic space.

All kinds of bizarre, weird and treacherous dimensional worlds flashed before Strange's eyes one after another, severely impacting his cognition.

Not only Strange, but also Scott Lang and T'Challa, both of them stared wide-eyed.

It seemed that he had gone on this crazy journey of the infinite universe with Strange, and he was greatly shocked in his heart.

It turns out that this world is actually like this?
So, is this the true face of the world?

Strange, who had wandered through countless dimensions, was pulled back to reality just now, and fell heavily in front of the ancient one.

"Have you seen these in the gift shop?" Ancient One asked Strange leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Originally, Strange, who was extremely suspicious of the Ancient One mage, suddenly changed his attitude 180 degrees.

"Teach me!" He sincerely begged Master Gu Yi.


But the Ancient One categorically refused, and kicked Strange out.


"Let me in!"

"Don't lock me out!"

Strange begged bitterly outside, but the closed door never opened.

But Strange didn't give up, and stayed outside for more than five hours, and finally his sincerity moved the ancient one.

The closed door was just opened.

Baron Mordo brought Strange into a room.

"Take a bath, take a rest, and meditate if you have time." Baron Mordo said to Strange, "The Ancient One will summon you later."

With that said, Baron Mordo handed Strange a note.

Strange took it over and took a look. There was a paragraph of letters on it that he couldn't understand, and his expression immediately became serious: "What is this? My spell?"

"The wifi password here." Baron Mordo said, "We are not primitive people."

The screen ends here.

The two newbies, Scott Lang and T'Challa, were stunned for a moment, and there was a huge wave in their hearts. Naturally, it goes without saying.

For the few elderly people who answered the question, the biggest gain from this video is a piece of information that is not very related to the "main line" of this question.

Confirmation of the multiverse!
Everyone has always known about the existence of multiverses, and even knew that Infinity Ultron can travel through multiverses, but in any case, these are all speculations and inferences.

Or indirect intelligence from the answering system.

But in the image just now, the Ancient One mage let Strange travel in the multiverse while explaining to him, clearly pointing out the existence of the multiverse!
"This universe is just one of the infinite universes, the world is infinite!"

These are the original words of Master Gu Yi.

This is the first time that everyone has truly and accurately learned such information.

"Mage Ancient One has always known the existence of multiverses, even among the many universes he let Strange see, there is Dormammu!"

Captain America's face became extremely serious, "Could it be that Dormammu is actually from another universe?"

"If this is the case, this world is much more dangerous than we imagined." Thor's voice was also full of dignity.

If Dormammu came from another universe, doesn't that mean that breaking the dimensional barrier is not as difficult as everyone imagined?
So, will Infinite Ultron really appear in his own universe one day?
Everyone said before that Captain America and Captain Carter broke through the dimensional barrier and met, but it was actually just a joke, just talk, no one took it seriously.

But now everyone realizes that this kind of thing is really possible!

And once this kind of thing happens, it may not be a good thing.

Breaking through the dimensional barrier, who knows what it is?
Of course it's Captain Carter, but what if there are other dangers?

The atmosphere at the scene became slightly dull.

[Please listen to the question: Arms dealer Ulysses Crow and which of the following people should cooperate internally and externally to make Wakanda's vibration gold live on the black market for a long time? 】

【A. M'Baku】

【B. Eric Killmonger】

[C, Wakabi]

【D. Enjob】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will get the reward skill Dongdongbo;

Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

Not long after, the system beeped, and the latest question appeared.

Everyone temporarily stopped discussing and turned their attention to the big screen.


T'Challa murmured, and his face couldn't help but become a little ugly.

Crowe has been stealing vibranium from Wakanda to sell on the black market, and if that's all it is, it's wreaking havoc on Wakanda.

In the past 30 years, I don’t know how many people in Wakanda have died in the hands of this guy, and many places have been blown up by this guy.

T'Challa's father had been trying to capture Crowe for 30 years, but without success.

This can be said to be a great shame for Wakanda.

T'Challa didn't expect that this topic was actually about this matter.

"No wonder there are so many vibrating gold in Crowe, we should have thought of it a long time ago." Tony Stark suddenly realized, "He can't do this kind of thing alone! He must have internal support in Wakanda!"

"With such a large amount of vibration gold, not only does he have an internal response in Wakanda, but the identity of that internal response must also be very difficult." Captain America immediately added on the side.

"You also know this guy Crowe?"

T'Challa first glanced at the two of Tony Stark in surprise, but then realized that this information might have appeared in the answering system.

In addition, the identities of these people in front of them are not ordinary, even if they know Crowe, it is not too strange.

"Yes, we know this guy, thanks to him, a city almost flew into the sky."

Thor shrugged.

"Mbaku, Wakabi, any of you know who these are?"

Strange glanced at the several options on the screen at this time, then turned to look at everyone and asked.

He didn't know any of the people in the options.

Others, such as Tony Stark and Captain America, also glanced at a few "candidates", all staring wide-eyed.

They didn't know any of them either.

But this is also expected. Wakanda's internal response must be from Wakanda.

As the poorest country in the world, Wakanda has no sense of existence internationally.

If it weren't for the answering system, everyone would never have heard of this country at all, and naturally they would not know the people of this country.

So everyone subconsciously turned their heads away one by one, and all their eyes fell on T'Challa.

"Most of these people are important people in my Wakanda." Under the gaze of everyone, T'Challa introduced to everyone with a solemn face.

This point is exactly as Captain America guessed, and Crowe's internal response must be a person in a high position.

"Most?" Scott Lang keenly captured this key word, "So there is another unimportant person?"

"No, it's not that it's not important, but I don't know him." T'Challa shook his head and said to everyone.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, he pointed out the name: "Option B, Eric."

"Eric Killmonger? That name sounds familiar."

Captain America thought about it carefully, but couldn't think of anything, and looked at T'Challa again to confirm, "Are you sure you don't know this person?"

T'Challa thought about it carefully again, and finally shook his head very positively, "I've never heard of this person."

"As the title says, it's a combination of inside and outside, so the people in the options should all be from Wakanda."

"Although there is such a possibility, I think the title should not give us a non-Wakanda person for us to choose. That would be too substandard, right?"

Tony Stark then said to everyone.

Everyone agrees with this point. If this Eric is not from Wakanda, it would really be too insulting to IQ.

It's just giving away points for nothing.

So although there is no evidence that Eric is from Wakanda, everyone agrees that Eric is from Wakanda first.

Of course, taking a step back, Eric certainly has the possibility that he is not from Wakanda.

But under this possibility, the answer is obviously not Eric, and it is directly ruled out, so there is no need to discuss it at all.

"However... even if we temporarily assume that Eric is from Wakanda, he will still be excluded!"

Tony Stark then changed the subject and said to everyone, "T'Challa has never heard of him, which means he is not an important person!"

Although an important person is not an absolute condition for cooperating with Crowley to steal Zhenjin, but in the case of three big figures and a small transparent in the options, the small transparent is naturally excluded first.

Everyone agrees on this point.

Option C has been ruled out for the time being.

"T'Challa, who are the other options?" Strange looked at T'Challa at this moment and asked seriously.

Other people around also looked at T'Challa inquiringly.

While everyone was watching, T'Challa began to introduce several other options.

"A, M'Baku, he is the leader of the most powerful Jabari tribe among our five major tribes in Wakanda."

"However, although the Jabari tribe is relatively powerful, it is the only tribe that has not surrendered to Wakanda."

"Didn't submit to the kingdom? Wait a minute, what do you mean, you Wakanda haven't completed the unification yet?" Strange couldn't help but asked aside.

"No, no, that's not what it means." T'Challa waved his hand, "The pattern of the five major tribes of Wakanda is already an established pattern, and it has been maintained for a long time, and we have not changed this pattern. The intention of the Jabari tribe to surrender."

"So this tribe is actually an independent and self-governing tribe?" Captain America raised his eyebrows, but this situation was somewhat unexpected.

"You can think so." T'Challa nodded after thinking for a while.

"So is it possible that this tribe is independent of your royal family's rule?" Thor pondered on the side, "He is not under your control, maybe he will do something beyond your control."

"No, it won't be M'baku."

T'Challa categorically denied it without even thinking about it, "The Jabari tribe has always lived on the snow-capped mountains, living a life of seclusion, and they do not participate in any affairs of Wakanda."

"Reclusive? Not involved in any affairs of Wakanda?" Tony Stark gave a summary, "So, this tribe is actually isolated from Wakanda?"

"That's right. The Jabari tribe seldom have snow-capped mountains." T'Challa nodded, "They are not involved in any related links such as mining, processing, and transportation of vibration gold."

If this is the case, then the possibility of Mbaku is really a little bit small.

First of all, the Jabari tribe is almost isolated from Wakanda, and has lived in seclusion in the snow-capped mountains for a long time. In this case, once the Jabari tribe appears in Wakanda, it will attract special attention.

Furthermore, the Jabari tribe does not participate in all aspects of Zhenjin, and has no chance to start.

After a brief discussion, M'Baku was ruled out with almost no controversy.

"And what about Wakabi?"

Thor stared at T'Challa again and asked.

"Wakabi is the leader of the frontier tribe. They are one of the four tribes that accept the rule of Wakanda. This tribe is all well-trained soldiers who live on the border of Wakanda and have been stationed in Wakanda for a long time. "

"They're Wakanda's first line of defense."

Techara also gave a brief introduction to Wakabi.

"Standing at the border? Is it the kind of garrison I imagined? Well, let me change the question." Strange seemed to smell something, "Some goods entering and leaving Wakanda also need to pass their inspection? "

"That's one of their responsibilities." T'Challa nodded and admitted.

"So... this tribe is actually Wakanda's customs." Captain America used a more vivid description, "If there is a problem with this tribe, it is completely possible to quietly and smuggle out a large amount of vibration gold. Arrived."

"Theoretically speaking, there is indeed such a possibility, but I believe Wakabi will not do this." T'Challa said heavily.

"Just based on your belief, it cannot be ruled out. T'Challa, let's wait for this option." Tony Stark made a final decision, and focused on the last option, "Then what about this Enjob?"

Asked by Tony Stark, T'Challa's expression became a little complicated.

"It seems that this Enjob is not an ordinary person." Scott Lang couldn't help but looked at T'Challa with a trace of curiosity and said.

This point is still obvious.

"Enjob, he is my uncle, the last prince of Wakanda." After a moment of silence, T'Challa truthfully "confessed" Enjobu's identity to everyone.

Everyone immediately understood why T'Challa showed such a look.

I am afraid that no one is willing to accept that his uncle is one of the suspects who betrayed Wakanda.

"T'Challa, although he is your uncle, we still need to confirm whether he is possible?" Captain America asked, staring at T'Challa in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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