American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 26 The most important thing is the portal

Chapter 26 The most important thing is the portal
"It seems that the security level of the base needs to be upgraded in all aspects!"

Nick Fury secretly made a decision in his heart, although this guess was just his pure guess, without any strong evidence to support it.

But you can't be too careful about this kind of thing.

Logically speaking, the only interstellar thing on Earth that Nick Fury knows is indeed the Rubik's Cube.

He had to defend.

"Nick Fury, did you think of something?"

Iron Man's attention is still very sharp, Nick Fury's expression moved slightly, and Iron Man saw it, and he immediately stared at Nick Fury and asked.

"Nothing." Nick Fury shook his head, perfunctory, how could he disclose such important information.

Iron Man didn't continue to ask, but he made up his mind.

After answering the questions and going back, they will crack the system of SHIELD in all aspects, and dig out the hidden secrets hidden in the depths of SHIELD.

See if you can find some clues.

"The answering system gave too little key information. We don't know why these aliens invaded New York."

"The only useful information we can get now is the way the aliens invaded. They invaded New York by opening space wormholes."

"Space technology is far superior to the current technology of the earth. The technology of these aliens should far exceed the technological level of the earth."

"Or, it is a kind of magical power, but no matter what it is, it shows that their level of civilization is much higher than that of the earth."

Nick Fury once again conducted a well-founded analysis.

This made both Iron Man and Black Widow's complexions a bit uglier, which is not good news.

"In addition, neither the Earth Army nor the so-called 'response team' can resist the invasion of these aliens, so those high-level officials have to make such extreme decisions as launching nuclear bombs."

Black Widow added something on the side, which made the atmosphere of the scene even more depressing.

"What is shown in the video is only the battle that took place in New York. We still don't know if the war has spread to other cities."

"If it is, then there is a good chance this is a global crisis!"

"Of course I may be alarmist, but in this kind of thing, we might as well prepare for the worst."

Nick Fury said again in a deep voice, "If this kind of thing really happens in the future, we must control the battlefield in New York!"

"Sir, this doesn't sound like an easy task." Black Widow shrugged.

"Portal! This is the point!"

Iron Man pondered for a moment, then spoke again, "We have already seen the alien fleet outside the portal, it is such a huge fleet, only a fool would think about how to fight against that kind of fleet. "

"Since the aliens invaded New York through the portal, can't we just close the portal in time?"

Iron Man pinpoints the problem right to the point.

"Stark, you are talking about space technology, or magical power!"

Nick Fury also pointed out the key question, "According to the video, this war may come in a few years. Can you master the space technology that is still in science fiction in a few years? Or learn magic?"

"I don't know." Even Iron Man, who has always been very proud, put away that attitude rarely.

Space technology is indeed far beyond the technology of this era. If there is enough time, Iron Man is confident that he can master it.

But just a few years?
Even the arrogant Iron Man dare not boast.

As for magic?Not to mention.

"Even if I can't master space technology, the portal is still a breakthrough." Iron Man said again after a short silence, "We also saw that the portal is above Stark Tower!"

"We can deploy defenses against this in advance! For example... prepare the nuclear bomb in Stark Tower in advance, as soon as the portal opens, we will immediately put the nuclear bomb in!"

Iron Man's words made Nick Fury and Black Widow's eyes light up slightly.

Although Iron Man's proposal is a bit idealistic, it has to be said that it is indeed a direction worth trying.

Since the earth was not an opponent of aliens at all at the beginning, in the end they had to use nuclear bombs as a last resort.

So why not use it in the first place?

The image does show clearly that the location of the portal is indeed above Stark Tower.

Nick Fury was really moved.

"There is an important question." The black widow thought of something, and reminded seriously, "If you launch a nuclear bomb, it will be bad if it is intercepted by the other party."

Once the nuclear bomb is intercepted by the opponent outside the portal, it is equivalent to exploding over New York City, and it will also destroy the entire New York.

"Their civilization is far superior to the civilization of the earth. If they want to intercept nuclear bombs, it shouldn't be a problem?" Black Widow continued.

"No." Iron Man immediately shook his head, "Then why did I succeed when I flew into the portal with the nuclear bomb in my arms? Wasn't there any interception?"

Black Widow couldn't help but startled, that's true.

"Could it be that we destroyed the opponent's interception system during the battle?" Although the Black Widow said so, she couldn't even convince herself.

That's an alien civilization!
Not to mention that the earth's army breaks into the portal, it is almost impossible to break into the outer space to crack the interception system, after all, they are not vegetarians.

Such a fleet, as long as the fighter planes fly in, it will be blown up in minutes.

Even if the alien fleet allows you to crack it there, you will have no way to start.

How can civilization be broken?
However, the fact is that Iron Man flew in swaggeringly, and directly hit the nuclear bomb on the mothership, without any interception from beginning to end!

And it is indeed unrealistic for the earth to crack the opponent's interception system.

Here comes the contradiction.

"Could it be that Thor cracked the opponent's interception system?" Nick Fury pondered and analyzed, "We don't understand interstellar civilization, but Thor may understand."

"I don't think so. The civilization gap between different races is not so easy to bridge. Unless Thor and the aliens who invaded us are the same race, I don't think Thor can crack their interception system."

Iron Man shook his head in denial.

Thor is indeed a god, but God is not omnipotent. For the civilization of another race, Thor is mostly helpless.

"It makes sense...then Thor and the Earthlings join forces to fight against their own race?" Black Widow herself denied herself, "It doesn't sound possible."

Everyone fell into contemplation for a moment. It is indeed a bit strange that the nuclear bomb was not intercepted.

Not to mention an advanced civilization that has mastered portal technology, any fleet will be equipped with a basic interception system, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a living target?
 Thank you not only love to drink Bingkuoluo for your reward, I am very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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