American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 242 The Soul Gem Resurfaces

Chapter 242 The Soul Gem Resurfaces
A sort of!
Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but their hearts sank.

Even though they already knew the answer, everyone at the scene could not calm down when they heard the answer from Doctor Strange.

There are more than 1000 million results and only one wins, that is to say, the probability of winning is one in 1000 million!

What is the difference between this probability and zero?
It is almost doomed.

But then again, it's incredible that everyone can reverse this near-losing situation.

"I think now, we already know who is fighting Thanos on Titan." Captain America spoke first and concluded.

The images related to the Battle of the Titans have been played more than once, and through the comprehensive analysis of so many images, this point can indeed be confirmed.

It's nothing more than: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, plus Star-Lord, Destroyer and Mantis Woman, a total of six people.

So the battle on Titan was six against one.

The outcome of the battle was unquestionable, the Avengers lost, and badly.

Iron Man was nearly stabbed to death, and Doctor Strange was eventually forced to hand over the Time Stone.

"Another point, the battle on Titan was the Avengers that Thanos found, not Thanos who the Avengers found!"

Captain America then said to everyone again.

This order is still very able to explain some problems.

"Why Titan?" Tony Stark frowned slightly at this time, and asked such a question, "Where are the advantages of fighting on Titan?"

At this point, Tony Stark really can't figure it out.

Since Iron Man at that time had already made a plan to ambush Thanos, and even planned to snatch the gems from Thanos, it means that Iron Man knew Thanos' purpose.

It is very clear that Thanos is just to grab gems.

So why did he go to Titan with Doctor Strange?

Is it possible to use Doctor Strange as a bait to snatch other gems back from Thanos?
Could it be that just three Iron Man men dare to formulate this plan?
This is too risky, right?
——Iron Man and Star-Lord obviously met by chance on Titan, which can also be seen from Iron Man's name for Star-Lord.

However, what happened to the battle on the Titan star, everyone lacks relevant information at present, but they can't analyze it anyway.

[Please listen to the question: Thanos learned the whereabouts of the soul gem from which of the following characters? 】

【A. Nebula】

【B. Gamora】

【C. Black Widow】

【D. Hawkeye Barton】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a Hextech gun blade;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

It didn't take long for a new topic to appear, which drew everyone's attention back to the big screen.

As soon as this question came out, everyone at the scene was refreshed.

Among the six infinity gems now, everyone has already grasped certain clues to four infinity gems, but everyone knows nothing about the two gems, the soul gem and the reality gem.

And this question will give you clues about the soul gem.

"Among the four options, Thanos took Gamora to that mysterious planet, and used Gamora's soul to trade for the soul gem."

"Natasha and Barton also went to that planet. Natasha sacrificed herself so that Barton could get the soul gem."

"These three people have all been to the planet where the soul gem is located. As for Nebula...we don't have relevant information." Captain America entered the analysis first, sorting out the situation of the four people in the options.

"Then let's analyze the three people who have been to the planet where the soul gem is located." Dr. Banner made a reasonable suggestion.

This is naturally not a problem, and everyone started to use their brains to think about whether they could find anything related to it.

It's just a pity that up to now, everyone has gone through so many answers to the questions, and obtained a "massive" amount of information from them, but almost none of them involved the soul gem.

Even the answer related to it is only the question of Black Widow and Hawkeye Button looking for the soul gem.

"Everyone, it seems that there are no known clues and intelligence that can be used as a strong basis for our analysis. We can only conduct pure analysis."

Tony Stark said to everyone, and then gave his own judgment first, "If it were me, I would first exclude Natasha and Barton."

"The earth has not yet reached the interstellar level, and the soul gem is not on the earth at all. We are certain of this."

"So the whereabouts of the soul gem hidden in a mysterious alien planet is naturally more likely to be known by aliens."

"It makes sense!" Thor immediately agreed.

People on earth can't even get out of the earth, they have been nesting on the earth all the time, how can they know the news of the alien planet?

"Is there such a possibility?"

Strange raised an equally reasonable question, "Since Stark, me, and Spider-Man have all gone to Titan in the future, it means that we may have some means to explore other planets in the future."

"Black Widow and Hawkeye also went to an alien planet, so they learned the whereabouts of the soul gem."

"Or, a person who learned about the soul gem came to Earth, and then something happened in it, and the news was learned by Black Widow and Hawkeye."

"Is there such a possibility?"

This situation is also possible.

Although the possibility is not too great, it cannot be ruled out.

"Doctor, there is indeed some truth to this,'s still a bit far-fetched." After pondering for a while, Tony Stark expressed his opinion.

"Even if you and I go to Titan in the future, it doesn't mean that the earth has reached the interstellar level. This is completely different."

"It's like going to the moon."

"The only other planet that the earth has landed on now is the moon, and there is no other planet other than this."

"How many years has the earth been studying Mars so far? How many probes have been launched on it? But so far, no one has ever been sent to Mars."

"So even if the earth has the means to land on Titan in the future, I don't think the earth can land on other planets at will. This is not that simple."

"As for the current space level of the earth, you and I are very clear. In just a few years, how much can the related technology of the earth develop?"

What Tony Stark said immediately made Strange speechless.

Landing on an alien planet is a very complicated and complicated matter. It does not mean that once a spacecraft or spaceship is built, one can wander around and go wherever one wants.

That was pure daydreaming.

With the current technology of the earth, it is indeed impossible.

Just the fact that they boarded the Titan star can't explain anything.

Because that can only mean that someone in the future has boarded Titan, that's all.

As for planets other than Titan?

It should still be impossible to go.

But Titan is a dead star. Even if Black Widow and Hawkeye go to Titan, it is impossible to get the whereabouts of the soul gem from Titan.

"As for the insider who came to the earth and just happened to be informed by Barton and the others, this possibility cannot be said to be non-existent, but I think the possibility is very small."

Tony Stark spoke again.

"It shouldn't be Natasha and the others." Dr. Banner also gave his own opinion, "First of all, the possibility of them getting the news is really small, and Stark has analyzed it."

"Secondly, even if they learn about the Soul Gem, don't forget that this question is about Thanos!"

"If Thanos really learned about the Soul Gem from them, shouldn't Thanos keep them alive?"

It has to be said that this angle is quite convincing.

Thanos is not a good man or woman, but a lunatic who slaughtered half of the universe. If Natasha or Patton really fell into the hands of the other party, is there still life?
It's impossible to escape after being asked about the whereabouts of the soul gem by the other party, right?
After everyone's analysis, the two options of Black Widow and Hawkeye Button were ruled out first.

After all, no matter how you compare them, the possibility of these two options is much smaller than the other two options.

Then everyone put all their energy on Gamora and Nebula.

"So is it Gamora or Nebula? Both of them are the daughters of Thanos. To some extent, these two people have a high degree of overlap." Xingjue glanced at everyone and said.

"The only difference we know between the two is that Gamora was sacrificed by Thanos in the end, while Nebula stayed on Earth to fight against Thanos with everyone."

After some contemplation, Captain America said to Star-Lord.

However, if there is only this clue, I don't know if it can support everyone's judgment.

The scene temporarily fell into a brief silence, and everyone began to think carefully.

"Everyone, do you remember what Natasha said when Natasha and the others went to fetch the gems?" After some contemplation, Dr. Banner remembered something, and he glanced at everyone and asked.

"Banner, don't be secretive, tell us quickly." Thor urged Dr. Banner on the side.

"Natasha said 'Thanos left with the Soul Stone, but not his daughter'! What does that mean?"

Dr. Banner said to everyone with hints, and without waiting for everyone to ask, he gave his own answer, "Thanos is not the planet where he took two daughters, but a daughter!"

This is also obvious.

If Thanos took two daughters, then the Black Widow should say that she brought two daughters and only took one away.

Thanos only took one daughter, there's no question about that.

"That makes sense. Obviously, the daughter Thanos took is Gamora." Captain America nodded aside, and then asked a sharp question, "Why? Why Gamora instead of Nebula? "

"Because Thanos got the news about the soul gem from Gamora!" Thor said heavily on the side, "He got the news about the soul gem from one daughter, but he took another daughter to that planet ? Isn't that unreasonable?"

This does sound a little unreasonable.

Take whoever you get the news from, this is a logical approach.

And not long ago, everyone just captured the daughters of the two Thanos, Gamora and Xingyun, which can further prove this point.

Because although Gamora and Nebula seem to be two completely different temperaments, they have no loyalty to Thanos at all.

Needless to say, Gamora, seeing a suitable opportunity, directly chose to betray Thanos.

Even Xing Yun, who shouted and killed everyone, was extremely rebellious, and his attitude towards Thanos was full of hatred.

Everyone has already tried to communicate and communicate with Xingyun, and this is still certain.

Then the problem is coming.

Who is Thanos?

Thanos is a generation of cosmic overlords.

He doesn't know what his two daughters think about him?
Having received such important news from someone who was completely unfaithful to him, wouldn't he bring this person with him when he was looking for gems to confirm the authenticity of the news?
This is the most basic logic of action.

Otherwise, if Gamora casually revealed Thanos in a certain place, BB went alone, and what if he got caught in an ambush and died?
It is impossible for a generation of cosmic overlords to behave so immaturely.

The most likely thing that happened is that after Thanos asked one of his daughters about the whereabouts of the soul gem, then that daughter led the way and took him to find the soul gem.

This will prevent the opponent from playing any tricks.

After all, there is a premise here, the two daughters are not loyal to Thanos!
"Thor is right." Tony Stark nodded immediately.

Then he explained Gamora and Xingyun's attitude towards Thanos to everyone present.

After everyone listened, they agreed with Thor more and more.

"Thanos is too miserable, isn't he? Both daughters betrayed him." Xingjue couldn't help sighing after hearing this, "But the answer to this question is Gamora, so there should be no doubts. ?”

"It's probably Gamora." Captain America nodded and agreed.

Other people at the scene also did not raise any objections.

The answer to this question is basically fixed.

Next, it is the question of who will answer this question.

Everyone's consistent principle is that whoever answers the question is about whoever answers it, but this question is not about any one answerer.

(End of this chapter)

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