American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 210 Captain America caught Thanos' palm!

Chapter 210 Captain America catches Thanos' palm!
"Makes sense!"

Star-Lord immediately expressed his agreement, "Captain America may indeed be unable to stop Thanos' palm now, but it may not be certain in the future."

But other people who know Captain America are not as optimistic as Star-Lord.

After all, the strength of Captain America mainly comes from the serum. Once the injection is over, the increase is one-time. There is no such thing as the Zhenzhen Fruit, which can be continuously developed and continuously strengthened.

Even if Captain America's future strength is really stronger than it is now, the extent of the enhancement should be extremely limited.

Of course, this is only a direction to provide judgment, and no one can guarantee it [-]%.

After all, no one can be sure whether Captain America will have other encounters in the future, or will his strength be greatly increased through other methods?
"I think Captain Rogers can hold off Thanos in the future." Tony Stark said again, his voice became more certain.

This made everyone at the scene a little curious.

Why is Tony Stark so sure?
"Remember the endgame?"

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Tony Stark took the initiative to tell everyone his own basis.

"I remember that I told you at the time that Rogers' shield was chopped off by Thanos with a machete. I may not have told you in detail at the time. Let me describe it to you now."

"Rogers just held up the shield with both hands and stood in front of him." Tony Stark made a simple gesture, "Thanos just held the big knife like this, and slashed down one by one, three or four times in a row, until Hacked the captain's shield."

"Although he was in a bit of a panic, and even though he was chopped down to the ground in the end, but... that's right, Rogers blocked Thanos' continuous slashing, at least the first cut was completely blocked."

"If it wasn't for his shield shattering, I believe Rodgers might have even blocked a few more."

After Tony Stark said this, everyone at the scene had no doubts.

Since Captain America can use his shield to block Thanos' slash, it shows that Captain America's strength is indeed enough to block Thanos' power.

So blocking Thanos' palm is naturally not a strange thing.

"Rodgers can't be ruled out for the time being, so what about the Scarlet Witch?"

At this time, the Black Widow moved her eyes down, and landed on the Scarlet Witch's option, "We still don't know enough about her now."

Although the Scarlet Witch has shown some magic methods for everyone, but every time it is over with a few strokes, it is not enough to fully demonstrate the strength of the Scarlet Witch.

And more importantly, magic methods are not the same as Captain America's serum, and magic is likely to have a lot of room for growth.

Even if the current Scarlet Witch cannot block Thanos' palm, it is completely reasonable to grow to that extent in the future.

So everyone at the scene briefly exchanged a few words, and finally agreed that there is no way to rule out the Scarlet Witch.

She has the same options as Captain America, and she can only be determined for the time being, and can only be screened after the final comparison.

After Scarlet Witch, everyone began to discuss the third option, which is Iron Man Tony Stark.

"My strength, everyone should have no doubts, right?"

With a slight anger on his face, Tony Stark said to everyone, "I am the man who made Thanos bleed! I made a bloody gash on Thanos' face, which is not even Thor and Hulk!" done."

At that time, the first question Tony Stark was pulled into the answer space was this one, who left a wound on Thanos' face.

The candidates for that question include Hulk and Thor, but the final answer is Tony Stark.

This is enough to show that neither Thor nor Hulk could do what Stark did.

"A wound?" Thor expressed dissatisfaction, he smiled, "I cut off Thanos' head!"

"Yeah, after a group of people subdued the seriously injured Thanos! I was fighting Thanos alone!" Tony Stark expressed dissatisfaction.

"Stark, that's just a small wound, it's nothing to show off." Thor curled his lips, indicating that it was nothing special.

"Ok!" Captain America interrupted the two of them, and concluded, "Stark has put on the nano armor in the future and has fought with Thanos, so there is no doubt that he can also block the punch of Thanos, So……"

Having said that, Captain America set his sights on the last option, "Drax the Destroyer, does any of us know him?"

Everyone at the scene looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shook their heads. None of you has heard of this name.

"Destroyer, this is really an arrogant name." Thor was a little unhappy about this, "Is he more powerful than our Asgard's ultimate weapon?"

When Thor said this, everyone was stunned.

Isn't that the "fire-breathing giant mech" in Asgard, isn't it called the Destroyer?

The strength is so powerful that even Tony Stark, Captain America and Thor can't deal with it together.

In the end, it could only be sent to an unknown field by a tricky method.

That Drax actually had this nickname.

"This person should not be an ordinary person. Let's assume for the time being that he can also catch Thanos' palm." After pondering for a while, Captain America said to everyone.

"So the four people in the options all have the ability to catch Thanos' palm?" Strange spread his hands slightly, and glanced at everyone, "Can we get rid of a certain person now?"

"Actually, there really are." Black Widow said first, she obviously remembered something.

"Everyone, do you still remember the image of Chief Fury in ashes? At that time, Chief Fury asked Hill, 'Have you not contacted Stark yet?' Stark should not have participated in the battle of Wakanda at all!"

After being said by the black widow, Captain America also recalled it.

His eyes flickered, and he nodded in agreement, "That's right! Didn't they use satellites to monitor the entire earth at that time, but they couldn't find Stark."

"This shouldn't have happened if Stark was fighting Thanos in Wakanda."

"I'm very pleased that you have thought of this too." Tony Stark also joined in, "But none of your statements are very accurate. At that time, Nick Fury asked "Is there no news about Stark yet?"? Ladies and gentlemen, this There is another key word in the sentence, 'still'."

"No news yet? What does this mean? This means that I have no news before an unidentified object appears over Wakanda!"

"We now know that those unidentified objects should be Thanos' fleet, and they probably didn't escape."

"That is to say, before Thanos invaded Wakanda, I was gone!"

"So yes, although the analysis is not rigorous enough, your conclusions are correct. I did not participate in the battle of Wakanda."

After everyone's discussion, Tony Stark can say that there is no controversy, so he was ruled out by everyone.

Tony Stark lost contact before the Thanos fleet came to Wakanda. Obviously, the other party should have been delayed by some other important things.

The possibility of not participating in the battle of Wakanda is still very large.

However, apart from Iron Man Tony Stark, after everyone thought about it, they didn't think of any other known clues to support everyone to exclude a certain person.

From now on, everyone can only conduct "pure analysis", the kind without known clues to support it.

"Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Destroyer."

Black Widow stared at the three options and talked eloquently, "I don't understand the Destroyer at all, so let's not talk about it for now, but if it's Captain America and Scarlet Witch, I will rule out Scarlet Witch."

"We all know that Scarlet Witch is a witch, she is proficient in magic, and we have seen her fight, and she uses magic to fight."

"The style of Captain Rogers is fighting! At most, he can throw his own shield."

"As for catching Thanos' palm, this obviously belongs to the category of hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, comparing the styles of the two, I think it is more likely to choose Captain America."

"That sounds reasonable." Thor nodded in agreement.

The Scarlet Witch is proficient in magic, can fly, can attack enemies from a distance, can control objects through the air, and even has some other magical means that are unknown.

But Captain America is basically fighting.

Comparing the two, it is natural that Captain America's "victory" is greater.

"Then what about the Destroyer?" Xingjue pointed to the last option and asked everyone, "No one knows him at all, how can we judge?"

"If I were to choose, I would choose Captain America." Strange expressed his opinion on the side, "If all the other options are eliminated and only the Destroyer remains, I will choose Destroyer By."

"But right now, Captain America has not ruled it out. This is an option that fully meets the requirements."

"It's impossible for me to pass up an option that completely meets my requirements and choose an option that I don't know anything about."

Strange's thinking logic basically represented the thinking logic of most people present.

Between Captain America and a completely ignorant Destroyer, most people would choose Captain America.

"This sounds like a gamble." Star-Lord shrugged, "But Captain America and the Destroyer, it is true that Captain America has a better chance of winning, so I will also bet on Captain America, and now it is my turn to answer the question Right?"

When Xingjue asked here, he glanced at everyone present.

After getting an affirmative answer, he faced the big screen and said his answer: "I choose A, Captain America, Steve Rogers."

【correct answer! 】

The system beeped immediately.


Xingjue slapped his thigh excitedly, and the answer was correct, which is really great.

Since the last time he received the reward for the space combat suit, Xingjue has been thinking about another reward from the system.

Xingjue doesn't even know what this Bamen dunjia is, but the system's rewards are so bad?

[Congratulations to Peter Quill, the answerer, for receiving a reward for physical skills and the first door to open the eight-door Dunjia! 】

Following the prompt from the system, Xingjue immediately had more information about the first door of the Eight Dunjias in his mind.

Of course, this physical skill was also forcibly bound to Xingjue, so it goes without saying.

As long as Xingjue has a thought, he can open his own door, even if there is no chakra in his body.

This is the difference between system gifts and self-cultivation.

"This is... the Eight Door Dunjia?"

Xingjue became excited all of a sudden, he couldn't wait to try it, and opened the door all at once.

A huge force, like a vast ocean, poured into every muscle and every cell of Xingjue in an instant.

He immediately felt that his whole body was full of strength, the kind that could plow ten acres of land without blinking his eyes when he pulled on the plow, without even sweating.

"Hahaha! It's amazing, it's really amazing! I'm the legendary thief Star-Lord!" Star-Lord laughed excitedly.

Amidst the loud laughter, Xingjue couldn't hold back anymore, and punched several times in the air one after another, the fists were so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

They even made that whirring sound of piercing through the air.

Xingjue followed up with a bounce, and unexpectedly jumped five or six meters away, and the speed was extremely fast.

To put it bluntly, Star-Lord is now a super soldier too.

"This is the result of me exerting [-]% of my physical strength, so I am so powerful!" Xingjue was excited and laughed non-stop.

"Xingjue, in other words, this door opening can allow you to display [-]% of your physical strength?" Strange keenly grasped this point, staring at Xingjue and asked.

"That's right! Opening the door can remove the limitation of the brain region, allowing the human body to exert [-]% of its strength!" Xingjue was almost done with the experiment, so he stopped and said to Strange.

"Doing this will cause great harm to the body, right?" Black Widow grasped this point more keenly.

"Is there?" Xingjue felt it a little bit, with a look of indifference, "Why don't I feel anything?"

At this time, everyone couldn't help but think about the fact that Xingjue can grab the power gem with his bare hands, and they can't help but think about it. This guy who looks very unreliable may not be an ordinary person.

"Eight Door Dunjia? Am I the only one who noticed the 'Eight Doors'?" Tony Stark showed a curious look at this time, "Besides opening the door, there should be seven other doors, right? "

This is a logical guess.

"That's right." Xingjue nodded, "Besides the open door, there are seven other doors, and the open door is only the first of the eight doors."

(End of this chapter)

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