American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 201 The physical body resists infinite gems, is this Star Lord?

Chapter 201 The physical body resists infinite gems, is this Star Lord?
Of course, Xingjue's combat effectiveness is also remarkable. Although there are no tricks or routines, this guy is very flexible.

The equipment is also very complete.

With the elemental gun, the pair of shoes with propulsion system, and the mask, it can attack the enemy with vigor and cleanliness.

It's just that it's slightly worse than the other three.

In this way, the four of them showed their might, and after a fierce battle, they finally killed all the enemies and broke into the hall where Ronan was.

The first thing the four of them did when they broke in was to immediately find Ronan and get behind him.

Xingjue immediately set up a very powerful cannon, and fired a cannon at Ronan.

At this time, Ronan just noticed the movement behind him, and turned around.

At that moment, a very huge shell slammed into Ronan's body, and a terrifying shock wave exploded immediately.

Ronan's entire figure was just overwhelmed by the blazing light and the sky full of smoke and dust.

Just looking at the shock wave after the explosion, the power of that shell is definitely not weaker than the missiles on the earth.

"you did it!"

The Destroyer shouted excitedly.

Star Lord, Gamora and the others couldn't help showing smiles on their faces.

"It's still too early to be happy."

In front of the screen, Tony Stark couldn't help sighing.

How can a generation of interstellar overlords be so easy to kill?
Want to get it done with one shot?
It's just too naive.


The smiles on the faces of Xingjue and the others gradually froze, replaced by deep shock and disbelief.

Under the gazes of the few of them, Ronan stood up slowly, as if he was not affected at all!
But on his chest, there was clearly a large scar that was burnt red by fire!
It was shot out by shells.

"This is Ronan the Accuser? He deserves to be the overlord of a generation."

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but secretly stunned, shocked by Ronan's strength.

At this time, Ronan raised his hammer to the four of Xingjue, turned it lightly, and a powerful shock wave burst out.

In an instant, the four of Xingjue were knocked to the ground.

The Destroyer was the first to get up from the ground and rushed towards Ronan.

But in front of Ronan, the mighty Destroyer was as weak as a baby. Ronan grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up in the air.

That's a miserable one.

But at this critical moment, Ronan seemed to have sensed something. He turned his head suddenly and saw a spaceship coming in directly along the passageway of the Dark Star.

He slammed into him fiercely.

Rocket Raccoon, here he comes!
The next thing is a whirlwind, people turn their backs.

Ronan was hit somewhere by Rocket Raccoon's spaceship, and Destroyer and Rocket Raccoon passed out together.

What's more terrible is that the Dark Asterisk was hit by Rocket Raccoon, and the whole thing began to collapse.

The walls around the few people began to collapse and fall, and various parts of the entire spaceship began to explode one after another, falling towards the ground.

For the four of Xingjue, the situation was extremely bad. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for them to escape, and the ship was destroyed and their lives were killed.

Everyone in front of the screen stared at the big screen for a while, and they all wanted to know how Xingjue and the others escaped this catastrophe.

At this moment.

However, Groot, the tree man, showed a look of determination on his face. He stretched out his arms, and branches began to grow out from all over his body crazily.

Those branches criss-crossed, forming a thick "bird's nest", which surrounded Xingjue and the others.

Everyone in front of the screen suddenly realized that Xingjue and the others escaped the inevitable end in this way.

It was the tree man who saved them.

"No, Groot! You can't do that!"

Rocket Raccoon woke up at this time and realized this scene. With tears in his eyes, he yelled at the tree man, "You're going to die! Why are you doing this!"

"We are Groot!" The tree man Groot's eyes became crystal clear.

Everyone in front of the screen was also greatly touched. They had never imagined that this strange-looking treant turned out to be such a loyal and reliable partner.

Next, the Dark Asterisk fell hard to the ground.

Most of the cities on the ground were razed, and for a while, the landslides and the ground shook, like the end of the world.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Destroyer, and Rocket Raccoon were all safe and sound because of Groot's protection.

At this time, many local residents gathered around to check the situation, but soon, expressions of extreme horror appeared on the faces of those residents.

Because Ronan also walked out of the wreckage of the dark star.


Everyone in front of the screen gasped, isn't this Ronan too perverted?It's all right!
Xiaoqiang is simply unbeatable.

It is worthy of being the overlord of the universe who can threaten the Milky Way.

"Look, this is your Guardians of the Galaxy! It's useless except to add chaos!" Ronan sneered at the surrounding local residents, "Thanks to my father and my grandfather for brewing this revenge!"

"People of Xandar, it's time to rejoice, abandon your humble and ignorant gods, and come to welcome your savior! That's me!"

After saying this, Ronan swung the big hammer in his hand, trying to use the power gem to destroy the entire Xandar star.

"Oh boy~ everything will pass."

But at this moment, the voice of singing suddenly sounded in Ronan's ears.

Luo Nan turned his head in Xunsheng, and saw Xingjue standing in front of him singing, and dancing, singing and dancing.

"Oh boy~everything will be better~"

"Oh boy~"


Xingjue actually held his own solo concert in front of Ronan.

Everyone in front of the screen: "..."

What kind of mind is it to dance at such a critical moment?
How talented is this to think of this method?

A tall and three-faced man singing emotionally in front of another equally five-year-old and three-faced man, twisting his body to his heart's content, the picture is simply unbelievable.

Can't bear to look straight at it!

Ronan just looked at Xingjue who kept singing and dancing, and he was completely stunned, his eyes were wide open, and he was full of confusion and bewilderment.

It's like seeing someone use four twos to take out a pair of kings when fighting the landlord.

What is this man doing?

Epilepsy crazy?
Or overstimulated and gone crazy?

"What are you doing?" Ronan asked Xingjue with the most bewildered eyes in his life.

"Duwu, buddy!"

Xingjue continued to sing and dance vigorously.

"What the hell are you doing, you bastard!" Ronan couldn't bear it any longer, frowned and shouted at Xingjue.

"Divert your attention! You're a pretty face!" Xingjue sang and danced authentically.


The sound of mechanical sliding and friction sounded, attracting Ronan's attention. Ronan turned his head abruptly, only to see that the Destroyer had already set up a cannon beside him.

A cannonball hit it.

However, this shell did not hit Ronan himself, but hit Ronan's hammer, smashing Ronan's hammer in an instant.

A purple gem splashed out.

"It's an infinite gem!"

Tony Stark's eyes shot out fiercely, and he cried out.

No one thought that Ronan would inlay the gem into the hammer!

No wonder his hammer is so powerful.

At this critical moment, both Ronan and Xingjue reached out to grab the gem that burst out, trying to snatch it back.

But Ronan was a step too late after all, and the gemstone was caught by Xingjue at once.

"Grab it with your hands?" Captain America said in surprise.

Doing so is clearly sending you to death, right?
An existence like Thanos still has to wear gloves.


The next moment, Xingjue began to scream in pain, as if he had been subjected to the most severe torture in the world.

It makes people's scalp numb when they look at it, and they can't bear to look directly at it.

Just by looking at Xingjue's appearance, everyone can imagine how painful it was.

Under the impact of that purple energy, Xingjue's face seemed about to be shattered.

His entire body seemed to be about to collapse.

Ronan watched this scene, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he used his hand to take the Infinity Stone, that was purely courting death!
"Peter, grab my hand!"

At this time, Gamora got up, stretched out his hand to Xingjue, and yelled at Xingjue.

Star-Lord was eroded by the power of the gemstone, and his mind was a little not sober, and he grabbed Gamora's hand subconsciously.

The energy of the gemstone was transferred to Gamora.


Gamora also began to struggle painfully.

After Gamora, the Destroyer also walked to Xingjue's side, put his hand on Xingjue's shoulder, and took the initiative to share the gem energy for Xingjue.

Rocket Raccoon on one side did the same, grabbing Destroyer's hand.

All four of them trembled under the energy erosion of the power gem.

"They are all brave fighters!"

Thor couldn't help but exclaimed with admiration and appreciation.

Others at the scene were also in awe of the few people on the screen.

In that extremely dangerous situation, none of them considered their own life or death, but thought about how to share the danger of their teammates, which is very respectable.

on the screen.

The screen continues.

But seeing the four of them holding hands in a string, they temporarily resisted the energy of the power gem. I have to say it was quite surprising.

"You are all mortals, how is it possible!"

Ronan was completely stunned, and exclaimed out of his mouth.

The degree of bewilderment is much more bewildering than seeing Xingjue jumping out to dance suddenly before.

"Bastard, you said it yourself, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy." Star-Lord said to Ronan domineeringly.

Frightened and angry, Ronan swung the hammer in his hand fiercely, and hammered at Xingjue and the others.

But at this moment, Xingjue opened his hand, and a large mass of energy radiated from the power gem immediately, rushing into Ronan's body.

Ronan was immediately imprisoned by the terrifying energy, and amidst the screams, it exploded with such a bang.

It exploded to the bone.

This is what is truly broken into pieces.

Gamora then slammed a small ball into Xingjue's hand, and put away the power gem.

The four of Xingjue suddenly returned to normal, and began to breathe heavily there.

The picture freezes here.

The mood of everyone in front of the screen can be said to be quite restless. The most intuitive feeling is that the impression of this guy Xingjue has completely changed.

Everyone looked at Xingjue with admiration.

Don't look at this person as an unreliable joker now, but he should be witty, brave, decisive, daring to sacrifice, etc., and so on.

To be honest, everyone did not expect Xingjue to have such a characteristic at all.

"Is this me? How dare you hang on like this?"

Not to mention other people, even Xingjue himself was dizzy and couldn't believe it.

How could I be so hung up on myself in the future?

He couldn't help but want to worship himself.

"It's unbelievable that only four of them can withstand the power of the Infinity Stone." Thor's voice sounded first, sounding so surprised.

When Thor said this, Tony Stark, Captain America, and Black Widow all looked at Star-Lord in disbelief.

That's an Infinity Stone!
Such a heaven-defying thing, how can four people hold it?

It's unimaginable.

Even though he had just watched the video, everyone looked at Xingjue carefully, and there was still a kind of extremely unreal guy.

Just this funny ratio?

true and false?

"I told you guys earlier that I am a legendary thief! My skills are beyond what you can imagine!"

Sensing everyone's astonished gazes, Xingjue puffed up his chest angrily, and said to everyone.

"The video shows that Xingjue grabbed the power gem in the future, but we know that the power gem was finally snatched by Thanos."

Captain America suddenly remembered something, and said to everyone with a serious face.

"The first gem collected by Thanos is this one, the power gem!" Black Widow added on the side.

This has been shown in the related video of Thanos killing Loki, but at that time everyone didn't know that gem was the power gem.

Coupled with the previous image of Strange fighting Dormammu, so far, everyone has identified three of the six infinite gems.

There are two answers in this round, and the death of the black widow in the previous answers also showed everyone the appearance of the soul gem.

As for the gemstones in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, we are currently unable to determine what gemstones are in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can open the space portal.

Everyone naturally has a guess, that blue gem is probably a space gem.

(End of this chapter)

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