American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 181 Loki: Thanos the one who kills me?

Chapter 181 Loki: Thanos the one who kills me?
As soon as a new question appeared, everyone at the scene couldn't help but glanced at Loki, feeling a strange feeling.

Didn't Loki clearly show how he died in the video?
How come there are related issues?

Could it be that?
The time he was pierced by the cursed warrior, Loki didn't actually die?

But so far, there are few clues to suggest this.

"Is it my death? Is my future still being killed?"

Loki's complexion couldn't help but sink slightly, but then a smile of interest appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's really an interesting topic."

To be honest, in terms of Loki's character, he was actually not sure whether he was dead or not the last time he cursed the warrior.

Because pretending to be dead is actually just one of his many fundamentals for Loki, the god of cunning and trickery.

But now, this topic can definitely be shown to Loki, his real death!
Loki really wanted to know how he would die in the future.

"Everyone, I just finished answering, so I leave this question to you." Loki immediately shrugged his shoulders to the other people present and made a gesture of invitation.

Now there is no need to worry about information sharing. According to the order of answering questions, this question is not answered by Loki at all.

Instead someone else helped him Rocky answered!

"Killed by a cursed warrior in the dark world? This should be the battle that the answering system showed us just now?"

Captain America spoke immediately, and he was the first to enter the state. He said to everyone, "The image has clearly shown us that Loki was dead at that time, but!"

Speaking of which, Captain America has a twist.

"What the answering system shows us is only a fragment, not the whole event. All we can get is the information conveyed by that fragment, nothing more."

"That has the potential for bias."

"For example, I have experienced answering questions before. We agreed that Nick Fury was assassinated, but the fact is that Nick Fury did not die in that assassination, but died in the 'ashes and ashes incident'."

"So this may be the case with Loki, that is to say, maybe Thor thought Loki was dead at the time, but Loki was not actually dead."

"Soldier, you did hit the point." Loki nodded in agreement, "But you can't be sure about this, can you?"

Although it is possible that Loki did not die when he was stabbed by the cursed warrior in the dark world, it is also possible that he died.

Even the possibility of death is even greater.

After all, Thor is not a fool, and it is unlikely that he will make a mistake in distinguishing whether he is dead or not.

"We haven't officially started the analysis yet, so take it easy." Tony Stark interrupted Loki.

After pondering for a while, he gave his own judgment, "Although I hope you were dead at that time, it's a pity that it seems likely that you didn't die at that time."

"Really? I'm so sorry, I let you down, Tin Woodman." Loki shrugged at Tony Stark.

"It's okay, I'm not disappointed."

Tony Stark spread his hands solemnly, "Although you didn't die that time, but you died later, the next thing we have to do is to find out which time it was, isn't it?"

"Very sure, it seems that you have remembered something, the Tin Woodman." Loki just looked at Tony Stark so directly.

Everyone else at the scene also looked at Tony Stark.

"I did remember something." Tony Stark nodded, and then said to everyone, "Thor's hammer!"

Thor's hammer?
Everyone at the scene was stunned by Tony Stark's words, but then, they all reacted to something one after another.

"Hela, the goddess of death, crushed Thor's hammer! At that time, Loki was with Thor!" Nick Fury said with one-eyed eyes.

"How Thor took Loki out of the secret passage of Asgard and entered the dark world to deal with Malekith, the answering system showed us clearly."

"Throughout this whole process, Thor's hammer was fine."


"Wait a minute." Loki finally couldn't help but yelled from the side, "Excuse me, did you just say that the goddess of death crushed Thor's hammer?"

"In your Midgard culture, pinching should be done with your hands, right?" Loki asked, making a pinching gesture with his hands.

"It's unbelievable, isn't it? But yes Loki, she squeezed Thor's hammer just like that." Tony Stark also made a pinching gesture and said to Loki.

"It's impossible!" Loki shook his head immediately, with a look of disbelief.

"Of course you have the right not to believe it!" Tony Stark said as if you could believe it or not.

"So... when Thor's hammer was crushed by Hela, the goddess of death, it happened after they went to the dark world to fight Malekith!"

Hawkeye Barton's voice sounded, and he made two basic judgments, "Or... it was before the Dark Elves invaded Asgard!"

"Before then, Thor's hammer was repaired again, so he swung it again when the dark elves invaded Asgard."

"Theoretically, that's the case, but Barton, I think it's more likely to happen after this happens." Tony Stark also expressed his opinion.

"Let's sort out the time, Thor and the others went to the Dark World two or three years later!"

"If this happened before the dark elves invaded Asgard, it means that within two or three years, Thor and Loki will appear on the earth together, and then Thor's hammer will be pinched by Hela. burst."

"But let's see what happened over the years?"

"Do you still remember that video, when Thor took Loki away, on the spaceship, the guy in armor said that Loki 'has been locked in prison for so long', and Loki's hands were also in shackles!"

"Loki is imprisoned by Asgard!"

"Plus we also know that the Rainbow Bridge was broken during the Battle of New York!"

"So it is very unlikely that Loki and Thor will come to Earth again during this period, unless...they met Hela before they left Earth after the Battle of New York."

"But it's obviously impossible, because Thor and the others knew Hela's name when Hela appeared, but just now, Loki clearly showed that he didn't know Hela."

Although the analysis is a bit complicated, the logic is still very clear.

The possibility that Hela, the goddess of death, smashed Thor's hammer happened before the dark elves invaded Asgard is indeed unlikely.

"Stark is right." The Black Widow immediately nodded aside, "Hella pinched Thor's Hammer, there is a high possibility that it happened after Loki was 'killed'."

After everyone's analysis, option A was ruled out without any controversy.

"Can option D be ruled out first?" Captain America also made a judgment, "Whether Ragnarok in Asgard is the same as Ragnarok in myths and legends, we don't know."

"But Thor said before that Surtur's magic weapon, the eternal fire, has always been kept in the treasury of Asgard."

"And Surtur, who has lost the eternal flame, doesn't seem to be very powerful."

"What did Thor not tell you?" Loki couldn't help showing a speechless look on the side.

Is it plausible that a god has given Lao Di out to a group of mortals?
"According to Thor, the defense of Asgard's treasury is first-class in the universe, and it is guarded by the Destroyer himself, so... I think D can also be ruled out first." Nick Fury also expressed his agreement.

The two looked at the opinions of everyone around them, and no one raised any objections for the time being, and option D was temporarily ruled out.

Everyone will focus on the remaining two options B and C.

"Thanos broke through Asgard's interstellar spacecraft, and Hela, the goddess of death, invaded Asgard. We don't have any clues about these two things for the time being."

"Especially Hela, the goddess of death. So far, we don't know anything about her except that she is very powerful."

Nick Fury then glanced at the remaining two options with one eye, and said to everyone.

"Thanos and Hela, the goddess of death, both have the ability to kill Loki, but if I had to choose... I would tend to choose B."

After pondering for a while, the black widow made her own judgment.

"A woman from Midgard, Romanov? Do you think I will die at the hands of Thanos?" Loki showed a look of curiosity on his face, "I really want to hear your reason."

"To die in defense of Asgard, no offense intended, but Loki, I think this is not your style, but Thor's style."

"Of course, this is just what I said by the way, and it is not the basis for my judgment...or in other words, it only accounts for a small proportion."

Black Widow said to Loki.

"I don't find that offensive, in fact, I think you have a point!" Loki agreed.

He has just learned of his life experience, and has been "betrayed" by Thor Odin and his father one after another, and he has a lot of resentment towards Asgard.

Now let him put himself in his shoes and think about Asgard being invaded, Loki really didn't think he would resist until he died in battle.

That really wasn't his style as a god of cunning and trickery.

"The biggest reason for me to make this judgment is the interstellar spacecraft! Although I have never seen an interstellar spacecraft, I don't know how big it is, but it is just a spaceship!"

"The option said that Thanos broke through the starship, which means that Loki has only two choices, either to escape, or to stay in the spacecraft to face Thanos."

"But no matter what the situation is, I'm not optimistic about Loki."

Needless to say, facing Thanos directly, Thanos is also a person judged by the system to be a generation of cosmic overlord, no matter whether there are gems or not, everyone also believes that the other party has the strength to kill Loki.

What's more, since the spaceship was breached, Thanos must not be alone, and he also brought the fleet.

As for the escape, the same is not good.

Since Thanos has broken through Asgard's spaceship, it means that the opponent's fleet is stronger than the Asgard fleet.

Shooting down Loki's spaceship or something is not a strange thing.

"But what if the war happened in Asgard?" Black Widow then glanced at Loki again, asking such a question.

No need for the Black Widow to say much, everyone has already made a corresponding judgment in their hearts.

If the battlefield is in Asgard, it will definitely be different. Asgard is also God's Domain after all, and it is Loki's stronghold.

Inside, there are Asgard's army, various fortifications, various fleets, and Thor, Odin...

Regarding the topic about the killing of Thor's mother before, everyone has analyzed the power of Asgard in detail. Except for the five gems Thanos, there is really no one in the universe who has that kind of power.

It is almost impossible to invade Asgard head-on and kill Thor's mother.

And killing Loki in the same way will not be much less difficult than killing Frigga.

These two, a queen and a prince, are almost the same.

Of course, everyone is not familiar with Hela. Hela may be able to do this kind of thing, but in any case, it is much more difficult than Thanos breaking the spaceship.

Compared with the two, it is naturally more likely to choose Thanos.

Without the support of any other relevant known clues, everyone can only judge in this way.

"Natasha is right!" Hawkeye Barton immediately spoke to the side, expressing his agreement with Black Widow, "If it were me, I would choose B."

Although the Black Widow did not explain her analysis process in detail, the Black Widow thought of this kind of thing, and everyone at the scene actually thought of it.

After all, no matter how you look at it, option B has a bigger "winner".

Everyone at the scene exchanged glances with each other, but no one expressed any major objection.

Both options A and D are supported by known facts, there is no problem with their persuasiveness, and they are ruled out without any controversy.

Although there are no known clues to support B and C, comparing the two options, B is indeed more likely.

Then there is the question of who will answer this question.

After a brief discussion among those who hadn't answered the question, the spot fell to the Black Widow.

After all, the reward for this question is high-tech firearms, and only Black Widow and Nick Fury used firearms on the spot.

But as a commander, Nick Fury sits behind the scenes most of the time, and the comparison between the two is naturally more suitable for Black Widow.

"I chose B, and was killed by Thanos!" Black Widow didn't have any excuses, and said her answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system gave feedback immediately, and the answer was correct.

[Congratulations to the answerer Natasha Romanov for receiving an E-11 blaster rifle as a reward! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

(End of this chapter)

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