American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 179: Spider-Man Caused an International Disaster?

Chapter 179: Spider-Man Caused an International Disaster?
Everyone at the scene exchanged glances with each other and did not raise any objections. Option C was not too controversial and was temporarily ruled out.

Now there is only option D left. As long as option D is screened, the answer to this question can be said.

"Spider-Man Peter Parker accidentally destroys an entire cruise ship? It's a bit complicated."

Nick Fury put his one-eyed eye on the last option, "There are a lot of people on the cruise ship, and there are likely to be many people of high status."

"Considering that the title says 'destroyed' the cruise ship, from my understanding, the cruise ship should have sunk into the bottom of the sea."

"Worst case scenario, everyone on the cruise ship is killed."

"Of course the situation may not be that bad, but since it is an analysis question, we might as well analyze it from the worst angle."

"Peter Parker, what will this kid do in the future." Tony Stark held his forehead slightly, as if an old father had a headache for his bear child, "Isn't it too troublesome?"

Destroy a cruise ship?
This ability to cause trouble is really not ordinary.

If this kind of thing really happened, there is no doubt that it would be enough to detonate public opinion.

Moreover, the cruise ship is quite special, after all, it is on the vast sea, which brings great inconvenience to the rescue.

Whether it is a helicopter or other rescue ships, the efficiency is extremely limited.

The speed of the rescue ship is too slow, unless there are other ships nearby, the day lily may be cold when the ship passes by.

The Titanic is a living example.

The speed of the helicopter can be faster, but how many people can the helicopter save?
As the title says, the entire ship was destroyed!
The possibility of this incident causing a large number of deaths can be said to be very high.

"Everyone, if this incident really happens, it is indeed reasonable and reasonable to detonate international public opinion and let the United Nations issue a regulatory agreement."

"And we don't know anything about the things described in the option, so we can't judge the time when this happened like option C."

Captain America glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "So option D cannot be ruled out for the time being."

"No, I think option D can also be ruled out." Tony Stark gave the opposite opinion after pondering for a while.

"Peter Parker played during the Civil War. Everyone must still remember, right. At that time, the Sokovia Agreement had already been issued."

"At that time, no one knew Peter Parker..."

"That's right! Stark, you got the point!" Black Widow nodded aside, and took Tony Stark's words, "If before that, Peter Parker really made this 'explosive' If it's something, everyone shouldn't know him!"

"Sounds reasonable!" Hawkeye Patton also agreed, "If this matter really led to the introduction of the Sokovia Agreement, then it must first detonate public opinion. TV news, Internet media, and social platforms should be everywhere. yes."

"So here comes the problem...unless the superheroes who participated in the Civil War lived in a primitive society, did not use the Internet, did not watch the news, it was impossible not to know Peter Parker."

"There is another possibility." Nick Fury also participated, "Peter Parker did destroy the cruise ship, but it's not that serious."

"We're just assuming the worst, but it's not necessarily that bad."

"Maybe, there are no important people on the cruise ship, or maybe, this matter was quickly pressed down by a certain big shot."

"It's also possible that all the people on the cruise ship were rescued, and so on and so on. In short, this incident just passed without detonating public opinion."

"That's why people in the Civil War didn't know Peter Parker."

"Since it did not ignite public opinion, it is naturally impossible for this matter to lead to the introduction of the Sokovia Agreement."

All in all, in one sentence, everyone didn't know Peter Parker during the Civil War, or Peter Parker destroyed the cruise ship after the Civil War.

Or, Peter Parker's destruction of the cruise ship did not detonate public opinion.

In either case, however, the Sokovia Agreement will not result.

After everyone's analysis, option D was also ruled out, and it was ruled out more effectively than the other two excluded options.

The reason for the exclusion of option D is indeed more sufficient.

"Natasha, what are you waiting for?" Hawkeye Barton couldn't help but cast a glance at Black Widow.

Everyone else at the scene has already completed the second round of answering questions, and only the black widow is left. Naturally, this question was answered by the black widow.

"I choose A, Sokovia is destroyed!" Black Widow spoke her answer confidently to the big screen.

All three options of BCD have various loopholes and irrationality, so it is natural to choose A.

【wrong answer! 】

But the next moment, the smile on Black Widow's face froze slightly, and the other people present were also very surprised.

This question turned out to be wrong?
The answer is not A?

[The respondent Natasha Romanov will get her foreign language proficiency skills erased, effective immediately! 】

All of a sudden, the foreign language that Black Widow had worked so hard to learn was completely forgotten.

It is worth mentioning here that the skills erased by the answering system are not permanent, whether it is shooting skills, driving skills, fighting skills, etc.

All are retrainable.

Of course, if the lifespan is gone, it is gone. This thing is irreversible.

"Since the answer is not A, then...we can only choose one of B or C, right?"

After all, she is no longer a newcomer, and the Black Widow was completely unmoved by being deducted a skill. She glanced at everyone and said calmly.

Among the three options that they excluded before, only the option of Spider-Man is the most sufficient, supported by everyone's reaction in the civil war.

There should be no problem.

Only B and C are pure inferences, so the next step is naturally to make a selection between B and C.

Did it kill 11 Wakanda citizens, or was the Hulk rampaging downtown?
"I think B is more likely."

Captain America pondered and expressed his opinion first, "We don't know what the identities of the eleven citizens of Wakanda are, but what if there are really many important people?"

"For example... the top leaders of the country are together to discuss national affairs."

If an important person dies, it is not enough to attract international attention, so what if a litter dies?

The question did not explain the identities of those eleven people, which left a lot of room for interpretation of option B.

"As for option C, we can see that the Scarlet Witch also chose to fight with me during the civil war."

"This shows that Scarlet Witch has always been a friend of the Avengers until the signing of the Sokovia Agreement."

"Everyone has watched the images of the civil war. Patton, me, Stark, Romanov, all of them are familiar to her."

"That is to say, before the Battle of Sokovia, Scarlet Witch was already my friend. When the war started, she fought against Ultron with the Avengers. After the agreement was signed, she was still everyone's friend."

"So I think that the Scarlet Witch disturbing Dr. Banner's mind will not happen during this period."

"It's very possible that it was when the Scarlet Witch was with Ultron. At that time, she and the Avenger were enemies, which disturbed many people's minds."

Everyone considered Captain America's words, and felt that it was quite reasonable, and no one raised any objections.

The logic during this period is actually not complicated.

"So it seems that the answer to this question is actually B, and 11 Wakanda citizens died." Nick Fury nodded and made a final decision.

Speaking of Nick Fury, he glanced at everyone, "The second round of answering questions is over, so who will answer next?"

"Silver blade? This reward seems to be more in line with my appetite. How about I answer this question?"

Loki, who had been watching the excitement all the time and didn't say much, suddenly recommended himself.

Everyone at the scene immediately started making eye contact.

If it was before seeing the video of Loki cutting off Thor's arm, everyone would definitely not give this opportunity to Loki.

Although everyone doesn't know what the Silver Blade is, it is clear that it is a weapon that can directly enhance Loki's strength.

But after watching that video, everyone's attitude towards Loki has changed a lot.

In terms of nature, Loki is not a pure bad guy, on the contrary, what he holds in his heart is truth, kindness and beauty.

"Anyway, I don't care." Tony Stark spread his hands and was the first to express his opinion, "I'm not interested in this kind of silver blade."

Since Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye Button, and Captain America have all expressed that this thing can be given to Rocky.

After all, none of them used the "blade" type of weapon.

That's how everyone agreed.

"Then I'm welcome."

A smile appeared on the corner of Loki's mouth, and he gave his answer to the big screen, "I choose B, and 11 people died."

【correct answer! 】

After ruling out the Battle of Sokovia, everyone really made the right choice.

[Congratulations to the answerer, Loki Odinson, for receiving a silver blade! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

Following the system's notification sound, a dagger with a silvery luster and a very exquisite and smooth shape appeared in Loki's hands.

Although everyone doesn't know the specific information of the dagger, but just by looking at it, you can tell that this thing is definitely not a simple thing.

"Dark Suyin? Killing Shenwu?"

A bunch of corresponding information then appeared in Loki's mind, and Loki couldn't help showing a very satisfied smile.

This silver blade can easily cut through the divine body of another world god!
Even if it is only the divine body of the first and second generation, it is still a divine body!
This thing is not blown out, but a real god-killing martial arts.

Of course, it's not in the same world, and Loki doesn't know how a god like himself compares with the first and second generation gods in that other world.

But no matter what, since he is a god, he must not be weak. No matter how he is compared to himself, the silver blade can be used to deal with gods, so there shouldn't be any problem.

This is just one of them.

Another thing that makes Loki even more happy is that the silver blade is not just an ordinary weapon, it can also be compatible with Loki's divine power!
That is to say, it can be enchanted!

As long as Loki works hard, he will be able to control the silver blade in the air and hurt people with flying swords in the future!

The key is that the speed is really fast, the very fast one.

It is simply a super killer.

"I think we made a wrong decision." Seeing Loki's satisfied look, Tony Stark couldn't help shrugging aside, "This must be a very powerful dagger."

"You are right, Tin Woodman, but... you are also wrong."

Loki put away the dagger and said to Tony Stark, "In your hands, this dagger is just a sharp dagger, that's all, but in my hands, it is an artifact."

"It's me, let it become an artifact!"

"An artifact like Thor's hammer?" Tony Stark made Loki speechless with a single sentence.

No matter how powerful the Silver Blade is, it cannot be compared with Thor's Hammer, right?

It's just that it's much stronger than Loki's current dagger, which is true.

That's enough.

[The answer is over, now play the answer analysis! 】

As always, not long after answering the question, the system began to play the corresponding video.

The first thing that appears in everyone's eyes is a noisy street.

A girl in casual clothes and a hat is sitting at a stall drinking coffee.

It turned out to be Scarlet Witch.

"What did you see?" A voice sounded in the communication channel, but it was Captain America's voice.

"Ordinary patrol police." Scarlet Witch replied while drinking coffee, "Small police station, quiet street."

"It's a good target!" The voice of the Black Widow also sounded in the communication channel at this moment.

Then came Captain America, who stood in a room and said while watching: "There is an ATM in the south corner, which means..."

"Camera!" Scarlet Witch interfaced.

"Both streets are one-way."

"Not an ideal escape route."

"That is to say, our target doesn't care about being exposed, and we don't care about creating chaos when escaping."


With the communication between Captain America and Scarlet Witch, the figures of Black Widow, Sam Wilson and others also appeared.

This is clearly an operation to capture Crossbones Rumlow!

Obviously, at this time, the Scarlet Witch is probably already a member of the Avengers.

I have to say that the relationship between the Scarlet Witch and the Avengers is quite interesting.

At the beginning, he was born in Hydra, and joined Ultron to fight against the Avengers. Later, he helped Captain America many times, and later, he simply became a member of Captain America and others.

Everyone in front of the screen knows exactly what attitude the Scarlet Witch has.

(End of this chapter)

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