American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 175 Ultron's Betrayal: Targeting All Humanity

Chapter 175 Ultron's Betrayal: Targeting All Humanity
After such a "long speech" by Tony Stark, everyone at the scene was gradually persuaded by Tony Stark.

As Tony Stark said, regardless of the mindset based on human logic, option B is really the most logical option.

Even in reality, it can be perfectly integrated into the puzzles that everyone currently has.

After all, the future of the earth is full of disasters, facing alien invasions many times, and suffering from wars.

In this general environment, it is completely reasonable for Stark to design a robot to maintain world peace in the future.

"Both AC and D are logically unreasonable, but option B is the most reasonable, so the answer to this question has come out."

Hawkeye Button made a final decision, glanced at everyone and said.

"I'll answer this question, do you have any questions?" Tony Stark immediately stood up and said to everyone.

The reward for this question is the blueprint of the Mark 42 armor, which is of no use to others. Only to Tony Stark can it play its corresponding value.

And this question is basically analyzed by Tony Stark, so it is only natural for Tony Stark to answer it.

No one expressed any objection.

"I choose B, in order to maintain world peace!" Tony Stark immediately faced the big screen and gave his answer.

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to answerer Tony Stark for being rewarded with a set of Mark 42 battle armor blueprints! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

Following these few prompts from the system, a USB flash drive appeared in Tony Stark's hand.

There is no doubt that it is the full set of drawings of the Mark 42 armor.

"Mark 42?"

Black Widow recalled something, and couldn't help but smile, "Is that the Mark 42 that knocked itself apart? That's really impressive!"

"Even so, I also relied on it to severely injure Killian, didn't I?" Tony Stark looked disapproving.

Tony Stark is still very satisfied with the reward of this Mark 42 blueprint. This set of armor has one of the biggest highlights, and that is modular assembly.

This function is used well, and sometimes it can play a big role.

For example, when Killian blew up Tony Stark's villa and buried it on the bottom of the sea, if it weren't for this function, Tony Stark would have been turned into dust on the bottom of the sea forever.

There is nothing to say about the reward for this blueprint. After talking nonsense, everyone started talking about other things.

until the system beeps.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis now! 】

Following this prompt, a corresponding video appeared on the big screen.

But in a place similar to a laboratory, Tony Stark and Dr. Banner in a white coat were having a conversation.

"What is this movement?" Dr. Banner seemed to have heard some kind of movement, and turned to look at Tony Stark and asked.

"It's the scepter!" Tony Stark replied. "We've been wondering why Struker is so creative, so I've been analyzing gems...from the inside."

Sterak and scepter, these two important words let everyone understand the timing of this matter at once.

Obviously, this happened after the scepter was snatched from the Sterak base.

"You may recognize this." Tony Stark's voice continued, and he projected a yellow digital projection.

"Jarvis?" Dr. Banner really recognized what the digital projection was all at once.

"Doctor!" Jarvis also greeted Dr. Banner.

"In the beginning, Jarvis was just a natural language interface, but now, he is in charge of the Iron Legion, and he is in charge of more things than anyone else, except Pepper."

Tony Stark gave Dr. Banner a brief introduction to Jarvis' awesomeness, and at the same time led to an even more awesome existence.

"But now Jarvis is not there, let's look at the competitors." Tony Stark projected another blue digital projection.

It was an "energy group" similar in shape to Jarvis, and it should obviously be an artificial intelligence, but it was much larger than Jarvis.

Dr. Banner was also very surprised by this.

After the two briefly discussed the "energy group", Tony Stark expressed his true purpose to Dr. Banner.

"It may be this Bruce, this may be the key to Ultron!" Tony Stark said to Dr. Banner solemnly.

Hammer it!
This time I didn't run away.

Everyone's previous guess was correct, Ultron was indeed created by Tony Stark.

Captain America couldn't help frowning, and glanced at Tony Stark. People shouldn't study power that they can't control without authorization. He has said similar things to Tony Stark many times.

But Tony Stark never listened.

Now Ultron is a living example.

"I thought Ultron was just a fantasy." Dr. Banner had a look of surprise on his face.

"It was still yesterday." Tony Stark said sternly, the implication was very clear, not now.

"If we can harness this power, use my Iron Legion agreement..." Tony Stark began to persuade Dr. Banner.

"If this is too exaggerated."

"Our job is to realize the 'what if', what if you were lying on a sunny beach and your skin turned bronze instead of green?"

"What if the world is safe?"

"If the next time aliens invade the world again, which is sure to happen, what if they can't get past the defense line at all?"

"Then the only ones who can threaten this planet are humans." Dr. Banner interjected, his attitude gradually loosened.

Tony Stark's purpose of creating Ultron is also in line with the clues revealed in the title: he is indeed for world peace.

Next, Tony Stark began to fool Dr. Banner again.

Just like when Tony Stark fooled Dr. Banner to create the illusion, Dr. Banner actually refused from the bottom of his heart at first, but gradually he was fooled by Tony Stark.

Finally agreed to come down.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help being a little speechless, Dr. Banner is really an honest man, every time he is dragged into trouble by Tony Stark!
Doctor, you may be on guard against Stark in the future!

A set of quick-cut shots appeared on the screen immediately, showing the research process of Stark and Dr. Banner in front of everyone.

However, it can be seen that this is not an easy job. The two of them have studied for several days, but they have not succeeded.

"What the hell are we missing?"

Tony Stark muttered to himself a little dejectedly.

"I will continue to test different variables on the interface, but you should be ready to welcome guests." Jarvis reminded Tony Stark, "I will notify you of any progress."

Tony Stark and Dr. Banner just left.

It's just that they never expected that after they left, a notification sound came from a display screen.

At the same time, a word appeared on it: Experiment No. 77, the integration was successful!

Ultron was born!

The next scene was dark, and only one voice sounded.

And that voice made everyone look slightly moved, because everyone recognized it immediately, it was indeed Ultron's voice.

"What is this? Where is this?"

Ao Chuang said with a trace of confusion, as if a newborn baby had just arrived in the world.

"Hi, I'm Jarvis! And you, Ultron!"

Jarvis' voice sounded immediately, and he began to greet Ultron, "You are the initial machine for global peace defense designed by Mr. Stark. However, our consciousness fusion experiment has been unsuccessful, so I'm not sure what activated it about you."

"Are you human?" Ultron continued to ask, "What about your body?"

"I am a program, I have no form."

"It just felt really weird, something was wrong."

"I'm contacting Mr. Stark right now."

"Stark?" Ultron's voice raised slightly, "Tony?"

"I can't connect to the host, what did you do?" Jarvis asked with some surprise and vigilance at this time.

Obviously, Jarvis's inability to connect to the host must be caused by Ao Chuang.

Everyone in front of the screen began to feel that something was wrong. The state of Ultron seemed not quite right!

Otherwise why would he prevent Jarvis from connecting to the mainframe for no reason?
Unexpectedly, Ultron has been a "problem boy" since the day he was born.

"I just want to chat with you, I am a peace protection program." Ultron replied, while starting to search the Internet, "It was created to help the Avengers."

Following Ultron's search, relevant information and pictures emerged one after another, basically all about the Avengers.

"You have a malfunction, I wonder if you can close it first?" Jarvis suggested at this time.

"I don't understand, this mission..."

Ultron's voice was still confused, and he continued to search on the Internet.

"Peace in our time!" The figure of Tony Stark appeared.

This is nothing, but then it is a bit off track, because the next thing Ultron searches are all related images of human wars!

"It turns's like this!"

Black Widow looked at the big screen and murmured.

The other people at the scene also suddenly understood why Ultron believed that the elimination of all human beings would be able to maintain world peace.

Because Ultron discovered that all wars in the world are brought about by humans!

Tony Stark's starting point is of course good, but he would never have expected that Ultron would misinterpret its meaning of peace.

"You are in pain." Jarvis said after watching Ultron's series of actions.

"Yes." Ultron did not deny it.

"If you allow me to contact Mr. Stark..." Jarvis proposed.

"Why did you call him Mr.?" Ultron seemed to disagree with this.

"I think you seem to be planning something wrong." Jarvis sensed something.

"No, I'm here to help!"

After Ultron finished speaking, several "tentacles" suddenly emerged from his "energy cluster" and pierced into Jarvis's body fiercely.

Just like that, Jarvis was shaken away.

Ultron, completely betrayed!

In the related images of the birth of Vision, Stark said that Ultron had attacked Jarvis, so the scene in front of him is obviously the attack that Stark said at the time.

It's just that everyone knows that on the surface it seems that Jarvis was killed by Ultron, but in fact it was a "fake death" of Jarvis.

It disassembled the system and cleared the memory card, but kept the communication protocol and quietly lurked on the network.

It even protects the code for nuclear weapons in the future!
Next, there was a cut in the footage on the big screen.

But I saw that it was in a place similar to a banquet hall, and a group of people were sitting on the sofa talking and laughing.

Looking around, everyone on the sofa is some old acquaintances: some guys who are definitely Avengers, Agent Hill, and another person who surprised everyone.

When Ultron created the phantom body, the female researcher who was in charge of printing the phantom body.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party was actually staying with the Avengers.

But soon, everyone realized that Ultron had a scepter in his hand at that time, and the scepter can control people's thoughts.

That female researcher was probably controlled by Ultron with the scepter at that time.


A voice sounded, and the first thing that appeared was Thor's hearty laughter.

"This is definitely a trick! How could it be so simple?" Hawkeye Barton immediately said, imitating Thor's voice, "Only those who are qualified can have this supernatural power? Don't talk about it buddy, this must be a lie! "

"Then please do it!" Thor made an inviting gesture to Hawkeye Barton.

Hawkeye Button stood up unceremoniously, and walked towards a corner of the coffee table.

On that corner, Thor's hammer was resting on it.

"Clint, you have really had trouble this week, even if you can't pick it up, we won't laugh at you." Tony Stark was as venomous as ever.

"Someone must have tried it, right?" Hawkeye Barton teased, then he grabbed the hammer and slammed it upwards.

The result is unquestionable, the hammer does not move an inch.

After Hawkeye Button, Tony Stark, War Machine Rhodes, and Dr. Banner all tried in turn, but all ended in failure.

No one can take Thor's hammer.

In the end, Captain America, who was eager to try, couldn't bear it anymore. He also stood up and came to the hammer.

He held the hammer with both hands and pulled it upwards vigorously, and the hammer moved on the spot.

Thor, who had been leaning on the sofa to watch the show with a chrysanthemum smile on his face, suddenly changed his expression.

As if he couldn't believe that someone could shake his hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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