American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 154 Loki alone challenged the Avengers League

Chapter 154 Loki alone challenged the Avengers

Following the explosion, violent shock waves swayed violently along the ventilation duct.

Everyone who was arguing in the conference room was all blown away at once.

Even worse, the ground broke, and both Black Widow and Dr. Banner fell to the lower floor.

The entire space carrier was in chaos in an instant.

"Hill!" Nick Fury struggled to get up and immediately asked about Hill's situation.

"There was an external explosion, and the No. [-] engine stopped working!" Hill immediately reported.

The eagle-eyed expression on the scene was not only a little ugly, although this happened in the future, and it was obvious that Loki controlled everything he did.

But no matter what, he was the one who did it.

This made Hawkeye Button really hard to accept.

"Can the engine be repaired? Answer me!" Nick Fury continued to ask loudly in the communication channel, and Hill immediately began to consult technicians.

"The turbine is basically fine, but as long as we are running, it is impossible to send people out to repair it." The technician said so.

"If we lose one more engine, we're finished!" Hill immediately made a judgment, "Someone must go out and repair the engine!"

There is no doubt that there is no one else on the entire space carrier except Tony Stark who can do this kind of work.

"Stark, did you hear that?" Nick Fury immediately started talking to Tony Stark.

"I'm going to fix it now!" Tony Stark replied immediately.

"Colson, immediately open the defensive blockade in the closed area!" Nick Fury continued to issue orders to his subordinates, "Go to the armory when you're done, Romanov?"

"I'm fine!" Black Widow replied lying on the ground. At this time, her legs were pressed by a heavy object, and she was temporarily unable to get up.

But this is also a small problem for Black Widow.

The really fatal problem for her is that Dr. Banner beside her is on the verge of losing control!

Dr. Banner was in an extremely unstable state because of the huge impact.

"Listen, we'll be fine!" Black Widow immediately began to comfort Dr. Banner who was losing control, "I guarantee with my life that I will take you out and hide away..."

"Your life?"

Dr. Banner interrupted the black widow with a roar, and then he began to struggle desperately.

But being bombed and thrown one after another, Dr. Banner couldn't control himself, and kept getting bigger and greener during the struggle.

Finally, the Hulk showed up.

At this critical moment, the black widow also pulled her legs out of the weight and began to escape.

There was a beast-like roar from behind, but it was the Hulk Hulk who was chasing the Black Widow like a beast preying on him.

Next, the Hulk and the Black Widow staged a wonderful battle between humans and animals.

The Hulk is simply a humanoid tank. During the pursuit, everything that stood in front of him was ruthlessly smashed to pieces by him.

If it weren't for the black widow's nimbleness scurrying around like a monkey, she would have been hammered into a ball of flesh by the Hulk.

But despite this, the Black Widow was quickly slapped away by the Hulk, and she fell so dizzy that she couldn't even get up.

Amidst the roar, the Hulk walked towards the Black Widow step by step.

At this time, the black widow was forced to shrink in a corner, unable to dodge anymore, and could only watch the Hulk walking towards her step by step.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but sweat for Black Widow.

At the critical moment when the Hulk is about to smash the Black Widow, whoosh!
However, a figure jumped out suddenly, throwing the Hulk to the ground at once.

The two punched a hole in the wall and crashed into another room.

It was Thor, the God of Thunder.

"I know this video!" Thor recognized immediately. "This video has been played before."

Not only Thor, but several other elderly people who had watched the corresponding video also recognized it.

That's the answer to the question "Who Can't Lift Thor's Hammer".

At that time, everyone was still wondering why Thor would fight with the Hulk, but now they finally understand the reason.

Under everyone's gaze, Thor and the Hulk started a fierce battle.

However, even Thor, the god of thunder, could not defeat the Hulk. In the end, Hill sent a fighter jet to shoot fiercely at the Hulk outside.

The furious Hulk immediately abandoned Thor, jumped out of the space carrier with a bang, and jumped onto the fighter jet outside.

A good show of dismantling the fighter plane with bare hands was staged.

This is the solution to the "Hulk crisis".

Then the screen began to switch to other scenes.

But Tony Stark and Captain America went to repair the engine that was blown up by Hawkeye Button.

In the hall of the Helicarrier, an invasion battle was also staged. A special operations team led by Hawkeye Barton launched a merciless attack on the Avengers.

In the process, Hawkeye Button shot another arrow.

The arrow of that arrow carried a virus program, which immediately blacked out the control program of the space carrier, and all the screens were blacked out.

"Engine number one is shut down!"

Technicians will report immediately.

Agent Hill said earlier that if he lost one more engine, it would be over, but now, the other engine has really lost power.

And Stark and Captain America have not yet repaired the first engine that was blown up, that is to say, the current space carrier is in a state of no power.

The whole space carrier just started to fall downwards!

If Stark can't fix the engine in time, everyone on the entire space carrier will die with the fall of the mothership, without exception.

The situation can be said to be extremely urgent.

"As expected of the god of tricks and cunning." Dr. Banner couldn't help sighing.

I have to say that Loki's move is really clever. Whether it is the Hulk or the loss of power of the space carrier, they are all extremely lethal moves.

Even if Agent Hill hadn't made a prompt decision to lure Hulk away, the entire space carrier would have been dismantled by Hulk without much effort.

So far, Loki has not even done anything himself, and has almost dealt a devastating blow to the entire Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. of the entire base.

From this point of view, Loki's god of cunning and trickery is indeed well-deserved.

Fortunately, Tony Stark was very reliable at the critical moment. He repaired the first engine that was blown up in time, which allowed the space carrier to recover its power in time.

The tragic end of "machine crash and human death" was avoided.

But the turmoil brought about by Loki is far from over.

At this time, there was a switch in the lens.

But saw that Thor who had just finished fighting the Hulk, carrying Thor's Hammer around the channel of the mothership, finally came to the room where Loki was imprisoned.

But saw that the door of the confinement room was slowly opening, and Loki was about to get out of trouble.


Thor let out a loud cry, and rushed towards Loki in a hurry, trying to stop Loki from coming out.


That Loki was just a phantom, and Thor jumped into the air, and he jumped into the confinement room all at once.

The door of the confinement room was closed immediately, and Thor was easily locked into the confinement room by Loki.

"This trick is really tried and tested for you."

Loki was outside the confinement room, looking at Thor who was locked inside, with a sarcastic smug smile on his face.

Angry Thor swung his hammer fiercely, and smashed hard at the glass of the confinement room, trying to smash the confinement room and rush out.

However, the glass in the confinement room is far stronger than imagined. Thor just smashed a crack in it with a hammer, that's all.

"Hehehe!" Loki laughed, "People on Earth think we are immortal gods, do you want to try?"

With that said, Loki came to a console, wanting to press a certain button on it.

"Please step aside!"

A voice sounded, but it was Coulson who pointed at Loki with a big gun that was very stylish and not a conventional weapon at all.

"Do you like this? After you sent the Destroyer, we started to study this." Coulson said as he walked towards Loki, "I don't know what this gun can do, do you want to see it? .”

As he spoke, Coulson fired the gun.

But at this moment, the sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh sounded, and Loki appeared behind Coulson at some point, piercing Coulson's chest with a scepter.


Thor let out an angry growl in the confinement room.

But right now he can't do anything.

He could only watch Loki do whatever he wanted in front of him.

After killing Coulson, Loki walked to the previous console again with a smile that only a winner had on his face.

After clicking twice on the top, under the confinement room where Thor was locked, the ground suddenly shrank towards the surroundings, and a passage leading directly to the bottom appeared.

Loki pressed a handle at this time.

The entire confinement room just followed that passage, fell rapidly, and escaped from the space carrier.

Under the ten thousand zhang high sky, it fell rapidly downward.

At this time, there was another switch in the camera.

It was Rocky who was driving a fighter jet away from the space carrier, with a smug smile on his face.

The picture freezes on Loki's smile.

"This is a complete failure." Hawkeye Barton couldn't help sighing first.

"That's right." The Black Widow shrugged and agreed, "The Avengers, plus so many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, almost wiped out the entire army."

Black Widow is really not alarmist. The Hulk and two engines were destroyed one after another. All of these are "extinction-level" crises.

If one is not handled well, the space carrier will be destroyed, and everyone on the carrier will perish together.

"So this is Loki's true face, Loki's true ability." Captain America said to everyone with a straight face, "Before, we underestimated Loki."

In the relevant images of Loki's previous appearances, he was either captured by S.H.I.E.L.D., ravaged by Thor, or even blown up by Hawkeye.

This made everyone look down on Loki more or less.

But now, this video has made everyone look at Loki with admiration.

Loki was locked in the confinement room from the beginning to the end, and he didn't do it himself at all. As a result, Hulk and Thor were successively caused by him to fall from the sky.

Although everyone didn't think that these two guys would be killed directly, but at such a high height, even if they didn't fall to death, it would be enough to drink a pot.

The entire space carrier almost fell from a high altitude, although Tony Stark finally repaired the engine in time to avoid such a tragedy.

But the entire space carrier base was completely defeated.

Finally, Loki walked away.

There is quite a style of strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

"Only those who have no strength will use such a conspiracy!" Tony Stark pouted and said with a trace of disdain.

He didn't like Loki before, and now, he doesn't like him even more.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

At this time, the system's notification sound came, and the large screen suspended above everyone's heads suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Dr. Banner and Hawkeye Button looked at the scene, and found the surrounding leaves and everything returned to normal.

The answer is indeed over.

"I have to say, this is really a miraculous experience. I didn't expect such a miraculous answering system to exist in the world." Dr. Banner couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Why us?" Hawkeye Barton raised such a question. He glanced at the crowd and said, "Why us?"

"Barton, why care about such meaningless questions." Tony Stark shrugged, "Since we have been selected, it is a kind of luck! We just need to seize the opportunity."

Hawkeye Barton nodded: "It makes sense!"

Next, several people exchanged a few words with each other, and the black widow sent an invitation to Dr. Banner: "Dr. Banner, we are going back to S.H.I.E.L.D., why don't you come with us."

"There are other answerers in New York. We answerers will meet and share information about the answering system."

Dr. Banner subconsciously agreed with this idea, but then he showed hesitation.

He was afraid that he could not control himself, Hulk appeared again.

"It's okay Banner, I'll watch over you."

Captain America knew what Dr. Banner was worried about when he saw Dr. Banner's face, so he smiled and said to Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner glanced at the bracelet worn by Captain America, and his worries were greatly weakened.

After thinking about it for a while, he agreed: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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