Chapter 152 Loki Is So Weak?
"So Vision's body is all made of vibrating gold, not only that, but there is also an infinite gem embedded on his forehead, can he use the power of the infinite gem?"

Even Thor couldn't help being a little stunned secretly.

This configuration of Vision is a proper cosmic boss!
Even if it is vertical and horizontal in the universe, it is more than enough.

Tony Stark and the others, after several twists and turns in the future, will they create such an interstellar powerhouse?
"That scepter!" Captain America also thought of something, and his face immediately became serious, "That's Loki's scepter!"

Speaking of this, Captain America couldn't help but look at Thor, "Thor, is there an Infinity Stone hidden in Loki's scepter? Which one of the six Infinity Stones is that?"

"Wait a minute!" Thor was stunned when he heard Captain America's words, "You said that the scepter that Ultron took out the gem was Loki's scepter?"

Loki's scepter is clearly not that one!

Thor also recalled at this time, in the last round of answers, Loki appeared in the analysis of the answers to who ended the Battle of New York.

At that time, what Loki held in his hand really seemed to be the scepter in the image just now.

It's not the scepter that Loki originally used.

"Rogers, I'm not too sure." Thor shook his head, "That's not Loki's scepter, maybe Loki got it later, but at least now, Loki doesn't have that scepter."

"Isn't that Loki's scepter?" Tony Stark said very unexpectedly.

Other people at the scene who had seen the relevant video also felt a little surprised.

Everyone has answered the question so far, Loki has actually appeared quite a few times, basically every time, the weapon used is that scepter.

Everyone subconsciously and naturally regarded the scepter as Loki's weapon.

But who would have thought that now it seems that it is not that simple.

"When Thor broke the Rainbow Bridge, he fought with Loki. At that time, Loki did not use this scepter."

Black Widow thought about it carefully, and also recalled something, "At that time, Loki's scepter was golden, a bit similar to the scepter of a spear."

After being told by the Black Widow, Tony Stark and Captain America, who also watched the video, also recalled it together.

The scepter Loki used was indeed different.

"According to the clues we have, after the Rainbow Bridge broke, Loki had a chance encounter in the interstellar world, and was shown the power of the Rubik's Cube by some behind-the-scenes man, so he came to Earth and launched the Battle of New York."

"It was also when the Rubik's Cube was stolen and the Battle of New York was launched, the scepter in Loki's hand became the one with the infinite gems!"

"Either, Loki had some encounters in the process and got a new scepter, or, it was the man behind the scenes who gave Loki the scepter!"

Captain America said to everyone while pondering.

What is certain now is that Loki did not get the new scepter before falling off the Rainbow Bridge.

So how did his "Infinity Gem Edition" scepter come from, everyone still doesn't know.

"Thor, which of the six Infinity Stones is that Infinity Stone?" Captain America then stared at Thor again and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not too sure." Thor shook his head.

He has only heard the story of the infinite gems, that's all, he doesn't know much about it.

What the Infinity Stones look like, he has no idea.

"It doesn't matter which Infinity Stone it is. When Loki really comes to Earth, we just need to grab the scepter."

Tony Stark looked indifferent and authentic.

"Stark, this matter still needs to be carefully considered." Captain America immediately said aside.

He still has the same attitude as before, human beings should not study things beyond their control without authorization.

And the Infinity Stones, of course, are that kind of thing.

Tony Stark didn't even bother to talk to Captain America, and didn't respond.

Captain America glanced at Black Widow at this moment, and asked, "Did you copy that female scientist?"

Although Captain America couldn't understand the female scientist's "3D printed human body" technology, he knew it was a sophisticated technology when he thought about it with his thighs.

In addition, the other party is Ultron's subordinate, helping Ultron to do things, it is naturally impossible for Captain America not to pay attention.

"I've already copied it." Black Widow nodded. Even if Captain America didn't say anything about such an important person, she would do it.

Captain America nodded, now relieved.

[Please listen to the question: On the eve of the Battle of New York, Loki was captured by the Avengers in an operation. May I ask why Loki was captured? 】

[A. Lost to the Avengers, missed and caught]

【B. Being arrested on purpose, disintegrating and defeating the Avengers Alliance from within】

[C. Being caught intentionally, stealing the metal iridium in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base to stabilize the portal opened by the Rubik's Cube]

[D. Being arrested on purpose, leading Thor to descend to earth to fight against the Avengers]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a spiritual bow;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

When everyone was discussing in full swing, a new topic appeared, so everyone stopped the discussion temporarily.

Focus on the latest topic.

"Loki was arrested on the eve of the Battle of New York?" Tony Stark immediately realized which time was mentioned in the title, "Romanov, this is the first time Thor came to Earth on his own initiative, right? "

"It can't be wrong." Black Widow nodded aside.

On the eve of the Battle of New York, the possibility of Loki being caught twice in a row is really unlikely, so the Black Widow also agrees with Tony Stark's judgment.

"Stark, which time are you talking about?" Hawkeye Button immediately stared at Tony Stark seriously and asked.

Dr. Banner did the same, staring straight at Tony Stark.

As for Thor and Captain America, they didn't experience the round of answering questions at that time, but everyone shared the information later, so they knew it.

Tony Stark briefly introduced the situation at that time to Dr. Banner and Hawkeye Button.

The two immediately figured it out.

They all turned their eyes back to the topic and began to think about it.

"How is Loki's strength?" Hawkeye Barton asked the few old people who were answering the questions first, "Is it possible for him to beat the combination of the captain, Stark and Natasha?"

According to the information shared by Tony Stark, it was these three who captured Loki at the time.

"Barton, you underestimate Loki. He is the god of Asgard no matter what. How could he not be able to beat a few humans?"

Thor immediately stood up for his younger brother, and said to Hawkeye Button with a little displeasure.

"It's hard to say Thor." Tony Stark came directly to pour cold water, "You also saw the question before, Loki was blown over by Barton's arrow."

Hawkeye Barton: "..."

Is Loki so weak?
If even his explosive arrow can blow up Loki, then the combination of Captain America, Iron Man and Black Widow is completely possible to capture Loki.

Not even a small possibility.

"Stark, things are not that simple." The Black Widow said with a straight face, "It is very likely that Loki was arrested on purpose."

"In the video at that time, the captain expressed his doubts. He thought Loki was very powerful, but it was too easy to surrender."

"Did the captain say that at the time?" Dr. Banner was a little surprised, but he quickly made a judgment, "If this is the case, Loki is likely to have surrendered in a fake way, which is also in line with his identity, trick And the god of cunning, isn't he?"

The words of Captain America in the video are still very informative.

"I just said that Loki might be defeated by humans, but I didn't say that Loki wasn't captured on purpose in that battle." Tony Stark also shrugged.

Tony Stark is not a fool. With the strong judgment evidence of the American team in the video, he is still obsessed with it.

Before, he was just refuting Thor's words, that's all.

"So we can rule out A, right?" Thor clapped his hands aside and said.

Everyone at the scene did not raise any objections. After all, a god from Asgard is not an ordinary god, but the son of Odin and the younger brother of Thor.

No matter how scumbag it is, it won't be caught by just three humans, right?

The god of Asgard is a bit too cheap.

Not to mention, there is also the video where the US team suspects Loki's false surrender. Even for everyone, this alone is enough to make a judgment.

"Then the question is, if Loki is a fake surrender, what is his purpose?" Hawkeye Barton said, and glanced at the remaining three options.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it for the time being. The three options are all reasonable and possible at first glance.

"Defeat the Avengers from within? We already know that Stark, Cap, Thor, Dr. Banner, me, and Barton were all involved in the Battle of New York!"

"And based on all the information and clues we have so far, the six of us are likely to be Avengers in the future."

"So in order to fight against the few of us, Loki pretended to surrender and defeated each of us... This seems completely possible."

The black widow began to talk freely, and said to everyone with a serious face.

If there are only Stark America and her, they may not be Loki's opponent, but all the Avengers are different.

Among other things, Loki is no match for Thor alone.

This is shown very clearly in the image of Thor smashing the Rainbow Bridge.

Not to mention Hulk.

Although Hulk has never fought Loki, everyone doesn't think Loki has the strength to defeat Hulk. Hulk's combat power is really terrifying.

Therefore, it is entirely possible that Loki pretended to surrender and use conspiracy in order to fight against an alliance that he could not fight.

"No Romanov, when Loki was captured, Thor hadn't come to Earth yet!"

Tony Stark shook his head and raised a question, "And we also know that it was the first time Thor came to Earth on his own initiative, so Thor was not an Avenger at that time."

"But..." Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders at this point, "Even if there is no Thor, and we don't know if Barton has recovered at that time, at least we should have Hulk, and I, and also The captain can be counted."

"Plus... there may be other Avengers that we don't know about, so... Loki pretending to be captured in order to deal with the Avengers, I think it is possible."

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is nothing wrong with option B.

"Stealing metal iridium? In order to stabilize the portal of the Rubik's Cube? I think this is also possible." Tony Stark immediately set his sights on option C and spread his hands.

"We already know that Loki used the scepter to control Dr. Silverig in order to open the portal."

"And when the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was snatched by Loki at the joint dark energy base, the portal opened was indeed unstable, and even blew up the entire base!"

"So from a scientific standpoint, I don't see anything wrong with that option."

"Metal iridium?" Dr. Banner's heart moved at this moment, thinking of something, "Wait a minute, I know this rare metal."

"This metal is an outer space material that falls on the earth with meteorites. It can form antiprotons and is very sought-after."

"As far as I know, this metal should only be available in Germany at present."

"I understand what you mean, but this doesn't explain Dr. Banner." Thor shook his head, "You can't be sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have this thing."

"And even if it doesn't exist now, it will happen in the future." Hawkeye Barton also added, "Whether there will be in the future, no one knows."

"No, Barton, everyone, I think this option is a little unreasonable." The Black Widow, who had been thinking all the time, suddenly spoke.

"Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. has this metal iridium, it's stored in a high-level combat readiness resource room, then it will stay there honestly, right?"

"I mean, S.H.I.E.L.D. has so many branches, safe houses, secret bases in the United States, and even other countries. How does Loki know where he will be caught?"

"He may be imprisoned in any base that meets the requirements, and may even be imprisoned in the space carrier. This kind of thing is something he cannot decide, right?"

"Unless he's locked up in a base where the iridium metal is kept, all of his plans are in vain, right?"

"That's right, Romanov!" Captain America couldn't help but nodded, "This is indeed a bit unreasonable, and there is no logic at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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