American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 14 Iron Man's Theory of Frozen Preservation

Chapter 14 Iron Man's Theory of Frozen Preservation
"Rhodes, where did Captain America finally crash?"

Iron Man had been contemplating the whole time, at this moment, as if he suddenly remembered something, he suddenly raised his head and asked Rhodes.

"Generation in the Arctic Ocean."

Coulson gave the answer first.

Coulson is more accurate than Rhodes in grasping information in this area.

"Arctic Generation?"

Iron Man clapped his hands violently, as if a deduction in his heart had been confirmed, "That's right!"

"Tony, what did you think of?" Rhodes asked curiously on the side.

"In fact, I really have a deduction!" Iron Man spread his hands, and under the gaze of the two of Rhodes, he confidently expressed his thoughts.

"After Captain America crashed, he has been frozen in the cold water of the Arctic Ocean!"

"The extreme cold makes Captain America's metabolism almost stagnant. In other words, the extreme cold prolongs Captain America's life!"

"It's like...frozen and fresh."

"It's that simple!"

"After 70 years of being frozen in the Arctic Ocean, Captain America finally broke through the ice!"

"This is also the reason why Captain America is not dead, but has left no trace for 70 years!"

"Tony!" Rhodes was speechless, "What kind of person can survive in that environment for 70 years?"

"Do you know how many homeless people in New York freeze to death at night every winter? Let alone 70 years in the Arctic Ocean."

"That's why Captain America is the super soldier!" Iron Man said with high spirits.

"Yes, this is indeed a possibility." Coulson nodded aside.

In theory, the possibility mentioned by Iron Man also exists.

"I believe in my own judgment! After answering the questions, I will go to the Arctic Ocean to search, and I believe I will find something!"

Iron Man is full of confidence and authenticity.

"I hope you can find something too!" Coulson nodded sincerely.

If it is really so easy to find Captain America, it will save everyone a lot of trouble.

"Okay, the discussion of Captain America is over here, let's talk about the final battle!" Rhodes said to everyone seriously at this time.

Both Iron Man and Coulson's faces became solemn and serious.

The final battle is a battle that concerns the life and death of the entire earth. No one dares to be careless and despise.

"First of all, let me briefly summarize that this final battle is a war launched by the alien army led by the cosmic overlord Thanos against the earth."

"The opponent's motive for initiating this war is unknown, but the six infinite gems have an almost decisive impact on the success or failure of this battle."

"What we can do now is to look for the six infinity stones in advance, and look for the future superheroes shown in the images."

"Do you have anything to add?"

After Rhodes finished speaking, he looked at Iron Man and Coulson and asked.

Both of them shook their heads. In fact, there were really not many things they could do, and Rhodes had already summarized them for them.

It's just that Coulson secretly thought in his heart, maybe Nick Fury can ask Captain Marvel, maybe Captain Marvel will know the news about Thanos.

After all, Captain Marvel has been in the interstellar world all year round.

But Coulson also knows that although Nick Fury has the contact information of Captain Marvel, unless it is really urgent, Nick Fury will not easily contact him.

Just relying on a piece of information that may be the future is likely not enough for Nick Fury to make this kind of decision.

"It's such a pity. This mysterious answering system stops time and Jarvis can't use it. Otherwise, I could find those people in the first place."

Iron Man said regretfully.

In a state where time is still, all equipment cannot be used, which is why they did not try to record or take pictures from the beginning to the end.

"Peter, Sam... at least we know two names." Coulson shrugged aside.

"This Peter has a good relationship with me in the future. I don't care about others, but this Peter, leave it to me!" Iron Man said to Rhodes and Coulson solemnly.

"As you like!" Coulson said noncommittally.

Rhodes also spread his hands and didn't say much.

But when Iron Man saw the appearance of these two, he knew that he was talking for nothing. They were afraid that they would look for Peter immediately after returning.

After all, that boy is a superhero!
Neither the military nor S.H.I.E.L.D. could let it go so easily.

But Iron Man also has self-confidence. In terms of finding people, who can compare with himself?

It can be said that several people at the scene had their own thoughts and plans.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

At this time, the familiar electronic synthesis sound sounded again.

And following this reminder, the large fluorescent screen that was suspended in front of the eyes of several people disappeared.

"Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark!"


The originally extremely quiet scene became noisy again, and the still time returned to normal.

Those reporters who had been pinned down swarmed towards Iron Man one by one again, and surrounded Iron Man in an impenetrable way.

As the most dazzling star in the world, Iron Man has experienced too many scenes like this, so he easily got rid of these reporters and returned to the backstage lounge.

"Tony, what are you doing?" Little Pepper walked over with a sore face, "Why don't you read it according to the script?"

It doesn't matter if Iron Man's self-expression, but there will be countless messes in the later stage that need to be dealt with by Pepper. It's a headache to think about.

"Sorry, Pepper, for causing you a lot of trouble."

Iron Man already knew that Pepper was his future wife, so facing Pepper's attitude, he unconsciously brought a touch of tenderness.

This made Pepper stunned for a moment, wondering if he heard it wrong, Tony Stark would apologize to others?
Is the sun out in the west?
But now there is no time to explore these things, and Xiaojiao has to deal with those reporters with a serious face.


Rhodes and Coulson walked over at this time, greeted Iron Man, and left in a hurry.

Obviously, it was because of the question answering system.

Iron Man didn't dare to neglect, he immediately returned to his room and clapped his hands: "Jarvis?"

"Sir! Welcome home! By the way, your press conference was very successful." Jarvis teased.

(End of this chapter)

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