American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 132 Hammer God Becomes Thor God

Chapter 132 Hammer God Becomes Thor God

Following the words of Tony Stark and Black Widow, Thor's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"Dark elves!" Thor looked at everyone excitedly and shouted, "If this is the case, they are most likely dark elves. The dark world they live in, Walter Alheim, also belongs to one of the nine realms!"

"And our activities in Asgard are basically within the scope of the Nine Realms. If anyone has the best chance of arranging people to sneak into Asgard, it belongs to them!"

"Thor, in the mythology, the place where Surtur lives seems to be one of the nine realms, right?" Hawkeye glanced at Thor, his eyes flickering.

"Yes, Muspelheim is indeed one of the Nine Realms, but the people living there are wild beasts and savages! Except for Surtur, most of them have low intelligence and are dominated by primitive desire to fight."

"So I don't think they can accomplish something like mixing into Asgard."

"So according to Stark's second theory, the most likely one is A, the dark elf." Captain America concluded.

"That's right, if the enemy breaks through Asgard from the inside, the most likely option is the dark elves, and if the enemy storms Asgard, the most likely option is Thanos!"

"Thor, it depends on how you choose."

Tony Stark also nodded, and said to Thor.

"I never believed that someone could invade Asgard head-on and cripple Asgard!" Thor gave his answer without any hesitation, "I choose A, Dark Elf! "

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to the answerer, Thor Odinson, for receiving a bottle of Super God Water. 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

Following the system's words, a small bottle that looked ordinary and had nothing special in Thor's hand immediately appeared.

But Thor's face couldn't help showing a look of extreme excitement.

Because all of a sudden, there was more information about Chaoshenshui in his mind.

"Hahaha, is this super magic water? It's tailor-made for me!" Thor laughed excitedly.

"Thor, seeing that you are so happy, what is the effect of super magic water?" Black Widow couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Super divine water, as long as you drink it, you can stimulate all the potential in the human body!" Thor said to the black widow enthusiastically.

"Is there a key premise, that is, the person who drinks the super divine water has great potential?"

"For an ordinary person like me, drinking super divine water should be no different from drinking drinking water, right?"

Tony Stark keenly grasped the key points in Thor's words, looked at Thor and asked.

"No Stark, you're wrong." Thor shook his head, "The Super God Water is highly poisonous, and those who drink the Super God Water must first resist its poison before they can unleash their potential !so……"

Having said that, Thor patted Tony Stark on the shoulder, "It's still different from drinking water, at least you won't die if you drink drinking water."

"In this case, apart from Thor and Dr. Banner, the rest of us will not be blessed at all."

Hawkeye Barton complained slightly, "Perhaps we can add a captain."

"Thank you Barton, but I don't think I can drink it." Captain America shook his head.

It's just that his physical qualities are beyond ordinary people.

It has greater strength, faster speed, super resistance to blows, and more agile reaction speed, that's all.

But anti-drug?
Sorry, Captain America really can't do it.

"Everyone, my divine power is about to recover! This is the best news I have received since I have been on Earth for so long."

Thor smiled like a child, so happy.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped talking nonsense, opened his mouth, and swallowed the super divine water in one gulp.

The super divine water immediately poured into Thor's limbs and bones, and the huge medicinal power instantly acted on every cell of Thor...

A pain that pierced the soul suddenly surrounded Thor.


Thor trembled, and immediately fell to the ground in pain, convulsing and twitching unconsciously all over his body, as if he was about to die at any moment.



Everyone at the scene was shocked, and they swarmed around, checking Thor's situation in a hurry.

Is this what Thor said about the supernatural water being poisonous?

This is too poisonous, right?
Thor won't just be poisoned to death like this, right?
Fortunately, Thor finally regained his composure after struggling painfully on the ground for a while.

He gasped heavily: "I have to say, that feels really bad!"

"Thor, how are you doing now?" Captain America went to help Thor up, looking at Thor with a straight face and said.

"Now? It feels great now!" Thor couldn't help laughing.

Not only has he recovered his divine power now, but he is even stronger than before!
Super Shenshui really brought out his full potential.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

As Thor said, with a thought in his mind, flashes of lightning began to flash from his body, even his eyes were filled with lightning!

Then Thor pointed forward casually with his hand.


A bolt of lightning struck instantly.

crackle crackle!

Thor continued to experiment a few times, and he moved at will, pointing and hitting.

"Now, I can control thunder and lightning without a hammer!" Thor's face was full of excitement, "Now I am the real Thor!"

"That's right, you used to be more like a hammer god than you are now!" Tony Stark looked at Thor, who was now full of lightning, and nodded solemnly.

"Congratulations Thor, you have fully recovered your divine power now." The black widow smiled, looked at Thor and said approvingly.

"Thank you!" Thor kept laughing, and then looked at Captain America, "Rogers, give me the hammer now, and I will definitely be able to pick up my hammer!"

Captain America didn't have any nonsense, and handed Thor the hammer he was holding easily in his hand.


The hammer hit Thor directly in front of him, dragging Thor staggeringly, almost falling to the ground.

"What?" Thor was a little confused and couldn't understand, "I have already recovered my divine power, why can't I still hold the hammer? What is the qualification my father said?"

"Thor, since the captain has picked up the hammer, why don't you think about it, what does the captain have that you don't have?"

Tony Stark glanced at the two and asked.

"What Rogers has, but I don't?" Thor looked at his hands and fell into deep thought.

"No matter what it is, it's definitely not strength! Thor, your strength is far superior to the captain's now, but you still can't hold the hammer!" s things?"

Regarding the words of the black widow, everyone at the scene still agrees.

After all, the most shining thing about Captain America is actually his almost exemplary spiritual quality.

Compared with this, the power of super soldiers possessed by the US team is second.

"Quality?" Thor fell into deep thought again.

But this kind of thing is not something that can be comprehended just by relying on fantasy.

"At least compared to the fact that you lost your divine power and couldn't hold the hammer, you have recovered your divine power now!" Hawkeye Barton said to Thor solemnly, "If it were me, I would take this as absolute good news !"

"That's right! Barton, this is indeed good news." Thor was comforted, he smiled, "And it's not as simple as recovering my divine power, my divine power is even stronger than before!"

[End of the answer, now start playing the answer analysis! 】

The answer analysis began, and the corresponding video began to appear on the big screen in front of everyone.

The first to appear is the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

But in the "watchtower" of the Rainbow Bridge, there stood a man in golden armor, who looked very mighty and domineering, and he knew it was not a simple character.

"Thor, is he Heimdall?" Captain America couldn't help asking.

"Yes, he is Heimdall!" Thor nodded and gave a very positive answer.

Everyone at the scene knew it well.

But he saw Heimdall standing in the hall, his eyes flickering, as if he had noticed something.

Then, Heimdall suddenly turned around and ran out quickly, until he reached the Rainbow Bridge outside, and continued running along the sling.

Just like that, he ran to a high place, then jumped up, jumped into the void, picked up the dagger, and stabbed it fiercely.

"What's going on? What is Heimdall chasing after?" Thor was bewildered.

Because the surroundings are empty, there is nothing unusual at all.

But who would have thought that with Heimdall's thorn, a mass of energy in the void would start to surge, and a spaceship would appear like that!
It turns out that the spaceship has been in a state of stealth before!
"What! How could this be!"

Thor can be said to be taken aback, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable to him, it is too incredible.

There really is a spaceship that can fly into Asgard without Heimdall's eyes!
Thor had vowed before that that any fleet approaching Asgard would be discovered by Heimdall immediately, but now, Thor was slapped in the face.

There really is a fleet, and it has done such an incredible thing in his opinion.

Although there is only one spaceship shown on the screen now, no one at the scene thinks that there is only one spaceship.

Because a spaceship invading Asgard is simply moths to the flame, and it doesn't do anything.

Since the dark elves have this means of avoiding Heimdall's observation, it is impossible to send a spaceship.

Sure enough, things did go as everyone expected.

Heimdall was just "hanging" on that spaceship, and he operated like a tiger, destroying that spaceship with just two daggers, which is called bravery.

The spaceship spun and fell on the Rainbow Bridge, blowing up into a mass of ruins.

But before Heimdall could breathe a sigh of relief, he turned around and found that a huge mothership was just floating behind him!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
Not only that, one spaceship after another began to fly towards the city of Asgard.

The frontal invasion against Asgard has begun!

"Unexpectedly, the dark elves invaded through the front." Captain America said somewhat unexpectedly.

After Thor answered correctly, everyone thought that the dark elves were assassinated by mixing in spies, as Tony Stark said.

But who would have thought, the reality is different from what everyone thinks, the dark elves are actually tough.

Chu Chu Chu!
Chu Chu Chu!
The "city defense guns" on the walls of Asgard began to shoot flames mercilessly at the dark elves' fleet, and Asgard's spaceships also started to stop the dark elves' fleet.

In this way, the two sides launched an extremely fierce battle.

At this time, the camera switched to the "watchtower" of the Rainbow Bridge, but Heimdall took out a sword and inserted it into a device.

Suddenly, circles of light began to flicker around.

At the same time, within the royal city of Asgard, a circle of golden spherical energy shields is also constantly condensing.

Boom boom boom!
Some spaceships of the dark elves tried to break into the royal city, but they collided with the energy shield and exploded immediately.

The energy shield is still very strong.

"This is what I told you about the protective barrier of Asgard's royal city. Now this barrier is about to be closed. It is impossible for the dark elves' fleet to break through the barrier."

Thor introduced to everyone at the scene very firmly.

"However... they did break in." Captain America said in a deep voice.

Thor didn't say much, but stared at the big screen. He really wanted to know how the dark elves broke through the protective barrier of the royal city.

Because judging from the fleet shown by the other party, the other party does not have this kind of strength.

At this time, the camera switched, and the scene was switched to the royal city.

As the camera moved, there were corpses lying all over the ground, the corpses of Asgardian warriors.

A tall soldier wearing a suit of armor and wearing a horned mask like a bull's head walked over the corpses all over the floor and came into a hall.

That was the cursed warrior of the dark elves.

But on the high platform in front of the Cursed Warrior, there is a device that is rotating at high speed and shining with golden light.

There is also a golden spherical energy body on the device, which is exactly the same as the large energy barrier outside the royal city.

Everyone at the scene is not a fool, they immediately understood that this device must be the activation device of Wangcheng's energy barrier.

The dark elves didn't forcefully break through the energy barrier, but destroyed it from within.

It seems that the dark elves didn't just adopt one of the two methods of attacking or mixing in spies, but adopted both methods at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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