American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 130 Thor: My mother is dead?

Chapter 130 Thor: My mother is dead?
However, Killian's strength is too strong, and Iron Man, who has put on the second set of armor, is still not Killian's opponent.

Killian just grabbed the steel arm with one hand and knelt down on the ground under pressure.

"Now, we are finally on the roof!" Killian said to Iron Man with a trace of teasing on his face.

on the roof?

These words flashed through my mind suddenly, and instantly brought Tony Stark's memory back. A look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It's him!"

Tony Stark exclaimed in a low voice in disbelief.

Now he has realized who Killian is.

About ten years ago, Tony Stark was attending a scientific conference in Switzerland when he met a "homeless scientist" in the elevator.

The other party claimed to be a fan of Tony Stark, and he was very excited and excited, expressing his eagerness to cooperate with Tony Stark.

As the most famous scientist in the world, Tony Stark can basically meet this kind of person wherever he goes.

What's more, at that time, he was full of thoughts about having a friendly "communication" with another female scientist, so he became more and more lazy to talk to that guy.

Tony just casually said something perfunctory to the other party, and lied that he and the other party had an appointment to meet on the roof of the building.


There's no after that.

Tony Stark had an overnight friendly exchange with the female scientist.

And that homeless scientist?

Tony Stark completely forgot about each other when he got out of the elevator.

It's just that what Tony Stark didn't know was that the other party took what he said casually, and waited for him on the roof all night!
From this point of view, what Killian did to Stark in the future shown on the screen is also Tony Stark's retribution to some extent.

"Stark, do you know this guy?" Captain America couldn't help turning his head and asking when he saw Tony Stark's reaction.

Others at the scene couldn't help but look at Tony Stark.

For such an extremely dangerous guy, it would be great if he knew the identity of the other party.

"That's right, I remembered who he is. We'll discuss it after this question is over." Tony Stark said to everyone while looking at the big screen.

When everyone heard the words, they also turned their gazes back to the big screen.

But at this moment, Killian stretched out his right hand, and it began to turn extremely red, like a knife, and slashed down on Iron Man fiercely.

It even split the steel battle armor into two halves at once!

Just like that, from head to toe, it was split into two pieces.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but see that their pupils constricted, and they split the battle armor with bare hands?Is this a bit exaggerated?
Tony Stark, who escaped from the armor, fell heavily to the ground.

"Mark 42 is back!" Jarvis' voice sounded.

With this reminder from Jarvis, a ball of light flashed in the night sky, but a battle armor sprayed out dazzling light and flew towards Tony Stark again.

Tony Stark got up immediately, ready to greet him, and waited for the Mark 42 to be worn on himself, turning himself into Iron Man to fight Killian.


Mark 42 accidentally touched the handrail next to it, staggered and fell from the air, and fell to the ground.

It was smashed into pieces.

Dr. Banner: "..."

Captain America: "..."

Black Widow: "..."

Everyone at the scene was speechless for a while. Is this Mark 42 a joke?

In this tense moment of life and death, are you serious?

Tony Stark can also produce this unreliable armor?

And Tony Stark couldn't help covering his face!
"It's a pity that you don't deserve her Tony, I almost made her perfect!" Killian said jokingly.

"Yes, I don't deserve her! But you are wrong about one thing, she is perfect." Tony Stark said so, and then he pointed at Killian.

Whoosh whoosh!

Each of the parts on the ground seemed to be a separate entity, and they spewed flames and flew towards Killian.

"Inlaid" on Killian's body, assembled into a complete steel armor.

Just like that, Killian was imprisoned inside.

"This modular assembly is really a genius design, as expected of me!" Tony Stark's eyes lit up at the scene.

The scene in front of him can be said to have given him a great inspiration.

"Jarvis, do me a favor and destroy Mark 42!" Tony Stark immediately ordered to Jarvis.

Mark 42 exploded immediately.

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, that terrible guy was finally killed now.

But everyone was not relieved yet, and the next moment they raised it again, because Killian was not dead yet.

He dragged his body riddled with holes, and walked out of the ruins!
"It's been blown up like this, isn't he dead yet!" Hawkeye Barton couldn't help but gasped.

"There is no so-called double! You said you wanted to find the Mandarin, and you thought it was him you saw, but it was me!" Killian yelled at Tony Stark, "It was me in the first place, Tony, I am the Mandarin!"

"So he's the Mandarin!" Tony Stark's expression turned serious, his eyes brightened.

During this period of time, he has been looking for Mandarin, but unexpectedly, the answering system here revealed the identity of Mandarin to him.

This is just right, saving him the effort to find it.

As soon as Killian finished speaking, he was blown away by a stick, and the little pepper that everyone thought had fallen to death appeared again.

But at this moment, the little pepper is also shining with "iron red".

It turned out that she had also been transformed into that kind of ability enhancer.

Seeing this scene, Tony Stark's face became even more gloomy, and Killian could be said to be completely on his must-kill list.

Pepper, who has become an ability enhancer, can be said to have explosive combat power. He easily dismantled a battle frame, and used the missiles equipped in the battle frame to blow up Killian to scum.

Now, Killian is really dead.

"Now I finally understand why you don't want to give up the armor." Pepper said to Tony Stark with emotion at this time, "What else can I complain about?"

"It's all my fault, it's my fault!" Tony Stark said, wanting to hug Pepper.

"Don't, don't, don't touch me, you'll get burned!" Little Pepper said anxiously.

However, Tony Stark still hugged Pepper domineeringly, "Don't worry, I can cure you. I studied this 20 years ago. I can make you better, Jarvis."

"It's all done sir, do you have any other orders?"

"You know, start the cleaning program!"

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the battle armor exploded in the night sky one after another. The dazzling light was really as beautiful as fireworks.

Nestled in Stark's arms, Pepper looked up at the extremely luxurious firework show, with a happy smile on his face.

"How do you like it?"


The screen ends here.

"So that's what the fireworks show is all about! Although it's a bit different from what we imagined, it's still very romantic. Miss Pepper will like it."

Black Widow spoke first.

"It's a cruel war, a life-and-death battle, I don't see any romance!" Thor said with a straight face.

"Thor, you straight man, if you do this, you will be dumped by your girlfriend in the future!" The black widow couldn't help but cast a glance at Thor.

"Who am I? I am a god from Asgard, Thor, the son of Odin!" Thor smiled disapprovingly, "If I really have a partner, she will only be thankful that it is a gift from God!"

"Stark, you said before that you knew the identity of the Mandarin, who is he?" Captain America asked without any nonsense, staring at Tony Stark with a straight face.

"About ten years ago, I was at a scientific conference in Switzerland, and I met that guy," Tony Stark said to everyone. "What's his name? Ghidoran? Ghidorah? Killian? Never mind, I'll remember."

At that time, Killian was a clown to Tony Stark, a senior dick, how could Tony Stark remember the other party's name?

"Stark, you better remember." Captain America solemnly reminded Tony Stark, "This man kidnapped the president and launched many terrorist attacks around the world. He must be removed, Romanov."

Having said that, Captain America couldn't help but glanced at Black Widow, "Have you copied it with Sharingan?"

"Don't worry Captain, I've copied it." Black Widow nodded and said.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he knew what the opponent looked like, even if Stark really couldn't remember the opponent's name in the end, it didn't matter.

Through Jarvis, it can still be easily found.

"Stark, what happened in this video should be after Savin attacked Air Force One." Black Widow said to Tony Stark again at this time.

This is still very easy to judge.

In that video, Tony Stark and Rhodes were driving a yacht to stop Savin from hijacking the president.

At that time, the two sides talked and revealed that Pepper was also taken away. They also discussed whether to save the president or Pepper first.

And in this video, there is a picture of Xiaojiao being caught.

The rescuers were also Iron Man and Rhodes.

Rhodes also said that he misses his battle armor, isn't that because Savin snatched the battle armor away when Mandarin sent Savin to hijack the plane.

All of these are in harmony with each other, basically unmistakable.

"None of these things will happen, I will make sure of that!" Tony Stark said firmly.

Now that he already knows who Mandarin is, will he give him a chance to make trouble?

[Please listen to the question: Which of the following characters invaded Asgard and killed Thor's mother Frigg. 】

[A. Maleski, the leader of the dark elves]

【B. Goddess of Death Hela】

【C. Thanos, the overlord of the universe】

【D. Fire giant Surtur】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a bottle of super magic water;
Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

As soon as the new question came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little stagnant, and everyone couldn't help but glance at Thor, the god of thunder.

But Thor was stunned, shaking his head again and again, unable to accept it: "No, no, no, this kind of thing won't happen, no, it will never happen!"

Looking at Thor's reaction, everyone understands that it's not that Thor doesn't believe in the future predicted by the answering system, but he just doesn't want to believe it.

After all, this kind of thing is indeed a bit cruel for Thor.

"That's right Thor!" Captain America nodded heavily, "This is impossible!"

The others didn't say much, even Tony Stark, who has always been unforgiving, also remained silent.

"Okay, let's start answering the questions." After adjusting his mood, Thor began to raise his head and said to everyone.

"Thor, we don't know much about Asgard. If we want to invade Asgard, what conditions do we need to meet?" Captain America asked Thor with a serious face.

"This is almost impossible." Thor shook his head, no matter how he thought about it, he thought it was incredible.

"Asgard is guarded by Heimdall. No matter who it is, his spaceship can't get close to Asgard! He will be discovered by Heimdall immediately!"

"So first of all, he needs to pass Heimdall's level!" Black Widow marked it emphatically.

"Or he wants to get rid of Heimdall first!" Tony Stark added, "Remember the 'Battle of the Rainbow Bridge', Laufey sneaked into Asgard, but Heimdall was not there."

But in any case, getting rid of Asgard's "radar" is indeed the first step.

"anything else?"

Captain America asked Thor seriously again.

"Even if for some reason the enemy avoided Heimdall's level and invaded Asgard, it would be like a sheep knocking on the door of the wolf's den, guys, that's Asgard! "

"We have the most powerful fighters in the universe. We also have the most violent artillery fire and the most advanced fleet in the universe. Whoever enters Asgard illegally will be captured immediately!"

"He can't get close to the king city at all, and he will be wiped out."

Thor said to everyone with a straight face.

"Wangcheng? If I understand correctly, is that where your 'royal family' lives?" Dr. Banner asked speculatively.

"That's right!" Thor nodded, "I, Loki, my father and queen, all live in the royal city."

"Thor, what if they entered the royal city? The title is right, the other party killed your mother in the end, and he did break into the royal city!"

Captain America asked again in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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