American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 113 The answer is over, each plan

Chapter 113 The answer is over, each plan

But even though he said that, Thor is actually very troubled now, because so far, he doesn't even know how he is going to go back.

He lost his strength, he lost his hammer.

The only consolation is that he can fly again.

But relying on a technological product on Earth to fly back to Asgard is like an ant wanting to XX an elephant, which is simply unrealistic.

"Thor, who is that Laufey?"

The black widow glanced at Thor at this moment, and asked in a deep voice.

That Laufey was able to break into Asgard and almost kill Odin, obviously not a simple character.

"He is the king of the frost trolls!"

Thor explained to everyone, "The frost trolls live in Jotunheim. They brought frost and darkness to the world. They once wanted the earth to return to the ice age. Fortunately, my father stopped him."

"My father led the army of Asgard to fight against the frost trolls, and finally won the victory. It was also during that battle that my father lost an eye."

"After that battle, we also deprived the frost trolls of their artifacts. Since then, the frost trolls have restrained themselves and retreated to Jotunheim."

"But over the years, the frost trolls have become restless again, and even invaded Asgard when I was crowned the throne."

After Thor's explanation, everyone has a general understanding of the Frost Troll. This race is indeed somewhat different from the myths and legends.

"But the king of the frost trolls actually sneaked into my father's bedroom, and Heimdall didn't guard the Rainbow Bridge. What happened?"

Immediately afterwards, Thor fell into deep puzzlement.

"Thor, when Laufey tried to kill your father, your father didn't look too good..."

"My father must have a deep sleep every year, so as to maintain his divine power and prolong aging. We call this 'Odin's sleep'. Don't worry, my father is fine."

Thor explains it all.

"That Jane."

Captain America mentioned another key figure, "You fought Loki for that person, and that person seems to be very important to you."

"I don't know who this is at all now." Thor shook his head again and again.

"Loki said that if you destroy the Rainbow Bridge, you won't be able to see her. It seems that she is not from Asgard." Coulson also added on the side.

"Whatever, I don't know him now anyway." Thor said indifferently.

Now his mind is full of how to go home, and he won't care about a person he doesn't know now.

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

When everyone discussed here, the system's notification tone sounded again, and the big screen in front of everyone disappeared instantly.

And those people around who were frozen also began to return to normal immediately.

"This round of answering questions is over? So when will the next round of answering questions start?" Thor turned his head and looked at Nick Fury beside him and asked.

"Thor, from the current point of view, there seems to be no pattern, and we don't know when the next round of answers will appear."

Nick Fury said to Thor with a serious face, "But it will continue to appear, there is no doubt about it."

After a pause, Nick Fury asked Thor again, "Thor, what are you going to do next?"

"I don't know either." Thor thought about it carefully, then shook his head blankly.

"Why don't you go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me first." Nick Fury said to Thor again, "The captain will bring your hammer back to S.H.I.E.L.D. When you arrive, you can slowly fight with your hammer." Have a good conversation."

"Thank you Nick Fury, you are such a good man." Thor nodded, and said to Nick Fury gratefully.

"What about you?" Nick Fury looked at Stark and Captain America at this time.

But without waiting for the two to answer, he made a proposal, "I suggest that we all go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. to digest this answer."

Regarding this point, neither Tony Stark nor Captain America have any opinions.

Immediately, the group of people didn't have any nonsense, got into the car one after another, and left the town in a mighty way.

Of course, Thor's hammer was also taken away by Captain America, there is no doubt about it.

After returning to New York, it was getting late. Nick Fury first arranged for everyone to have a meal, and then led everyone to his office.

Nick Fury greeted everyone to sit down, and after some simple greetings, everyone got to the point.

"All of us participated in different answers, Nick Fury, everyone, I suggest that before the official start, we share information with each other and exchange information."

Captain America started to make a proposal first, and this proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

So everyone started to talk about the content of their answers.

After about half an hour, everyone in the room knew all the information predicted by the answering system.

"Loki didn't die after falling into the abyss of the universe. Instead, he came to the earth and launched a war of aggression?"

"I will also come to Earth in the future to fight the Chitauri with you?"

"Rodgers also used my hammer to beat Thanos violently?"

Thor was stunned for a moment when he heard this, the amount of information in this series of things was huge for him, and it was all stuffed into his brain.

It made him unable to react for a while.

In comparison, Black Widow and Coulson, the two people who have answered the questions, are much better. They quickly grasped the information about the round of answers they missed.

"Okay, the latest round of answering questions is over, what are everyone's plans?" Nick Fury waited until everyone was talking about it, and began to glance at everyone and asked.

"I'm going to rescue Bucky." Captain America was the first to speak, and it was so resolute that it could not be questioned.

"Nick Fury, don't fool me, I know you have found out where the base is, and I know what you want to do, but this matter is not negotiable."

Captain America's attitude is still very tough, "That's my best friend, I won't let him stay in that place for a second longer."


What else could Nick Fury do?
This is what Captain America said. If he doesn't compromise, Captain America may turn against him directly.

This is something Nick Fury cannot accept.

"Romanov, you can dock with the captain later." Nick Fury said to Black Widow immediately.

Black Widow nodded without saying anything.

 Thank you Lan Lan for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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