The Revenge of the Fallen Princess

1 life is not willing to chapter

【69Book】"The Master Qian I mentioned is Sakura, Xiaohan, and Sister Meili's biological father! And their mother's name is Henara Xue! They Their parents don't care about Jiuying's life and death at all. What they care most about is Xiaoying's grades and the face of both of them! If the daughter and son do a good job, they will be satisfied; if they don't, they will be happy Just like Xiaohan was taken away for so long, his parents didn't care about his life or death. If it wasn't for Xiaoying to rescue him, he is probably still in the hands of the enemy now, or he may have been tortured to death Yes! Because of the relationship between their parents, the personalities of the three have undergone tremendous changes. Sister Meili used to be a very sunny girl. As for Sakura, because she was reincarnated into the human world, she had little contact with her parents. And Xiaohan is even more pitiful, because his parents refused to save him, so he didn't recognize him as a parent at all, so you will see the scene where Xiaohan calls Xiaoying 'Mommy'! Sister Meili has become Xiemei is cold-blooded, and the greatest pleasure is to torture people, torturing people to death! Xiaohan is even more cruel, except for Xiaoying, he almost treats everyone else with sarcastic remarks!" After Feng told this, there was silence, darkness, Hao, Yi didn't expect Jiu Ying's life experience, her parents would be like this.

"We want to find Sakura!"

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An ancient castle, a completely different castle from Jiuying and Meili's castle, the pressure here is even greater!Take your breath away!The chest is tight, if it is not a vampire, as long as it is close to here, it will be unbearable!

"Chu Sheng, I'm going to change my clothes first!" Jiuying turned her head and looked at the group of people following behind her.

"Okay! I'm waiting for the princess outside!"


"This 'home' hasn't changed at all! It's still so annoying!" Jiu Ying's eyes were full of disgust!If possible, she would rather not return to this 'home' for the rest of her life!Although they are parents, I have no relationship with them at all, I am just their tool!A handy tool!

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