I'm drawing manga in Naruto

Chapter 71 Will to Fight

Chapter 71 Will to Fight


Everyone looked at each other, a little bit excited and hesitant, there are twenty or thirty people, only ten can it be my turn!

"Don't worry, I will pick it randomly, of course... this gentleman will definitely get one today."

Akabane pointed to the man who spoke first, and then sat down.

What are you drawing?

He thought for a while, and simply drew something that he hadn't drawn before, just to practice his hands.

Soon the first one will be done.

"Come on, here it is."

Akabane gave the completed painting to the man who spoke before.

After he took it and glanced at it, he was a little hesitant, and after a few seconds he couldn't help but ask, "Is this also a character from a comic?"

"It's not from Ninja Legend. It's a new manga character I plan to draw. His name is Monkey D. Luffy."

Akabane replied.

"Monkey D. Luffy? What a strange name, and the painting style is also very different."

He always felt that the painting style was weird, but he thought it would be free...

Forget it, it's also very good.

Soon, the second, third...

It is difficult for everyone to accept the completely different style of painting all of a sudden, but people who get the posters for free are still happy.

"Okay, the next wave of posters will be randomly included in the comics, everyone can rely on their luck."

Akabane stretched.

Without posters, the surrounding villagers quickly dispersed.

"Master, are you really going to publish a new comic?"

"Just warming up."

Working overtime is already tiring enough. Recently, Akabane has no plans to draw new manga, and the sales channels have not yet been rolled out. If I have the spare time to draw One Piece, why not do more Hokage.

He really couldn't understand the preheating.

However, during this period of getting along, he felt that it was probably impossible for Akabane to publish new comics in the near future.

Hmm... unless the young master has a breakthrough and can maintain the work of two shadow clones at the same time.

Akabane returned home with the tools, and saw Kurama Qianming bandaging little Lori in the house.

"came back?"

"How did you get hurt? It's okay."

Seeing the wound and blood, Akabane walked over to pick up the gauze on the table.

"It's not your father who taught the child to use kunai, but Qingyue accidentally cut herself."

Zuo Ji poked his head out from the kitchen and said angrily.

"I asked my uncle to teach me."

Little Lolita has initially accepted the identity of the family and the current family, and when she saw Kurama Qianming being disciplined, she immediately spoke.

"Cough, I was not careful this time, I will pay attention next time..."

"And next time?"

Kurama Saki stared at him, furious and frightening.

"I don't dare any more!"

Kurama Qianming resolutely confessed, Uzumaki Qingyue narrowed her eyes with a smile.

The two couples looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, Akabane chuckled lightly.

Then, he looked at the translucent panel, and his eyes froze—the total price of the whirlpool physique dropped by 1 point.

This is enough to prove that the blood of the Uzumaki clan can lower the price.


After testing one by one, he found that the perception ability dropped by 1 point.

Because the vortex Qingyue is perception?
Akabane sighed secretly, and put the gauze back.

Even if the blood of Whirlpool Qingyue is drained, I'm afraid it won't drop too many points.

If he can get the blood of Uzumaki Mito, he may be able to greatly reduce a lot of points.

After all, Uzumaki Mito's strength and physical development can be called the strongest Uzumaki clan, and her gold content is not comparable to Uzumaki Kiyueki.

However, it is more cost-effective to play her idea than to think about the points.

"Now I have more than 400 points on hand, and I can get some points in the future, plus the fourth book, I will definitely make up [-] points to exchange for one."

Akabane put the tools aside, then sat on the table and pondered.

Little Lolita's hands were bandaged, and she was reading the second volume quietly and interestingly at the moment-after arriving at Konoha, she became more interested in comics.

Like her, there are also children who live in the Thousand Hands Clan.

These children with the Uzumaki surname are now assigned to the few remaining families of the Senshou Clan, but every afternoon, they will gather in the Uzumaki Mito courtyard.

of course……

It's not training ninjutsu or gymnastics, but a group of people reading manga together.

Like now.

"Grandma, I've finished reading the second book, are you going to read the third book today?"

"Zhen Nan, you finished reading it but many children haven't finished it yet, so I'll read the second book this afternoon."

Uzumaki Mito said softly and calmly.


"You're a team, understand?"

In a word, Uzumaki Manan held back the words behind him.

Afterwards, the comic books were distributed one by one, and everyone quietly started to read the comics.

After watching for a long time, one of the children asked: "Grandmother, why is Sakura's grades good, but she is worse than Naruto in battle?"

"Yes, Naruto at least tried, but she has been..."

Someone started, and the rest couldn't help complaining about their views on the plot.

"Her control ability and theory are very good, but she has no will to fight. She doesn't even know why she is fighting."

Uzumaki Mito explained lightly.

"Will to fight?"

A bunch of kids who don't understand what this is.They all looked at Uzumaki Mito, hoping she could answer.

"People always have goals in battle. For example, everyone in Uzuo Village fights for the people and the country."

Uzumaki Mito said.

"Grandma means that Sakura doesn't have a target to fight?"

Someone is thinking.

"Yeah, she probably only has that little boy in her eyes."

Uzumaki Mito sighed.

Although this is a manga, such scenarios do exist among ninjas, and there are not a few of them.

"That's what it means, then... what about you, grandma?"


Uzumaki Mito sat on a chair with a nostalgic look on his face.

"If there is this opportunity, it may be for the Uzumaki Clan, the Thousand Hands Clan, or for Konoha."

But she was well aware that it might be too small.

As a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, she is very powerful, but also because she is too strong, once she leaves, she will attract the attention of the rest of the Ninja Village.

"Children, you must become stronger, but at the same time you must understand why you are fighting."

Uzumaki Mito said seriously, "Don't let negative things affect you."

There is no doubt about the physique of the Uzumaki clan, and the ten children of Konoha must have been carefully selected. These children will definitely become ninjas in the future, but the Uzumaki clan...

Her heart is very heavy, if something unexpected happens to the Uzumaki family, how many of these children will live in the haze of hatred.

"Protect your family!"

"Become strong!"

"I want to be Hokage just like Naruto!"

"Stupid, we belong to the Uzumaki family."

Everyone quarreled again, Uzumaki Mito covered his mouth and smiled, and the haze in his heart was swept away.

"Okay, everyone has finished reading the second book, and now you can read the third book."

(End of this chapter)

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