Chapter 46

"Sir, the pommel horse clan is weak and weak, and my Uzumaki clan's physique goes without saying, right?"

Uzumaki Shuhai enthusiastically promoted the benefits of the Uzumaki Clan, "Furthermore, the illusion of the Pommel Horse Clan plus the sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi let out a strange smile, and had no intention of interjecting to stop it.

Sealing technique + illusion?

This is a good idea, and you can also get the blood of the Uzumaki clan...

"No, I just want to get blood, the old ghost wants to stuff me all over!"

Akabane shook his head quickly.

This kind of condition is too exaggerated, even if the blood of the whirlpool clan can really reduce the demand for points, he can't agree.

"Girls in our family are very cute, why don't you think about it?"

The whirlpool tree sea is very regrettable.

"Hey, hey, not like you."

Tsunade had a strange expression, his eyes flicked back and forth between Akabane and the sea of ​​trees.

"Don't make up my mind, I won't agree."

Akabane said immediately.

"Hehehe, the Uzumaki clan is actually quite good..."

Orochimaru said gloatingly.

Whirlpool Shuhai turned his head and said with a smile: "Okay, this little brother looks extraordinary, and there are many girls in the clan, you can think about it."

"What about me?"

Ji Lai also came over, he was interested in girls, but not in his wife, he just chimed in to join in the fun.

The swirling sea of ​​trees glanced at him, but did not speak.

Orochimaru turned pale when he saw him pointing the finger at him, so he didn't dare to intervene again.

"Okay, just kidding."

Hiru Sarutobi knocked on the table, and the scene fell silent.

A few seconds later, the swirling sea of ​​trees felt weird.

Isn't this Uzushio Village?
Why do I feel that Sarutobi Hiruzen is the master!
After a moment of silence, the third generation continued: "Some Uzumaki clansmen sent Konoha, I can talk to the daimyo, as for Uzumaki Country..."

He didn't answer, but he didn't need to clarify what he meant - Konoha wanted to help, but it would be extremely difficult.

"It's already very good to keep some blood, how can I dare to ask for more."

Uzumaki Shuhai sighed, "As Zuo Kazama just said, you also entered a lot of manga?"

"Yes patriarch."

Zuo Kazama stood up nervously.

"You can take the small house next to the gate for temporary use, and I will send someone to arrange your accommodation."

"Thank you patriarch."

Zuo Kazama thanked him ecstatically.

Akabane felt that this old man had no good intentions, and was about to sneak away, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi called him: "Akabane, stay with me and visit Uzushio Village."


what the hell!

Akabane looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi suspiciously, what does visiting Uzushio Village have to do with him.

"Teacher, what about us?"

Tsunade's tone was a bit sour.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi said lightly, "You are too far behind, I will assign a shadow clone, and you can hunt rebels around Uzushio Village."

Seeing blood is something that ninjas will experience sooner or later.

Although they killed a few Chunin last time, if Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao hadn't assisted them, they might have been injured long ago.


Orochimaru looked happy.

Now, he is far more interested in fighting than staying in Uzumaki Village.

"Hmph, there is no need for the teacher's avatar to follow, and I can kill those traitors with just me."

"Don't hold back, idiot, I will thank you very much."

The originally somewhat dull atmosphere quickly became active after Jiraiya's few words.

Tsunade was in a bad mood, but he still left with him.

She knew that there was indeed too much difference in actual combat, and these could only be realized by continuous fighting.

After watching them leave, Akabane asked calmly, "Shuhai patriarch, teacher, where shall we go?"

"Go to my house first."

your home? ! !

Akabane stared at the swirling sea of ​​trees, and thought of the scene of this guy getting married—it was like a blind date in a previous life.

Shouldn't this go, there is a girl waiting, right?

Konoha Village, Anbe.

"My lord, the second volume of Akabane's manga is out."

An Anbu ninja sent the painting to Danzo.

Danzang took it over. This volume has no cover, and it was obviously stolen from the arsenal.

He glanced at it, and then asked: "How is the investigation of the Junin sent by Hokage?"

"Kigakure Jōnin, who learned from the owner of the previous generation of beheading swords, is proficient in silent assassination, but his talent is poor and has not been recognized, so he defected from Wuyin Village."

Anbu reported the information they detected one by one.

Danzo tapped the table with his fingers, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Is there any deeper information?"

"Not yet."

"Continue to check!"

After giving the order, the Anbu disappeared, and Danzo opened the second volume.

In the dark underground space, there is only the sound of flipping books.

He read quickly, skimming the content of the first few chapters, and gradually stopped when he saw the ninth and tenth chapters.

"The country of waves, Konoha's task screening mechanism is so strict, how could there be a mistake in the level evaluation."

Danzo sneered, closed the second volume, and then took out a map.

After watching for a moment, he sat down and fell into thought.

It is the general trend that the kingdom of the vortex will be destroyed, but if you can intervene in the kingdom of waves, take it as a dark child...

Once a big war breaks out in the future, this place may be a surprise soldier.

"The key now lies in Uzumaki Village, the Uzumaki Clan cannot be destroyed, at least not now!"

Danzo thought to himself.

Then, he turned his attention back to the country of the vortex.

"Ri Zhan, when you come back, the country of the vortex will be my battlefield."

Being Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't stay in the Uzumaki country for too long, and sooner or later that battlefield would be handled by Anbu.


"My daughter, Whirlpool Qingyue."

Looking at the girl's big round eyes, Akabane's scalp tingled for a while.

It's really selling my daughter!
But she's only six years old, isn't that too much?
"Daughter, the manga in your hand was drawn by Brother Akabane, do you like it?"

Uzumaki Shuhai squatted down, talking to his daughter gently and affectionately.

"Thank you, Brother Akabane."

Whirlpool Qingyue held the manga in her hand and let out a sweet cry.

"No... no need."

Akabane covered her face.

For such a young child, Whirlpool Shuhai couldn't bear to push her into the fire pit.

"Well, Akabane, stay with Qingyue for a while, I have something important to communicate with Ri Zhan."

The whirlpool tree sea laughed treacherously.


Akabane knew what the old guy was thinking, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

Qingyue is very well-behaved, she sat down with the comic in her hands, staring at the painting quietly.

At the age of six, she already knew most of the characters.

Akabane stared at her for a few seconds, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

To be honest, although Uzumaki Seiyue is young, her facial features and face are all good. In terms of loli status, she may be a little cuter than Tsunade.

In terms of appearance, Tsunade is actually slightly better, but strange power skills and gambling are really not compatible with Lori.

Qingyue is different.

Lightweight, soft, easy...

"Cough cough cough."

"What's wrong with Brother Akabane, is your throat itchy? I'll pour you some water."

"No, no, you continue to read."

Akabane hastily denied it, and at the same time drove away those dangerous thoughts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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