Konoha's Inheritance Master

Chapter 250 Standing in line to choose the perfect puppet

Chapter 250 Standing in line to choose the perfect puppet

Time passes day by day.

Because at the beginning of the war, Uchiha Tonan killed the third Kazekage in front of everyone.

All of a sudden, the morale of Shayin Village dropped greatly, and they retreated to the camp, unable to retreat.

Even for the follow-up assassination campaign in the Land of Rain, Sand Hidden Village only sent dozens of teams symbolically, considering the lack of morale.

It can be regarded as not working hard.

Although Hidden Rock Village and Hidden Sand Village are allies, but seeing Hidden Sand Village's attitude is so negative, I don't want to put too many ninjas on top to cause casualties.

But as time passed, Hai Laozang personally came to the front line from Shayin Village to sit in charge.

After several times of encouragement, the mood of the ninjas in Shayin Village gradually changed from depression to hatred towards Konoha ninjas.

Considering that Uchiha Tonan's strength in intelligence is too strong, Ebizo began to mobilize all the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village to attack the Konoha stronghold in the Land of Rain.

Most of these strongholds guard the main roads leading to the Fire Nation.

It's just that these main roads are mostly narrow and long mountain roads, and it takes a lot of physical strength and energy for ordinary ninjas to pass them.

And once ambushed, it only needs a large-scale ninjutsu or a certain number of detonating symbols to cause heavy casualties.

Of course, it's not that troublesome for Jonin.

But in the war, the large number of Chunin and Genin is the real main force.

Without enough cannon fodder, it is useless to run into the hinterland of the Land of Fire with only a few jounin.

On the surface, wars between the five major powers are not allowed to harm civilians or maliciously destroy towns.

The role of jounin can only be to spy on information, and they can't rush into Konoha to give away the head.

In this situation, the coalition forces of Shayin Village and Yanyin Village can only disperse their forces to attack the stronghold.

Three full months passed.

Uchiha Tunan has never made a move.

Nara Shika had no choice but to order Konoha Ninja to stop the assassination, withdraw to each stronghold to guard against death, and at the same time ask Konoha for help.

Finally, after the Konoha reinforcements arrived, the situation stabilized under the command of Shikahisa Nara.

But when the reinforcements arrived, Shikahisa Nara also received a new order from Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

The content of the new order is for Nara Shikahisa to dispatch more than [-]% of Kikyo Mountain's combat personnel.

If there is an enemy attack, let Uchiha Tunan stand on top.

Sarutobi Hirazan's order obviously meant to kill people with a borrowed sword, and wanted the ninjas from Sand Hidden Village and Iwa Hidden Village to besiege Uchiha Tonan.

But if this is done, if Uchiha Tunan fails to defend, the Western Front will be completely defeated.

The risks are simply too great.

Of course, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's instructions definitely did not say that he would kill with a sword even if Konoha was severely injured.

It's just that the disparity in military strength is too great, so we can only take a risk with a strange move.

Uchiha Tunan is his disciple, and he fully believes in Uchiha Tunan's ability.

This is very interesting.

If Uchiha Tonan dies under the siege by then, Hiruzen Sarutobi will still be able to take half of the pot by then.

Said that he should not blindly believe in Uchiha Tunan's ability, and mistrusted people.

You need to take some responsibility for yourself.

Definitely not all.
For a moment, Nara Shikahisa stared at the information scroll in his hand and fell into a difficult decision, not knowing whether to follow the order.

Yamanaka Haiyi standing behind read the information, and said in a deep voice, "Lu Jiu, what are you going to do."

"Stand in line."

Shikahisa Nara closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and murmured:

"It's time to stand in line."

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akidou Dingza looked at each other, and then said in unison with a firm face: "We listen to you."

Shikahisa Nara closed his eyes and nodded, muttering:
"Disobeying Hokage's orders during the war is treason and a loss of righteousness.

After all, Hokage is the current Hokage, we have no choice. "

Yamanaka Hai frowned, feeling uneasy and said:

"Master Tunan doesn't seem like a good stubble. Maybe he will retaliate against us in the future."

Nara Shikahisa stood up abruptly, slapped the information in his hand on the table, and said in a deep voice:
"No, there is still a chance of relaxation, I will stay in Kikyo Mountain.

If Lord Tunan can't keep it, I will cut off the rear and let him escape.

This can be regarded as a life-saving grace, presumably he will not bring his grievances to our family. "

Kaiichi Yamanaka and Dingza Akimichi did not expect Nara Shikahisa to decide to sacrifice himself to save the family.

The two looked at each other quietly, then stared at Shikahisa Nara solemnly and said:
"Zhuludie has always advanced and retreated together, we will stay with you."

in the laboratory.

Uchiha Tunan looked at the masterpieces in front of him, touched his chin and said leisurely:
"It's really a waste of time to play with things. I made so many toys without knowing it."

After all, he picked up the regeneration nucleus and stuffed it into the belly of the finished red-haired puppet.

After the regenerative nucleus was embedded in it, the eyes of the red-haired puppet turned a few times.

The originally dull and dead eyes became bright and bright.

The red-haired puppet raised his hands and put his eyes in front of his eyes, then lowered his head to look at the regenerative nucleus in his abdomen, his face revealed a humanized ecstasy.

"This is."

But seeing Uchiha Tunan looking at the scorpion in front of him, he said with a smile:

"Do you like it, the superhuman puppet I specially made for you.

The whole body is made of bionic materials, waterproof, fireproof and anti-oxidation.

Both hands are equipped with large-caliber chakra barrels, which can release ninjutsu of any attribute.

There is also a vortex booster around the regenerative core, which can burst out a larger amount of chakra in a short time. "

Hearing this, Xie raised his head, stared at Uchiha Tunan in disbelief and said, "You did this for me."

Immediately, trembling with excitement, he stretched out his arms to caress his new body, and said frantically:

"It's perfect
I feel my body's sense of touch has become more acute.

And the surface of this puppet feels the same as real skin. "

Uchiha Tunan smiled gently and said:

"I took this skin off someone else's body and soaked it in a special medicine, which greatly enhanced the toughness of the skin.

On your puppet body, I also added a lot of bionic neurons.

Now your sense of touch is at least five times that of the average person.

You are now a perfect work of art. "

"A perfect work of art."

Xie felt that this sentence was tailor-made for him, so he couldn't help muttering.

However, at the next moment, Scorpion's eyes narrowed, he stared at Uchiha Tunan, and said with a puzzled expression:

"Why did you go to such lengths to help me.

Are we not enemies? "

But seeing Uchiha Tunan open his hands, a great brilliance seemed to appear on his face and said: "Art has no national boundaries."

"Art has no borders." Xie lowered his head and repeated several times.

The corner of Uchiha Tunan's mouth was slightly drawn, he pulled the scorpion over, pointed to several large puppets placed in the open space and said:

"Come, come, look at these, this is the skin I made for you with the remaining materials."

Xie stared, with a silly expression on his whole body, and murmured: "This is so beautiful."

Uchiha Tunan took a few steps forward, came to the side of the large puppets and began to introduce them one by one:
"This is an insect-type skin, with heat perception and low-altitude flight functions, which can make it easier for you to hunt down enemies.

Bird-shaped skin, aerodynamic and streamlined, suitable for long-distance flights.

Cheetah-shaped skin, joint gear transmission of limbs, nine-speed transmission, and increased dynamic balance.

The mecha-type skin is not much different from your puppet, but the surface is made of high-hardness materials.

The power of the limbs is increased by the hydraulic device, which is infinitely powerful. "


Listening to Uchiha Tonan's introduction, Scorpion's chest kept rising and falling, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"Is this all for me?"

Uchiha Tonan smiled slightly and said:

"It's all yours, do you like it?

This is your payment for sharing your knowledge. "

Xie swallowed, subconsciously walked up to several large puppets, stretched out his hand and caressed them stupidly.

After a long time, Xie calmed down, looked at Uchiha Tunan with reverence, and immediately put his hands on his knees and bowed deeply:

"Tunan Jun, you are really an artistic genius, please forgive my previous ignorance.

You're right, knowledge needs to be shared so that new things can emerge. "

"Ding, get the approval of the scorpion."

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Uchiha Tunan couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows slightly.

What's the use of this?

The scorpion only has one regenerative core left, and it will provide some chakra and spiritual power at most when it dies.

Scorpion has already acquired the most precious thing, which is the knowledge of human puppets and mechanical manufacturing.

Some of this knowledge can be applied to the body to enhance one's own strength.

As for Xie's identity as a ninja of Sand Hidden Village.

That stuff doesn't matter.

Uchiha Tonan is not really loyal to Konoha.

For Uchiha Tonan, Konoha is just his own private pasture, and scorpions are just livestock on other people's pastures.

As for whether helping the scorpion transform into a puppet will help the enemy.

In this state, can the scorpion still be his enemy?

Scorpion will definitely continue to pursue his so-called puppet art, which requires the use of a large number of strong corpses for experiments.

How could it be possible to go back to Sand Hidden Village.

He will only be his right-hand partner in the future, especially after the war is over
After a long time, Scorpion looked at Uchiha Tunan with a puzzled expression:

"Tunan-jun, aren't you afraid that I will go back to Shayin Village to deal with Konoha?"

The corner of Uchiha Tunan's mouth was slightly drawn, and he stretched out his hand to wrap Scorpion's shoulder and said:
"It's just a war, look at any war where villages perished.

The essence of war is to transfer conflicts and eliminate excess resource consumption.

You are a devout art pursuer, you should pursue a higher level of art.

You see, human puppets don't need to eat or drink, and can live forever.

If the standard of materials can be lowered, it will popularize the entire ninja world.

Will there be war then? "

These few words almost reached Scorpion's heart, and his concern for Uchiha Tonan's identity completely disappeared.

"Tunan-jun, you and I think exactly the same.

If you want me to help you transform, you can rest assured of my technology. "

Scorpion looked at Uchiha Tunan with an eager expression on his face.

Uchiha Tonan patted his shoulder lightly, shook his head and said:

"No, you are a pioneer of art.

But I am more greedy, I want to do the most perfect.

When your art reaches its peak, come and transform it for me. "

Scorpion nodded and said:
"Then you have to live, if one day you feel that you are going to die of old age, don't hold on.

I now have immortality, enough time to pursue the highest level of art. "

Uchiha Tunan withdrew his hand, folded his arms and said:

"You should stay here for the time being.

I have enough experimental material here.

But I like to study the living ones first, and after I'm dead, you can study the puppets. "

"Thank you so much."

Scorpion looked at Uchiha Tunan gratefully. At this moment, Uchiha Tunan completely became his like-minded partner in his heart.

At this moment, panicked shouts suddenly came from outside.

"Enemy attack!"

Scorpion immediately frowned, and said in a deep voice:
"need my help."

Uchiha Tunan looked up at the wall of the laboratory, and the three-god jade flowed in his eyes.

In an instant, he penetrated the entire Kikyo Mountain, and saw a large number of ninjas flying towards the Kikyo Mountain in the distance.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said leisurely: "No need, after all, you used to be a ninja from Shayin Village.

It's not good to have a kind of incense, let you take action against the ninja from the same village in the past. "

Scorpion put his hands on his knees and bowed to Uchiha Tunan again: "Thank you for your understanding."

Uchiha Tunan nodded slightly, handed Xie a storage scroll, then turned and walked out of the laboratory.

"Put these skins away and go to a farther place to experience them.

If a Konoha ninja stops you, you can report my name directly. "

Scorpion immediately put away these large puppets with storage scrolls, and trotted to keep up with Uchiha Tunan.

"I'll follow you, I've already called here, the situation is not so optimistic.

I don't want you to die on the battlefield. "

(End of this chapter)

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