Konoha's Inheritance Master

Chapter 247 A friendly visit is out of the question

Chapter 247 A friendly visit is out of the question

The red-haired boy's eyes widened suddenly, and his pupils quivered rapidly.

At the moment of crisis, the fingers of the red-haired boy moved slightly.

"whoosh whoosh"

The surrounding puppets opened their mouths at the same time, and shot thousands of shots at the red-haired boy.

The tip of each thousand roots is coated with green venom, which can be said to seal the throat with blood.

It has to be said that the red-haired boy not only has extremely ingenious manipulation techniques, but also makes puppets with extremely meticulous precision.

The impenetrable Qianben group, each one is just right to stagger the position of the red-haired boy, completely sealing off his whole body.

"Da da da"

Qianben pierced into the wall like raindrops.

But the huge grip at the neck and the feeling of suffocation did not disappear.

The red-haired boy's eyes moved to the corners of his eyes, and only then did he see the dark shadow on his shoulder.

Are those Konoha ninjas here?
In other words, that man may also come.

Damn when is it.


At the same time, there were dense crawling sounds in the laboratory.

I saw sandworms breaking out of the ground in the center of the laboratory ground one by one.

These pitch-black sandworms are quickly devouring the soil on the ground.

Gradually, the number of sandworms is increasing, just like the number of constant sand.

The ground was devoured into a circular deep pit, which is gradually expanding under the efforts of the sandworms.

"How cautious you are, there are detonators and alarm devices that you buried everywhere."

In the deep pit, Uchiha Tonan's gentle voice came.

I saw Uchiha Tunan standing on a round stone pillar, rising slowly from the pit, as if riding an automatic elevator.

After the stone pillar is completely raised to be level with the ground.

The rock quickly changed into a stone seat under the control of Uchiha Tonan.

Uchiha Tonan ignored the other party's vigilant eyes and sat down gently.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, I saw dense black sandworms burrowing into the ground.

Only then did Uchiha Tunan take a closer look at the red-haired boy who was controlled by the shadow imitation technique, and said leisurely:
"I advise you not to move, I am not here to kill you.

If you want to have a good talk, you just wink. "

The red-haired boy blinked immediately.

The corners of Uchiha Tonan's mouth were slightly outlined, and the shadow stuck on the red-haired boy's neck was controlled to fade away.

The red-haired boy coughed heavily, then took a few deep breaths, staring straight at Uchiha Tonan.

The two just looked at each other silently.

After a long time, Uchiha Tunan said firmly, "Scorpion."

Xie frowned when he heard this, and said in a deep voice, "You know me?"

Uchiha Tunan nodded gently and said, "I have been friends with you for a long time. I heard that you are the most talented puppet master in Hidden Sand Village."

Scorpion's eyes lowered a little, and he moved his right foot a little away, and found a tiny hole in the ground at some point.

Before coming here, it was Uchiha Tunan who controlled the hole drilled by the sandworm, and then used the shadow imitation technique underground to attack himself.

"What are you looking for me for? If you want a corpse, you can just take it."

Xie has seen Uchiha Tonan's strength before, and knows that once the two fight, he has almost no chance of winning.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and expressed his willingness to give up the corpse of the third Kazekage that he had finally obtained.

Hearing this, Uchiha Tonan shook his head with a chuckle and said:
"If it is alive, maybe I will be a little interested, but the corpse is fine.

What's more, I left the body for you on purpose that day.

It's a meeting gift for you.

Actually, I'm here to ask you a favor. "

Don't you want a corpse?
Xie breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Say it."

Uchiha Tunan took out a storage scroll, took out the contents inside, and put it on the ground.

It was the instrument that was broken in the laboratory before.

"This thing is broken, and I don't know how to fix it."

Xie frowned slightly, and said in surprise: "You came to me just to let me fix this for you?"

Uchiha Tunan shook his head and said:

"Of course it's more than that. I have loved learning since I was a child.

When you are repairing, please also teach me the principle of this thing by the way.

No matter how bad this thing is in the future, I won't bother you all the way. "

Having said that, Uchiha Tunan leaned forward slightly, and said in a low voice:
"in addition.
I want all your knowledge about puppetry.

Especially human puppets you create yourself. "

"Impossible!" Scorpion resolutely refused, and put his hands in a fighting posture.

Uchiha Tunan chuckled, waved his hand with a friendly face and said:
"Don't be so absolute.

Most things in this world have a price, you set a price.

Ninjutsu, secret medicine, human body materials, money, you can mention them all.

Knowledge must be shared in order to be able to innovate.

What kind of monopoly is it? "

Scorpion looked like he was ready for battle, and said in a deep voice:

"I don't want anything, you are a Konoha ninja, your strength is already so strong, what are you doing learning puppetry?"

Uchiha Tunan touched his chin when he heard the words, and pondered:
"Is it useful? I haven't really thought about it.

It's just that I just met you, seeing that you are weak and easy to bully.

If I don't take something from you, I always feel that this trip is a loss.

I learned this stuff, purely to fill the knowledge base. "

When Xie heard this, a look of anger appeared on his face, and he said coldly:

"Impossible, these are the secrets of Hidden Sand Village, even if I die, I will never give them to you."

Uchiha Tunan spread his hands, and said lightly: "Then there is nothing to talk about."


I saw a black puppet with a ghost face appearing behind Uchiha Tunan.

The puppet body stretched out six puppet arms, and a sharp blade emerged from the tip of each puppet arm, stabbing towards the back of Uchiha Tunan's head.


A sharp stone pillar protruded from the ground, pierced through the ghost-faced puppet, and hung it on it.

At the same time, the scorpion has also launched an attack.

I saw that he did not know when he had jumped back onto the wall.

Stepping firmly on the wall with both feet, he threw out a scroll and unfolded it, and shouted:

"Dramatic eclipse and flow."

But seeing a jet of swift water suddenly burst out from the scroll, heading towards Uchiha Tunan.

Uchiha Tunan quickly flicked the storage scroll, and put the instruments on the ground into it first.

Then stretch out your palm and aim at the oncoming water jet.

I saw that Uchiha Tunan's palm quickly grew bigger, completely covering himself behind.


The sharp eclipse hit the palm of the hand and emitted pungent white smoke, but it didn't hurt Uchiha Tunan's palm in the slightest.

Every day Uchiha Tunan absorbs the power of nature to practice whenever he is free.

Without worrying about the power of emotions, the speed at which Uchiha Tunan absorbs the power of nature is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

At this time, Uchiha Tunan's King Kong's indestructible strength may have surpassed that of the ape demon.

You know, it has been less than half a year since Uchiha Tunan started practicing Vajra Immortality.

Among them, a large amount of natural power was used to practice and become a fairy chakra.

This kind of cultivation speed can be called terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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