Konoha's Inheritance Master

Chapter 240 Experimenting with the Yin-Yang Escape Technique

Chapter 240 Experimenting with the Yin-Yang Escape Technique
After Uchiha Tonan put the female ninja down, he stood by the bed and tilted his head, and said leisurely:
"The effect came faster than I expected.

According to the records, you are a Chunin, good at puppets and intelligence analysis, and you have been a spy before.

You are not very good at physical skills, this potion can quickly consume your physical energy.

It lasts about 3 minutes and you're exhausted and can't move. "

The female ninja felt that what Uchiha Tonan said was a bit strange, and immediately frowned slightly: "What are you going to do?"

Uchiha Tunan bent down, gently stroked the hot face of the female ninja, and said softly:
"Don't be afraid, this is not poison, how could a strong man like me lie to you.

Go to sleep when you are tired, this bed is very soft.

And the temperature here is very suitable for rest. "

A few minutes later, the female ninja's body stopped moving, only her eyes seemed to be narrowed a little, but the light in her eyes was a bit slack.

Seeing that the effect of the medicine was almost gone, Uchiha Tonan began to slowly unbutton his shirt.

"The body hibernates on its own, but the spirit is not exhausted, so it is now in a nightmare state.

You can hear and see, but you can't control your body.

If it wasn't for me talking to you, you would even think you were dreaming.

You want to talk, you want to move.

Your brain is constantly sending messages to your body, but your body doesn't respond.

In this way, your brain instinctively thinks that your body is dead.

This creates a special sense of fear, and even if you keep comforting yourself, you cannot restrain the birth of this fear. "

After finishing speaking, the last slit in the female ninja's eyes slowly closed.

At the last moment when she closed her eyes, she only saw Uchiha Tunan taking off his shirt.
However, the next moment, Uchiha Tonan took out a neatly stacked white coat from the drawer at the bedside and put it on.

Put on a medical mask and gloves by the way.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Tunan pressed the invisible mechanism on the wall.

With the sound of the mechanism turning, the wall directly opposite the sofa in the room rose, revealing the laboratory full of instruments behind it.

But Uchiha Tunan knew that her current state seemed to be a soul trapped in a dead body.

Under the effect of the medicine, this body shut off all information transmission to her.

I saw Uchiha Tunan came to the laboratory, took out a needle filled with green liquid and came to the bedside.

While pushing the piston to exhaust the air in the needle tube, he secretly said:
Physical energy represents yang escape, and mental energy represents yin escape.

At this moment, the power of Yang Dun almost completely disappeared, leaving only the power of Yin Dun.

No, it doesn't count as disappearance, it just means that Yang Dun and Yin Dun lost connection and were separated.

The next step is to solidify the connection fault and record the data.

After thinking about it, he plunged the needle into the female ninja's arm.

Then a large number of instruments were taken out to detect and record the female ninja's body data.

At this time, the female ninja only felt that she was locked in a closed dark room, no matter how much she shouted in her heart, it was useless.

Instinctively, there was great fear in my heart.

In the end, he could only curl up in the darkness and wait silently.

After an unknown amount of time, the female ninja suddenly felt dizzy.
"Where am I?"

The female ninja slowly opened her sleepy eyes, only to find that her eyes were pitch black.

However, the tactile sensation from his face let him know that he was being blindfolded.

And he seemed to be lying on the bed.

"You just fell asleep."

A magnetic and gentle voice rang from the ear
The memory of the female ninja came back, and she remembered the scene before she closed her eyes.

"You insulted me behind"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Tonan's innocent voice rang in his ears.

"No, I simply tested your stats in the nightmare state.

Then I gave you a sleeping injection to give your brain and body a good rest.

You slept soundly, about seventeen hours. "

The female ninja tried to move her fingers, but found that she was numb from the neck down.

The voice trembled a little: "Why can't I move?"

There was a rustling sound in her ears, and the female ninja didn't know what Uchiha Tunan was doing.

"Don't worry, just calm down.

I have anesthetized the parts below your neck, so you will definitely not be able to move. "

"Clap clap."

There was a crisp beating sound.

"Do you feel it?"

The female ninja was slightly confused, and suddenly thought of something.

"No, you took off my pants?

He also said he didn't want to insult me. "

"It's fine if you don't feel it." Uchiha Tunan's satisfied voice sounded from below him.

"Drip drip"

At this moment, the female ninja heard a siren from an instrument, which seemed to come from the other side of the room.

"This old thing, there are problems every now and then.

I tried to repair it several times, but the parts inside are too delicate.

High tech, a bit beyond my knowledge. "

Uchiha Tonan's voice had already appeared on the other side.


With the sound of slapping, the siren disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's normal to take a picture."

"Let me play some music for you to soothe your mood.

There's really no need to be so nervous. "

The phonograph next to the bed played music played by a certain music master in the Snow Country.

I don't know where Uchiha Tunan got the music, but it sounds very soothing.

The worry and fear of the female ninja gradually disappeared, and she was powerless to resist anyway, so she just let others do what she wanted.


Below him, Uchiha Tonan's satisfied voice came.

"You still have sensation above the neck, there may be a little error.

But I'm going to watch your reaction, so.
terribly sorry. "

The female ninja felt her spirit suddenly excited like never before, and asked, "What did you do to me?"

Later, the female ninja found herself turned over and lying sideways on the bed.

Then the blindfold was also lifted.

Uchiha Tunan, who was wearing a white shirt, looked at the delicate face of the female ninja with a smile on his face, and said softly:

"Did a very meaningful thing, very crazy."

This guy is even more perverted than I imagined.

But it seems to be normal compared with the plot recorded in the book.

Thinking of this, the female ninja pursed her lips and said:
"Then how will you deal with me in the future?"

Uchiha Tunan brought his head closer, put his forehead against the female ninja's forehead, and at the same time stroked her face with his palm and said:

"Looking at your performance, I've always been easy to talk to.

You probably won't be able to return to the Land of Winds in the future.

If there is anything you want to tell your family, I will help you write a letter to them and send it back. "

The female ninja only felt a fiery masculinity blowing towards her face, and her mentality changed accordingly, her eyes were hazy and she said:

"You want to take me back to Konoha?"

Uchiha Tonan didn't answer, he got up slowly, picked up the paper and pen prepared by the bed, returned to the sofa and sat down, and gestured with his eyes.

The female ninja looked at Uchiha Tonan with a complicated expression, and then sighed as if resigned to her fate:

"I don't have parents."

Uchiha Tunan frowned, nodded and said, "It's normal."

The female ninja thought about it for a while, and said with a look of reminiscence in her eyes: "Let's write a letter to the patriarch, just say it."

As the female ninja narrated, Uchiha Tonan quickly recorded on paper.

After a long time, Uchiha Tunan looked up at the clock on the wall, put down the pen in his hand, and said lightly:
"That's all for now."

The female ninja who was talking thought that Uchiha Tunan was tired of writing, so she stopped talking.

Quietly looking at Uchiha Tunan.

Is this the man I will rely on in the future?
"Hey, why don't you talk."

I saw Uchiha Tunan staring at the clock, stretching out his index finger to his mouth.

"Hush, ten seconds left."

The female ninja frowned, wondering: "What do you mean?"

As soon as the voice fell, the female ninja's pupils shrank suddenly, and she only felt buzzing in her head.

"Uh uh."

Seeing the female ninja's face gradually distorted, Uchiha Tonan put down his disguise, folded his arms and said:

"Thank you for contributing to the progress of the ninja world.

What I gave you to drink at the beginning can quickly deplete your body's energy.

This puts your body to sleep and no longer feeds back any information to your brain.

In doing so, your brain and body are disconnected.

Later, I gave you another injection, which solidified the connection fault. "

"Life is really amazing.

Especially in this world, there are such things as Yang Dun and Yin Dun.

But it is a pity that the yang escape and yin escape of the human body affect each other all the time.

It's too much trouble to study the records.

So I thought of temporarily separating them to record data. "

"The data recording process is not bad, and it is helpful to my research.

The injection just now was the crazy potion I learned in pharmacy.

I've seen lunatics before, but I'm curious what the world of lunatics is like.

Adhering to the spirit of exploration, so I want to experience it for myself.

At the same time, record the medical process by the way. "

"You are the calmest of all the prisoners.

A stable mood allows me to observe data better and reduce errors.

That's why I will keep comforting you. "

With that said, Uchiha Tonan looked up at the instrument screen on one side.

"I see, the frequency of the brain waves has become irregular.

The amplitude of the peaks and troughs is also asymmetrical. "

At this moment, the picture on the screen of the instrument twisted, and the alarm sounded.

"Drip drip"

"It's really disappointing, such a moth came out at a critical time."

Uchiha Tunan frowned, got up and came to the instrument, and slapped the instrument a few times with his palm.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The screen of the instrument went black instantly, and a puff of black smoke rose.

Uchiha Tunan exhaled heavily, with an ugly face and said:

"It seems that it really can't be used. I don't know how to use this kind of high technology."


At the same time, a high-pitched scream sounded.

The female ninja jumped up from the bed at once, stretched out her claws, and grabbed Uchiha Tunan with a ferocious smile on her face.

However, the next moment, the female ninja seemed to have been immobilized, and her whole body was fixed on the spot.

On the ground, Uchiha Tonan's shadow was pulled long, extending to the feet of the female ninja.

Uchiha Tunan reached out and touched his chin, thinking thoughtfully:

"Have you reached your limit?

It's unreasonable to be able to break through the restrictions of the potion.

Just let me take a look at the sensory world of a madman. "

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and covered the female ninja's head.

The art of mind reading.

In the confined space, half is a warm pink room, and the other half is a laboratory under blazing white lights.

Eerie music was playing from the gramophone.
Time ticks by.

After a long time, Uchiha Tonan withdrew his palm and said excitedly:

"That's why it is no wonder that people are most likely to go mad when they are frightened and greatly distressed.

Because this kind of stimulation will make the soul have the instinct to escape.

The source of the soul's constant consumption, wanting to break free from the shackles of the body.

Leading to a surge of mental energy, did it invade the mind?

No wonder most ninjas who are good at using Yin escape ninjutsu are relatively calm.

It turned out to be because he was good at controlling mental energy. "

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tunan frowned again, thinking secretly in his heart.

Still haven't found a way to combine Yin Dun and Yang Dun.

Does it have to rely on the power of the Six Paths to do it?

What is the principle?There must be a reason for everything.

The only instrument is also broken, so how should we continue the research.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Tonan glanced at the immobilized female ninja.

This experimental material has been discarded.

Immediately with a thought, the dark shadow spread to the female ninja's neck, turned into a pair of black hands, and gently twisted.

With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, Uchiha Tonan came to the burned out instrument and glanced at the nameplate on the back of the instrument.

I saw that it was marked: Made in the Land of Winds.

Uchiha Tunan immediately touched his chin and murmured:

"Yeah, those guys who play with puppets should know how to repair this thing.

It seems that it is time to go out and exercise your muscles. "

In the past half a month, as the three major village ninjas continued to enter the Kingdom of Rain to assassinate each other.

Uchiha Tunan also obtained the abilities of the pig deer butterfly, pommel horse, and oil woman clan as he wished.

In particular, the shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan is completely pure Yin escape ninjutsu.

Today's Uchiha Tonan has been able to control the power of Yang Dun and Yin Dun as he wishes.

But it has been unable to integrate Yang Dun and Yin Dun to form Yin Yang Dun.

(End of this chapter)

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