Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 98 098. Mother Emilia Trollope

Chapter 98 098. Mother Emilia Trollope
When the conversation was over, the father and son closed the door of the antique shop and went back to their home on another street together.


Emilia rushed straight out of the house and hugged Scott at the gate, so frightened that Rimbaud on his shoulders fluttered his wings and flew.

Emilia has red-brown hair and looks several years younger than Michael.

She looked at Scott with warm brown eyes and said excitedly, "Long time no see, honey, I missed you so much."

"I miss you too, Millie," Scott said with a smile.

He stood still, letting his mother rub his head and touch his face.

After that, Emilia excitedly dragged him into the room, "Come in, my dear son, take a look at the Christmas dinner I specially prepared."

Scott turned his head and smiled at Michael who was ignored.

After entering the warm room, Scott took off his coat and followed Emilia to the kitchen to see the food she prepared——

In addition to the essential roast turkey, there are roast steak, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, mulled wine, eggnog...

In the face of the dazzling array of food, Scott took the trouble to praise them all, which made Emilia very happy.

Afterwards, she let Scott leave the kitchen contentedly.

In the living room, Michael was sitting on the sofa by the fireplace and reading a newspaper.

"Mike, where is Shay?" Scott asked. "Is she okay?"

Michael said without raising his head, "At this time, probably sleeping in your room."

"I've deliberately left Shay at home, and you rarely write to me," Scott complained casually.

"Your mother doesn't trust the way owls deliver letters." Michael shrugged. "She's afraid Shay will lose the letter or fly away with no way back."

"Well, I still can't convince her about this."

Scott turned and went upstairs.

"I'll go see her."

He came to the second floor and pushed open his room.

The gray forest owl, who was sleeping on the windowsill, immediately opened his eyes alertly.

"Shay, are you okay?"

Scott walked over and patted its head.

Shay murmured a few times, rubbed his palm perfunctorily, and went back to sleep.

"Okay, okay, you have a good rest first." Scott retracted his hand, "You are busy tonight."

He turned around and closed the door to the room, untied the deformed lizard skin bag around his waist, and took out the bone from it.

Lying on his back on the bed, Scott held the magical item in front of his eyes to examine it carefully.

Although Travers said its name, "truncated arm bone," Scott couldn't see what kind of creature's bone it was.

If it is a human bone, it seems to be too small.

As a complete upper arm bone, it wasn't quite as long as Scott's palm.

Its color is not outdated, on the contrary, it presents a kind of crystal white, and the surface is densely depicted with runes that he does not know at all.

He decided to give it a try.

Scott sat up, gripped the bones with his hands, and entered some magic.

But he failed to activate the magic item as he wished.

He could sense that it was refusing to accept his magic.

Is it "bound equipment"?
Thinking of this possibility, Scott frowned.

This is the "artifact" he has been waiting for for a long time. With its ability to cut off the contract, he can use magic to the fullest during the vacation.

However, the reality seemed to let him down.

Scott tried to increase the magic power output again, but the "truncated arm bone" remained motionless.

It was in his hands like a Muggle artifact incompatible with magic.

Scott lay on the bed again and closed his eyes.

He began to try to use his own method of practicing Transfiguration, using magic power to slowly perceive the item.

However, until dinner began, his attempts seemed to go nowhere.

But Scott put it aside for a while to focus on enjoying dinner with his family.

After the laughing dinner, the three of them sat on the sofa by the fireplace and chatted again.

Emilia looked at Scott worriedly, "Scott, Michael told me before dinner that you had some skirmishes with others at school."

"It's alright, Millie." Scott smiled at her. "You know, people of different classes don't like each other. It's an English trait, and wizards are no exception."

"No, I've read the books you bought back."

Emilia looked at him disapprovingly.

"Modern History of Magic, Important Magical Events of the Twentieth Century, Hogwarts: A School History."

Hearing this, Scott knew he couldn't be fooled.

"I learned that the British wizarding world was at war more than ten years ago," Emilia continued.

At this moment, she broke away from the appearance of a housewife, and her expression looked like a professor.

"All this time, I thought the Dark Lord was taken down as the books say...whether it was because of a 'Boy Who Lived' or not..."

Her tone was somewhat disgusting.

Obviously, she didn't understand the fact that wizards needed to rely on the power of a baby to win a war.

"But there is no doubt that the side represented by your Mr. Headmaster won the war."

Next, her tone began to question again.

"I don't understand, as the losing side of the war, those followers of the Dark Lord, those racists, why their children still can't keep a low profile?"

Scott had to patiently explain the current situation in the magic world to her.

"Those pure-blood families are actually not having a good time," he said.

"Not to mention those who are already in prison, even those who slyly escape from imprisonment will face round after round of endless searches by the Ministry of Magic."

"But those kids, they're still arrogant at school," Emilia said with a frown.

"Because they're just kids, and Hogwarts is just a school."

Scott spread his hands.

"Mr. Principal has always treated all students equally, of course, with the exception of the 'Boy Who Lived'."

He tried to reassure Emilia by saying nice things.

"Those students from pure-blood families, their elders are well behaved. As for themselves, if their arrogant behavior crosses the line, the professors will punish them."

Emilia is still very dissatisfied, "They affected you! And you are just an innocent student, no one in our family has participated in that damn wizard war!"

"Don't worry, Mom, I can handle it," he said with a smile. "Didn't Michael tell you, I won a Slytherin seventh grade at a dueling club event."

"It's a bad feeling, dear."

Emilia took Scott's hand.

"It reminds me of when I was 15."

She gave Michael a stern look.

"That year, I watched your dad drop out of school to hang out with those bad boys on the street!"

Michael looked up from the newspaper and blinked innocently.

"You may be in more danger now than he was then, dear."

Emilia looked at Scott worried again.

"But I can't say... If you want to give up..."

She said a little choked up.

"I know you like magic."

Scott was at a loss for a moment, so he could only look at Michael for help.

[You're still too young, boy. ]
Michael gave him a look and came over to hug Emilia.

"Don't worry, honey." He patted Emilia on the back.

"Go away."

Emilia pushed him away and stood up.

She seemed to have regained her composure.

"Maybe you need a good gun, son."

She turned and walked towards the stairs.

"That's a coming-of-age gift from my dad. I was going to give it to you when you're an adult."

After she finished speaking, she ran upstairs.

Scott stared at her back in astonishment.

"May I ask, Mike?" he said hesitantly.

Michael asked, "What?"

Scott turned to look at him. "Tell me, what did my grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather do?"


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   A An Chu, biting cat, ~~Cang~~hai~~, you are a good benevolent, Bai Shi 21
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(End of this chapter)

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