Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 95 095. Travers' last struggle

Chapter 95 095. Travers' last struggle
Travers and Park were left in place from the waist down after the split accident.

Under Scott's control, the hands that "Oak Guard" slammed down also stopped.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the woods came the hysterical screams of the house-elf.

Scott turned and walked towards where they were above the waist.

At this moment, Parker's screams stopped abruptly.

Scott took a closer look, and the house elf seemed to be unable to accept that his mistake had hurt the owner, and was in a coma with a face full of horror.

He didn't walk too close, and he looked down at 1/2 Travers lying in the snow from a distance of several steps.


Travers raised his head hard, staring at him.

Scott was silent.

The pain of the split made her face even paler, and beads of sweat kept rolling down her face.

But she didn't cry or scream.

This made Scott look at her with admiration.

In any case, Travers was just an 11-year-old girl, and such endurance was beyond Scott's expectations.

"Help me get my body ready," she said in a threatening tone. "Morgan knows the purpose of my coming out. If I die here, you will be the biggest suspect..."

At this moment, Scott admired the little girl's calmness and will.

But he still didn't make a sound, just looked at her calmly.

And Travers saw that he didn't respond, and immediately changed the direction of persuasion, "What do you want... Trollope... Whether it's Jin Galleon or magical knowledge... I can promise you..."

Scott remained silent.

"I'll transfer..." Travers began to gasp for breath. "I'll...leave England...never...not in front of you..."

However, Scott remained unmoved.

He didn't even see any emotion on his face, just watching her struggle calmly.

Travers finally began to crumble.

"It's that look again!" She cursed with all her strength, "Why do you look at me like a mudblood, a noble pureblood!"

She opened her mouth and breathed in the cold air, like an oxygen-deprived fish.

"You should be very won..."

"You beat me, heir to the Travers family..."

"If it weren't for carelessness..."

"... a beast like a house-elves really can't be trusted..."

She kept mumbling to and fro, her voice getting lower and lower.

"Why didn't you speak... Trollope..."

"...Why don't you show off, why don't you mock me..."

"As long as you say killed me..."

"You won again..."

She suddenly laughed miserably.

Blood flowed from her mouth, staining her teeth red.

Watching the dying struggle of an 11-year-old girl with only half of her body left gave Scott a great shock.

He had never faced such a scene in his previous life.

But he forced himself to look intently.

He was going to watch Jasmine Travers go to death.

He wants to keep himself firmly in mind that this world is not a fairy tale.

To become a wizard in this world, he will have to experience more cruel sides that he has never experienced in his life.

At this point, the smiling Travers seemed to have given up struggling.

"You're so cautious... Trollope."

Her voice was almost a whisper now.

"let me tell you……"

But Scott still did not choose to step forward.

He had Rimbaud fly to Traverse's side as a "transit station" and transmit her whispers into his ears.

"...the Travers family has a magic item used to curse enemies."

"It will give a vicious curse to anyone who kills Travers..."

"I was killed by Parker's Apparition..."

"...But...if you say that you killed me or something...I can make the curse come true on you..."

" are too cautious..."

Hearing this, Scott couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Sure enough, whether it is a decent or a villain, or a passerby, there is a possibility of dying from too much talk!
"'re curious...why did I tell these..."

"...This is the secret hidden by the pure-blood families..."

"No one knows what kind of cards the other party will have..."

"Remember... purebloods are not so easy to beat..."

"You're not like a wizard like're more selfish...there's no bottom line..."

"Can you let me die without any worries..."

"You're a proud guy...a guy like a day you'll fight other purebloods..."

She raised her voice again and gave a bizarre laugh.

"...Since the Travers family has no future, the others should not be better off..."

She lowered her head, completely motionless.

Scott beckoned and let Rimbaud fly back to his shoulders, turned and walked to the other side.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A dazzling green light came from behind him.

Scott rolled around in the snow and avoided the death curse in time.

He stood up, patted the snow on his body, and looked at Travers, whose eyes were rounded and dead.

"Want to sneak attack on me?" He couldn't help muttering softly, "Want to kill with blood? I'm guarding against this."

His magical senses never left girls and house-elves.

Scott stood silently until the house-elf died, and then he really started to act.

He was going to rearrange the scene to remove all traces of battle.

He wants anyone who sees the bodies of Travers and Park to presume that they died from unsuccessful Apparitions.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the magic world.

Scott walked over to Travers' body and looked down at the wand in her hand.

After a moment's thought, he bent down and took her wand-holding arm in his gloved hand and turned it so that the tip of her wand was pointed at Parker.

In this way, the final death curse can be justified.

Having done this, Scott straightened up.

He first made the "Oak Guard" return to the place where it originally grew, and then used the Restoration Charm to release the deformation, so that it turned back into an oak tree.

Then, he began to restore the damaged land and stones in the woods with Repairing Charm, and using Growth Charm to restore the damaged plants to flourish.

During this period, he deliberately came to the edge of the woods and dug up the magic item that Parker had inserted into the ground - "the severed arm bone".

But he didn't have time to look more, but put it into the deformed lizard skin bag first.

Then he pulled out a new-looking broom from his leather bag.

Of course he has a broomstick.

Such a useful running artifact, how could he not bring one close to his body?
It's just that no one knows that he has it so far.

Scott got on his broom and flew low, sweeping away all his footprints on the snow with the branches.

Finally, he used magic to transport snow from elsewhere.He was still riding on his broom, and evenly sprinkled a layer of snow on the woods and the surrounding area.

Then he flew higher

Looking at the scene he had sorted out, he nodded with satisfaction.

In the end, Scott hovered in mid-air and pulled a piece of ebony from his pocket.

He took out his wand and used his magic power to inscribe an ancient rune on the ebony.

That's Pertho for [Magic].

He poured his own magic into the rune, and the wooden block suddenly trembled slightly.

Scott held the trembling block in one hand, and under the guidance of magic perception, he slowly flew a few laps in the forest.

The magic power remaining on the scene that belonged to him was absorbed by the rune and disappeared completely.

He flew over the river as fast as he could, and threw the Runewood block, which had become extremely unstable, into the river.

A dull explosion sounded, and the splashing water completely took away the sawdust.

After doing all this, Scott carefully reviewed his behavior again, and was relieved after confirming that there was no omission.

He flew a certain distance on his broom before landing. He put the broom in the leather bag and walked towards the center of the town again.


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(End of this chapter)

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