Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 071. Temporary Dinner

Chapter 71 071. Temporary Dinner

At dinner time, when Scott and his roommates came to the auditorium, it was a little different than usual.

The food on the long table was extraordinarily rich, and the school's teaching staff were also here for the first time ever.

"What's going on here?"

They hear other students discussing.

"Halloween has just passed, and there will be another dinner party?"

"What about him, maybe something good happened?"

"Good thing? You mean Filch the cat was killed by Potter?"

"Don't you know that the cat didn't die at all!"

Scott sees Eddie's "all drunk and I'm awake" look and whispers to him, "Hey Scott, this is definitely a celebration of our victory."

Roger smiled and said, "I think if there's a compliment later, it definitely doesn't include you, Eddie."

"I don't care, I'll leave those conspicuous honors to Scott." Eddie shrugged, "The most important rule in my business is to keep a low profile."

Listening to what he said, Scott shook his head amusingly.

He wanted to ask Eddie what he was doing.

But more and more students passed by them, making them stop talking.

They walked over to the long Ravenclaw table and sat down, greeting those sitting nearby.

Scott hears that many Ravenclaw students are still discussing what happened before.

Whether it was the magic of petrifying the cat or the magic of leaving indelible luminous writing on the wall, they were very interested in research.

"It's a dinner party again, I don't know when I can leave." Milton said suddenly in a trance.

Scott turned to look at him, "What's the matter with you?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Milton smiled again in a trance.

Scott could see that his mind had drifted to nowhere.

At this time, Roger said to Milton with a serious face: "Are you in a hurry to go to the classical music club to listen to that piece of unknown origin? I already said, you better stop doing this."

"As I said, she's harmless, she's just a piece of beautiful music!" Milton said stubbornly, "or you can try to convince your girlfriend."

"Hey! I'm worried about you!" Roger looked at him resentfully.

Milton softened. "Thank you, Roger, but we know what we're doing. You really don't have to worry, you know, you don't even know music."

Roger looked at him in surprise, "You..."

Ding ding ding.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall, who was sitting in the teacher's chair, rang the goblet.

"Quiet," she said. "Professor Dumbledore has something to say to you."

Roger was forced to interrupt, looking a little unhappy.

"Cough cough."

Dumbledore had stood up and coughed twice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I advocate holding this evening's dinner, mainly to give you some good news."

Hearing him say this, the students at the four long tables were a little restless, and they liked to hear good news.

Only a few informed students smiled knowingly.

"About the incident two days ago," Dumbledore exclaimed. "Yes, about the Slytherin Chamber and the heir."

The auditorium immediately fell silent again, and most of the students present involuntarily turned their eyes to the long Slytherin table.

The faces of the Slytherin students turned a little unsightly, but they all deliberately sat with their backs straight.

Only two of Malfoy's big sidekicks were busy stealing food from the table.

Dumbledore didn't seem to notice the reaction of the students, and continued to shout, "Mrs Norris, that poor cat has been petrified."

Scott saw Filch covering his face sadly in the corner.

"But we'll be able to cure it soon."

Dumbledore turned to look at the stout looking witch on the teachers' bench.

"As soon as Professor Sprout's mandrake matures, we can revive it."

The head of Hufflepuff College, professor of herbal medicine, Professor Sprout nodded to the students.

But most of the students didn't care what happened to the damn cat, urging Dumbledore with their eyes, expecting him to say something more explosive.

"Oh, looks like you want to hear about the Slytherin Chamber."

Dumbledore nodded, looking very talkative.

"Forgive me, it's a little long-winded when I'm older."

He continued: "Of course, today's dinner is to celebrate our complete elimination of the Chamber of Secrets threat."

He seemed to be trying to whet his appetite, which aroused dissatisfaction among many students, who even started banging on the table in protest.


Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

She glanced sternly around, and the students immediately became quiet again.

Dumbledore took the opportunity to pick up the cup and took a sip before continuing to speak.

"Someone... yes, I've learned the truth of the matter."

He put down the cup in his hand.

"Someone with bad intentions secretly put a dark magic item belonging to Voldemort on campus. That evil magic item took control of a certain student at the school, and that's the truth of the matter."

When he said the name "Voldemort", the auditorium had become silent.

Scott even saw that many students shivered involuntarily, and their faces became pale.

"Here, I need to praise a few students." Dumbledore continued nonchalantly.

Scott suddenly had a bad feeling.

Isn't it, to be publicly praised?

He intuition that this is a troublesome thing, very troublesome.

"The first is Mr. Trollope of Ravenclaw, and the two Mr. Weasleys of Gryffindor." Dumbledore called three names.

The Ravenclaw students looked at Scott curiously, wondering what he had done.

Scott sat motionless in his seat.

He turned his head to look at Gryffindor, and Fred and George stood up and waved at him.

"Oh, please call us George and Fred, Professor," said George to Dumbledore.

Fred pointed to their other two brothers. "There are four Mr. Weasleys here!"

The Gryffindor students burst into laughter, and Dumbledore smiled and nodded to them.

"These three smart gentlemen helped to find important clues to solve this incident. For this, I will add 100 points to each of them!" He took the lead in applauding when he said this.

Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't say exactly what they did.

If it is known that the "shock body" that shocked the whole Hogwarts was made by him, he may have to fight to the end with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

"Scott, what did you find?"

"Scott, tell us about it!"

Everyone sitting around Scott started to ask questions.

"No, we were just lucky to encounter some clues..." Scott replied perfunctorily.

While Scott was dealing with the curious Ravenclaws, Dumbledore began to praise Potter again.

"Harry Potter, he bravely joined me and two other professors in an adventurous battle and risked his life to help us tremendously in the process."

Dumbledore said happily.

"For this, I will add 200 points to him!"

At the long table in Gryffindor, the students immediately cheered loudly.


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(End of this chapter)

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