Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 581 Fanwai 006. Noah's Fantastic Journey

Chapter 581 Fanwai 006. Noah's Fantastic Journey
"It looks more like where wizards live," Noah whispered.

The street in front of him undoubtedly satisfied some of his fantasies about magical stories.

Unlike the bright and bright new city outside, this street looks narrow and dark, and all the buildings are like building blocks built by some clumsy child, piled up at random and crooked.

Even the bright and lively three-story building in front of the "Weasley Joke Shop" looked a little weird in such an environment.

In such an environment, the freshmen and their Muggle parents were visibly restrained.

"Please don't worry."

Jacob turned back and smiled softly.

"There is no danger here."

With that said, he led the crowd to the depths of the street.

Along the way, Noah saw many old and familiar signs, all of which were shops they had visited in the new city.

For example, Lishen Bookstore, Pattage Crucible Shop, Lady Morkin's Robe Shop, Eila Owl Shop, Gringotts Wizarding Bank...

Finally, they came to the end of the street and saw the sign for Ollivander's Wand Shop.

This is a very dilapidated shop. The mottled handwriting above the door reads [founded in 382 BC], silently telling its ancient history.

Through the glass windows that are not bright, they can only see the dark and crowded scene in the shop.

Jacob pushed open the door of the shop, turned around and said to the crowd, "Let's line up, every time a family comes in, the others wait in place until the person who comes in finishes buying the wand, don't run around."

Hearing this, Noah's father Takun immediately used his strong body to grab the top spot in the team, dragging his wife and son into the shop behind Jacob.

Then, the door of the shop closed.

"Mr. Ollivander."

Jacob said hello, but the shop was still silent.

Noah looked curiously at the crowded cabinets in the store and the long long boxes piled up in the cabinets.

"Mr. Ollivander!"

Jacob raised his volume and shouted, and the sound of something falling to the ground immediately came from inside the store.

"Don't be so loud."

A rickety old man walked out slowly from the darkness behind the cabinet, muttering in dissatisfaction.

He looked terribly old, walking unsteadily, with wrinkles and age spots all over his face, and drooping eyelids.

"It's good to see you're still alive."

Noah heard Professor Kent say this rudely.

"Otherwise I'll have to take these freshmen to those Germans to buy wands."

With trembling hands, Mr. Ollivander pulled a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on, then widened his eyes.

Noah noticed that the eyes of this disgraceful old gentleman were very pale and almost transparent.

"It's you, Jacob Kent." The old man said dissatisfiedly, "Sorry for disappointing you... I said that Ollivander's wand shop won't leave Diagon Alley until I die."

"You are so stubborn."

Jacob shrugged.

"Okay, let's get to work, this little gentleman needs to buy a wand."

Saying that, he pushed Noah in front of Mr. Ollivander.

Mr. Ollivander came closer and stared at Noah's face, so frightened that Noah took two steps back one after another.

"Oh, the freshman at Hogwarts again?"

"Yes... yes, sir."

"Stand out your dominant hand!"


Noah found the process of buying a wand very strange.

Mr. Ollivander first measured him with an automatic tape measure, then took the trouble to bring out different wands for him to try and wave in his hand.

In the process, he caused some big and small troubles more than once, messing up the wand shop, but Mr. Ollivander didn't care.

"I haven't seen a customer as picky as you in a long time... Ha!"

The old man became a little excited, and bent over to rummage.

"Try this!"

He took out a black box and took out a black wand from it and handed it to Noah.

Noah reached for the wand.

In an instant, he felt that a certain energy in his body that was chaotic and restless became calm.

As he waved gently, a small white flower grew from the tip of the black wand.

"That's it!"

Mr. Ollivander smiled happily.

"Ebony with dragon nerves, twelve and a quarter inches long, one to one replica of some great man's wand."

His expression looked very proud, and he leaned in front of Noah.

"Of course, that genuine piece is also my work."

"how is this possible?"

Noah heard Professor Kent's unbelievable voice.

He turned his head and saw that Professor Kent, who had always had few expressions, finally changed his face.

He looked at Noah in surprise, as if he was looking at someone else.

"Also from Hastings, is it a relative?" he whispered.

"What... what's wrong?"

Noah looked at the wand in his hand and didn't know what was wrong.

"It's nothing, it's a good thing."

But Jacob was reluctant to say more.

"Okay, now that you've got your wand, pay quickly and wait outside."

Noah could only walk out of the wand shop with some uneasy heart, accompanied by his parents.

While waiting, Noah held his wand and kept guessing.

"Who is the big man they are talking about?"

He was very curious.

"Okay." Mother Chara patted his head. "When you come here for school, you'll know everything."

Tarquin muttered, "It sounds like a guy from Hastings, maybe a guy we know."

The small town of Hastings is not large, and most of the residents there know each other.

"Not many people have left town over the years," Charla said. "I can't think of any great people from us in Hastings."

Tarquin's eyes lit up, "Maybe it's the Trollope family, they have been away for more than 20 years."

"No, they just immigrated to Spain." Chara denied, "It's not that the old Trollopes haven't come back over the years, they still keep their old house."

"Then I don't know." Takun shook his head.

At an angle that the couple did not see, Noah's eyes lit up.

He knew who the big man in Professor Kent's mouth was.

It must be that Mr. Trollope!

Mr. Trollope was the son of the old Trollopes, whom Noah had met in Hastings.

Noah always felt that the gentleman and his wife looked mysterious, completely different from the people around them, and couldn't even fit into the atmosphere of a seaside town like Hastings.

Thinking about it now, there was something about them that seemed to miss the wizards he saw in the wizarding world.

This discovery excited Noah.

But he didn't tell anyone about his guesses, and when he was back in Hastings waiting for school to start, he often wandered down the street where the Trollope's old house was, trying to see the mysterious gentleman again.

However, his wish seemed to be in vain.

The owner of the old house never showed up, and only people from the intermediary company came to maintain the house on a regular basis.

It wasn't until a few days before school started when he stepped out on the street again and saw the mysterious gentleman sitting in the garden drinking tea with his wife.

Noah ran outside the garden gate excitedly.

However, the moment he met the eyes of the other party, his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to say.

Only then did he realize that his behavior seemed impolite and dangerous.

This summer, he has read a lot of books about common sense in the magic world, and he knows that many wizards have eccentric temperaments, especially those powerful wizards.

"'s me...I offended..."

Noah stammered.

At the same time, his heart was full of annoyance, and his mind began to imagine his tragic ending uncontrollably.

Maybe he will turn me into a mouse, and my parents don't recognize me, but they just think I'm missing.

"No, I won't turn you into a rat."

Scott looked at the little guy outside the door amusingly and spoke gently.

"You, you know what I'm thinking?"

Noah's eyes opened wider.

"Of course, I also know your name."

Scott waved, and the garden door opened automatically.

"Come in, Noah, Jacob told me about you."

Noah, who was standing outside the door, hesitated for a while.

But driven by curiosity, he mustered up the courage to walk into the garden.

"excuse me."

He tugged at the corners of his clothes, trying to make himself look more polite and polite.

Scott said to Luna, "I think he might be a Gryffindor."

Luna said, "It could be Slytherin too."

Scott nodded in agreement, "That makes sense."

"Come and sit, little one."

Luna stood up with a smile, led the boy to the table and sat down, and shared some refreshments with him.

"Thank you."

Feeling the kindness and friendliness of this lady, Noah couldn't help but relax.

After that, the couple no longer cared about Noah's existence and started chatting on their own.

The content of their chat is very rich.

Magic, Fantastic Beasts, Potions, the institutions of the wizarding world, or a certain friend are all topics of theirs.

Noah didn't ask any questions, just listened quietly.

Noah couldn't understand most of the content, but he listened carefully, and even forced himself to memorize it.

This will definitely be useful.

he thought to himself.

Years later, Noah, a senior at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Slytherin, often reminisces about this scene.

"It was a fantastic afternoon."

In order to integrate into the academy, he shared that experience more than once with friends he met at school, and the friends always listened tirelessly and cast him envious glances.

Similarly, Noah thanked himself at the age of 11 more than once.

He really tried to memorize a lot of what the Trollopes chatted about.

Although they were just casual chats, those chats that he forcibly remembered helped him a lot in the days to come.

But unfortunately, perhaps because of Noah's story, many people tried to meet Mr. Trollope at the old house in Hastings, and after that, no one could approach there again.

And Noah never saw Mr Trollope again.

But he had already made up his mind to take the exams at Asgard University of Witchcraft and Wizardry after finishing the course at Hogwarts.

He wanted to come to Mr. Trollope in a dignified manner with his own strength, apologise to him, and thank him.

 Noah's story is over.

  But the episode isn't over yet. The next episode is Scott's last story, about whether to choose immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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