Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 579 Fanwai 004. Noah's Fantastic Journey

Chapter 579 Fanwai 004. Noah's Fantastic Journey
July 2022, England, the town of Hastings.

After breakfast, Noah, an 11-year-old boy, walked out the door.

This is the beginning of the summer vacation after graduating from elementary school, and he is ready to go to sea with his father's fishing boat to experience the storm.

At this moment, he saw a gentleman in a strange black robe and a top hat suddenly appear outside the door of his yard.

"When did he stand there?"

Noah murmured and came to the door of the courtyard.

"Hello, sir," he asked politely. "What's the matter?"

The other party also responded politely, "Hello, I'm here to find you, Mr. Evans."

"Me?" Noah looked at each other in surprise.

Why would a strangely dressed adult come to him?

The other said: "Noah Evans, 11 years old, right?"

"It's me." Noah nodded.

He looked up at the other party's pale face and dark eyes with little blood, and felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, Noah's father, Takun Evans, came out of the house.

Takun is a tall and strong man who works fishing at sea all year round, making him look older than his actual age.

"Who is you?" He looked warily at the stranger who spoke to his son at the door.

"I'm Jacob Kent," the other party replied. "A teacher from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, here to enroll your child."

"Magic school?" Noah's eyes lit up.

"We're not going!" Tarquin refused, "Noah has already chosen the middle school he wants to attend, and we won't allow him to learn any magic!"

"It's magic."

Jacob emphasized one sentence, and suddenly his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"Noah is a little wizard."

As the voice came, Noah and his son turned back quickly and found that Jacob was already standing inside their garden.

"I think you should have noticed it long ago, didn't you?" he asked with a smile. "Some unexplainable strange things must happen during the growth of the little wizard."

"What's this? So cool!"

Noah looked at Jacob who suddenly appeared behind him in shock. He had been conquered by the opponent's hand.

"Wizard?" Tarquin was also shocked at the moment, "I thought he was just a little weird."

At this time, Noah's mother Charla also came out of the house.

"And please tell us more about wizards, Mr. Kent," she pleaded.

Apparently, she had also heard their conversation in the house just now.

"of course."

So Jacob was invited into the house by the family.

"In the past, Hogwarts would use owls to send admission notices to young wizards, but the presence of these owls in the Muggle world often caused a lot of trouble, and now it is simply the teachers who come to the door."

As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Noah.

"Fortunately, Hogwarts still only needs to guide the freshmen in charge of the British Isles... oh, thanks, ma'am."

He took the hot tea from Chara and thanked him casually.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

At this point, Noah had already started to read the letter.

"Headmaster...Minerva McGonagall...Dear Mr. Evans, we are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"A list of required books and equipment is attached... The semester is scheduled to start on September [-]... Please follow the teacher's guidance and complete the preparations before admission."

"Vice-Principal, Neville Longbottom, sincere."

He finished reading the letter with no end in sight, and then stared at Jacob closely.


He swallowed.

"Is it true? I could really go and learn magic."

"Of course." Jacob smiled gently, "You know you're different, don't you?"

Noah nodded vigorously, "I often break things in my house unintentionally, and once, I automatically returned to the shore when I fell into the water, and..."


Jacob put down the teacup in his hand, stopping the boy's talk.

"It's all because you're a little wizard."

He seemed to see the unease and vigilance of Noah's parents, took out a small wooden stick from his pocket and shook it, turning the tea cup on the table into a real mouse.


In exclamation, he turned the mouse that was about to escape from the table back into a teacup.

"The little wizard must go to school and learn to control his magic, otherwise it will hurt himself..."

He started talking to the two parents about the necessity of going to a wizarding school.

Takun and Chara seemed to understand, but were still a little unsure.

"Then what will he do in the future?" Chara asked worriedly, "I mean, if he goes to study magic, will he be able to live well in the future?"

"Don't worry, the magic world has been peaceful for many years."

Jacob said patiently.

"After graduating from the magic school, he can find a job in the magic world, or he can choose to continue his studies and be admitted to the magic university..."

He just briefly introduced the basic situation of the magic world today, but Noah was fascinated by it.

Finally, when Jacob stood up to say goodbye to them, Noah was still reluctant to part.

"Okay, then we'll meet you at the entrance of King's Cross in London in ten days. That's the only opportunity for you as parents to visit the wizarding world."

After saying this, he immediately disappeared.

"Oh, Dad, Mom, are you saying this is true?"

Noah blinked, for fear that everything that had just happened was an illusion.

Kunta and Chara also looked at each other.

"I think so," Charla said.

For the next few days, Noah felt that each day passed by extraordinarily slow.

Finally, on the agreed day, Noah, accompanied by his parents, took the train to London.

At the crowded King's Cross, they finally saw Professor Jacob Kent again.

At this time, there were several families like them around Jacob, and nervous expressions were written on their faces.

"Okay, it's finally here."

Jacob beckoned.

"Please come with me."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the station.

The Evans family hurriedly followed behind him, and Noah looked around, so nervous that he was not in the mood to talk to the peers around him.

Jacob walked with them, not going to the station hall or the platform, but to a somewhat hidden door.

The door was bare and had no number.

He pushed open the door and walked in.

"Good morning, Professor Kent, freshman?"

With a greeting, Noah saw the scene behind the door.

A large hall.

"Hello, Gerber," Jacob replied to the young man who greeted him. "Yes, this is this year's new students and their parents."

Gerber nodded and hurriedly greeted, "Hello, you are welcome, please come here to line up."

Noah and the others followed his instructions and stood in line in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Noah, who was in the first place, looked at himself in the mirror, and was a little confused, so a female voice came from the mirror.

"Noah Evans, 2022 Hogwarts Freshman, Pass."

"All right."

Jacob patted Noah on the shoulder and made him stand aside.

"Taquin Evans, parent of freshman Noah Evans, via."

At this time, the identity of Noah's father was reported in the mirror.

"This is a necessary process to enter the magic world." Jacob explained to Noah, "Your files have been backed up long ago."

After everyone passed the test of the mirror, Jacob led them to the center of the hall again.

The ground here is outlined with complex patterns with metal, and some huge gems are also inlaid, making everyone's eyes straight.


Jacob said aloud, raising his wand.

"Going to go!"

Then, a dazzling white light enveloped them all, obscuring their sight.

"Okay, welcome to New Diagon Alley Plaza!"

Hearing Jacob's voice again, Noah slowly opened his eyes.


Exclamations came one after another, and everyone looked at everything in front of them in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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