Chapter 567

Inside the white tower.

Scott and Savannah ran up the spiral staircase one after the other.

A giant wolf followed closely behind Savannah.

On the back of the wolf, Aaron, who was bound by vines, let out a deliberate cry of pain from time to time because of the bumps.

But at the moment, Scott and Savannah ignored him.

Shocking magic rituals are arranged on each floor of the tower, and many dazzling magic items are preserved.

But Scott didn't have time to explore right now.

He just passed by in a hurry, keeping everything in his heart, and studying it after making up his mind.

Running non-stop, they reached the top floor of the tower in the shortest possible time.

This layer is a bit peculiar.

Different from the appearance of the tower, this floor is transparent from the inside to the outside, whether it is the spire above or the surrounding walls.

The ground is smooth white slate, and in the center is a flower bed in the shape of a six-pointed star.

There are many lush and colorful exotic flowers and plants growing in the flower beds.

"This is……"

Savannah looked at the plants in the flower bed in surprise.

She is very familiar with these plants and has recognized many herbal medicines that have become extinct in the outside world.

Scott looked up over the flower beds.

A few bronze-colored gears with simple shapes and no decorations floated above the flower bed, rotating slowly.

These gears are large and small, the largest diameter is at least three meters, and the smallest diameter is only as long as an arm.

"It seems that this is the exit."

Scott looked at the largest gear.

The round hole in the center of the gear is like a door opening, a translucent light curtain. In his perception, there are some strong spatial fluctuations.

"Let's go out first."

He put away the portrait of Ravenclaw, turned into a peregrine falcon, and flew into the space channel in the center of the gear.

In a flash, he was already in the center of the small island in the middle of the lake surrounded by apple trees.

After he landed and changed back to human form, Savannah and the giant wolf also appeared beside him very quickly.

"Where are they?" Savannah asked, "Can you feel it?"

Scott said: "There is still induction, don't worry, any space magic is forbidden in Avalon."

Savannah understood, "Although this means that your magic will also lose the ability to break through space, but correspondingly, they cannot escape through space magic."

Scott looked at Aaron, "We can't take him with us for now."

Savannah nodded.

Aaron immediately widened his eyes and looked at the two of them vigilantly, "What are you trying to do? Are you trying to abandon me?"

"Get some sleep, Aaron."

Scott smiled and directly gave him a stun spell.

"It's not safe." Savannah said, "Druids are very resistant to the Stunning Spell."

"and this."

Scott took out a bottle of life and death water and poured it into Aaron's mouth.

He threw away the medicine bottle and looked at Aaron's injuries.

"If you don't want him to die, just treat him." He turned to Savanna.


Savannah frowned, and finally cast a spell to heal Aaron's injury hastily.

She raised her hand and dragged Aaron from the wolf's back to the ground, gave him one last look, and then jumped onto the wolf's back.

"Let's go."

She held out her hand to Scott.

At this time, Scott looked up into the distance.

"Something strange, they accelerated."

he frowned and said

"The current position is almost approaching the thorn forest outside Apple Island."

With their current speed, it may be difficult to catch up with them.

"If they want to get out of Avalon..."

"The exit is at the border due north."

Savannah glanced up at the sun in the sky.

"If we're going to catch them, maybe we have to challenge the sky."

Scott looked at the cloudless sky and the sun hanging in the sky.

"Then let's try..."

"Gungnir" combined with "Yuktrazil" locks the target through the soul breath.

But when Slytherin fled, it seemed to be invading Medea's soul.

If he is allowed to find a chance to succeed, his soul breath will change.

At that time, Scott's magic will also lose its target.

In short, if you miss this time, you may not be able to catch him again in the future.

Scott didn't want an enemy hiding in the shadows.

"it is good."

Savannah agreed very simply.

"Or, you can wait for me here."

Because Savannah described the sky as dangerous, Scott proposed to pursue it alone.

Savannah shook her head.

"I said, I can help you."

She jumped off the back of the giant wolf and looked at Scott firmly.

"This is also for the enmity between Slytherin and the Doherty family."

Scott looked her in the eyes.

He knew that even if he stopped him now, she would follow.

It's too late to say more.

"Then together."

He swung his wand at the giant wolf made of vines.

Those vines first turned into a silver-white titanium alloy, and then the giant wolf's body also began to deform.

Complex rune circuits crawled across its surface.

Scott took out another gemstone containing magic power from the deformed lizard skin bag and threw it over.

A flash of light flashed.

Finally, what stopped in front of the two of them was a very handsome Hippogriff.

Scott walked over, patted its head, turned over and rode on the horse, and extended his hand to Savannah.

After pulling Savannah onto the horse, Scott patted the hippogriff's neck again.

The Hippogriff raised its front hooves and let out a cry, then spread its wings and flew up.

As the altitude increased, Scott immediately felt the heavy pressure.

That's not a physical pressure like gravity, but a powerful mental one.

It's like an unarmed baby facing a man-eating monster, making people unable to bring up the absolute oppression of resisting the mind.

"That's why the crow would fall when I tried it with the crow," Scott said loudly.

As he spoke, he was running Occlumency at full capacity, waving his wand at the same time.

"Armor protection!"

"Call God Guard!"

An invisible magic barrier enveloped the two people, including the Hippogriff.

A peregrine falcon flew out of the moonlight-like silver light and flew around the two of them.

Scott felt the pressure lessen, to the point where it was barely bearable.

At this moment, Savannah also recited a long mantra.

In a fresh green light, countless white petals are scattered.

A few slender green vines flew out, connected with those petals, and formed two crowns of thorns by themselves, which fell on the top of their heads.

When the crown of thorns was put on the top of the head, the oppressive force of countless absences was immediately reduced by half.

Scott laughed, reached up and gave a thumbs up.

Then, he snapped his fingers in the motion of thumbing.


The magic barrier that enveloped them shattered and disappeared.

"set off!"

huh... huh...

As the Hippogriff flaps its wings, the Hippogriff manipulates the airflow to create a hurricane.

The invisible wind rolled up, wrapping itself, as well as Scott and Savannah riding on its back, forming a peaceful space.

In a blink of an eye, the Hippogriff flew out of the small island in the middle of the lake riding the wind.

Then it flew over the small lake, which was as clear as a mirror, over the grass, and came to the top of the silent forest.

Scott's patron saint of the peregrine falcon turned into a silver swirling streamer, always closely following him.


Scott heard Savannah exclaim.

"Look in the sky!"

Scott looked up, and he found that the originally sunny and cloudless clear sky had become cloudy at some point.

Layers upon layers of dark clouds gathered together, becoming extremely thick and getting lower and lower.

There was a dull rumble of thunder.

The twisted lightning snaked like a long snake.

The dark clouds are surging, like a giant beast whose body is large enough to cover the sky is rolling.

The oppressive feeling that had been reduced was strengthened again, and even the Hippogriff flying in the wind became slow for an instant.

"It's awake!" Savannah exclaimed.

Scott frowned.

Although he has only seen normal natural phenomena, this is Avalon, and nothing seems impossible.

But instead of stopping the hippogriff, Scott continued to accelerate.

The swirling hurricane wrapped them around, and they were speeding all the way.

The next moment, pouring rain fell.

Fortunately, the hurricane controlled by the Hippogriff kept them surrounded, and the swirling wind smashed the raindrops and flung them off, so neither Scott nor Savannah got wet.

The dark clouds overhead are visually getting closer and closer to the ground.

The thunder was loud, and the blinding lightning twisted and hung down from the dark clouds.

A bolt of lightning struck straight at the fast-flying Hippogriff.

The excited cry of the hippogriff pierced the sky.

In the nick of time, it dodged deftly and passed by that bolt of lightning.

Lightning exploded at close range, and the dazzling light made it hard to keep your eyes open.

But that appears to be just the beginning.

Starting from the first attacking lightning, more and more lightnings poked their heads out from the dark clouds, forming an extremely dangerous upside-down forest.

The Hippogriff was still riding the wind, fearlessly moving through the storm and lightning, always dodging it with a slightly different posture.

But the forest below suffered.

From time to time, towering trees were struck by lightning from the sky, and the ignited flames were extinguished by the heavy rain, leaving only black smoke and dust floating.

"It's near!"

Scott kept looking ahead.

At this time, they had come to the edge of the forest. There was a piece of grass in front of them, and there was a forest of thorns where demons danced wildly in the lightning.

"He did not leave the Thorn Forest."

He felt a little strange.

"It seems to have stopped."

The hurricane whistled sharply, and the hippogriff accelerated again.


Leaping over a thicket of thorns, he saw a familiar black flame.

The black flames burned wantonly in the rain, forming a ring-shaped wall of fire, blocking the surrounding moon vines.

In the wall of fire is a piece of burned, bare land.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen Medeas among them.

Most of the Medeas are showing their abilities, trying their best to resist the never-ending attack of "Gungnir".

There was only one Medea with her eyes closed, standing in the center of the protection of the other Medeas, with black mist billowing around her.

When a hurricane came, all the Medeas looked up except for the one standing in the center.

At this moment, "Gungnir" penetrated a Medea's body, turning it into ceramic fragments all over the place.

The other Medeas immediately guarded their hearts and began to work together to resist "Gungnir" again.

Scott stopped the hippogriff and watched it condescendingly.

He didn't know whether Medea was Medea herself at this time, or whether she had been replaced by Slytherin.

In short, Medea's way of resisting "Gungnir" is not clever, she relies on a steady stream of ceramic dolls.

Whenever a ceramic doll is destroyed, other Medeas will use local materials to make new ceramic dolls from the soil to supplement it.

On the black soil, a thick layer of white ceramic fragments had accumulated.

"Then add another fire."

Scott held out his right hand, which held his wand.


The golden spear took shape in an instant, aiming at Medea, who closed her eyes tightly in the center of the crowd, and flew over.

The spear instantly penetrated Medea's body like a beam of light.

But Scott shook his head.

The target has been shifted ahead of time, swapping places with the ceramic puppet on the side.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A dazzling green light came from below and reached Scott in an instant.

At the same time, two bolts of lightning staggered from above, greatly reducing their evasion space.

Do you still have a match?

Scott cursed secretly, and directly transformed into a peregrine falcon, using the small body of the peregrine falcon to avoid the pincers of the killing curse and lightning.

Without his reminding, Savannah also turned into an eagle.

Only the poor hippogriff, because it was convenient for Scott and Savannah to avoid it, so it couldn't move, it was directly hit by the lightning and the death curse, and its body fell downward.

The heavy body of the hippogriff fell into the black flames below, it struggled to stand up, but was melted in the flames, and then disappeared.

Scott and Savannah landed in the thorn forest around the black flames, and turned back into human form.

Through the black flames and twisting thorns, they couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the wall of fire.


The long wooden stick in Savannah's hand fell to the ground, and green light spots fell, quieting the surrounding moon vines.

"It has indeed changed."

Scott frowned.

The black flames in front parted, revealing the scene at this time.

Originally there were more than a dozen Medeas, but only two remained in the end.

One Medea looked at them leisurely, but the other had already been penetrated by two long spears.

Whether it was Scott or Savannah, their perceptions were very keen, and they immediately understood how the situation in front of them was caused.

"You're more unkind than I thought, Mr. Slytherin."

Scott's tone was a bit complicated.

There is no doubt that Slytherin invaded Medea's body and soul.

He parted a part of Medea's soul and used her as bait to attract "Gungnir".

Because Slytherin possessed Medea and left, and the "Gungnir" launched by Scott at that time was undoubtedly aimed at Medea's soul breath.

The lightning in the sky still did not stop.

In the bright and dark light, the two faces of the two Medeas looked extraordinarily strange.

(End of this chapter)

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