Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 561. The White Tower and the White Tombstone

Chapter 561. The White Tower and the White Tombstone

The two small boats arrived at the central island of the lake almost simultaneously.

The four jumped from the boat to the shore one after another.

Scott looked up at the fruitful apple tree in front of him, and smelled the unique fragrance of apples.

"Aren't you going?"

Medea walked to his side and asked softly.

Scott turned to look at her.

"what about you?"

Medea smiled.

"Let's go."

With that said, she walked into the apple grove first.

"see you later."

Aaron waved at Scott and Savannah, and followed behind Medea.

The figures of the two soon disappeared.

Scott was not in a hurry to leave, but asked Savannah curiously, "Is there anything special about the apples here?"

Savannah smiled, but did not answer.

She stood on tiptoe and picked an apple and took a bite.

"good to eat."

Scott also raised his hand and took one off to observe.

The apples are bright red, without any blemishes or dust.

This place is not like a wild apple grove, but an orchard that has been carefully tended by people.

He took a bite of the apple, and his eyes widened slightly.

The pulp is crisp and juicy, and he has never tried such a sweet fragrance.

So he speeded up the speed of eating the apple.

After eating an apple quickly, he not only felt full, but also felt that his exhaustion had been eliminated.

"It really isn't an ordinary apple."

He stared at the fruit tree in front of him.

This is much better than potions that restore physical strength, not to mention the difference in taste.

"Can these apples be transplanted?"

He wanted to transplant this apple grove into [Odin's Eye] space.

"Okay." Savannah smiled.

Before Scott was happy, she said, "But you need a druid to take care of them for you."

Scott was instantly disappointed.

Savannah raised her hand to stroke the tree trunk, a green light flashed in her palm.

"Don't be too disappointed. If I'm not wrong, it can be transplanted without druids, but the effect of the apples grown by then will only be one-fifth of the effect here."

"One-fifth is enough."

Scott nodded in satisfaction.

"However, let's talk about it later."

With that said, he threw away the apple core in his hand, raised his feet and walked forward.

Since there was no straight path, the two circled around the apple grove several times, and finally came to the center of the island.

The area here is not large, not as big as a classroom.

But Scott didn't see Mordred, nor Medea and Aaron.

Also did not see King Arthur's tomb.

It's just an unremarkable lawn of weeds.

The only thing special is the white square stone in the middle of the lawn.

"Is there still a second floor space?"

Scott walked to the front of the square stone with doubts, and saw the footprints on the flat stone surface.

Savanna also had doubts, "It seems that this place can be teleported to another dimension?"

"Then go up and try."

Scott held out his hand.

"it is good."

Savannah held his hand, and the two stood on the square stone together.

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and Scott felt his body suddenly fly up.

It's not the kind of flying up lightly, but it seems to be thrown away by some kind of force, and there is no force in the body.

In order to avoid being separated, he could only hold Savanna's hand tightly.

Fortunately, this kind of alternative flight time is not too long.

After a while, the two were thrown heavily into a field of flowers.

Smelling the familiar scent of flowers, Scott took a while to get up.

What you can see is a familiar sea of ​​flowers.

It was exactly the same as the sea of ​​flowers when I saw Merlin in my dream.

"here is?"

Savanna's tone was full of shock.

Scott looked at the white tower in the distance.

That tower is not in the dream world.

"Let's go."

He greeted and walked towards the white tower.

As he walked, he didn't know why, but he started to run.

"What's wrong?" Savannah asked.

"do not know."

Scott himself didn't know why.

But he decided to follow his inner impulse.

He ran faster and faster, and then directly transformed into a peregrine falcon, flying at the fastest speed.

Behind him, Savannah also turned into an eagle.

Flying at full speed, they quickly reached the front of the pure white and flawless tower.

The tower had only one entrance at the bottom, without any doors or windows, and Scott landed at the entrance, transforming back into human form.

Savannah followed closely behind.

"That is?"

Scott saw the same pure white tombstone on the side of the tower.

There is also the familiar bright silver knight spear inserted in front of the tombstone.

He didn't rush into the tower, but walked to the tombstone.

There is only one line of words engraved on the clean tombstone——

[Eternal King Arthur is buried here]
"This knight spear..."

Savannah was a little surprised.

"What's going on? Where's Mordred?"

Scott also looked at the knight's spear.

At this moment, the gun seemed to have been completely purified by some kind of force, and even Savannah couldn't feel the smell of blood.

He shook his head and looked towards the white tower.

"I can only go to the tower to find the answer."

With that said, he bowed to the tombstone, turned and walked towards the white tower.

Savannah also bowed and followed his footsteps.

There was no door at the bottom of the tower, and Scott and Savannah walked directly into the tower.

The first thing that catches the eye is a bronze color.

click... click...

Accompanied by the sound of countless organs running, Scott looked at the huge magic device in front of him in shock.

Countless copper-colored ring metals are constantly rotating at different speeds and directions, and in the center of the magic device, there is a huge copper-colored metal eye suspended.

"This is the clairvoyant eye."

Medea's voice came from upstairs.

Scott followed the sound and saw Medea standing at the entrance of the upper floor, looking down at them.

"You are not surprised at all, you really know a lot."

Medea was clearly watching Scott's reaction.

Scott was noncommittal.

"Can this thing see the future now?" he asked.

"No," said Medea, "its energy has been exhausted."

With that said, she turned around and walked into the entrance on the upper floor.

Watching Medea's figure disappear, Scott smiled.

"Are we going up?" Savannah asked.

"No." Scott raised his eyebrows, "Let's go out."

Savannah didn't ask why, she just followed him and walked out of the white tower.

Even after walking out of the tower, they did not stop, but walked further and further.

Finally, they stood in the endless sea of ​​flowers, looking at the white tower from afar.

"It's a little bit different than what I imagined," Scott said, "but that's okay, we'll just wait and see."

Savannah nodded.

She raised her long wooden stick to the ground, and several thick green vines emerged from the ground, quickly forming a set of simple and elegant tables and chairs.

"Please sit down."

She said with a smile.

"it is good."

Scott laughed too.

The two sat down on chairs, and Scott also took out a bunch of snacks and drinks.


A figure quietly appeared and sat on the empty seat.

"Aren't you curious?"

Merlin still had that two-dimensional image.

He sat lazily, with his elbows resting on the armrest of the chair, his palms on his cheeks, and a smile in his eyes.

Scott smiled and said, "Isn't it going to be soon?"


Merlin blinked, and disappeared before his eyes again like a phantom.

It is worth noting that Savannah, who was at the side, never noticed the process of his appearance and disappearance.

Scott and Savannah didn't have to wait long.

After a while, Medea and Aaron came out from the giant white tower.

Behind them, followed by a cloud of black mist.

"Is that the boy?"

An old voice came from the black mist.

"You are talking about non-existent people."

"Yes." Medea replied, "Father."

The black mist swept all the way, accompanied by countless rolled up petals, and soon came to Scott and Savannah.

The black mist is intertwined, forming a somewhat illusory head in the air.

Bald head, sharp mouth monkey cheeks, long beard.

Exactly the same as the statue of Slytherin in the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets.

The head opened its dark eyes.

He ignored Savannah and looked straight at Scott.

"I'm Salazar Slytherin."

"Since you are also a student of Hogwarts, you should stand up and salute me."

He said confidently.

"Feel sorry."

Scott was unmoved, just smiled perfunctorily.

"I'm a Ravenclaw student."

"Student of Rowena?"

Slytherin narrowed his eyes.

"Still a Ravenclaw student?"

"Both," Scott said.

He raised his hand, and a small blank picture frame flew up, suspended in the air.

Then, a beautiful figure appeared in the painting.

"Long time no see, Salazar."

After a thousand years, seeing his old friend turned into a cloud of black mist again, Ravenclaw still had a dignified and reserved smile on his face.

Slytherin just glanced at the portrait with disdain.

"If it's the real Rowena, I'll definitely have a good chat with you, but I'm not interested in communicating with the portrait."

Hearing him say that, Ravenclaw in the painting was not angry either.

"I don't mean to communicate with you, Salazar." She said calmly, "I'm just a witness."


Slytherin spoke to her again playfully.

"I thought you were begging me for the students."

Ravenclaw in the painting said: "No, I believe in my students."

Slytherin laughed.

"A portrait taught out of the student?"

He didn't take it seriously.

"You should know that even the real Rowena himself has no right to threaten me."

Ravenclaw in the painting did not argue, and still just smiled.

Slytherin said: "You are as annoying as Rowena herself, a snobbish self-proclaimed wise man."

As he spoke, he looked at Scott.

"Your student is different from you. If he is in Slytherin House, he will develop better."

Scott said: "Thank you for your affirmation, but unfortunately my parents are both Muggles, so they are not suitable for Slytherin House."

Slytherin frowned.

He turned his head to look at Medea who was coming, and asked very dissatisfied, "Thousands of years have passed, and the power of the Holy See can still threaten wizards?"

Medea shook her head, "No, the Holy See has lost its extraordinary weapons and memory of wizards, and now they can only affect Muggles."

Slytherin turned his head and asked Scott again, "Since the Holy See is no longer a threat, why does Slytherin House require blood?"

"Probably because of tradition." Scott shrugged.


Slytherin made a very curt assessment.

But he soon gave up worrying about such things.

"Forget it," he said, "I've long since lost interest in these things."

He didn't say anything, and flew directly towards King Arthur's tombstone.

Medea stood in front of Scott and said with a smile, "If you want to stop it, it's still too late."

"Why stop it?" Scott also smiled at her.

"It's good that you don't regret it."

Medea withdrew her gaze, turned and walked towards the tombstone.

Aaron stayed on.

He sat on the empty seat very familiarly, looked at Scott, and then at Savannah.

"You still say you didn't date my sister?" He said to Scott with a smile.

Before Scott had time to say anything, Savannah got up, picked up the long wooden stick, and slammed it hard at his head.


Aaron yelled exaggeratedly, rolled from the seat to the ground, and scrambled to avoid the long wooden staff.

"Stop hitting! I was wrong!"

He yelled, got up and ran towards Medea's back.

Because Savannah didn't catch up, he took a step and turned around to make a face.

Both Scott and Savannah ignored him, and he followed Medea towards the tombstone.

At this time, Slytherin had come over the pure white tombstone.

The black mist that made up the head dispersed, rolled, and turned into pure black mist.

The blackness in the fog was getting thicker.

Medea walked to the tombstone and held out her left hand.

The bone pierced the skin of her palm.

She held the white bone with her right hand, and pulled the pale bone wand out of the flesh and blood in her palm.

Aaron also took off the short wooden staff hanging from his waist.

The two moved their steps, one left and one right, and stood beside the tombstone.

"It's now!"

Scott heard the Slytherin's order.

Both Medea and Aaron waved their wands at the tombstone.

A red light beam merged with a green light beam to form a white lightning bolt.


The white lightning struck the pure white and flawless tombstone, leaving scorched black marks.



Lightning struck the tombstone one after another.

"Does this look really good?"

Savannah was a little restless.

"That's King Arthur's tombstone!"

She stared angrily at the behavior of Medea and Aaron.

"We were not King Arthur's subjects, nor did we take an oath of allegiance to him," Scott said.

Even Merlin didn't stop him, so what's the matter with him, a descendant?

Savannah still couldn't stand it.

Scott shook his head at her.


Lightning kept coming.

Gradually, a crack appeared on the thick tombstone.

The cracks gradually expanded and spread, and soon covered the entire tombstone.


Accompanied by another bolt of lightning, the tombstone of the Eternal King collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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