Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 548 548. The Hijacked "Milton"

Chapter 548 548. The Hijacked "Milton"


Scott stepped forward, kicked the black robe away, and looked down at the pile of white tiles on the floor.

After a while, he pulled out the [magic mirror] and started contacting Mr. Graves.

"Is everything all right with you?" he asked. "A mouse just ran into Milton's apartment..."

"Are you all okay?" Mr. Graves asked anxiously.

"It's okay, Milton is staying with his mother in a different dimension..."

Scott recounted in detail what had just happened.

"...In short, the other party is not a real person, but a ceramic doll."

"It's that lady's confidant! Only a few people were taught the magic of possessing dolls by her!"

"Do you know their specific identities?"

"Sorry, I don't know. I only found out about this news by spying on Zabini."

"Then, what about the 'ceramics' who were resurrected by Medea in the Battle of Azkaban?"

"They ... have been hiding since then and haven't shown up again."

Scott said he understood, and asked Mr. Graves to notify him if there was any situation, and then hung up the communication.

After that, he collected the ceramic shards on the floor and entered the [Odin's Eye] space.

In the villa, Scott avoided Milton's mother and told Milton what happened just now.

"Thank you, Scott." Milton looked at him gratefully, "If it weren't for you..."

Scott had heard enough of the words of gratitude, and quickly stopped him, telling the next arrangement.

"I'm going to Spain for Christmas, do you choose to stay here with your mother, or go to Hogwarts?"

Milton considered for a while, and chose to stay in the different space.

After he was sure, Scott left the [Odin's Eye] space.

Going home this time, he still chose to use Apparition.

But unlike the last time he nearly overturned the car, as his mastery of space magic deepened, this time the ultra-long-distance apparition did not cause discomfort.

He spent a happy Christmas with his family.

Scott still only told his father Michael about the series of events that happened in the wizarding world.

Now that his strength has risen and he has more and more chips in his hand, Michael is also very relieved of him.

In addition, Scott is also considering whether to let his family live in the [Odin's Eye] space.

Although he was very careful every time he came to Spain, he not only blocked his name, but also kept using magic perception to detect if there were any wizards following him.

But things always happen.

Wasn't there another thief who came near the country manor while tracking [Leth Map]?

Although there seems to be suspicion of persecution paranoia, when it comes to family members, Scott feels that he can't be too careful.

Scott told his father what he thought.

But Michael refused.

"Your mother and I can hide, but what about your uncle and aunt, and your cousins, especially the older two, they all have their own families and careers."

Scott had to think of another way.

For the safety of his family, he almost exerted his highest level of alchemy so far. Within a few days without sleep, he spent some precious materials and produced two magic items that even Muggles could use.

After making it successfully, he took the finished product he made——

A bunch of accessories and a key came to Father Michael.

"This is a ring that allows you to control magic power for a short period of time."

Scott first took out a ring and introduced it to his father.

"This function can be realized because of this gem."

He pointed to the sapphire set in the ring.

"It's a jewel of magic."


Michael put on the ring with interest.

"how do I use?"

"It's the last step."

Scott made him remove the ring, took some more of his blood, and used it to carve several runes on the face of the ring.

"that's it."

"Oh? I'll try."

Michael was in high spirits.

"I'm afraid not."

Scott stopped him.

"You don't have magic power. I took advantage of our blood relationship to allow you to forcibly activate the ring and burst out the magic power contained in the gemstone."

"This also means that the magic power of the explosion is uncontrollable, so this ring will be easily damaged."

"Disposable items?"

"No, it's just..."

Scott shrugged.

"I don't know how many times I can use it."

"Besides, this ring will activate itself when you are in danger."

"It serves three purposes."

"First, create a magic barrier to bounce off other people and all magic attacks near you to protect your safety."

What Scott didn't say is that the ring can create a magic barrier with space magic, and even the Killing Curse can be temporarily resisted.

Of course, this was also the reason why the ring was judged to be easily broken by him.

"Second, teleport the wearers of these accessories into the magic barrier."

Scott took out another pile of exquisite ornaments.

There are brooches, cufflinks, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, hairpins and other styles, and each accessory is inlaid with magical gemstones.

But these ornaments cannot be activated by the wearer, only when the owner of the ring, that is, Michael activates that ring, they will be activated simultaneously.

"Third, activate this key."

Scott produced another long brass key.

"After the key is activated, it will immediately transfer the target in the magic barrier to the [Odin's Eye] space."

"I understand."

Michael nodded.

He glanced at the dark circles on Scott's face, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Go and have a good rest, son, and leave the rest to me."

Scott nodded.

Before leaving, he turned his head and said with a smile: "Among those accessories, there is one special one. When its owner is in danger, the ring on your hand will automatically activate."

"For your mother?"

Michael laughed too.

He accurately found the necklace that best suited Emilia's aesthetics from a pile of accessories.

"You're right, even if your enemies come to you, they won't go past Millie and me to find your uncle and the others."

The Christmas holiday was over, and after making arrangements, Scott returned to the UK one day earlier with peace of mind.

In the past few days, nothing has happened to Mr. Graves.

Of course, Scott wasn't judging solely by Mr. Graves' notice.

Considering that Mr. Graves and his son were subdued in an instant and he could not be notified of his situation, he had already placed "eyes" in the old Mr. Graves' house through the hands of Mr. Graves.

With the improvement of alchemy level, Scott's "eyes" now can not only play a monitoring role, but also automatically warn through remote contact with [Magic Mirror].

Back at Milton's apartment again, Scott squinted his eyes for the first time.

Someone came again.

Although he didn't feel the remaining magic power fluctuations, compared with when he left, some things in the house were not placed in the same way.

"Don't give up yet?"

He muttered, but didn't understand what the other party was doing.

There has been no movement from Mr. Graves, but instead he ran into the apartment again and again.

Scott reached out and opened a light door, entered the [Odin's Eye] space, and brought Milton out.

"Your grandfather might have been a tricky man."

Scott to Milton.

"If not, why would they try to take you hostage?"

"I don't know." Milton shook his head. "I don't know my grandfather at all."

Scott said, "I remember your grandfather wasn't the only son of your father?"

Milton said: "Didn't my father tell you? My great uncle's family has disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Scott raised an eyebrow.

Milton said: "I also heard from my mother that their family disappeared long ago, but my grandfather was not in a hurry. My mother thought they must have gone abroad to hide."

"I see."

Scott nodded knowingly, then stood up.

"Let's go out for a walk."

"what do you mean?"

"If anyone's been staring here, let them know you're here again."

Scott opens the apartment door.

"I want to know if there is anyone who will appear directly in front of us, and if he does not dare to appear, we can also find him."


Milton agreed.

He took his wand with him, as well as a Scottish bagpipe.

Scott asked, "Can you work musical magic on instruments other than the cello?"

Milton nodded, "Although it's not as effective as the cello."

The two left the apartment, went downstairs and walked around the neighborhood.

"Target found."

Scott looked up at the top of a bank building across the street.


He took the lead in running, and came to an empty back alley with garbage cans piled up, and directly Apparated amidst the screams of a wild cat.

But when he came to the top of the bank building, he happened to see a figure in a green robe Apparate away.

And Milton didn't follow.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

Scott was about to return to the alley, when suddenly the magic power surged in the concrete floor under his feet, and the opponent's preset anti-apparition spell took shape.


Scott turned into a peregrine falcon and swooped down directly across the street.

But the back alley, with its garbage cans and stray cats, has been erased and lost its trace.

Scott in the form of Animagus cannot use magic perception. He can only land in another uninhabited alley, transform back into a human form, and then use magic perception to find the hidden alley.

This time he quickly discovered the clue.

Turning around and running, Scott went around a certain distance and rushed directly at a seemingly solid wall.

For a moment, he returned to the alley where the trash cans were piled up.

The man in the green robe was waiting here, pressing his wand against Milton's temple.

"You're late, Trollope."

The man in the green robe wore a hood, only showing his face below the tip of his nose.

"It's you again." Scott felt it carefully, "This time it's the real body."


The other party laughed confidently.

"Don't do anything, Trollope, or I can't promise I won't hurt your friend."

"Sorry, Scott."

A hijacked Milton looked devastated.

Scott didn't speak.

"Now, throw away your wand," the green robed man said to Scott.

Scott smiled, "Do you think a wand is necessary for me?"

"Then don't move! Don't make any moves!"

The green-robed man said viciously.

"As long as you move a finger, I will kill him!"

"You won't kill him." Scott said affirmatively, "He's still useful."

"Then completely ruin his hand!"

The man in green obviously knew Milton's weakness.

"How about making this musical genius never play music again?"

Milton's eyes widened in horror, and a few tears rolled down, but he tried his best not to make a sound.

Scott said with a cold face: "If you move your hands, I can guarantee that you will not be able to leave here."

"Don't get excited."

The other party smiled "hehe" again.

"The reason why I am here waiting for your return is to bring you a word for the respected Ms. Slytherin."

Scott stared at him, "Say."

The man in the green robe said: "My dear Ms. Slytherin said that she is very interested in the prophecy ball you took from the Ministry of Magic a few days ago."

Scott had a shocked look on his face.

The green-robed man said proudly: "Unexpectedly, your whereabouts in the Ministry of Magic are all under our control."

Scott said coldly: "Then please tell Medea, don't forget what happened to Voldemort and the Death Eaters."

"To shut up!"

The green-robed man suddenly became angry.

"how dare you!"

"How dare you compare a loser like Voldemort with the honorable Lady Slytherin!"

"In my opinion, there is no difference between them."

Scott also said angrily.

"Medea was once defeated by Voldemort!"

"You want to piss me off?"

The green-robed man suddenly laughed again.

"But I'm not going to be fooled."

The wand in his right hand was always held firmly, and his left hand was also firmly holding Milton's shoulder.

"The words have been brought, so farewell, Trollope."

"and many more!"

With a loud "pop", the man in green robe disappeared in place with Milton.


Scott yelled.

Then, he clenched his fists and lowered his head.

No one saw that the corners of his mouth were rising.

But he quickly adjusted his expression, made an anxious look, and also disapparated and left the place.

In the blink of an eye, Scott had arrived at the outskirts of the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest.

He opened the light door casually and watched Milton walk out of the light door.

"Did it work?" Milton asked expectantly.

Scott nodded.

"He's already taken another fake Milton."

"I do not know what to say……"

Milton still had an expression of disbelief on his face.

"But no one has ever used Transfiguration to conjure a living human being, and a wizard at that!"

"I just let him put on a skin like yours." Scott said, "Inside it is an alchemy doll that can automatically transform."

Thanks also to Mr. Geoffrey for his contribution of alchemical knowledge and materials.

Scott took out the [magic mirror] and tapped on the mirror.

"We'll soon see what Fake Milton sees and hear what he hears."

[Magic Mirror] soon appeared on the screen.

"here it is……"

Scott looked at the environment presented in the picture and always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where it was.

(End of this chapter)

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