Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 543 543. Explore another secret room

Chapter 543 543. Exploring Another Secret Room

"This harvest is really unexpected..."

Scott took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement.

"It's also the biggest fortune I've ever seen."

Helena was equally shocked.

"Now, these are yours."

"You feel……"

Scott looked at the gold coins again.

"If I want to exchange these ancient gold coins into Galleons, will the goblins of Gringotts be willing?"

"I do not know."

Helena shook her head slightly.

"The style of these gold coins is also different from the ones I used in my lifetime. They are much older."

"Forget it, they're all gold anyway."

Scott decided not to think about it for now.

"Quickly, Scott, take all these things back to the villa!"

Rimbaud yelled loudly.

"In the future, I can stay there and help you guard these gold coins and gems!"

"You just want to have a shiny nest."

Scott relentlessly debunked its purpose.

"It's not a conflict!"

Rimbaud worked hard to fight for himself.

"up to you."

Scott didn't deny its request.

He walked to the box and grabbed a handful of gems and put them in his pocket.

"Let's go to the next chamber."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the pipe slide.

Rimbaud quickly chased after him, "Shouldn't you remove all these things first?"

"There will be a lot of time to deal with these treasures slowly." Scott replied, "The most important thing now is to get the advanced knowledge of 'Gungnir'."

"I didn't expect you to be so calm."

Helena sighed.

"Even I temporarily forgot about the other chamber when I saw these things."

"These things are here and they won't disappear."

Scott turned into a peregrine and flew into the tube slide.

After a few minutes, he flew out of the ground through a passage in the stone slab.

He didn't stay nearby, but flew directly over the square where the alchemy array was running, and after circling in the air, he landed and turned back into a human form.

At this time, the ice giants are working in full swing.

They carried all the building materials and threw them into the alchemy circle that occupies a larger area.

As the light came on, the alchemy circle was running, and some materials that could respond to magic power were automatically stripped out and flew into another smaller alchemy circle.

During the operation of the small alchemy array, the materials are further purified, sorted, and classified.

There are actually not many usable materials stripped from building materials.

The ice giants had brought in a mountain of building materials, but only a few pieces of metal the size of a fist had been smelted.

Scott puts the ice giants on hold.

He walked to the center of the square and took down the [magic crystal] placed here.

The light was extinguished, and the alchemy array immediately stopped functioning.

Scott looked at the [magic crystal] in his hand.

Although it couldn't be discerned with the naked eye, he felt that the [Magic Crystal] had become smaller again.

This made him feel distressed, so he quickly put it away.

"How did you put it away?"

Helena looked at him puzzled.

"I felt like I was in a losing business."

Scott was a little annoyed.

"Exchanging precious pure magic power for those alchemy materials is not worth it."

That is pure magic power with a high degree of adaptability, and it has only accumulated so much in more than 1000 years.

As he spoke, he took out a few gems from his pocket.

"I want to try and see if I can use these gems instead."

As he spoke, he placed a gemstone in the alchemy formation.

As the gems shone slightly, the alchemy array started to work again.

Helena reminded him, "You should know that these natural gemstones with magic power are also non-renewable resources."

"I know."

Scott threw the other gems in his pocket into the alchemy formation.

"But there are a lot of them."

So he won't feel bad.

After placing the gem, Scott stood up and clapped his hands, allowing the ice giant to start working again.

"Now go to another secret room?"

Helena took a closer look at the watch on Scott's hand.

"It's already noon, maybe you should go to lunch."

"No, go to another secret room."

Scott pulled out a sandwich and ate it as he walked.

Another chamber is located on the cliff behind the pyramid.

After eating the sandwich, Scott turned into a peregrine falcon again, and flew up together with Helena and Rimbaud.

Flying to a certain position, they hit the stone wall directly and passed through it.

Landing again and turning back into a human form, Scott snapped his fingers, and the magic power gathered into countless large and small light clusters, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

At this time, they were in a dark corridor.

At the end of the corridor, Gorzan, who was in charge of exploring the way before, was standing guard in front of a huge stone door.

Scott walked to the stone gate.

"Thanks for your hard work."

He bent down and patted Gorzan's huge head.

After making contact with his palm, Gorzan's size rapidly shrunk, and he picked it up and put it in his pocket.

At this time, Helena stretched out her palm and touched the stone door.

"I still can't get in."

Having had the same experience twice, she was already very calm.

Scott also calmly drew out his wand.

"Yuktra Hill!"

A circular passage appeared on the stone door, and Scott bent slightly and walked into the door.

He snapped his fingers again, and more balls of light flew out, illuminating the secret room.

"This is the same as the secret room in the Ice Palace."

Helena floated over and looked up at the tall black stone tablet in the center of the empty secret room.

Scott looked back, and sure enough, the passage on the stone door had disappeared.

"Looks like I have to learn the advanced version of 'Gungnir' to get out," he said.

Helena asked concerned, "Did you bring any food with you?"

"Don't worry, I brought a lot."

With experience, Scott certainly makes himself ready at all times.

Helena felt relieved, "Then you should start studying quickly."

"I see."

Scott approached the stele and first rubbed all the runes on the stele on the parchment.

Then he sat casually against the wall and began to eagerly read the contents of the parchment.

"I see……"

In this way, they stayed in the secret room for eighteen days.

Eighteen days later, Scott started breaking down doors.


As he waved his magic wand, the originally somewhat abstract golden light was transformed into an exquisite spear.

The spear floated in front of Scott, between illusion and reality, the tip of the spear trembled slightly.

Just looking at this gun, one can feel an extremely powerful sharpness.

With Scott's thought, the spear burst out instantly, passing through the thick stone door without hindrance.

The stone gate shattered inch by inch, turning into rubble and falling.

Scott turned to face the black stele.

The golden light flashed past.

The long spear did not disappear, but turned around and flew back, passing through the stone tablet with lightning speed.

The black stele was also shattered.


Scott looked at the pile of black gravel with some disappointment, waved his wand again, and checked it over and over again.

"Is there no reward?"

"You've got a lot," Helena said with a smile.

"Well, I should really be content."

Scott put away his wand and walked outside.

"Go, death has waited too long for Mr. Jeffrey."

 Be lazy today, only 2000 words are updated.

  The plot of this secret realm has come to an end here.

  After that, Scott will return to Hogwarts, and the last main plot of the book will also start.

(End of this chapter)

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