Chapter 520
"I started."

Milton held the bow and nodded.

"The piece I played was Schumann's Cello Concerto in A Minor."

Then, the thick and full sound of the piano sounded.

Scott got into the mood of the music faster than ever.

Milton did not choose a movement composed by himself, but played a masterpiece by German composer Schumann.

There are no virtuosic passages in this cello concerto, but a sensitive and meticulous inner expression from beginning to end.

There is a kind of elegance from the heart, full of poetry.

But the important thing in this performance is not the music, but the magic.

When Scott was immersed in Milton's performance, he quickly felt the difference keenly.

There is a slight magic that spreads in the air with the sound of the piano.

Soon, Scott noticed some slight changes in his state.

The exhaustion brought about by the train ride all afternoon was gradually decreasing, and at the same time, his thinking became clearer.

This feeling of clear thinking is somewhat similar to the effect of wearing the [Ravenclaw Crown], but it is many times lighter.

Is this Milton's musical magic?

Scott looked at Milton in surprise.

At this moment, Milton was closing his eyes lightly, immersed in his performance.

It's amazing.

Scott thought.

This is simply an excellent "assistant"!
Although the effect of music magic is minimal at this moment, unlike the crown, that crown can only be worn by one person, but music can be heard by many people at the same time.

What's more, this is just Milton's starting point.

He has blazed his own path, and Scott can foresee that Milton's music magic will change many people's understanding of magic.

As Scott thought about this, the effect of the musical magic became weaker.

But when he got rid of distracting thoughts and continued to immerse himself in the performance, the effect began to increase again.

Milton didn't play the entire movement, but even if he finished the first movement and the music stopped, the effect of the musical magic didn't disappear immediately.

Scott waited for a while, knowing that the feeling of clear thinking was gone, but the exhaustion that was removed did not return.

"That's remarkable, Milton."

He applauds with Eddie and Roger.

"Yeah, how on earth did you do it?" Eddie looked at Milton in amazement, "It's amazing!"

"Thank you."

Milton smiled contentedly.

"I told you, Eddie," he said to Eddie, "just like we cast a spell, use emotions to drive magic, let magic affect reality."

Eddie looked confused, "Yes, you said it, but I still think it's neither scientific nor magical!"

Roger smiled and said, "Come on, Eddie. You don't know music, why should you figure this out!"

Scott nodded, "We just need to know that Milton is a real genius, and that's enough."

"Thank you for encouraging me."

Milton said with some embarrassment.

"But my musical magic leaves a lot to be desired, it's too weak right now."

"It's already great."

"I never thought that you could realize the hypothesis that Scott said at that time."

"I also thought he was just talking nonsense."


Scott was a little dissatisfied.

Although his purpose when he said that was to encourage Milton, it wasn't nonsense, okay?

Because of Medea's demonstration, he knew that music could also be used to cast magic, so he encouraged Milton to try.

"You can also give me some suggestions." Milton said again.

Roger scratched his head, "Suggestion? But we don't understand music. Through continuous practice, the effect of music magic will become stronger and stronger?"

"I guess that's not the kind of advice Milton wants to hear." Eddie gave him a disdainful look.

Scott asked Milton, "Your idea should be to use different music to contrast different emotions to achieve different effects?"

"You're right." Milton nodded.

Scott thought for a while, "My suggestion is to select the few tracks with the best effect and focus on practicing according to different needs."

Milton nodded again, "What else?"

"It's best to be able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy."

Scott conceived from the perspective of the game.

"What would you do if a war broke out, like the Death Eaters attacked Hogwarts last term?"

"Now your music works for everyone who hears it."

"But what if you only add buffs to your own people, or only interfere with the enemy?"

"Then your abilities can interfere with the direction of the entire war to a certain extent."

"This..." Milton hesitated, "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Oh, sure, it's really hard."

Scott stood up.

"But you can develop the genius of musical magic Milton yourself, and I believe you will do it."

Roger and Eddie also encouraged each other.

"Scott is right, we all think highly of you, Milton!"

"You have to believe in yourself, that's right!"

The three of them poured a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul to Milton, which made Milton dizzy.

"I... I will try hard!"

He clenched his fists, his eyes gleaming with struggle.

In this way, the life of the new school year began.

From the second day on, Scott was busy.

In other words, the students who went to Beauxbatons last school year were a little busy.

After all, having missed a whole year of Hogwarts classes, they both needed some time to adjust.

Although there are classes in Beauxbatons, after all, they are studying with different professors. The learning progress and curriculum arrangements of the two schools are somewhat different, which requires them to adjust themselves.

In addition to taking classes, Scott also needs to spend more time on his research on the two super magics of "Gungnir" and "Yuktra Hill".

With the [Eye of Odin], these studies are carried out secretly in the space.

Scott also kept in mind the fact that Malfoy was haunted in Knockturn Alley the day before school started.

Not just because of curiosity, but also because he had promised Dumbledore to help them obtain information about the Death Eaters and Voldemort.

In short, Scott sent Rimbaud to Knockturn Alley with a group of crows after school started.

It may be that there are too many people coming and going in Knockturn Alley every day, or it may be that the activities of the Death Eaters are very cautious, but so far, Rimbaud and the others have not found any useful clues.

However, because of investigating this matter, Scott remembered a plot in the "Original Book" that he had forgotten.

In the "Original Book", Malfoy was not expelled from Hogwarts, and he also received Voldemort's task of killing Dumbledore.

In the end, he introduced several Death Eaters into Hogwarts Castle by restoring a disappearing cabinet hidden in the Room of Requirement.

There are two disappearing cabinets, one in Hogwarts and one in the "Bojinbok Store", and the two can be connected.

Although Bock has been assassinated by Scott, the dark magic item shop is still in operation.

Thinking of this, Scott immediately felt that it would be safer to completely destroy the disappearing cabinet.

So on Saturday afternoon, the first week of school, he walked into the stash room of the Room of Requirement.


Looking at the vast room full of sundries, Scott had a headache.

It's not easy to find that cabinet in there.

Not to mention, Scott and the others had made a big fuss here in the past.

The mess was made even messier by the farce that Fred was controlled by a wand that absorbed magic and automatically released the Hurricane Charm.

After all this time, the mess here has not improved.

Because this is just a place to throw things away, and even those hardworking house-elves don't come here to tidy up.

For convenience, Scott turned into a peregrine falcon and flew around the room a few times.

As expected, he did not find the disappearing cabinet.

Then he searched carefully for a long time, but still couldn't find it.

This alarmed Scott.

He tried arithmetic divination, but in the end he couldn't get an accurate answer.

To be on the safe side, he called all the members of the "Tower of Babel", including Helena.

"Oh, Scott, what are your plans?"

"Can we recruit new members?"

Fred and George asked excitedly.

They seem to be impatient to discover the "Tower of Babel" organization.

"I want Angelina to join us."

"And Alicia."

Oh, they wanted their girlfriends to join in the fun too.

"You can talk to them about our goals in an indirect way," Scott said. "If they are really interested, of course we welcome it."

"Oh, we will."

"But there are more important things today."

Scott talked about his purpose in calling them here.

"Have you heard of the disappearing cabinet?"

"We've heard!"

It was still the twins who were most interested in alchemy who spoke first.

Without Scott asking, they took the initiative to explain the function of the disappearing cabinet to others.

Helena said: "Hogwarts does have a disappearing cabinet, but I remember it's broken, and the other one doesn't know where it is."

"I saw it once in the Room of Requirement, in the hiding room."

Scott told what he knew.

As he spoke, he took out the [Magic Mirror] and clicked on a "photo".

"This was taken when I asked the crow to investigate in Knockturn Alley."

He points to somewhere in the photo.

"I suspect the other vanishing cabinet is the one in Borginburg's store."

"Oh, Knockturn Alley!" Eddie immediately reacted, "It's because you sensed Malfoy's magic wave that day!"

Roger asked, "Are you worried about Death Eaters invading Hogwarts through the Vanishing Cabinet?"

Scott nodded.

"If someone fixes it, it's possible to sneak in."

"Although it was just a sudden association, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I was going to destroy the disappearing cabinet hidden in the Room of Requirement, but I couldn't find it."

Luna blinked, "Did someone secretly hide it?"

"I used arithmetic divination to calculate it." Scott said, "The answer I got was a bit vague. I can only be sure that the disappearing cabinet is still in Hogwarts castle."

Milton understood what he meant, "But the castle is so large, it's hard to determine where it is."

"Oh, so you mean, start a scavenger hunt."

"Find where the disappearing cabinet is!"

said the twins excitedly.

"We love this event!"

"Let's go to the Room of Requirement and look for it first." Scott said, "Maybe I didn't search too carefully just now, after all, there are too many things there."

After deciding, the group came to the Room of Requirement and entered the huge room.

"Let's find them separately!"

"This is a big project!"

The few of them separated, starting from different directions, and began to rummage through the debris.

Because Helena can come and go freely, she moves the fastest. While searching, she is also responsible for helping others to determine whether the cabinet they found is the disappearing cabinet.

"Oh, I found another cabinet!"

"That's not it."

"Is it this one?"


More than an hour later, the members of the "Tower of Babel" got together again.

The result of everyone's joint search is still nothing.

There are many cabinets of various styles and colors in the house, but unfortunately none of them are disappearing cabinets.

"It seems that someone has indeed hidden the disappearing cabinet." Helena's expression became more serious, "What you are worried about may indeed happen."

"Let's tell the professors about this as soon as possible." Milton said with some concern.

"Professor Dumbledore does need to be informed."

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] again.

"More importantly, if we can find the disappearing cabinet, we can take the initiative, and maybe we can find the current stronghold of the Death Eaters."

As he spoke, he used the [Magic Mirror] to send out a communication.

Soon, the figure of a raven appeared in the mirror.

"Oh, it's Rimbaud!" Luna greeted the mirror, "Hello, Lord Black Wing!"

"Oh hello, Luna!"

"How is the situation over there?" Scott asked directly, "Has the disappearing cabinet been bought?"

"Not yet." Rimbaud replied.

"Keep watching."


"If there is any movement, take the initiative to inform me."

Scott hung up the comms.

Fred asked him, "Are you thinking..."

"Just as you think."

"If someone buys the disappearing cabinet in the Borginburg store, and we find another one hidden in Hogwarts, we can sneak attack their stronghold before they act."

"Of course you can't act on your own in this matter." Helena emphasized, "Even if you find the disappearing cabinet, you can't try it, it's too dangerous!"

Scott nodded, "Of course, raiding Death Eater strongholds is the job of the Ministry of Magic Aurors."

"Oh, act quickly." Fred urged, "We must find the hidden cabinet as soon as possible."

Scott turned to Helena, "Is there a way to quickly check the other rooms in the Room of Requirement? There are too many changes here, and no one knows if we can try to call all the rooms."

Helena nodded, "Leave it to me."

"I can rest assured that."

Scott said to the others.

"We're in charge of looking elsewhere in the castle, and I'll use the [mirror] to tell Dumbledore about it."

(End of this chapter)

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