Chapter 513
On the endless sea, Scott, who had put on warm clothes, sat in the magic barrier, looking up at the starry night sky.

Below, Sirene manipulated the water flow, making the magic barrier half-float on the water.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Rimbaud, standing on Scott's shoulder, asked.

"That's right, here it is," Scott said.

"I've calculated it too, and the location shown by the coordinates is here."

Helena, who was also observing the starry sky just now, also gave an affirmative answer.

"Start sinking," Scott commanded, "Sirein!"

Hearing his order, the sea water that had been supporting the magic barrier began to surge, forming a huge water ball that completely wrapped the magic barrier, and then sank below the surface of the sea.

Scott raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, bright light occupied every corner inside the magic barrier, and at the same time illuminated the sea water outside the barrier.

Sirene sank very fast, and it didn't take long for Scott to feel that the magic barrier protecting them became a little overwhelmed under the squeeze of the sea water.

He drew out his wand, and used the Iron Armor Curse to create a huge spherical barrier outside the barrier created by [Magic Barrier Ball].

After that, he has been outputting magic power steadily, maintaining the stability of the spherical magic power barrier.

After about half an hour, they finally reached the bottom of the sea.

The first thing that caught my eye was a shipwreck.

Although the sunken ship was very dilapidated, Scott could still barely see that it was the old wooden ship in the [Sailor's Astrolabe] illusion.

"It's here."

He asked Sirene to push the magic barrier to the vicinity of the sunken ship.

Then Scott stood up and held the eye-shaped pendant on his chest [Odin's Eye] with his left hand.

Afterwards, he recited an awkward incantation, pointing forward with the wand in his right hand.

Dazzling golden light came out from between the fingers of his left hand, and immediately after that, a golden beam shot out from the tip of the wand.

The light beam penetrated the two layers of magic power barriers without hindrance, and shone on the dilapidated wreckage of the sunken ship.

Those golden lights seemed to move freely, drawing one initial rune after another in the water.

Those runes were still spinning randomly at first, but when the fourteen runes were connected end to end to form a complete circle, they stabilized.

As if a hidden mirror was broken, or a curtain was suddenly lifted, the runes formed a circular space passage, and Scott and the others could see the icy and snowy scenery on the other side of the passage.


Scott directed Sirin to push the magic barrier forward and enter the circular space passage.

With just a blink of an eye, they left the sea and appeared in a world of ice and snow.

There was whimpering wind in my ears, large flakes of snowflakes were flying one after another, and the ground around me was as if it hadn't melted for thousands of years.

At the foot of the continuous icebergs in the distance, the magnificent ice palace stands tall.

Hearing the sound of "click", Scott looked back.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the water polo wrapped around Xi Leiyin was solidly frozen into a solid ice ball.

Scott cast several warm and constant temperature spells on himself, then retracted the [Magic Barrier Ball] that affected their actions, and removed the magic barrier built by the outer armor spell.

Before he opened his mouth, the icy cold wind seemed to penetrate everywhere, from his nostrils and even every pore into his body.

He even felt that his body became much stiffer in these few seconds.

"Are you OK?"

Helena was not affected by the temperature, she looked at Scott with some concern.

Scott shook his head.

He hurriedly cast a head-soaking spell on himself, and only then did he feel that his breathing became easier.

"I'm fine," he said.

Then, he began to rescue Syrain, who was frozen by the ice puck.

He didn't try to destroy the ice ball with a spell, but directly used the transformation technique on the ice ball to peel off Xirein intact.

Sirene fell to the ground, flicking his tail helplessly.

Obviously, it no longer dared to create water currents, and it also lost the ability to move freely here.

"Thank you, Sirene, you can rest now."

Scott smiled and put it into the [Odin's Eye] space.

After rescuing Syrain, Scott waved his magic wand at the huge ice cube that the puck had just turned into.

Under the light of the transformation spell, the ice cube deformed rapidly.

The first thing that appeared were four huge sled dogs, their bodies were made entirely of ice and snow, and they were still alive and kicking in such a harsh environment, even shouting excitedly.

What followed was a huge sleigh, not so much a sleigh as a small house built on a sled.

Transformation ends.

Scott looked at his work with satisfaction.


He was the first to climb into the sled and entered the interior of the small house.

Helena and Rimbaud also followed.

With a preliminary understanding of the space super magic "Yuktra Hill", it seems that the interior space of the small house is actually very large.

When Scott used Transfiguration just now, he integrated his mastery of space super magic into it at the same time.

That is to say, while transforming, the interior of the house has been inscribed with a rune circuit that expands the space.

This set of rune circuits is simplified from the original set of runes associated with "Yuktrassil".

Closing the door, Scott went to sit on the couch at the inner side of the room while waving his wand to light a fire in the fireplace.

After reaching out to warm himself by the fire, he sighed comfortably.

At the same time, without his special instructions, the sled dogs had already pulled the sled and started running.

The target is of course the Ice Palace at the foot of the iceberg in the distance.

"I've never seen anything like it."

Helena floated to the window and looked out of the house through the transparent window.

"In my almost thousand-year memory, apart from the Ravenclaw family castle and Hogwarts castle where I grew up, there is only the forest in Albania."

Scott told her: "As far as I know, the ghost is not bound in one place. When Sir Nicholas's death anniversary party, almost all the ghosts in England went to it."

"You are right."

Helena glanced back at him.

"The only one bound by Hogwarts is Peeves, because he is a troublemaker who relies on the school to exist."

Scott added, "But neither you nor the other ghosts leave Hogwarts so rarely. Is there any reason for that?"

"There's no particular reason." Helena said, "Ghosts are all ghosts from the old days. We are all homeless, and Hogwarts is our home."

"That's right." Scott laughed.

Helena added: "But other ghosts don't stay in Hogwarts Castle all the time. In short, ghosts also have their own social activities, but I never go to participate in activities outside of Hogwarts."

She looked out the window again.

"Now that I think about it, I was firmly bound there by myself."

Saying that, she laughed.

"I didn't expect that I, who was always stupid when I was alive, will still be stupid after death. I still don't look like the daughter of the great Ravenclaw."

"You are not my daughter, so who is?"

Ravenclaw's voice sounded.

Just now, when Helena was expressing herself, Scott put the [small blank picture frame] that he carried with him on the table beside him.


Helena felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Helena, you don't have to feel too much emotion."

Ravenclaw said softly.

"Even if you have become a ghost, you can still have a new experience. I hope that when you leave completely, there will be no more regrets in my heart."

"I will, mother."

Helena nodded solemnly.

"Well, tell me about the current situation."

Ravenclaw looks at Scott in the painting.

"Yes, mentor..."

Scott began to describe the current situation.

Afterwards, he and Ravenclaw continued to discuss the problems encountered in the practical application of the super magic "Yuktra Hill".

At present, Scott is still unable to use this super magic freely. The so-called use of the previous transformation is only a simplified version, which only plays the role of expanding the space.

As for the direct casting of this super magic, Scott has practiced many times, but unfortunately the effect is not ideal.

Although he can already create spaces out of thin air, the spaces he created are very small, so small that they are too small even as a carry-on package——

Only the size of a fist.

A space of this size is undoubtedly useless.

As for the subsequent progress, it is not just a matter of brushing proficiency.

Magic is not a martial art, it cannot be memorized by the body and forms muscle memory.

In the final analysis, magic is still a kind of application of knowledge, and the principles must be understood.

The deeper the understanding, the better the use of magic.

Unfortunately, Ravenclaw mentors can't help much in this regard.

After all, Ravenclaw had no experience in this area during his lifetime.

And the magic portrait is just a copy, and it is generally impossible to learn new things.

In this respect, the magical portrait of the Ravenclaw mentor is already an anomaly, but it is far from the real Ravenclaw himself.

Time flies by in discussion learning.

The sleigh stopped.

"We have arrived."

Helena, who had been staring out the window, sounded a reminder.


Scott stood up from the sofa, waved his hand, and the Ravenclaw frame flew up and floated beside him.

"Then go out and have a look."

He walked to the door, made a head curse on himself, and opened the door.

The biting cold wind poured in instantly.

Scott looked up at the ice palace that was close at hand.

This ice palace occupies a vast area and has a rough shape. It is all formed by the accumulation of extremely huge square ice cubes. There is no decoration on the surface, only layers of long icicles are hung.

At this time, the sleigh cart was facing the high steps in front of the gate of the Ice Palace.

"Let me have a look."

Helena to Scott.

"I should be able to go in directly. You can go in after I confirm the internal security and find out the route of action."

"No." Scott shook his head. "You just need to look at the first space behind the gate, and then you can come out. We can explore slowly in stages."

"Alright, then I'll go and have a look."

Saying that, Helena floated down from the sleigh cart, floated all the way up the steps, and passed through the closed gate of the Ice Palace smoothly.

Scott stood still and waited.

Not long after, Helena came out of the gate and returned to the sleigh.

"It's very foggy inside."

she told Scott.

"The fog is so thick that it will definitely obscure your vision, and I don't know if the fog will be harmful to you."

"In that case..."

Scott closed the door, took out a necklace made of two golden acorns from the deformed lizard skin bag and hung it around his neck, and took out a vicuna skull and hung it around his waist.

Afterwards, he cast another Iron Armor Curse, completely enveloping himself with a magic barrier.

The magic barrier is still a complete sphere, with Scott standing in the middle, Rimbaud resting on his left shoulder, and Ravenclaw's frame floating on his right.

"This should be no problem." He said, "Try first to see if the fog can be broken. If not, I can only go in directly. Of course, even if the line of sight is blocked, I can still use magic perception to find the way."

With that said, he opened the door again and jumped off the sleigh.

Glancing up, he walked up the long staircase.

Helena floated beside him.

"Let me go in front after entering." She said, "If there is danger, I will warn you."

"Then please." Scott nodded.

A few minutes later, they came to the gate.

Scott stretched out his hand and tried to push the door through the magic barrier, but the heavy door in front of him remained motionless.

After thinking about it, he turned and looked down the steps.

The four sled dogs unleashed each other, ran up the steps, and pushed the gate together.

With their help, the door was finally pushed open.

Scott saw what Helena said was a thick fog.

There is gray mist behind the door, and the mist is condensed and thick.

"Fluorescent flashes."

Scott raised his hand, and the tip of his wand lit up.

But the light of the Illuminating Charm couldn't penetrate the fog at all.

Scott increased the output of magic power, even making the light dazzling, but the fog still occupied every corner of the space behind the door, rejecting all the light.

Next, Scott cast a whirlwind to clean the inside of the gate.

But unfortunately, this spell did not have the effect of cleaning up the gray mist.

Unwilling to give up, Scott tried the Hurricane Curse again.

The wind howled, and the gray mist surged, but it still didn't become thinner.

"Burning flames!"

Scott waved his wand again.

Immediately, a raging flame appeared outside the magic barrier.

Scott moved the wand, and the flame was controlled by him to burn more violently, and at the same time spread into the gray mist.

Facing the scorching flames, the gray fog finally receded slowly.

"So the weakness of these fogs is flame?" Helena said happily.

"Then let the flames burn more violently!"

Scott swung his wand wildly.

In this world of ice and snow, there is no fear of fire at all.

The flames erupted fiercely and began to expand continuously.

Then Scott cast another Hurricane Charm.

Under his control, the constantly rotating hurricane and fiercely burning flames formed a flame storm, sweeping through the space inside the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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