Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 511 511.1 A ridiculous dream

Chapter 511. 511. A Preposterous Dream
That night, Scott's mind was in a mess and he couldn't sleep for a long time.

He repeatedly recalled his experience in the past few years, but he never found any trace of being manipulated.

Everything seems to be just a coincidence.

But there is always a lingering voice in his head——

There is no such coincidence in the world!
There must be something he doesn't know.

This perception made him very uncomfortable and aggrieved.

He wanted to fight against something from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't find a target to fight against.

This time is different.

No matter what difficulties he encountered in the past, even hearing the prophecy about Slytherin, he could quickly maintain his composure.

But this time, he directly broke the defense.

He lay on the bed in a daze, with his eyes open all the time, without opening his mouth, nor was he sleepy.

He even thought of his time travel.

Carrying the memories of the previous life, to be born again across a world, this is also extremely unusual...

"Maybe... is it really a coincidence?"

Rimbaud standing on the headpost of the bed suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

"There are still all kinds of coincidences in life, and some real coincidences are more exaggerated than dramas."

Scott listened to it and knew it was telling the truth.

"You are right."

he said softly.

"Like King Umberto I of Italy and his 'twin', but..."

Although there have been many dramatic coincidences in the world, he still couldn't convince himself.

He didn't think the matter of those two coordinates was a coincidence.

No reason.

That's what his gut told him.

As a wizard, he should trust his instincts.

Seeing that Scott could not be persuaded, Rimbaud asked again, "Then what are you going to do?"

"If everything has traces of human manipulation, what are you going to do next? Do you give up everything?"

"Do not."

Scott sat up straight away.

"I will not give up."

"No matter what, even if this is the path arranged by others, I will continue to walk."

"Only in this way can I get the answer."

Rimbaud said: "In that case, don't think too much about it."

"You are right."

Scott let out a long breath.

"There's no use in thinking too much about it."

He couldn't even tell anyone.

At the end of the day, it's just a gut feeling on his part.

So, instead of shrinking because of this, it is better to throw away the psychological burden and go into battle lightly.

No matter who does what, there will be a purpose.

As long as he keeps going and getting stronger, one day he'll figure it all out.

"Thank you, Rimbaud."

Scott's tone softened a little.

"Good night."

"Good night."

In a daze, Scott fell asleep like this.

At some point, he suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was no longer in the oak hut.

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​flowers in front of him, Scott clearly realized that he was in a dream.

The dream was very real.

Scott felt the warm breeze against his skin and smelled the refreshing scent of flowers in the wind.

He walked in the sea of ​​flowers for a long time, but he never found a way, nor did he see anything other than flowers.

He didn't even have a way to wake himself up from this piece of dream.

He just stood there quietly.

Suddenly, the wind picked up.

Countless colorful petals were blown by the wind, covering his sight.

When the petals were blown away by the wind, a tall figure with white hair appeared in front of him.

His face was extremely handsome, his facial features were flawless, and he didn't look like a real person.

Wearing a white robe decorated with flower petals, holding a graceful staff in his hand.

"Hello, Master of Chaldea. I'm Merlin. People call me the Magician of Flowers. You don't have to be polite to call me Merlin. I don't like formality."

The visitor spoke in a somewhat frivolous tone.


Scott stared dumbfounded at what was happening in front of him.

"What the hell is this..."


Sure enough, this is just a wild dream!


The white-haired youth tilted his head.

"You don't seem to believe it."

As he spoke, he lifted his feet off the ground and floated up.


He floated around Scott, asking puzzledly.

"It's obvious that Merlin appeared according to your imagination, why don't you believe it?"


Scott was a little speechless.

I don't know how to tell him the difference between Two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

"Maybe it's better this way..."

Saying that, the guy who called himself Merlin floated back to his original position and turned into an old man with a white beard.

This time his image looked very old, with layers of wrinkles on his face, and a beard longer than Dumbledore, almost dragging to the ground.

He smiled kindly at Scott, "I know, people have always been more willing to believe that I have such an image..."


At this time, Scott had barely calmed down.

"You..." He said with some difficulty, "Are you really Merlin?"

"What's the matter, doesn't it?"

The old man with white beard blinked and turned into a handsome white-haired young man again.

"Or, would you rather talk to me like this?"

Scott already understood the situation in front of him, so he forced a smile.

"You can do whatever you want."

Merlin didn't change his image after hearing it.

With a friendly smile on his face all the time, he said in a relaxed tone: "Speaking of which, I have never tried this kind of over-fashionable image. In the world you used to live in, did people think I was like this?" ?”

This sentence is very informative.

But Scott steadied himself.

Although a bit reluctant, but still steady.

He said: "In the world I lived in the past, there were various images of Merlin, all derived from people's imagination and creation."

"So that's the case." Merlin nodded, "However, I can accept any image, because I no longer have a specific body."

Scott took a deep breath and calmed down completely.

He thought about many questions in his mind, but asked in his mouth, "So, those legends are true?"

"The legend refers to my identity?" Merlin said with a smile, "People think I'm not a human, but a half-nightmare, right?"

Scott nodded.

"This statement is not correct. Nightmare is not a real creature. Of course, the legend is not without basis."

Merlin continued to speak astonishingly.

"I used to be a real human being, but then, before I died, I placed my spirit in the human dream."

Scott was really surprised now, "Is this kind of thing possible?"

"Why not?"

Merlin tilted his head again with a puzzled expression.

"We are wizards, we have magic, and magic always brings us what we want."

What he said was a matter of course, as if magic should allow wizards to do whatever they want without any restrictions.

Scott didn't know how to complain.

Not everyone can play magic skillfully, and dreams are even more ethereal and invisible. What kind of wizard can do it like him.

But he still understood what Merlin meant.

"That is to say, because you can appear in people's dreams, there are legends of nightmares?"

"You can say that."

Merlin nodded.

He still had a friendly smile on his face, and said to Scott a little too lively: "I didn't plan to come to see you so early, child, but you seem to have a lot of questions."


Scott could feel his nervousness, but he didn't show it.

He looked into Merlin's eyes and asked, "You mean, everything has to do with you?"

"I don't really do much. I can only live in a dream, and I can't do many things."

Merlin waved his hands again and again.

Then, he stretched out two fingers and compared a small distance.

"At most, it just contributed to the flames and played a small role."


Scott didn't believe his nonsense.

"Then..." he asked again, "The thing about my time travel..."

"I did it."

Merlin decisively admitted.

Sure enough it was you.

He also said he didn't do much.

I believe you asshole, you are a very bad old man.

"Why?" Scott asked again.

"Because it's boring."

Merlin replied in a very ordinary tone.

He folded his hands on his chest, hugged the long staff in his arms, and floated up with his feet off the ground again.

"Because I was curious about the future, I built a magic device called [Clairvoyance], but it didn't take long before I regretted it."

Speaking of this matter, his tone was a bit exaggerated, coupled with the floating figure and rich body movements, it looked like he was performing on stage.

"A future where you can see your head at a glance is so, so, so boring."

Scott frowned, "Is the future immutable?"

"of course not."

Merlin pouted.

"But no matter how many variations there are, after I've seen them all, it's just boring."

Having said that, he suddenly floated in front of Scott again, and looked at him closely.

"So I came up with a great idea."

"Summoning magic!"

He did not explain the so-called summoning magic in detail, but looked at Scott solemnly.

Scott is a little confused.

Suddenly, Merlin raised his hand and snapped his fingers again.

"In short, you are the variable I introduced for the future of this world."

He looked agitated, and put his hands on Scott's shoulders.

"Even [Eye of Clairvoyance] cannot observe your future!"

Scott could see clearly, his eyes filled with childlike, pure curiosity and joy.

"Sure enough, I was right!"

"As you grow up, your growth, your experiences, begin to change the established destiny of this world, making this world less boring!"

So am I just a tool man you summoned to watch the show?

Scott was a little annoyed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Merlin laughed heartily and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Never mind, kid."

"I don't care what you do or what changes you will bring to the world."

"So, I won't interfere with you."

"You just have to move forward with your own ideas."

"I thought..." Scott said, "I thought you wanted to lead me to create a new world and completely separate wizards and Muggles..."

"No, I don't think so."

Merlin let go, shaking his head again and again.

"I just think those secrets hidden in the past are very interesting, and maybe they will bring about another change after being revealed."

He really doesn't seem to have any purpose, it's just for watching the show.

Scott didn't know whether he should trust him or not.

At this time, Merlin waved to him.

"Okay, the meeting is over."

"That's all I want to tell you."

"Goodbye, child."

"You can think of these as a dream and forget it."

He blinked at Scott again, and disappeared with fluttering petals.

Scott also wanted to ask him about Slytherin and Avalon, but it was too late.

He woke up from the dream.

Opening his eyes, he found that it was already dawn.

"Good morning, Scott!"

Seeing him wake up, Rimbaud, standing on the windowsill, greeted him.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning."

Scott sat up, a little dazed.

"I dreamed of Merlin."


"I dreamed of Merlin."


"That's really Merlin."

"What's wrong with you, Scott? Need a doctor?"

"Need not……"

Scott didn't think it was just a fantasy dream.

Even though it seemed to be just a dream, he still remembered everything in the dream clearly, without the hazy feeling when recalling dreams in the past.

For Merlin, Scott has very complicated senses and doesn't know how to evaluate it.

After thinking about it, he got up from the bed, sat down at the desk, picked up his wand and tapped the [small blank picture frame] on the desk, and at the same time called out to the Ravenclaw mentor.

"Good morning, my apprentice."

Ravenclaw's figure quickly appeared on the canvas.

"Good morning, Master."

"You seem to have something on your mind? So much so that you summoned me when you were disheveled."

Ravenclaw glanced at Scott, who was still in his pajamas, and frowned slightly.

"Sorry, mentor."

Scott bowed his head in apology.

"I saw Merlin in my dream."

Hearing this, Ravenclaw asked in surprise, "Are you sure that's not an illusory dream?"

"I'm sure." Scott said firmly.


Ravenclaw was immediately interested.

"If what you said is true, then maybe I should get to know this magical world again."

Scott selectively recounted the conversation between himself and Merlin.

What he concealed was only his time travel and the matter of carrying the memory of his previous life.

He made Ravenclaw think that he was just a special soul summoned by Merlin that could not be observed by [Clairvoyance].

"It's interesting."

This was the first reaction of the Ravenclaw mentor after listening.

"Whether it's magic that entrusts the spirit in a dream, or magic that summons a special soul and makes him reborn, it's obviously interesting."

Scott can't help it either, the Ravenclaw mentor is like this, he is very interested in all unknown magic.

Fortunately, Ravenclaw reacted quickly.

"And you think it's all true, Scott?"

"I do not know."

Scott shook his head.

"But I think, if it's really Merlin, he doesn't seem to have the need to deceive me."

(End of this chapter)

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