Chapter 509
The establishment of the secret organization "Tower of Babel" made Scott and everyone very excited.


Although the boys shouted to create a perfect new world that night, on the boat in the Black Lake, the first thing they had to face was the upcoming end-of-year exams.

That's obviously not cool.

But even the most out-of-the-ordinary Weasley twins have to take exams a little more seriously to avoid being spanked by their mum when they come home from summer vacation.

Fortunately, they don't have high demands on themselves.

"It never occurred to us to compare test scores with Bill, Charlie, Percy."

"Of course, it can't be much worse than Ron's grades."

"That way, Mom will see we're not serious."

"She'll talk about us all summer!"

Compared with the Weasley twins, the two Gryffindors who don't pay much attention to exams, Scott and his roommates, as Ravenclaws, are better at exams.

Even though Scott and Roger had stayed at Beauxbatons for half a year and didn't have time to study at all, they were confident enough to at least get decent grades in the end-of-year exams.

Among the six, the only one who didn't have to worry about the exam was Eddie. He was still in the fifth grade, and he had already taken the OWLs exam a week before Scott and the others came back.

So while Scott and his sixth graders were busy with the exams, Eddie was alone indulging in his business experience.

As he said, the Triwizard Tournament merch is really selling well!
Almost everyone at Hogwarts has one.

It's just that whenever Scott sees someone holding a notebook or a water glass with his portrait printed on it, he feels a little embarrassed.

And Eddie wasn't satisfied with that.

Seeing that Scott is not difficult to cope with the exam, even very easy, Eddie began to urge him to complete the post-editing of the commemorative video of "The Complete Record of the 1994-1995 Triwizard Tournament" as soon as possible.

He has already done the publicity, and countless people are eagerly waiting for the sale.

Moreover, Milton has already written the relevant BGM, and even finished the recording.

According to Eddie himself, he has successfully extended his business to Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and has found an agent for the business in each of the two schools.

Scott couldn't figure out how he got his tentacles there.

Anyway, at Eddie's urging, Scott spent the time between exams editing the video.

That night, Scott was sitting on the couch in the Ravenclaw common room, hugging [Magic Mirror] to edit the video.

"Good evening, Scott."

With an erratic voice, Luna came over.

"good evening."

Scott was busy with his work and didn't look up.

Luna didn't care, and walked to the sofa opposite Scott and sat down.

After a while, she suddenly said, "I can see that you have made an important decision."


Scott paused the movement in his hands, raised his head to look at her, and sighed in his heart that Luna's eyes were getting better and better.

"Yes." He replied in his mouth, "Oh, I haven't had time to tell you..."

Then, while working, he told her about his adventures.

"Can I hear it?"

As he began to tell, Helena also floated over.

"Although I have heard some from my mother, I still want to hear what you think."

"of course."

Scott nodded in agreement.

In the process of his next narration, Helena and Luna both listened carefully and did not interrupt in the middle.

Until Scott said that he and several other boys set up the "Babel Tower" determined to create a new world.

"How interesting! Why didn't you invite me?"

This was Luna's first reaction.

Scott wasn't surprised by this.

"Because after the establishment of the 'Tower of Babel', the first thing we have to face is the end-of-year exam."

He said helplessly.

"In other words, we can't do much right now, everything is just slogans, even... I don't know... Is this a seed planted?"

"Of course it is."

Luna looked directly at Scott.

"Maybe my eyes can't see that far, but I can see that this is a beautiful dream, so I also want to join the dream-making process."

Scott looked up into her shining eyes and nodded.

"Of course, that would be great."

he said happily.

"You are an essential member, Luna, and you have special talents that can guide us in the right direction."

Even if Luna didn't bring it up, he would invite her to join.

It's just not enough time yet.

After all, creating a new world is an extremely distant goal, and Luna is still young, so he originally planned to wait for her to graduate before formally inviting her.

Luna laughed, "If I can really help, then I will be very happy."

"very nice……"

Helena, who had been silent just now, spoke.

Scott and Luna turned to look at her at the same time.

"Congratulations, Scott."

Helena said to Scott seriously.

"You've found something meaningful, a great purpose to work towards for life."

"I can foresee that your life will be wonderful because of it."

Saying so, her face revealed an envious look.

"A lost life is meaningless," she said softly, "just like when I was alive."

"You can join us now, Ms. Gray!"

Luna stretched out her hand and actively touched Helena's illusory hand.


Helena looked stunned.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do..."

She was uncommonly flustered.

"I mean... I'm just a ghost, I can't change anything..."

"Do not."

Scott spoke to her seriously.

"You've changed a lot of things, Helena."

"Me?" Helena was a little confused.

Scott nodded.

"Remember, when Medea appeared at Hogwarts, you stood up."

"It was you who brought me to the Ravenclaw mentor. I have to say, this can change my life."

"Even if you don't mention these things, your usual care and help to Ravenclaw students is an indispensable part of college life."

"The Ravenclaws respect you, and even after the students graduate, you are a real part of their memories."

After listening to Scott finish these words, Helena was stunned.

After a long time, she slowly revealed a beautiful smile.

"Thank you, Scott."

she said with a smile.

"I never thought about it. I think it is also a meaningful thing to become a ghost and exist in the world."

Scott laughed too.

"Then, Miss Helena Ravenclaw."

He stood up and performed a formal wizard salute.

"I solemnly invite you to join the secret organization called 'Tower of Babel' and work with us to create a new world."

Helena nodded slightly.

"I'm honored," she said.


Luna clapped happily.

In this way, both Helena and Luna officially joined the "Tower of Babel".

The members of Scott's secret organization become seven people plus a ghost.

"So Scott, do you have a plan to achieve the ideals of the organization?"

Helena quickly entered the role and began to ask Scott, the currently incompetent leader of the organization, about the organization's program of action.

"Planning for the short term is what I'm working on."

Scott gestured for her and Luna to look at the [Magic Mirror] in his hands.


The two ladies looked at the video in [Magic Mirror] with some incomprehension.

"To be honest, I never thought that I would have such an idea one day."

Scott said with a bit of embarrassment and embarrassment.

"To put it bluntly, the first step in the plan is to make a name for yourself."

You know, in the past, he has always respected the ancient wisdom of "making a fortune in silence", and strives to keep a low profile in everything he does.

But now, in order to achieve the goal of "Babel", he has to change his style of doing things.

Both Helena and Luna nodded in understanding.

"You are right." Helena said, "If you want to realize your grand ideals, you need more helpers. In this way, it is also necessary to gain fame and expand your influence."

Luna also said: "Yes, you need a strong appeal."

So is Scott's thinking.

Creating a new world is more than just talk.

Otherwise, even if he really learned the ancient super magic named "Yuktra Hill" and really opened up a new world, he might not be able to move all the wizards into it.

In that case, everything he did would be meaningless.

If he just wants to create a "Xanadu" for his relatives and friends, then he doesn't need to do much, because the space in [Odin's Eye] is enough.

Based on these, Scott has changed a lot in his future plans.

He has already decided.

In the foreseeable future, he will have to play a more important role in the British wizarding world's war against Voldemort.

Also, the prophecy about him and Salazar Slytherin, depending on the situation, can even be made public directly if appropriate.

Of course, these are just some of his thoughts, and he didn't talk about them with anyone.

Being able to have such an idea is also because of the powerful strength brought about by the super magic promotion that gave him confidence.

Although the Ravenclaw mentor said he had only stepped on the threshold, he did have the qualifications to stand on the top.

Compared with before, the rest of the road has been much easier.

Of course, Scott is conscious, and it's not time to put those ideas into action.

Before that, he still had a lot of things to do.

After that adventure, for example, he hadn't had time to have a proper talk with Dumbledore.

And, after getting the [Heart of the Sacred Tree], he had to go to the Sea of ​​Oaks to communicate with the leader of the druids, Savannah's grandfather.

Not to mention, in order to further enhance the strength and obtain the attack magic "Gungnir", which is said to be absolutely inescapable, the [Asgard] school hidden in the secret places "Niflheim" and "Jortunheim" Research data also needs to be retrieved.

All three things are already on his agenda.

The talk with Dumbledore is expected to be done before the holidays, and the last two things are scheduled for the upcoming summer vacation.

In the next few days, while successfully completing the end-of-year exams, Scott used his spare time to complete the editing and post-production of the video, and handed over the finished product to Eddie for operation.

Finally, the afternoon after he had successfully passed his Apparation qualifying exam, he was sitting in the principal's office.

This was not invited by Dumbledore, but obviously, Dumbledore also knew his purpose.

"Oh, Scott, I didn't plan this conversation."

Dumbledore said kindly.

"This means that I trust you very much. In my eyes, you are no longer a child, but a mature and powerful wizard."

As he spoke, he raised the teacup in his hand to Ravenclaw in the painting on one side of the wall.

"I think your mentor, Ms. Ravenclaw, thinks so too."

In the picture frame on the entire wall, there is only one Ravenclaw mentor.

The portraits of other former principals have been "pleased" by Scott at her request.

At this time, Ravenclaw in the painting smiled slightly and nodded slightly in response to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore continued to say to Scott: "Of course, I am also very glad that you took the initiative to come to talk to me, which means that you trust me and regard me as a reliable friend and elder."

"You're right." Scott nodded with a smile, "I do need your experience and guidance."

"It's my honor." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Next, Scott did not shy away from expressing his thoughts.

Dumbledore had been listening carefully, his blue eyes behind the lenses of the crescent-shaped glasses were full of curiosity.

When Scott finished speaking, he pondered for a moment.

After a while, he spoke softly.

"I can't judge whether such an ideal, such a future is correct, and no one can judge, even a true prophecy cannot judge the future."

His tone was very solemn.

"Of course, I can't judge that it is wrong."

"Oh, what I'm really trying to say is that no one can really see into the future and we can't be sure that every decision we make is absolutely right."

"You, and your friends, you are a lovely bunch of young people."

"You are the future of wizards, the future of the magic world, and you have the right to create the future you want."

"As for whether it is correct or not, I think time will tell you the final answer."

Scott understood what he meant.

Dumbledore kept an open mind on the matter.

No objection, no interference.

Of course, do not join.

Generally speaking, he is still supportive.

It's just that what he supports doesn't seem to be the matter itself.

"Honestly, I'm relieved, Scott."

Dumbledore continued.

"I'm glad you can have such an ideal."

"You are a special student."

"Creating a new world, although such an ideal is difficult to distinguish between good and bad, doomed to many difficulties and thorns along the way, but it can also be called great."

"And you, and a few other young people can have this kind of determination and courage to change the whole world. In my opinion, this is the most important thing."

"This makes me look forward to the future of the wizarding world even more."

This is actually somewhat different from what Scott thought.

He originally thought that whether it was support or opposition, Dumbledore would express a clear attitude and even deeply participate in it.

Seeming to see Scott's confusion, Dumbledore smiled freely.

"I'm getting old, Scott."

"I think I've lived long enough and done enough."

"Before returning to death, I will do what I have to do."

"As for the future, it's too far away. That's not what an old man like me should participate in."

"I can safely hand over the future to you young people."

(End of this chapter)

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