Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 503 503. The ancient super magic that created the world

Chapter 503 503. The ancient super magic that created the world

While Scott was looking up at the gate of the temple, the four "summoned beasts" plus Rimbaud, and five behemoths stood in a row behind him.

Oh, and of course, the Siren doesn't have a standing feature.

"Let's go!"

Scott did not take other actions, but took a step forward, step by step towards the upward ladder.

Anyway, it was a shrine, so he decided to walk to save face.

Ignoring the low growl from the throat of the ferocious wolf trapped by chains behind him, he climbed up one step after another without haste.

The "summoned beasts" all followed behind him step by step.

Fortunately, the steps are wide enough, even if five behemoths stand side by side, it will not be crowded.

The steps and the idols seem to be worthless in comparison, but it still took a lot of time to actually climb up.

When Scott finally stood in front of the gate, the statue standing above his head moved again.

He turned around and watched the holy golden light flood the square.

The chains and pillars he used to restrain the stone crow and the wolf all melted in the golden light, and the ground became rock again.

The stone crows and ferocious wolves who had regained their freedom had no intention of attacking him again.

They just returned to their original positions and became immobile stone sculptures again.

After watching this scene, Scott turned around again and looked at the door in front of him.

On the two metal gates that need to be looked up, intricate and magnificent patterns are carved.

Scott glanced at it and found that the carving depicted the World Tree and the gods in Norse mythology, as well as the Nine Worlds connected by the World Tree.

Among them, Odin, sitting on the highest throne, is undoubtedly in the center.

Scott reached out and gave it a hard push.

The heavy door was pushed open.

He withdrew his hand, and Gorzan and Xirein moved forward, completely pushing open the two doors.

The sound of flames burning rang out in unison.

Inside the gate, on top of the huge stone pillars on both sides of the temple, one group of flames ignited one after another, completely lighting up the magnificent temple.

Tap, tap.

Scott's footsteps echoed in the empty temple.

He took a few steps forward, stopped again, and his eyes were attracted by a group of sculptures deep in the hall.

This group of sculptures consists of thick, gnarled branches and statues of gods hanging upside down from the trees.

Obviously, the sculpture shows that in Norse mythology, after drinking the spring water from the Fountain of Wisdom, Odin hangs himself upside down on a big tree for nine days and nine nights in order to welcome the dusk of the gods, thus comprehending the origin of magic, Rune. text scene.

After regaining his senses, Scott walked forward again.

This time, he also had the interest to look at the entire temple.

Unlike the exquisite and gorgeous churches of the Holy See, this Temple of Odin looks much more primitive and rough in style, without much decoration.

He walked through the temple, and finally came under the "Hanged Man" sculpture, looking up at the always closed eyes of the god.

"There seems to be nothing here?"

Rimbaud, who was following behind him, said in a low voice.


Scott responded, looked left and right, but found no other passages.

"How shall we get out?" asked Rimbaud. "With a portkey?"

"Not urgent."

Scott looked up at the statue again, and took a few steps forward.

In an instant, the ground he was standing on began to sink, and at the same time, water gushed out.


Rambo shouted anxiously.

"I am fine."

Scott stood in the rushing water and responded.

At this time, the sinking of the ground has stopped, but it is only about the height of a person.

The water gushing from his feet quickly filled most of the pool, covering his shoulders.

"No, you're trapped!"

Rimbaud stretched out his neck and touched the air on the edge of the pool with his beak, but he touched an invisible barrier.

"I know, I sense it."

Scott replied, then closed his eyes.

He didn't have time to think about the fact that he was trapped for a while, because the water filling the pool gave him a strange feeling.

This feeling of accelerated thinking is like wearing a Ravenclaw crown.

Is there really a so-called fountain of wisdom, or is it some kind of special potion?

No, this is an illusion.

Scott opened his eyes again, thinking about it.

He thought that he no longer needed Savannah to help with the purification ceremony.

At this moment, he felt that all his physical and mental exhaustion had been swept away, as if he had inexhaustible energy and physical strength.

He understood that this was the result of the curse being completely purified.

And the feeling of speeding up thinking is not real speeding up thinking, but the thinking that was originally affected by the curse has returned to normal.

Taking a long breath of relief, he looked at the part of the stone wall inside the pool that was not submerged by water.

Taking a closer look, the stone wall is densely covered with circles of runes.

Scott frowned.

He knew very well that if he wanted to get out of trouble, deciphering these circles of runes was obviously the key.

However, the initial runes here are still different from the ancient runes they are learning now, that is, runes, in the development and improvement of wizards.

For example, the rune that represents the number 3 is [Thurisaz], representing Thor's Hammer, which means great power.

In the study of ancient runes, 3 means that the animal is a rune snake.

The wizards also extended the inversion of [Thurisaz], which represents the dark side out of control, the energy and desire of rampage, and excessive self, which is related to the three heads of the rune snake.

Scott tries to Apparate away, fails.

Then, he drew out his wand and used a spell to attack the magic barrier covering the pool, but failed again and again.

The magic barrier trapping him was unexpectedly strong.

After giving up struggling, he turned his body to look carefully at the stone wall, and then decisively took out the small blank picture frame, calling for the arrival of Ravenclaw's mentor.

The Ravenclaw mentor was a little surprised by Scott's situation, but after listening to his story, he showed great interest.

"Have you ever thought about it? My apprentice." She said gently, "The so-called gods are nothing but particularly powerful wizards."

Scott nodded.

"I did have that thought once."

In ancient times, wizards were not separated from Muggles.

Wizards with magic are indeed likely to be regarded as gods by ignorant Muggles.

Their stories have been handed down and become myths.

"Let me take a good look." Ravenclaw said. "In our time, we can't see so many initial runes. This is undoubtedly of great research value."

"I just need your help."

Scott raised the frame and began to study the runes on the stone wall with the Ravenclaw mentor.

Rimbaud didn't disturb them any more, but, like the other four "summoned beasts", obediently stood by the pool and waited.

Over time, with the help of his Ravenclaw mentor, Scott gained a new understanding of the circles of runes on the stone wall.

"It's a magic trick."

"An ancient metamagic."

"is this real?"

"Too... unimaginable."

"Yes, although I'm sure, but..."

"Even I have never seen magic of this magnitude."

Listening to Ravenclaw's words, Scott's eyes widened.

"What kind of wizard can cast such magic?"

He still couldn't believe it.

At the same time, he couldn't help doubting the idea that gods are also wizards.

No, it can't be said that way.

In his cognition, if a wizard can reach this level, then he is a god!
"This is the magic that creates the world."

The Ravenclaw mentor was obviously shocked, too.

"So..." Scott swallowed, "The so-called Nine Realms in Norse mythology is not without any basis."

The Ravenclaw in the painting was silent for a moment, shaking his head.

"No, of course myths have exaggerated parts."

she murmured.

"But it's certainly metamagic that can open up space."

She had come to her senses one step earlier than Scott.

"I think there are big and small openings, and creating worlds with this kind of magic is just an unfulfilled romantic ideal."

"I see."

Scott nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

This feeling is a bit complicated, but if possible, he doesn't want to see the real gods exist.

That undoubtedly means that there is some kind of existence above human beings, who can easily dominate everything.

This is of course not a good thing.

"Try it."

Ravenclaw said to Scott in an encouraging tone.

"I think, only by learning this magic can you go out."

"I see."

Scott was stunned, and began to think about this ancient super magic recorded by runes.

Different from all the magics he has learned, this magic, which is said to be able to create a world, but is actually used to open up spaces, has no spells, no gestures, only the use of initial runes, and simple and rude magic input.

Scott didn't even think it applied to his own wand.

Because modern magic pays attention to careful calculation, the magic wand's guidance to the wizard's magic is undoubtedly in this style.

He even suspected that if he output too much magic power at one time, his magic wand might explode directly.

But the simple and rude use of magic power does not mean that this magic is not difficult.

On the contrary, its difficulty can be called off the charts.

It is also the use of the original runes. The rune circuit for making the magic crystal is only composed of a dozen runes, and they are all repetitions of two runes.

But the magic recorded on the stone wall in front of me is composed of more than 100 different runes, and its difficulty is almost as high as heaven.

"I don't think I'll be able to get out in time."

Scott sighed.

"Mentor, please help inform Professor Dumbledore that I may miss the third round of the Triwizard Tournament."

The Ravenclaw in the painting nodded and disappeared for a moment.

After reappearing, she said to Scott, "I've informed the headmaster's office about the portraits, and they have a way to get the message to Dumbledore."

"You can't stay here too long, Scott."

Rimbaud, who had been quiet just now, spoke.

"If it's too long, you'll starve to death."

"I know," Scott said, "I just have to give it a go."

He took off his wet cloak, turned it into an inflatable boat with a flick of his wand, climbed aboard, and charmed himself to dry all his clothing.

Taking off the deformed lizard skin bag hanging from his waist, he checked the food he had stored.

"If you save some food, you can last for five days." He said, "That is to say, I must learn this magic within five days."

"Five days is enough."

Ravenclaw in the painting smiled.

"If it were me, it would only take two days to learn it initially, and I think you should be able to do it too."

Scott was tempted to say he couldn't.

It never occurred to him to compare his wisdom with the famous Ravenclaw mentor.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

In this case, you must have confidence!

"Well, I can."

He nodded fiercely.

"In that case, I can still catch up with the third round on the 24th."

"That's right." Ravenclaw smiled. "Of course, I will help you, my apprentice."

"Then let's get started!"

Sitting cross-legged on an inflatable boat, Scott took out notebooks, parchment, quills, and ink laced with his own blood.

"Fix these runes first!"

In this way, in the following, he spent a dark time.

Time has lost its meaning.

Scott just eats when he is too hungry, takes a nap when he is too sleepy, and writes non-stop for the rest of the time.

He experienced countless failures, and he didn't know how many bottles of ink he used.

In order for the ink to be effective, he couldn't remember how many times he cut his finger and bled.

Fortunately, there are golden acorns [sacred tree fruit] sent by Savannah, one of which can heal the wearer's wounds by itself, which undoubtedly saves him some time.

By the end, Scott was running out of parchment.

"It should work this time."

Scott pulled a sheet of parchment from the thin stack and grabbed the quill.

He had an intuition that he could succeed this time.

After concentrating on it, he decisively wrote and began to write quickly.

Almost in one go, it was done in no time.

"The next step is to input magic power."

He stretched out his palm and pressed it on the parchment.

Soon, the runes on the paper lit up one by one, emitting a mysterious light.

Then there was a soft sound, and the light disappeared.

When he raised his hand, he found that the central part of the parchment was missing a neat hole.

"Oh! You did it!"

Rimbaud suddenly put his head to Scott's side and rubbed against him.

"The magic barrier is gone!"


Scott raised his head in a daze.


"Yes! Disappeared! Look!"

Rimbaud retracted his neck, then stretched it out again.

Scott couldn't help laughing at its antics.

"I didn't expect it to disappear like this. I haven't really mastered this magic yet."

"You have mastered the theory, and it can be said that it has been successfully performed, but the parchment cannot carry the magic."

Ravenclaw in the painting is smiling gently.

"Congratulations, my apprentice."

"Thanks for your help."

While Scott was happy, he felt that the heavy exhaustion in his body was continuously pouring up.

He simply lay down on the inflatable bed, looked at the face of the "Hanged Man" statue above, and grinned a few times.

Suddenly, he felt the water level under him begin to drop.

He got up quickly, grabbed his wand and small picture frame, and jumped to the edge of the pool.

The sound of rocks rubbing against each other sounded.

As the water level dropped, the bottom of the pool began to slowly rise, quickly filling the pool completely.

Not only that, but the ground directly below the statue also cracked, and a stone pillar rose slowly.

On the top of the stone pillar, there is a shining metal treasure chest.

(End of this chapter)

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