Chapter 497

The sun rises.

Scott stood on the perimeter of the Stenness Stones, outside the circular moat.

He frowned slightly, looking at the thick fog that condensed and never dispersed in the circular space surrounded by the trench.

At this time, all the standing stones have been shrouded in mist.

Scott couldn't see them, and couldn't feel them.

The prior arrangement didn't seem to work either.

The "eye" placed on the standing stone was covered by thick fog, and the crows had disappeared.

Scott turned his head and glanced at Rimbaud who was resting on his shoulder.

Since the sound could not be transmitted at this time, the "Black Wing Lord" could not give orders to the crows.

But Scott is not without other options.

He took off the backpack on his back, took out his wand and [the severed arm bone] from the bag, and put the backpack at his feet.

As he waved his wand, several crows emerged from the tip of the wand.

They seemed to be frightened, and they flapped their wings and flew to Rimbaud, opening their mouths and calling.

But unfortunately, neither Scott nor Rimbaud could hear their calls at this time.


Scott muttered the spell silently and waved his wand again.

Then, he vaguely sensed the message that the crow wanted to convey.

After being submerged in the white mist, it felt powerless and had no choice but to escape until Scott used the contract to summon them.

After receiving such information, Scott's eyes looking at the thick fog became more serious.

Although the fog was always bounded by the trench and did not spread outward, Scott still lifted his backpack and took a few steps back to ensure safety.

However, at a certain moment, there seemed to be some kind of vision in the white mist in his eyes.

Scott immediately stopped and wandered within a few steps, looking for the same angle as when he caught a glimpse just now.

Soon, he found it.

Standing there, what he saw in his eyes was a completely different scene from just now.

The warm sunlight of the morning light shines from one side, staining the white mist with a layer of orange.

Sunlight, fog, angles, refraction...

Scott didn't know why, anyway, he saw the "Odin Stone" that had disappeared for a long time.

It was a huge boulder much larger than all the surrounding standing stones, and its lower half was hollowed out.

Exactly like the pictures Scott had seen in the literature.

Soon, a purple shadow suddenly extended from the hollow under the "Odin Stone" in Scott's eyes, turning slowly like a second hand until it stopped.


Scott squatted down, and suddenly heard himself muttering.

"What did you say?" Rimbaud's voice sounded immediately, "Oh! I heard you talking again!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the sea wind blowing, the sound of waves hitting the rocks, the crowing of crows, and more sounds alternately...

Scott couldn't help feeling joy, as if enjoying a cheerful and lively movement.

But the opportunity may be fleeting, Scott quickly came to his senses, took out the small wooden box from his backpack, and opened the lid.

"Let you take the lead."

He stretched his entire arm into the small wooden box.


Squatting down, Scott placed the Gorzan he took out of the wooden box on the ground.

"Get bigger fast!"

The light of the Expansion Curse flashed, and Gorzan quickly turned into a qualified Komodo dragon.

"Go, Gorzan, follow my instructions and go there to explore the way."

Gorzan nodded, using all four feet together, he crawled forward at high speed.

Soon, it crossed the ditch and plunged into the thick fog.

Scott clearly felt that the connection between himself and Gorzan was suddenly weakened.

But thanks to the preparations in advance, this connection has not been broken.

This is good news.

Scott secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Scott could no longer see Gorzan, based on the connection between them and some speculations, he could still determine its general location.

There is no doubt that Gorzan has arrived at [the place pointed by the shadow of the standing stone].

Under Scott's remote control, Gorzan crawled back and forth in that area several times, and even drilled into the ground, but still found nothing.

At this moment, Scott heard the sound of breaking wind.

He turned his head and watched a sea eagle descend from the sky, transforming into a red-haired girl when it landed.


Scott stood up and looked at the girl who suddenly appeared here in surprise.

"How did you come."

"Good morning, Scott."

Savannah smiled, and ran to Scott in two or three steps.

"I knew you would be here today!"

"You sneaked out, Savannah." Scott stared at her and said, "And you didn't tell your grandfather."

Savannah smiled at him.

"Are you going to kick me out, Scott?"

She pulled a notebook bound with glued leaves out of her pocket, showing a little triumph.

"I got a precious clue on purpose..."

Having said that, she looked back at the sun that had fully risen, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh, hurry up, time is running out!"

Her tone became a little anxious.

"If I remember correctly, the entrance to that tower can only be found on the longest day, an hour after sunrise!"

Having said that, she stretched out her hand, trying to put the notebook in Scott's hand.

"In short, I spent a lot of time and found some clues from the ancient notes kept by the family, and I have copied all of them in this book."

"Thank you."

Scott reached out to take the book, opened it, and quickly read it.


While he was flipping through the pages, Savannah didn't shut up either.

"In short, to open the entrance, you must walk into the fog, and the fog seems very dangerous..."

"I see."

At this point, Scott had closed the notebook and returned it to Savannah.

He stared at the fog in front of him.

"There are some things that cannot be solved with Transfiguration after all. Only by going there in person can I open the entrance."

"But those fogs are dangerous." Savannah reminded him, "Touching the fog will make people lose power."

"do not worry."

Scott is pretty confident about it.


"Come back, Gorzan."


"Sirein, Horus, Edgar."

When Gorzan retreated from the range of the standing stone, Scott had already enlarged the size of the other three "summoned beasts".

Then, he took out four small metal balls.

This is a loot taken from Valdogiral.


Scott made Rimbaud similarly larger.

Next, he took out the shapeshifting lizard leather bag from his backpack and fastened it firmly around his waist, then cast a head-bubbling spell on himself, and got into Sirene's water polo.

Subsequently, the other four "summoned beasts" each carried a small metal ball.

Soon, the cube magic barrier covering the water polo was activated.

This has two layers of protection.

set off!

Scott, who was diving in the center of the water polo, waved.

"Be careful!" Savannah looked worried.

Without looking back, under the double protection of the water polo and the magic barrier, Scott crossed the ditch and entered the fog.

Soon, in Scott's eyes, everything outside the magic barrier turned white.

Following his memory and feeling, he moved towards [the place where the shadow points to].

Unlike the scene from the outside, he did not see the reappearing "Odin Stone" inside the standing stone.

But when he came to the spot, a shadow as black as ink spread on the grass under his feet.

Scott felt a void under his feet and immediately began to free fall.


He couldn't help but cursed loudly.

This is really too fast.

Although Dumbledore said he would take him away at a critical moment, the old headmaster didn't seem to be able to do it?
This kind of thought was just a flash, and Scott had no time to think about anything else at this time. He had to think more about his current situation.

But to be honest, it doesn't matter to him, anyway, the water polo controlled by Xi Rein can float.

Likewise, Rimbaud, Edgar, and Horus who can fly don't matter.

But Gorzan can't do it.

Lacking the means to deal with this situation, it can only fall straight down.

In order not to destroy the formation, the others could only follow it down.

At the same time, Scott cast a lighting spell with his wand.

But soon, he found that he did not need lighting.

Light has passed from below.

Directly below them is tumbling, hot magma.

Before he had time to think about questions such as "this is not a volcano, where did the magma come from", Scott decisively asked Sirin to bring himself to the edge of the water polo.

He stretched out his hand quickly, changed Gorzan back to his normal size, and used the moving spell to make it and the metal ball fly back to his hand.

Losing a corner, the magic barrier collapsed directly.

before crashing.Scott withdrew his outstretched hand into the water polo, and manipulated Sirin to change his direction, bringing himself to the center of the water polo.

After not being dragged down by Gorzan, they finally stopped falling and began to move in parallel, trying to leave the range of magma.

But the magma below is as vast as the sea. They moved for a long time, but they still couldn't find its edge.

[One person died in the fire, one person died in the deep water, one person died in the top of the tree, one person died in the bottom of the tower, one person died in falling rocks, and one person died in the ground subsidence. ]
Scott remembered this passage.

Does the so-called raging fire refer to these magmas?

Looking at the seemingly endless dark red magma below, Scott felt something was wrong, so he asked Rimbaud and Edgar, who were flying the fastest, to explore the way.

The raven and fire crow that received the order immediately flew away like two illusory shadows.

After a while, they flew back and shook their heads at him.

Scott raised his head to look at the endless darkness above, and then at the magma below.

At this moment, he had a thought that he was very reluctant to face.

[Like a tower extending from the center of the earth].

The so-called tower should be layer by layer.


You have to go through lava to get to the next level.

But it will undoubtedly take a lot of courage to try this possibility.

Moreover, Scott also wanted to pray to Merlin——

He hoped that the Doherty who died here and lost the [Heart of the Sacred Tree] did not die in the magma.

Otherwise, even if the [Heart of the Sacred Tree] is not a mortal thing, it would have already melted into slag along with the bones that died in the magma.

Next, Scott asked Rimbaud and Edgar to explore the road several times.

Even the way back up.

But he finally had to decide to go to the lava.

But before that, he made some more preparations.

He transformed four small fishes with the wooden blocks he carried with him, and built a small cube-shaped magic barrier in the center of the water polo with small metal balls.

He put Rimbaud and Horus back in shape, put Horus and Gorzan back in the box, Rimbaud still standing on his shoulders.

The water-type Siren was in charge of leading him through the magma, while the fire-type Edgar was left outside the water polo by Scott for emergency because he was not afraid of magma.

After everything was ready, they began to fall.

As the distance from the magma gets closer, the water at the edge of the water polo is rapidly evaporated by high temperature.

Sirin had to replenish the water in the water polo as quickly as possible to ensure that the volume of the water polo would not shrink.

Scott sat cross-legged in the magic barrier, his right hand kept touching the silver snake-shaped necklace on his left wrist.

This is his last guarantee.

If he is powerless, he can only run away.

Finally, the water polo made contact with the magma below.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, the tumbling red magma quieted down.

The unbearable high temperature just now seems to have disappeared.

There is a certain attraction coming from below.

Scott only felt a flash before his eyes, and they appeared in the dark deep water.

The water spheres have disappeared, or rather, merged with the surrounding water, unable to see the boundaries of each other.

But Scott didn't tell Searain to stop making water.

He didn't want other water to come into contact with his magic barrier.

Under his control, Sirene still wrapped him and Edgar in the water it produced.

Poor Edgar was completely wilted after entering the deep water.

Fortunately, it is not a real bird, so there is no need to worry about not being able to breathe underwater.

In order to find the [Heart of the Sacred Tree], Scott asked Sirin to continue diving until it was close to the bottom of the water.

In the following time, he held up the magic wand that had cast the Illuminating Charm, and searched the bottom of the water.

I don't know if someone really died at the bottom of the water, but Scott didn't see the bones, and of course, he didn't find the [Heart of the Sacred Tree. ]
Thankfully, this deep water is not as boundless as the magma of the first layer.

Scott pointed, "Next, it's up."

His instinct told him that the way out of this layer was up, out of the water.

It turns out Scott was right.

The moment the huge water polo floated out of the water, they changed their world again——

A world that looks like it's turned upside down.

Below is the bottomless darkness, where no light can enter, and above are black trees that grow upside down, but grow extremely densely.

Those trees grow very strangely.

The trunk is straight, and the branches are also straight. Although there are many branches, there is no distortion.

Also, none of the trees had any leaves on them.

Scott made Sirine stop, not rushing to approach the metal-looking trees above.

At this time, Edgar couldn't wait to leave the "shelter" of the water polo, and blazing flames ignited all over his body, turning into a little sun.

(End of this chapter)

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