Chapter 492
Under the expectation of everyone, Dumbledore, who was a bit talkative today, finally talked about how to deal with Malfoy and the others.

"I regret that."

"At the moment when all the teachers and students in the school are united to resist the enemy, some of us have made different choices..."

"Fire them!"

At the Gryffindor table, George and Lee Jordan suddenly stood up and raised their arms and shouted.

The behavior of the two of them is like stabbing a hornet's nest.

In an instant, most of the students in the auditorium started shouting with righteous indignation.

"Fire them!"

"This is a crime!"

"They should be locked in Azkaban!"

The Slytherin students didn't shout along, but their faces also became very ugly.

Under the gaze of other students, they no longer maintained the straight back posture as before, but lowered their heads one after another.

Even Professor Slughorn on the teacher's bench bowed his head and raised his glass to hide his embarrassment.

Scott noticed some resignation on Dumbledore's face.

He stretched out his hands and pressed down, trying to calm everyone down again, but it didn't work.

Everyone was yelling and venting their dissatisfaction.

"They must be fired!"

Eddie next to Scott was also talking loudly.

"Think about what will happen to us if they succeed and those Death Eaters and dark creatures are released into the campus!"

Hearing his words, the students nearby became even more angry and shouted even more vigorously.

Ding, ding ding...

Professor McGonagall tapped the glass, then simply stood up, holding his wand to his throat.


The moment the word came out of her mouth, it seemed to turn into a substantial sound wave, sweeping the entire auditorium in an instant.

Next, Professor McGonagall looked around the auditorium with her particularly stern eyes before putting down her wand and sitting down again.

At this moment, everyone shut their mouths, and the auditorium was completely silent.

"Please listen to me."

Dumbledore opened his hands again and pressed down.

"Yes, they made different choices."

He had a regretful expression on his face.

"But I don't want to define their behavior as a crime."

"I would say that in my eyes, they are just like all of you, just kids."

"You are immature, lack independent thinking, are easily influenced by others, and often make mistakes unconsciously..."

"what happened……"

Eddie muttered unhappily to Scott.

"Is Dumbledore going to excuse those little bastards? Seriously, I absolutely cannot accept that I continue to go to the same school as if nothing happened."

"Just wait." Scott said in a low voice, "Dumbledore probably won't just let things go like this."

After all, Malfoy and those people have already provoked public anger.

Several of their parents had already been on the arrest warrant after following Voldemort in prison, and Hogwarts allowed them to continue to go to school, which is considered an exception.

In the past, it was not that no one protested this point, and even many parents of students were very dissatisfied with it.

Now that something like this has happened, it is obvious that it can no longer be tolerated.

Otherwise, Dumbledore would be waiting to receive countless Howler letters.

"...I am sorry and saddened."

Dumbledore seemed to sigh.

"But I still had to make that decision."

"It's finally time to tell the result." Eddie was a little excited.

Dumbledore raised his voice.

"For the four students who chose different paths—"

"Draco Malfoy."

"Gregory Goyle."

"Vincent Crabbe."

"Pansy Parkinson."

"It will be dismissed..."


Before Dumbledore finished speaking, Ron on the Gryffindor side couldn't help but yelled.

He didn't seem to feel the eyes of everyone focused on him for a moment, and he smirked to himself, as if he had won the jackpot of a million Galleons.

Harry, who was sitting next to him, kept pumping his fists and opening and closing his mouth, as if he kept saying, "YES! YES!! YES!!!"

"...Finally, I want to announce one more thing."

Dumbledore continued talking nonchalantly.

"From now on, cancel Hogsmeade weekend events!"

"All students are not allowed to leave the area covered by Hogwarts' protective magic!"

"OH... NO!"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, there was a tidy sound in the auditorium.

But Eddie said happily: "Ha, this is also a good thing. It is foreseeable that our smuggling business will become better."

But in the next second, Dumbledore ruthlessly shattered his fantasy.

"...In addition, we will close all the secret passages leading to Hogsmeade village in the school."

When Dumbledore said this, he smiled at George.

"Thanks to Mr. Weasley for offering the entrance and exit of the secret passage..."

"No! god! please no! nooooooooooo!"

George let out a groan of pain and contortion.

Dumbledore ignored him with a smile, announcing that dinner was about to begin.

Scott looked at Eddie, who had also lost his dream, and patted him on the shoulder.

"I said, buddy, you should have earned enough this semester, aren't the Triwizard Tournament merch easy to sell?"

"No, it sold well," Eddie said, "but I never felt like I was making enough."

"This is also impossible."

Milton leaned over and said.

"I think Professor Dumbledore's decision is correct, it's for our safety."

"I know," Eddie said, "If the Death Eaters attacked the students going to Hogsmeade and pretended to be them by taking Polyjuice Potion, they might be able to sneak into Hogwarts."

Saying that, he sighed.

"War will indeed lead to economic depression. After all, we are not in the arms business..."

After dinner, everyone gathered at the school gate.

Hagrid walked forward with the key in hand, and opened the two doors.

Under the illumination of the moonlight and the magic lamp, the scene outside the gate was clearly presented to everyone——

Nothing out of the ordinary.

The corpses and blood are gone, all traces of the battle are gone.

The hardworking house elves have restored everything to its original state, even the grass on the roadside is so vibrant.

Scott went to the door.

Not long after, Gorzan emerged from the ground in front of him, causing a commotion.

At this moment, two huge shadows were cast from the sky, and Horus and Edgar also fell from the sky.

Accompanied by the sound of water flowing, a huge water polo floated over from the woods, and Xi Leiyin swam happily in the water polo.

"Oh! God!"

Hagrid stepped forward and looked at the four huge "summoned beasts".

"Look at these cuties."

He looked at Gorzan with bright eyes, obviously he had a soft spot for it.

"Oh, how are you, pretty little one!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his big hand and touched Gorzan's ferocious head.

Scott turned his head, and sure enough, he saw the indescribable expressions on the faces of the others.

"Oh, Scott."

Hagrid looked at Scott brightly, rubbing his hands together.

"These cuties, where did you find them?"

"Sorry, Professor Hagrid, they are all Transfiguration products."

Scott relentlessly exposed the truth.

As he spoke, he turned around, waved his magic wand to restore the shape of the "summoned beasts", and put them into his pocket again.

At this moment, Hagrid's round black eyes became dull, and he also lost his dream.

Scott will become nothing more than a Gorzanto the size of his index finger in the palm of his hand.

"Of course, it's a real animal."

he told Hagrid.

"Komodo dragons, also known as Komodo dragons, can grow up to 10 feet in length and are found mainly in the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia..."

Hagrid's eyes lit up again as he spoke.

"Of course, they are not magical animals." Scott emphasized again.

But Hagrid obviously couldn't care so much, he was already attracted by the appearance of the Komodo dragon, and he was talking about how to get one.

Scott ignored him, turned and walked back to the crowd.

"Oh, here they come," said George, tiptoeing.

The gathered crowd parted to make way.

Professor Slughorn led the four expelled students over.

Little Malfoy still looked arrogant, with his thin chin raised high.

But his pale face and flickering eyes revealed his uneasiness.

Pansy Parkinson lowered his head and followed closely beside him.

She tried to hug Malfoy's arm several times, but he pushed her away again.

Goyle and Crabbe each carried two large boxes and stumbled behind Malfoy and Parkinson.

Their chubby faces were full of panic.

A group of people walked through the crowd, facing the unfriendly eyes of everyone, they walked faster and faster.

Like a frightened bird, I am afraid that everyone will beat me up severely.

Finally, they reached the gate.

Professor Slughorn stopped in his tracks.

This walrus-like professor usually gets along with students with an approachable attitude, but at this time he looks very serious.

"To be honest, I feel a little guilty."

He spoke in a low voice to the four expelled students.

"Although I have taken over the current Slytherin house for less than a year, I am your headmaster after all."

"I will not deny my responsibility for something like this to happen."

"But I want you to remember that this is your choice."

"In addition, I also hope that you can learn to think independently in the days to come, and don't be easily influenced by the surrounding environment."

"I hope you can understand what the real excellence is..."

What he said was earnest, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Little Malfoy still had his neck stuck, apparently unmoved.

Parkinson still lowered her head, no one knew what she was thinking.

As for Goyle and Crabbe, you can tell from their blank expressions that they didn't understand at all.

"Let's go."

Professor Slughorn waved his hand somewhat disinterestedly.

"I can only send you here."


Little Malfoy snorted coldly, looked back at the crowd again, turned and walked out the door.

"Wait for me, Draco."

Parkinson hurriedly followed, and tried to hug Malfoy's arm again, but was thrown away by him.

Goyle and Crabbe also picked up their boxes and walked out the door.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Harry burst through the crowd and ran to the gate.

"You can't go out, Potter."

Professor Slughorn stopped him with a hand.

"Wait, Malfoy!"

Harry yelled.

Little Malfoy stopped, turned and glared at Harry viciously.

"What, are you laughing at me, Scarhead!"

He sneered.

"I can tell you, I don't care! Hogwarts was never my only choice, my dad always wanted me to go to Durmstrang!"

He said a series of loud words, but he seemed a little bit strong.

"You never realized your mistake, did you, Malfoy?"

Harry said angrily.

"Think about it, have you done even one good thing since you came to Hogwarts?"

"I'm not you!"

Little Malfoy said angrily.

"Righteous 'savior', big star in the magic world, put away your disgusting sense of justice! Don't try to preach to me!"

"You are hopeless! Malfoy!"

Harry clenched his fists tightly.

"Go try it and see if Durmstrang will take over your enrollment! I guess they won't!"

After speaking, he immediately turned around and walked back to the gate.

Little Malfoy looked at his back, his face as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

"Come on, Draco."

Parkinson tugged at his sleeve.

Little Malfoy pulled out his hand abruptly, turned around and strode forward.

Watching the four disappear into the night, Professor Slughorn sighed, turned and walked towards the castle.

"It's all gone, go back quickly."

Hagrid waved to the crowd and closed the door again.

On the way back, Scott heard Ron complaining to Harry.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

He clearly didn't understand Harry's behavior.

"We all know that guy is a jerk, what's the deal with him."

"I do not know."

Harry was also a little confused.

"He's really annoying, the most annoying guy I've ever had at Hogwarts, oh, second only to Snape."

"What's the matter, are you reluctant to part with your enemy, Harry?"

George chimed in with a grin.

"I have to say that without a tit-for-tat enemy, it would be a lot less fun."

"Not so."

Harry dismissed George's claims, then thought again.

"It may be because...he is the first young wizard of the same age I met after I entered the magic world. Although he gave me a bad first impression, and he and I will never be friends, but..."

Speaking of this, he was a little tangled and didn't know how to express his complicated emotions.

"Oh! Harry! I'm not the first person your age you've met!"

Ron yelled, his concentration seemed a little off.

"I know what you're thinking, Harry."

Scott smiled.

"On the one hand, you don't understand. You don't understand Malfoy's choice, and you don't understand his thinking. You think he is ridiculous."

"Maybe." Harry shrugged his shoulders, "but I can't understand the behavior of many people."

"But Malfoy is special," Hermione interrupted. "He's like your opposite, and it's included in your first impression of the wizarding world, so you pay more attention to him."

"Oh, that's an odd way of saying it," said Harry, scowling.

"But that's the way it is." Hermione raised her chin.

"Okay, okay, please don't analyze this matter any more." Harry hurriedly begged for mercy, "I feel like vomiting..."

Seeing his reaction, several people laughed.

"Hi, Cho."

At this time, Harry changed his face instantly, and waved foolishly at Qiu Zhang who was passing by.

"Hi, Harry."

Qiu smiled at him brightly, and Harry blushed instantly.

Qiu turned to Scott and asked.

"Scott, those students who are still in Beauxbatons, do you know that you are going back to Hogwarts?"

"Of course they don't know."

Scott suddenly remembered this, so he took out the magic mirror and tried to communicate with Fred.

It was connected quickly there.

"Good evening, Fred."

Scott waved to Fred in the mirror.

"Good evening, Fred."

The others also leaned over and waved hello together.


Fred opened his mouth wide.

"What the hell is going on! Scott! Are you back?"

"Yes, you must not know what happened today, Fred!" George said loudly with a smile.

"Damn it, what happened?" Fred asked very dissatisfied.

"Oh, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Scott said, "Tomorrow morning, I will go to France with Professor Dumbledore."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the communication and blocked Fred's [magic phone].

Watching his operation, George gloated and said, "I bet Fred won't be able to sleep tonight."

"But it's hard to explain at such a distance, and it's easy to cause panic."

Scott smiled.

"Let's talk about it in person tomorrow. With Dumbledore here, I think they will act calmer after hearing it... Oh, right."

He looked at Qiu.

"If there's anything you need to bring to Cedric, give it to me tonight."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

Qiu happily agreed, and then ran away laughing and laughing with several female students.

Scott noticed that Harry was still looking at his back stupidly, so he patted him on the shoulder.

"What... what?"

Harry was taken aback.

"Don't look at it." Scott whispered, "Let's change the target."

After all, Cedric will not have an accident like in the "original book".

With him around, how could Qiu abandon the tall and handsome Cedric and choose Harry who was younger than her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry smirked nervously, "What target?"

Scott patted him on the shoulder again and said nothing.

"Oh, poor Harry, it's all right." George suppressed a smile. "That's youth."

"I said, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Harry blushed and yelled, and hurried away.

Hermione was thoughtful.

Ron asked with a confused look, "What are you talking about? What happened to him?"

"It's none of your business, little Luoluo." George made a face.

He pulls Scott aside to ask for more details about today's war.

Scott didn't hide anything, and told the story in detail.

Eddie, Milton and Luna were also listening to his story, and they were walking by the Black Lake together.

Only then did they know that the Ministry of Magic had also suffered a more violent siege today.

"So it's all planned?" George understood the ins and outs, "Do you think...the target of the mysterious man is Harry?"

Scott nodded, "Obviously that's the case. Don't forget that he wanted to take Harry away during the Quidditch World Cup final."

Of course, Dumbledore had said that the Ministry had what Voldemort wanted too.

Combined with the plot of the "Original Book", Scott guessed that it should be the prophecy ball of the Prophecy Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

The prophecy that caused Harry to lose his parents in the first place was told to Voldemort by Snape after overhearing, and Snape only overheard half of it.

Voldemort was clearly interested in the complete prophecy.

Thinking of this, Scott also remembered the prophecy about himself.

It is said that whenever there is a true prophecy in the magic world, it will be recorded by the prophecy ball in the Prophecy Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

And the prophecy ball that records the prophecy can only be picked up and interpreted by the party involved in the prophecy.

If he could, Scott would also like to destroy the prophecy ball that recorded his prophecy.

"What exactly does he want?"

Luna suddenly said in an erratic tone.

"You mean?" Eddie asked.

"Voldemort." Luna said the name.

Eddie said: "Isn't it obvious that he wants to rule the wizarding world?"

Luna shook her head.

"I don't think he seems to be serious about it."

"Huh?" Eddie didn't know why.

Scott said: "Maybe he really wanted to rule the magic world when he was young. In order to win over the pure blood family, he even put forward the idea of ​​'pure blood supremacy' and established the Death Eater organization, but that is all in the past It's over."

"How?" George asked curiously.

Scott organized his language and expressed his opinion.

"Voldemort is just a half-blood. Although he relied on his powerful talent to attract a group of people when he was a student, it is clear that pure-bloods are unreliable."

"Later, he was no longer friendly to those purebloods, but adopted a cruel and high-handed rule, which shows that he has realized this."

"I think his purpose is just to live, everything is for immortality, oh, and he has incomparably powerful power."

"His purpose is to eliminate anyone who would pose a threat to him."

"Even if he succeeds in ruling the magic world, I don't think he will care what the magic world will become."

"Perhaps you're right, he's a madman," said George.

Luna said: "In this way, he is not really crazy. He is just extremely self-centered and doesn't care about anyone else except himself."

"Isn't this crazy?" George's eyes widened.

"Professor Dumbledore said he didn't understand love," said Luna, "that's obviously what he meant."

"Well, this is his weakness, and Dumbledore knows his weakness." Eddie said, "But no one can represent the magic of love, and I haven't heard of it. How can I defeat him?"

"Who knows, maybe Dumbledore is inventing a magic that represents love."

George was whimsical.

"When he successfully invents it and teaches us, we can defeat Vol... Voldemort."

Maybe it was this imagination that gave him courage. This time, he bravely said Voldemort's name.

(End of this chapter)

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