Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 487 The battle that bloomed at 487.2

Chapter 487. 487. Two Flowering Battles
"Oh, Scott, you look anxious."

Faced with Scott's urgent order, Rimbaud on the other side was still a little confused.

"In the end what happened?"

"Voldemort is gathering his men to attack the British Ministry of Magic!"

Scott answered very quickly.

"My God!" Rimbaud flapped his wings, "Now?"

Scott nodded quickly.

"How do you know?" Rimbaud asked.

"Of course I know, Dumbledore told me. Don't ask me how he knew that Snape was still undercover with the Death Eaters!"

Scott still quickly interrupted many of its questions.

"Anyway, Dumbledore has gone to war, and I want to see how things go."

While speaking, he switched half of the [Magic Mirror] to a monitoring screen.

In front of Yaxley Castle, Voldemort was still talking, as if giving some order.

Everyone else lowered their heads and listened carefully.

No matter how rebellious, vicious and brutal a guy is, he behaves like a dog when facing the Dark Lord.

"Oh, you're going to give me a hard time, Scott."

Rimbaud complained loudly.

"You know, the damn British Ministry of Magic is underground! Once the battle starts, it will be chaotic and dangerous."

"I told you, Dumbledore is gone."

Scott also raised his voice.

"Because I let you install the 'eye' on the Isle of Man, the Ministry of Magic has now taken the lead. They won't let those guys easily break into the building!"

Rimbaud asked, "Are they going to fight in the streets? That's London! There are more Muggles than you can count!"

Scott said affirmatively, "Of course! Maybe they've already set up Muggle banishing spells around them now!"

"In other words, I don't need to enter the Ministry of Magic building? Okay, I'm also curious about the upcoming war."

Rimbaud immediately changed his attitude.

"Wait, Scott, I'm going full speed to London, and I'll contact you when I get there."

"Okay, hurry up!"

Scott turned off the communication and continued to watch the surveillance screen.

At this time, Voldemort's side was a little strange, and his men were divided into two teams.

One team consisted mainly of Death Eaters and wizards, and the other team consisted of werewolves and vampires.

Voldemort said something again, and then everyone knelt on the ground and opened their mouths to say something.

Voldemort waved his wand casually, and black smoke emerged from his wand, spreading continuously.

The dementors covering half of the sky above their heads sucked the black mist and quickly moved.

Seeing this scene, Scott narrowed his eyes.

I don't know what Voldemort did. In short, after the dementors inhaled the black mist, their flying speed was greatly improved.

Those monsters flew out of the Isle of Man at an extremely fast speed like black shadows that flashed past one by one.

They flew above the sea, and soon disappeared in all the "cameras".

And when the dementors set off, the other people in front of the castle disappeared one by one with apparition.

Scott watched this scene, feeling a little anxious.

He couldn't wait to see what was going to happen at the Ministry of Magic.

He didn't choose to go back to the dormitory, but stayed alone in Dumbledore's room, waiting for Rimbaud to arrive in London.

But he wondered if he might not see the fight.

Rimbaud flew from the forest in the Scottish Highlands to London in England, and it took at least an hour at his fastest speed.

Scott suspects he can only see the end result.

But it's not hopeless.

After all, Voldemort also sent dementors, and if he planned to use dementors to participate in the battle, he would also need to wait for them to fly a long distance to London.

The short hour became difficult.

Scott couldn't help but took out his pocket watch to check the time frequently, drank several cups of tea unconsciously, until he couldn't help but want to go to the bathroom, Rimbaud's communication finally came.

After the communication was connected, what Scott saw was a miraculous scene.

Rimbaud himself does not appear in the picture, what is presented in the mirror is a bird's-eye view of the city.

At this time, London in the picture has become a veritable foggy city.

Everything was covered by thick fog, and in the vast expanse of whiteness, all the high-rise buildings turned into blurred shadows.

But what is strange is that a small area in the center of the city is not covered by thick fog and is still clearly visible in the picture.

That's where the Ministry of Magic is located.

Rambo's voice came.

"I'm flying in the sky right now, London is shrouded in thick fog, and the Muggles have all gone home."

"It seems that this is the pre-war preparations taken by the Ministry of Magic."

Scott guessed.

"Blinding fog and Muggle-repelling spells to obscure the coming war."

Fortunately for him, the war hasn't started yet, and neither side has even shown up yet.

"I decided to get closer and let the other crows put 'eyes' around there," Rimbaud said.

"Be careful."

Scott reminded.

Rimbaud responded and started to act.

In order not to be noticed, it first flew into the dense fog on its own initiative.

Then, he lowered his altitude and weaved through the buildings, flying into a building next to where the Ministry of Magic was.

Rimbaud finally stopped on the window sill on the third floor of the building.

"The crows have already gone to arrange."

Rimbaud whispered.

"But I can't guarantee that they won't be discovered. Anyway, let's hope they succeed."

Scott tapped the mirror a few times with his finger, and soon, the "eyes" around the Ministry of Magic began to light up one after another.

Under Rimbaud's arrangement, these monitoring points were arranged around the building on the ground of the Ministry of Magic, basically located on the third or fourth floor of the surrounding buildings.

"Enough is enough."

Scott told Rimbaud.

"Let the crows scatter, you can leave the 'eyes' and stay away from yourself."

"It doesn't matter, I have already entered the room through the open window sill." Rimbaud said.

Scott kept switching surveillance perspectives.

"Strange, since you've been here for so long, those dementors should be here too..."


"Oh they showed up."

At this moment, blurred figures began to appear one after another in the surrounding thick fog.

They emerged from the fog quickly, approaching the Ministry of Magic, and enclosing the entire building.

Voldemort even walked up to the red telephone box that entered the Ministry of Magic.

Scott frowned tightly, speeding up the movement of switching perspectives.

"No, the number is wrong, those guys..."

All that appear in the picture are Death Eaters, and those dark creatures, including dementors, do not appear.

Did he hide in the fog as an ambush, or did he just go elsewhere?
Scott pointed his fingers, and quickly edited what he observed into a message and sent it to Dumbledore.

At this moment, Dumbledore had already led a group of people out of the building gate.

Scott even saw him pull out his [magic phone] to read the news.

Dumbledore glanced down at the [magic phone] in his hand, turned his head and said something to Professor Moody, and Professor Moody quickly started talking to others.

Seeing Dumbledore appear, Voldemort stopped entering the red telephone booth, and looked up at Dumbledore standing on the steps.

"It's well prepared here, Dumbledore."

said Voldemort in a hoarse voice.

"It seems that our plan has been exposed."

Having said that, he smiled calmly.

"As expected of Dumbledore, even I didn't expect that you could plant an undercover agent among my Death Eaters."

Voldemort's blood-red eyes scanned the surrounding Death Eaters.

"So, who is it?"

Everyone he saw couldn't help lowering their heads, and no one showed any signs of strangeness.

"Perhaps some werewolf, or vampire, they are never to be trusted, my lord."

Old Malfoy said respectfully to Voldemort.

"Death Eaters are your loyal servants, and there is no way they will betray you."

"Yes Master."

Snape also stood up at the right time, and continued following the old Malfoy's words.

"Dumbledore recruited a werewolf last year to serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

"It's okay, Lucius, Severus."

Voldemort didn't get angry, and looked at the people who walked out of the Ministry of Magic.

"Even if they were prepared, it wouldn't change the outcome."

As he spoke, he waved his wand casually.

All of a sudden, all the floor tiles on the sidewalk in front of the building's gate flew up, flying towards Dumbledore and the others at an extremely fast speed.

His sudden move was like a signal, and all the wizards present moved their hands at this moment.

Not only the main entrance, but the Death Eaters surrounding the sides and the back also used spells to break the glass windows, trying to break into the building.

Aurors from the Ministry of Magic and members of the Order of the Phoenix fought back and pushed them back.

Of course, the battle at the main entrance was the fiercest.

In particular, the confrontation between Dumbledore and Voldemort has been heated up almost from the beginning.

Sweeping torrents, overwhelming flames, deadly curses, strange and unknown magic, all kinds of means emerged in their hands.

Coupled with the easy use of the surrounding environment, the scope of the battle between the two is getting wider and wider, and even severely squeezed the fighting space of other people.

The other wizards on the two sides who were standing near them had to retreat farther and farther, and completely handed over the battlefield to them.

Watching this extremely dangerous and wonderful battle, Scott couldn't watch it seriously.

That part of power that has not yet appeared under Voldemort's command has always affected his heart.

Now that the war has entered a stalemate, if Voldemort wants to win, the most important thing to do is to put the other part of his power into the battlefield.

But the reality is that those guys have never entered the game, unless...

Just then, Scott received a communication from Professor Flitwick.

"Scott, inform Albus that Hogwarts is under attack!"

Professor Flitwick's sharp voice sounded, and Scott immediately understood Voldemort's idea——

He personally took action to contain Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix, and most of the Ministry of Magic in London, and at the same time let another part of his men go to besiege Hogwarts.

His target must still be Harry.

"Dumbledore is in the Ministry of Magic, Professor, there is also a war over there, Dumbledore is resisting Voldemort!"


Professor Flitwick screamed.

"The protective magic of Hogwarts Castle is in the hands of Albus, Minerva can only mobilize part of the power!"

"I'll be right back, Professor!"

With that said, Scott hung up the communication, put away the [Magic Mirror], directly activated the Portkey on his wrist, and returned to the crow's territory in the forest.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, he completed the transformation of Animagus, turned into a peregrine falcon and soared into the sky, flying towards Hogwarts Castle at the fastest speed.

It didn't take long for him to see the familiar castle and the dementors flying and circling above the castle from a distance.

At this time, Hogwarts Castle was shrouded in a huge hemispherical silver magic barrier, outside of the barrier, battles were taking place in all directions.

Among them, the battle in the Forbidden Forest was the most intense.

Several gigantic giants are leading a group of giants to fight the centaur tribe and thestrals.

The thestrals seemed to be in good condition, at least they could fly, but the battle of the centaurs was really difficult.

Although they can deal with enemies with greater agility and faster speed, their bows and arrows can only barely hurt the trolls, and the damage to the giants is like scratching an itch.

The giants violently waved their huge weapons, which could easily break trees and shake the ground when they hit the ground.

Scott in the sky resolutely turned back into a human form, and floated in the air with the help of his cloak.

He took a small raven from his pocket and tossed it, waving his wand.

"Get bigger fast!"

The crow turned into a huge ball of fire, shining like the sun over the forest.

"Go, Edgar, kill those giants, and then come to me."

He gave a loud order, turned into a peregrine falcon again, left behind Edgar's chirping, and flew towards Hogwarts Castle with all his strength.

Flying over the Forbidden Forest, Scott saw the battle on the Black Lake again.

Countless Grindylos writhed on the surface of the lake, fighting the mermaid tribe in the Black Lake, and the Grindylos tamed by the merman.

In addition, there are several huge water snakes that are besieging the big octopus in the black lake.

The waves rolled, and the lake was already stained red with blood.

Scott changed back to human form again, released the water attribute "summoned beast" Syrain, and also enlarged its body.

"Sirein, remove the intruders!"

The sailfish wrapped in a huge water polo fell from the sky like a huge arrow, piercing a giant snake besieging the big octopus in an instant.

Before Scott could re-transform into a peregrine falcon, he felt a biting chill.

Looking back, it turned out that several dementors were approaching him at full speed.

"Call God Guard!"

Scott waved his wand decisively.

The silver peregrine falcon flew out, blocking the cold breath, and then flew towards the dementors at full speed.

Facing Scott's Patronus, the Dementor quickly receded.

Scott took the opportunity to complete the Animagus transformation again and flew over the castle gate facing Hogward Village.

Below, two wizards are leading a team of werewolves and two giants, charging at the gate of the castle.

The two leading wizards were none other than Barty Crouch Jr., who was most loyal to Voldemort, and Bellatrix Lestrange.

(End of this chapter)

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