Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 455 455. Announce the list of 25 people

Chapter 455 455. Announce the list of 25 people

In the early morning of October 10, the latest news published in the "Daily Prophet" sparked heated discussions among all.

"Minister of Magic Amelia Susan Burns delivered her inaugural speech: resolutely fight against all dark forces! "

Scott read the report quickly.

Ms Burns' inaugural speech could almost be seen as a declaration of war on Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

This lady continued her law-intolerant attitude when she was the director of the Law Enforcement Department, and strongly expressed her determination to fight against the dark forces.

"What do you think?" Eddie asked over his shoulder.

Milton said: "This is of course very good. I mean, Minister Burns' attitude can give people hope. You know, since the mysterious man came out publicly, many wizards have been enveloped in despair."

Luna looked at the stern-looking Ms. Burns in the photo.

"Oh, she's tough," she said. "Maybe she should be more careful about her safety."

"Don't say that, would the mysterious man lead the Death Eaters to attack the Ministry of Magic?" Keira said with a pale face.

"Is there anything they can't do?" Her boyfriend Dylan frowned, "And, v... The Mysterious Man is too powerful, unless it is Dumbledore, no one can stop him."

Roger interfaced, "So our new minister is in a very dangerous situation now, especially since she also publicly announced that she will send Aurors to the homes of the wanted Death Eaters to arrest them, which will undoubtedly anger those people."

"She must have thought of all these, but she still did it." Eddie also stared at the photo in the newspaper, his eyes flashed, "I think she is a great minister."

Keira said, "But is this really good? If, I mean, if something happens to her, those wizards who are afraid of You-Know-Who will become even more desperate."

Having said that, her face became even paler.

"I heard from my father that those Death Eaters have been doing all kinds of evil more than ten years ago, killing many people and breaking countless families. In short, I can't imagine what those guys would do if they were offended."

Obviously, she was a little pessimistic.

Not only worried that Minister Burns would be retaliated by Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but also worried that his family would be implicated in the war.

Dylan quickly comforted her in a low voice.

"What do you think, Scott?" Milton asked Scott.

Scott didn't comment just now.

In his opinion, Ms. Burns should not have said those words out of the heat of her head.

Although those declarations can play a positive role in maintaining the authority of the Ministry of Magic, if they fail, they will have the opposite effect.

Perhaps, Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix will also be involved, or there are already plans.

But in the face of Milton's question, he just said: "In any case, we students can't do anything but trust the new minister."

After breakfast, Scott asked Luna alone, "Luna, you just said that Ms. Burns should pay attention to her own safety, did you see something?"

Luna shook her head.

"I just think she should be careful."

"Intuition?" Scott muttered.

He knew that Luna's intuition had always been accurate.

Is it true that something will happen to the newly appointed minister?
"What's wrong?" Luna asked.

Scott shook his head, "I trust your intuition, but this kind of's useless even if we remind you. Ms. Burns can say those words, which proves that she has come to her senses."

Luna said: "I think she is the one who will go forward."

This concludes the discussion on the Minister.

They started talking about the Triwizard Tournament.

"It's a pity that I couldn't gather 5 recommendation letters." Luna said regretfully.

But she soon laughed again.

"But I'm sure you'll get the most applause, Scott."

"Thank you."

After saying goodbye to her, Scott went to the Room of Requirement again and studied all day.

In the evening, after leaving the Room of Requirement, Scott came to Professor Flitwick's office to borrow [Ravenclaw's Crown], and finally basically mastered the set of rune circuits.

On the way back to the dormitory, Scott was still reviewing the composition of the entire rune circuit in his mind.

With the help of Ravenclaw's mentor, the group of rune circuits originally named [Illusion of the Ice Ocean and Starry Sky] has been removed from the part that makes up the specific illusion and has become [Blank Illusion].

That is the frame.

Scott can create a new illusion as long as he fills it with the ancient rune he has mastered and can maintain the structure of the rune circuit.

But this is undoubtedly very difficult, and it will take countless attempts and even some luck to succeed.

In short, in order to achieve the idea, Scott is ready to borrow [Ravenclaw's crown] again, and Felicia is also under consideration.

In the days that followed, Scott spent most of his time creating illusions, and went to Professor Flitwick's office to borrow the crown more often.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick knew that his experiment was in preparation for the Triwizard Tournament, so he gave him the green light.

October 10th is another Saturday.

That night, when Scott came to the auditorium, he found that the professors were all sitting on the teacher's bench in front of the auditorium.

He walked over to the Ravenclaw table and asked his roommate, "What happened?"

"Dumbledore is going to announce the list of 25 people who can go to Beauxbatons." Eddie said, "Didn't you read the bulletin board in front of the Great Hall?"

Scott shook his head.

He went to the Room of Requirement early in the morning when

The bulletin board is still empty, and he ignored it when he came in just now.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who was sitting in the center of the teacher's seat, stood up and said to everyone: "The 25 students who will represent Hogwarts and go to Beauxbatons to participate in the Triwizard Tournament have all been selected. ,they are--"

"Cedric Diggory."

"Scott Trollope."

"Terrence Higgs."

"Angelina Johnson."


As the names were read out one by one, the long tables of the four colleges burst into applause.

When Angelina's name was pronounced, Scott turned his head and took a look.

Sure enough, Fred's expression looked a little silly.

That guy must regret giving up too soon, Scott groaned.

"Ethan Cooper."


"Roger Davis."

When the last name appeared, Scott looked at Roger in surprise.

"You bastard, you never said anything!"

Eddie's eyes widened, "Roger! You succeeded! You kept it from us!"

"Congratulations, Roger," Milton said.

The other students also began to congratulate.

"Oh, it's nothing." Roger shook his head pretending to be handsome, "It is said that Beauxbatons has many beautiful girls, and I can't miss them no matter what."

Obviously, because Hogwarts has no goals, Roger, who has been idle for too long, is about to start exuding charm again.

Scott chuckled to himself.

He was looking forward to it.

Roger, who is a master of love, don't capsize on Beauxbaton's mixed-race Veela.

 Sorry, there are few updates today.

  There will be more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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