Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 450 450. Methods of Electing Student Representatives

Chapter 450 450. Methods of Electing Student Representatives

Facing the strong protests from everyone, Dumbledore just smiled and said nothing.


Professor McGonagall sternly tapped the glass with his wand.


At the same time, the newly appointed Professor Moody sneered, and his blue magic eyes rolled around a few times.

The auditorium instantly became quiet.

"what happened?"

Scott heard someone muttering inexplicably.

In the feelings of others, although Professor Moody sat there, he suddenly brought a strong sense of oppression to everyone.

Only Scott noticed the change in the fluctuation of magic power around him.

This should be a direct use of magic power, which can deter others.

Of course, it probably can only deter those who are weaker than oneself.

But it certainly gave Scott some inspiration.

He took out his notebook on the spot and recorded the instant inspiration.

Roger whispered with some dissatisfaction, "Hey, we are all fighting for you, but you are not in a hurry."

"It's useless to be anxious." Scott smiled, and closed the notebook in his hand, "Listen to what Dumbledore has to say."

"The warriors representing the three magic schools participating in the Triwizard Tournament must be at least seventeen years old. This is a rule jointly formulated by officials from the Ministry of Magic of several countries."

Dumbledore explained aloud to everyone.

Eddie murmured, "Hope there's more but..."


Dumbledore did not disappoint.

As soon as "but" came out, everyone pricked up their ears.

"The Hogwarts representatives we elect are not limited to the ages stipulated by the rules."

He said with a smile.

"In addition to the necessary warrior candidates, we will also select some students of other ages to go to Beauxbatons as representatives to communicate with students from the other two magic schools."

He clapped his hands.

"How to choose specifically? Hogwarts will eventually select 25 students to go to Beauxbatons to participate in this grand event, and all you have to do is to get the approval of the professors."

He quickly said the specific method to get the quota.

"You have to get recommendation letters from at least five professors, and then hand them over to Professor McGonagall. The first 25 students who get the recommendation first are the members of the Hogwarts delegation for this Triwizard Tournament!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students stared at the professors on the teacher's bench with fiery eyes.

Especially the senior students, many of them have even started to move around.

As for the lower grades, they obviously knew that they had almost no chance compared to the upper grades, and they all began to lament.

"Oh, the recommendation letters from the five professors!" Eddie clenched his fists excitedly. "From this point of view, there must be no problem with Scott, and even I have the opportunity to go to Beauxbatons to see it!"


Professor McGonagall tapped the glass again.

"It's about the honor of Hogwarts, and we will strictly check it." She scanned the students with a stern look, "What needs to be considered is not only your knowledge and morals, but even good etiquette. .”

Hearing her words, many students sat up straight and showed "reserved" smiles.

Of course, some students showed "you are kidding" expressions.

At this time, Professor Flitwick spoke, "Don't worry, children, we have quite a while to investigate you."

"We have agreed that we will not sign any of the recommendations until October," Professor Sprout said.

Professor Slughorn laughed and said, "Only the best students in our eyes can get the honor of representing Hogwarts!"

"Okay!" Dumbledore clapped his hands again, "I have finished the things that need to be explained, now, please start to enjoy your dinner!"

Countless tempting delicacies appeared on the empty long table in an instant. Everyone was so hungry that they couldn't care about anything else and started to gobble it up.

Of course, there are also some people who firmly remembered Professor McGonagall's words and deliberately showed their good table manners, which was in stark contrast to the behavior of the "starved ghosts" around them.

Scott didn't show anything specifically, but ate naturally as usual, but at a faster speed.

Roger and Milton were about the same.

"Oh, you guys are so cunning!"

After realizing it, Eddie wiped his oily mouth with a napkin, put down the big chicken leg in his hand, and picked up the knife and fork.

He glanced around, and then said to Scott and the others, "I think Fred and George must have given up."

Scott looked up and found that Fred and George not only did not hold back, but intensified, eating and drinking like two bandits.

Ginny, who was sitting next to the two, was giving them disgusted looks from time to time.

After meeting Scott's gaze, the two blinked at him, and then ran over with the big chicken leg in their hands.

"Have you given up?" Scott asked amusedly.

"That's right." Fred nodded while nibbling on the chicken leg, "You know, nothing can make us obedient and good kids."

George's expression was even more exaggerated, "We thought about it, even if it's a disguise, we can't last for two months, it will definitely kill us!"

"But we're not going to miss the Triwizard Tournament, are we?" Fred winked at Scott.

"I leave it to you, brother."

George stretched out his oily hand to pat Scott on the shoulder, and Scott quickly dodged.

"Oh, I see," he said. "If I can be selected for the student delegation, you can broadcast it live from Hogwarts."

"very good!"

"We'll fix it!"

Fred and George high-fived each other happily, then hurried away.

Immediately afterwards, Eddie's regretful voice sounded.

"Oh, I just wanted to say...Damn it, they preempted it!"

A few days ago, Scott's roommates also saw the remote live broadcast tool he invented, and got the [magic phone] as a gift from him.

"Aren't you going to fight for a place in the student delegation?" Milton asked Eddie.

Eddie and he stared at each other for a few seconds before finally admitting, "Oh, that was just bragging."

After dinner, Eddie, who became the fifth-grade prefect, and his partner went to welcome the new students. Scott and the three of them went back to the common room to fill out the course application form.

As sixth grade students, they are about to face a completely different education from the previous five years.

The professors call it a booster class.

The so-called advanced classes have thresholds, and each professor has his own standards for recruiting students.

Scott and the others first had to choose the subjects they wanted to take, and then the professors would select the students based on their previous grades.

Although Scott has obtained 10 certificates in the OWLs examination, he does not intend to continue to take the 10-subject improvement class.

"I want to spend more time focusing on subjects that I am better at."

Scott to Roger and Milton.

"I'm going to check Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, and Arithmetic Divination, and give up the history of magic, astronomy, and protection of magical animals... Well, herbs are also given up."

Anyway, his requirement for his potion level is only to be able to make according to the existing formula, he has never thought about innovation, and it is okay to give up the herbal medicine course.

Roger and Milton also made a choice after thinking about it.

Roger chose Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Protect Fantastic Beasts.

Milton chose Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbal Medicine and History of Magic.

The next day, all three of their course choices were approved by the professors.

At the beginning of the new semester, because of the Triwizard Tournament, the atmosphere inside Hogwarts has changed.

There are fewer mischievous students, and there are more guys who are willing to express themselves in front of the professors and play elegant.

After a period of time, everyone gradually adapted to the courses of the two new professors.

Unlike the plot in the "Original Book", Professor Moody, who is in charge of teaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, is the real Moody. His teaching style is of course different from the "Moody" pretended by Barty Crouch Jr.

He will not show the three unforgivable cruelties nakedly like Barty Crouch Jr., but he has a wealth of Auror experience, and can start from his own experience to impart a lot of useful and practical knowledge to the students.

In particular, the dueling practice course that accompanied the Defense Against the Dark Arts course benefited Scott a lot.

Although he is on crutches and has a limping leg, Professor Moody's dueling level is undoubtedly higher than that of Sirius and Lupine.

Even compared with Professor Flitwick, Moody's spells may be far inferior to Professor Flitwick's, but his fighting style is sharper than Professor Flitwick's.

A duel match is ultimately different from a life-and-death fight.

In this regard, Professor Flitwick also said to Scott, "I do not lack experience in life-and-death combat, but those experiences are nothing compared to Alastor."

Of course, Professor Moody also has neurotic suspicion of everything around him because he is too vigilant.

Especially the descendants of those Death Eaters suffered terribly because of his close watch.

Oh, and Scott is on his suspect list because of two incidents over the summer.

But Scott didn't show any abnormality in this, but like all good students, he took the class very seriously, absorbing knowledge and experience from him.

As time passed, he felt that Moody's suspicion of him seemed to have faded a lot.

But he did not give up his vigilance.

In other words, he didn't intend to engage in any underground actions at Hogwarts.

So all along, he thought that he and Professor Moody got along pretty well.

Of course, it could also be unilateral.

Professor Slughorn is completely different from Professor Moody. This old professor has been more popular than Moody since his debut.

Moreover, compared to his predecessor, Snape, he was undoubtedly much easier to get along with, and even Milton would not make nervous mistakes in Potions class.

Even many students who hated Potions because they hated Snape fell in love with it again.

The most typical is Harry.

Scott had even seen him and Hermione discussing Potions several times, which had never been possible before.

Although Professor Slughorn, who is the professor of potions and the head of Slytherin, is still popular, the old man also has something to criticize——

His habit of chasing after celebrities and attracting geniuses may have been deeply rooted in his bones.

Although he can always notice and discover those students with outstanding talents and give them preferential treatment.

But as a professor, he is more used to turning a blind eye to mediocre students, and even can't remember their names.

Everything was obvious. Professor Slughorn was very warm to Scott, had many friendly conversations with him, and even warmly invited Scott to his office.

Correspondingly, for Scott's friend Milton, Professor Slughorn called him by the wrong name several times.

However, when he realized that Milton's father was Mr. Graves who was competing for the Minister of Magic, he immediately remembered Milton's name and became enthusiastic about him.

This made Milton very embarrassed.

After a Potions class, Professor Slughorn kindly talked to Milton about his father.

On the way back, Milton couldn't help but said to Scott: "If I was treated preferentially by Professor Slughorn because of my talents like you, then I would be honored. But unfortunately, he treats me differently." The reason is because of my dad, and it just makes me feel stressed and overwhelmed."

Scott could only persuade him, "This is not a bad thing. You can use this to enter Professor Slughorn's circle and make some contacts, which may be useful."

"Okay." Milton frowned and replied, "Although I don't like this kind of thing, I should really work hard for my goal."

In the bedroom at night, Scott gave Milton two small mirrors.

"It has been made. These are a pair of special [magic mobile phones], which have similar effects to [double-sided mirrors]. Communication is limited to the two mirrors. Of course, information can also be exchanged."

"Thank you!"

Milton gratefully took the mirror and tried the effect.

"All that's left is to give one side of it to my dad."

"I think this process has to be careful." Scott said, "There must be a lot of people watching his every move right now."

"That is to say, can't you mail it to him directly with an owl?" Milton was a little embarrassed.

"Leave it to me." Scott took the initiative to take over the matter, "Only Rimbaud can complete this task perfectly."

Preventing Milton from thanking him too much, Scott asked Rimbaud to send out a mirror and a letter early the next morning.

Rimbaud told them when he came back, "Mr. Graves has almost no time alone. No matter what he does, someone is with him. I gave him things while he was going to the bathroom."

In the afternoon, Milton received a message from Mr. Graves.

[Don't act rashly, remember. ]
Milton tried sending a message, but Mr Graves didn't reply.

"Is he being controlled?" Milton tightly held the mirror in his hand.

Scott said, "I'm afraid so. What are you going to do?"

Milton took a deep breath and calmed down, "I'm afraid I can only do what he ordered for the time being. After all, he is the one who understands his situation best. If I do something rashly, it may not help."

Scott patted him on the shoulder, "Mr. Graves will be fine for the time being. Don't forget, the Minister of Magic has not yet been elected, and I still have William's thread in my hand."

(End of this chapter)

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