Chapter 445
Since Roger had been in a coma, Scott and the others couldn't stay longer in St. Mungo. After confirming Roger's condition, they returned to the Burrow.

"I'll walk you home."

After coming out of the fireplace, Scott said to Luna.

"it is good."

Luna nodded.

The two walked out of the Burrow together, and Fred and George laughed loudly behind them.

"Oh! I think Luna doesn't need someone to take her home in this village where she has lived for more than ten years!"

"No! I think he's trying to make up for that duel with Mr. Lovegood!"

Both Scott and Luna ignored their jokes.

"Our home is on the north side of the village."

On the quiet road in the country, Luna was bouncing ahead, and Scott followed her with his hands in his pockets.

"Have you been in touch with Savannah lately?" Scott asked.

Luna nodded, "Of course, we keep in touch from time to time."

"I want to go again." Scott said, "The Sea of ​​Oaks guarded by the Doherty family."

Luna stopped and turned to look at him.

"Oh, you want to explore the passage to Avalon?"

Scott told her, "Because you don't know it, Medea has fallen into a deep sleep because of Voldemort's curse. If I want to do something, now is the best time."

"Do you want to go alone?" Luna's silver-gray eyes stared straight at Scott. "I don't think this is a good idea."

Scott smiled, "Of course I need to get in touch with Savannah in advance. Without her leadership, I wouldn't dare to break into the Druid's sphere of influence."

Luna shook her head.

"Ask Savanna first. Of course, even if there is no problem with Savannah, you'd better not go alone."

She turned around and continued to walk a few steps forward, then turned around again.

"Have you forgotten again? I remember what you told me. The professors know about your situation and they are all willing to help you."

"Sorry." Scott froze for a moment, then laughed, "I think I did forget."

"It's okay, you're just not used to asking for help."

Luna smiled slightly, and continued bouncing forward.

Scott also started to follow behind her again.

The two walked by a wheat field and turned over a small hill.

"It's my home there."

Luna pointed to another taller hill ahead.

Scott looked up, only to see a wacky house rising like a giant black column on top of a hill with a ghostly moon behind it in the summer morning sky, surrounded by what looked like a Very messy garden.

"Very imaginative."

Scott looked at the fake moon hanging behind the house.

"Funny, isn't it?" Luna said proudly, "That's what Dad did after I was born, because of my name."

The two walked down the hill together and began to climb again.

"I'll help you contact Savannah." Luna said, "We should be able to hear back from her soon."

"Then I'll discuss this with Professor Flitwick later," Scott said.

Not long after, they came to the broken courtyard gate.

Three hand-painted plaques were nailed to the door.

[Editor-in-Chief of The Quibbler: X. Lovegood]

[Please pick a bouquet of mistletoe yourself]

[Don't touch the airship Lee]

"Let's go in!"

Luna pushed open the creaking courtyard door.

Ahead is a winding path lined with all kinds of exotic plants.

All the plants are growing wildly, without any trace of pruning.

Scott saw a bush full of the little orange turnip-shaped fruits that Luna wore in her earrings.

Across the garden, guarding either side of the front door, were two lush crabapple trees, hung with large crowns of mistletoe and white beads.

A little owl with a slightly flattened head, a bit like an eagle's head, was standing on a branch, looking at them with its head tilted.

Luna waved at the owl and was the first to walk to a heavy black door.

The door had iron studs set into it, and a knocker in the shape of an eagle.

"Welcome back, Luna."

The eagle-shaped door knocker said something, and the door opened automatically.

"Come in, Scott."

Luna jumped through the door and turned to Scott.

"excuse me."

Scott walked into the door, and suddenly felt a blur in front of him.

The first floor of the house looked like a kitchen, but it was the weirdest kitchen Scott had ever seen.

Because the house is a standard round shape, after entering the house, it feels like staying in a huge pepper shaker.

What dazzled Scott was the strong eccentric style inside the house——

Everything within sight is curved to match the walls, including the stove, sink and cupboards.

In addition, flowers, insects and birds are painted in bright three primary colors everywhere, which can bring a strong visual impact.

In the center of the room is a cast-iron spiral staircase. At this time, there are crackling and ping-pong-pong sounds from upstairs, which sounds very lively.

Scott couldn't help but look up.

"Oh, that's the sound of the printing press. My dad is printing his magazine."

Luna explained and led him upstairs.

The second floor seemed to be both a living room and a workshop, and it looked even messier than the kitchen.

The room is still a standard circular shape, full of various sundries.

Things that seemed to have been hidden over the centuries made it look like the hidden room in the Room of Requirement.

There are piles of books and papers on every surface, making Scott feel like he has nowhere to go.

Not only under the feet, but also on the ceiling of the room are various exquisite animal models, all of which are constantly flapping their wings or moving their mouths.

Scott followed Luna's footsteps through the debris and saw Mr. Lovegood's back.

At this moment, he was standing bent over a huge machine.

It was a wooden thing with magical cogs that looked like a cross between a workbench and a bunch of old shelves.

At this time, this old machine that looked like it would collapse at any time was making an unpleasant noise while spitting out copies of "The Quibbler".


Luna stepped forward and picked up a new magazine from the floor.

"Oh, I can't wait to start reading it!"

"Luna, are you back?"

Mr. Lovegood turned and gave Luna a benevolent smile.

But after seeing Scott was also there, he changed his face instantly.

"Oh, and you, the boy who is said to be a genius."

At this moment, he looked at Scott with indescribable disgust.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lovegood, I'm here to take Luna home." Scott smiled politely, "I'm Scott, Scott Trollope."

Mr. Lovegood nodded slowly.

"I remember your name, boy, but I don't like your name." He raised his chin and said slowly, "Thank you for taking Luna home. Of course, you just need to send her to the gate of the yard. gone."

"You're welcome, sir."

Scott continued to smile as if he hadn't heard anything other than "Thank you for taking Luna home."

His performance made Mr. Lovegood a little dumbfounded.

He seemed to have never encountered such a thick-skinned person before, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Oh, Dad."

Luna, who was flipping through a magazine, suddenly came to her senses.

"You get on with your work, we have something else to do."

As she spoke, she took the initiative to hold Scott's hand and walked towards the spiral staircase.

Scott glanced back. At this time, Mr. Lovegood stood motionless, and the expression of disbelief on his face had frozen, as if he had been hit by a petrification spell.

Scott couldn't bear to look more, and followed Luna's footsteps past a strange stone bust at the window, and walked up to the third floor.

"This is my room." Luna introduced to Scott.

This room is covered with a light blue carpet, and there is a large photo beside the bed, which is a young Luna hugging a lady who looks like her.

"That's me and my mother." Luna walked to the photo and said softly, "She left us because of a failed spell experiment."

Before Scott could say anything comforting, she smiled by herself, "But it doesn't matter, I still have my dad, and I always believe that we will meet again."

"Of course." Scott said dryly.

"Oh, let's write letters!"

Luna walked to the desk and sat down, handing Scott the magazine in her hand.

"You can look at this first."

"Thank you."

Scott reached for the magazine and looked at the portrait on the table.

Barefoot and wearing a nightgown, the little girl sat with her knees hugged on the big windowsill, with the warm morning light beside her.

It was his gift to Luna for Christmas in 1992.

"I will tell Savannah what you want to do..."

Luna took out a pen and paper and began to write a letter. Scott sat down on a stool beside him and opened the magazine in his hand.

"Shaking Changes, Dark Hours at the World Cup Finals"

Mr. Lovegood's essay is very long.

It's just the content...

Compared with the facts that Scott explained to him, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with it, it can only be said that it has little relationship.

It is clear that Mr. Lovegood prefers the stories polished by Fred and George.

Scott even suspects that he has re-created the twins' polish.

But that's fine too.

Scott thought.

Such an exaggerated story is not only more in line with the tone of the magazine "The Quibbler", but also will not offend Voldemort and the Death Eaters too much.

He suddenly remembered that in the "Original Book", Luna was captured by Death Eaters, because Mr. Lovegood openly supported Harry in the magazine, so the Death Eaters captured Luna and threatened him.

It is conceivable that Luna, who was imprisoned in the dungeon of Malfoy Manor in the "Original Book", must have suffered a lot of suffering and torture.

Scott looked at the back of Luna who was writing hard, and decided to protect her.

"It's finished, let's take a look."

Luna turned around and handed him the written parchment.

After taking it, Scott took a few glances and nodded.

"Then send it!"

Luna took out the envelope, folded the parchment, put it in the envelope, and wrote Savannah's name on the envelope after sealing it.

They came downstairs together and asked the owl to deliver the letter.

"I think Savannah will write back soon." Luna watched the owl fly away, "She often complains to me that her time is too boring..."

The two were standing under the crabapple tree and talking, when Mr. Lovegood suddenly came out from the door.

"It's time for lunch, Luna." He glanced at Scott. "Oh, you ain't gone yet, boy."

He urged Scott to leave quickly with his eyes.

But Luna has no tacit understanding with her father on this matter.

"Come along, Scott." She warmly invited Scott, "You can try our own Goldigan tea."

"It's my pleasure." Scott smiled.

Although Mr. Lovegood's eyes were about to burn his face, he kept pretending not to notice.

"Welcome," said Mr. Lovegood through gritted teeth.

Both Scott and Luna enjoyed this lunch.

While the homemade Goldigan tea that Luna recommends is downright awful, the rest of the food doesn't taste too weird.

At the dinner table, Scott and Luna talked and laughed while eating, only Mr. Lovegood looked sullen.

After lunch, Scott still had no intention of leaving.

Although Mr. Lovegood endured it very hard, Scott pretended not to understand his beatings and winks as long as he did not directly chase people away.

In the end, Mr. Lovegood could only stay out of sight and choose to stay alone in the workshop.

"Maybe I've become Mr. Lovegood's most hated person," Scott said to Luna.

Luna laughed.

"Oh, never mind, my dad is always so energetic."

Scott also found it funny, "I've been thinking about when he can't help but drive me away, but I didn't expect him to hold back."

"Of course, he won't drive you away." Luna said affirmatively, "I think he's just making me happy, and he often does that."


As the culprit, Scott also felt sorry for Mr. Lovegood.

He was sure that, while Mr. Lovegood had more to show, there was truth in it.

As Luna said, in the afternoon, the owl returned and brought Savannah's reply.

It was still two letters. In addition to the reply to Luna, Savannah also wrote a separate letter to Scott.

But after reading the letter, Scott had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​going to the Sea of ​​Oaks.

The stakes were high, and Savannah did not hide from her grandfather the news that the prophecy revealed the possibility of Slytherin's return.

Scott wasn't surprised by this either.

Not to mention the old grievances, if Slytherin is revived, not only Scott will face the crisis, but the Druids of the Doherty family who have guarded the passage for generations will bear the brunt.

Savannah told Scott that her grandfather revealed part of the truth to others, and now the druids have split into two factions.

Some druids have no confidence in defeating Slytherin. They advocate giving up the duty of guarding the passage for generations and want to escape completely.

Another part of the druids, like Scott, is more inclined to take the initiative, trying to open a passage to enter Avalon to explore.

In this tense moment, Scott seemed uncomfortable getting involved directly.

(End of this chapter)

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