Chapter 439

"Thank you, Basil."

After Mr. Weasley thanked the wizard responsible for guiding them, he beckoned everyone to follow him.

The area is shrouded in thick fog, making it almost impossible to see anything.

They supported each other and walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow. After about 10 minutes, they finally passed through this desolate swamp and came to a small stone house.

Scott squinted his eyes and looked at the countless strange-shaped tents behind the stone house.

The crowded tents climbed the gentle slope of a large field that stretched out to a dark wood on the horizon.

They said good-bye to Digory and his son, and went to the door of the stone house.

There stood the man who was looking at the tents.

Scott couldn't sense the magic fluctuations in him, this is a real Muggle.

Hearing their footsteps, the man turned to look at them.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"Are you Mr. Roberts?"

"Ah, exactly. Who are you?"

"Weasley... two tents, booked two days ago, are there any?"

"Yes, you have a place there by the woods. Only for one night?"


"So, pay now, okay?"

"Ah... ok... no problem..."

After some conversation, Mr. Weasley took a few steps back and left the small stone house.

"Help me, Harry."

He drew a roll of Muggle money from his pocket and separated them one by one.

"This one is... um... ten dollars? Ah, by the way, I saw the little numbers printed on it... So this one is five bucks?"

With Harry's help, he managed to decipher the denominations of the notes.

"Are you a foreigner?"

Mr. Roberts asked Mr. Weasley as he returned with the correct notes.


"You're not the only one who can't figure out the amount of money. Just 10 minutes ago, two people wanted to pay me a big gold coin the size of a beer bottle cap."


Mr. Weasley was a little uneasy because he was afraid of showing his weakness.

Mr. Roberts fumbled for change in a tin can.

"There's never been this many people, hundreds of people have booked tents. People keep coming..."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Yeah, people from all over the place. Countless foreigners. Not just foreigners, but a lot of weirdos, you know? There's a guy walking around in a pleated skirt and a South American cape go."

Scott empathized with his doubts.

Although those wizards wanted to pretend to be Muggles, due to lack of basic understanding of Muggles, they gave full play to their imagination when dressing up, and most of them looked like they had some serious illness.

Looking at those people, only Scott, Harry, and Hermione among them would show unbearable expressions.

"is it not OK?"

Faced with Mr. Roberts' doubts, Mr. Weasley was obviously more nervous.

"It was like ... I don't know ... it was like a trick. They all seemed to know each other. It was like a big party."

Mr. Roberts visibly grew suspicious.

At this moment, a wizard wearing bloomers suddenly fell from the sky and landed by the door of the stone house.

"Forget it all!"

The bloomers decisively cast an Oblivion Charm on Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Roberts' eyes immediately went away, his brows loosened, and his expression became dazed, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Here's a plan of the camp. And your change."

He said to Mr. Weasley in a businesslike manner, obviously forgetting the doubts and doubts just now.

Watching this scene, Scott raised his eyebrows.

He noticed that only Harry and Hermione were as touched as he was, and everyone else was just as normal.

This may be a proof that they haven't been able to integrate into the wizarding community, or it may be their insistence on their original worldview.

Just how long can you keep this kind of persistence?
Not even Scott himself knew.

Because despite the discomfort, neither he nor Harry nor Hermione raised any objections at the moment.

Afterwards, the bloomers walked with them towards the gate of the camp.

He looked exhausted, unshaven, and had a dark purple shadow around his eyes.

When Mr. Roberts couldn't hear them, he started complaining to Mr. Weasley.

"He got me in a lot of trouble. To keep him happy, oblivion spells a dozen times a day. Ludo Bagman doesn't help. Walking around talking about Bludgers and ghosts at the top of his voice Flyball, totally disregarding Muggle-proofing and keeping safe. Goodness, I wish this was over. See you later, Arthur."

After saying that he disappeared.

"I thought Mr. Bagman was the Head of the Department of Magical Sports," Ginny said with some surprise. "He should know that Bludgers can't be talked about around Muggles, right?"

"Yes," Mr. Weasley said with a smile, "Ludo has always been... a little sloppy about safety. But you couldn't find a more passionate person to head the Sports Division." .You know, he used to play Quidditch for Great Britain. He was the best batsman ever for the Wimbourne Hornets."

Through the gate, they walked slowly in the misty camp, passing between two rows of long tents.

Most of the tents looked unremarkable, apparently their owners had taken pains to make them as Muggle tents as possible.

But some people have obviously gone too far, adding chimneys, bell ropes or weathervanes to the superfluity, which looks very nondescript.

However, occasionally there are a few tents that can be seen to be enchanted.

In the center of the camp, there is a tent that is particularly conspicuous, built in the shape of a four-story building, with several turrets beside it.

Further there, there is a garden in front of the tent door, which has birdbaths, sundials, fountains and so on.

"Always," said Mr. Weasley, laughing. "When you get together, you can't help but want to show off. Ah, here, look, this is ours."

He looked around and said in a somewhat gloating tone, "Oh, it's a pity you didn't get to see the Malfoys' tent. They used to always be the most exaggerated ones, the striped silk, the palace, the white peacock."

Sirius went on to say: "Of course, Malfoy is wanted by the Ministry of Magic for attacking Azkaban."

Saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed for a while.

By this time they had come to the edge of the woods at the end of the camp.

There's a clearing here, and there's a little sign stuck in the ground that says: WEDSLEY.

"This place couldn't be better!" said Mr. Weasley cheerfully. "It's on the other side of the forest, and it couldn't get any closer."

He slipped the backpack off his shoulders.

"Well," he said excitedly, "no magic, strictly speaking, since so many of us are here in Muggle territory. We're going to put up the tent with our own hands! It shouldn't be too difficult... "

Only Scott had camping experience, so he stood up and directed everyone to work together to build a tent.

The process went fairly smoothly, and everyone's hands-on ability was pretty good, only the two adults, Mr. Weasley and Sirius, seemed to be a disservice.

Especially Mr. Weasley, he is very curious about all Muggle tools, and he is always surprised.

Once both two-person tents were pitched, they all stepped back to admire the fruits of their labor.

At this moment, Mr. Weasley got on all fours and got into the first tent first.

"It might be a little crowded," he called, "but I think we can all fit in. Come and see."

Everyone bent down and got in from under the tent curtain.

Inside the small tent is actually an old-fashioned three-bedroom apartment with bathroom and kitchen.

The room was a bit datedly furnished, with crocheted covers covering ill-fitting chairs, and there was a pungent cat smell in the air.

"Oh, it's only temporary." Mr. Weasley mopped his bald head with a handkerchief, and looked at the four bunk beds in the bedroom. "I borrowed this from Perkins in the office. Poor Guy, he's got low back pain and can't camp any more."

He picked up the dusty jug and looked inside, "We need some water..."

He asked Ron, Harry, and Hermione to fetch water, and the rest were responsible for collecting firewood.

Scott and the twins came to the woods together, and Fred tried to cut off the branch directly with the cutting spell, but Mr. Weasley stopped him with a voice.

"Remember, this is Muggle territory, we can't use magic!" he warned Fred.

Fred pouted, and could only obediently bend down to pick up the broken branches on the ground.

Unknowingly, the sun finally rose, and the morning fog that wandered around the camp began to gradually dissipate.

The campers had already woken up, and they walked out of the tents one after another. The cries of children, the sound of frolicking, and the yelling of adults intertwined together, and the whole camp became very lively.

After Scott and the others took back some firewood, they stood high in the woods, talking about who would win the final, Bulgaria and Ireland, and observing the people in the camp.

They saw many acquaintances, their classmates at Hogwarts, many tourists from abroad, and even students from other wizarding schools.

Scott tried to find Roger's figure, but failed to see him for a while, so he simply asked Rimbaud to look for it.

Mr. Weasley squatted at the door of the tent trying to start a fire with matches, but he couldn't adapt to the Muggle way of starting a fire, and would always throw it away screaming after lighting a match.

Just then, Scott suddenly turned around and saw Bill, Charlie, and Percy apparate suddenly behind them.

Fred and George jumped straight to their feet, ignoring Percy in unison, enthusiastically introducing Bill and Charlie and Scott to each other.

Bill was tall and had Weasley red hair in a long ponytail.

He wore an earring with a small fan-like ornament dangling from it, and unlike the rest of the Weasleys, he seemed like a cool guy.

Charlie seemed to look more like Mrs. Weasley, and was shorter, fatter, and stockier than his brother.

He had the same red hair and the same freckles, but his face was rounder and more friendly, except that it looked weather-beaten, almost brown-black.

He had muscular arms, and on one arm was a large, shiny scar from a fire burn.

Both of them have cheerful personalities. Since Scott and Bill have been in touch many times remotely, they have no strangeness at all, and they quickly chatted together.

Bill was very interested in Scott's Transfiguration progress, and he offered to let Scott demonstrate it, and he also surrounded the other brothers to block the sight of others.

As the head of the family, Bill undoubtedly possessed a strong prestige. Facing his request, even the stern-faced Percy chose to be obedient.

Scott readily agreed.

He and Bill squatted down, and the four Weasley brothers stood in a row beside them.

Scott took out his wand, picked up a stone and placed it in front of him.


He flicked his wand lightly, and the light of the Transfiguration Charm enveloped the stone.

In the next second, the stone quickly turned into a living crow.

With a bang, the crow burst out with hot flames and walked back and forth on the ground.


The Weasley brothers opened their mouths together and let out exclamations.

Immediately afterwards, the crow spread its wings and flew up, and the flames around it gradually faded away.


The crow opened its mouth and spit out a line of fire, burning a dark hole in the ground.


The exclamation sounded again.

"What are you doing?"

Sirius walked over, just in time to see this scene.

"This is?"

He looked at Scott with a wand in his hand in shock.

"Scott, did you do this?"

Scott nodded and waved his wand lightly again. The crow immediately turned into a stone and fell to the ground, then shattered.

"how did you do it?"

Sirius seemed very interested, and walked quickly over to squat next to Bill.


Scott thought for a while and picked up another stone.

This time, for the sake of demonstration, he did not choose to take shape at once.

He flicked his wand lightly first, causing the stone to take the shape of a crow.

The surface of the stone crow's body is covered with traces of runes.

Scott waved his wand again, and the stone crow came to life, and the rune also lit up with fiery red light, bang, the flame ignited.

"It's great!" Bill said excitedly. "My idea really came true. Of course, I've heard you say it before, but I'm still very happy to see this with my own eyes!"

He couldn't wait to pull out his wand to try it out.

In the first step, he succeeded easily, conjuring a stone crow covered with runes.

But when he swung his wand again, his crow exploded.

Scott blocked the exploding stones with the Iron Armor Charm just in time.

"No." Bill shook his head. "I can't do it. If the rune circuit and transformation are activated at the same time, the difficulty will increase many times. The existence of the rune will greatly interfere with my transformation!"

Only then did Sirius come back to his senses, and he said in shock: "I have never realized so clearly that Scott is really a genuine genius, maybe the so-called genius is being able to do things that others cannot do." thing."

Scott had no humility, and he began to demonstrate the hybrid use of transfiguration and enchantment again.

This time he first turned a branch into a snake, and then shrunk the snake down with a shrinking spell.

"It can only go so far," he said. "If you want to combine the three..."

As he spoke, he cast a shrinking spell on the second fire crow he conjured up.

The fire crow exploded directly.

"You are already amazing!"

Bill tried again, and when he shrunk the rat he had conjured up, the rat exploded as well.

"Is this the difference in talent?" He smiled casually, "I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would envy other people's talent."

"It's amazing, I never knew that you kid could do such a thing!"

Sirius couldn't resist reaching out and ruffling Scott's hair.

Scott shrugged.

Talent is indeed unreasonable, but wizards with special talents in the magic world are actually not too rare. Compared with the natural Metamorphmagus and the natural instigator, he is just better at transfiguration than ordinary people , it's no big deal.

When he finished his speech, he was attacked by everyone rubbing his head.

In addition to Percy, even the unfamiliar Charlie also participated.

"Is this kid in need of a beating?" He said.

"What is this, a group of Gryffindors bullying a Ravenclaw?"

Facing the siege, Scott had no choice but to run away, and finally fled back to the tent with his chicken coop on his head.

At this time, the trio who went to fetch water had returned, and with their help, Mr. Weasley finally successfully completed the work of raising the fire.

He was frying eggs while talking to a man in a conspicuous Quidditch robe.

"Let me introduce you," Mr. Weasley said to the returning crowd, "this is Ludo Bagman, you know who he is, and we owe it to him to get such a good ticket— "

Bagman waved his hand with a smile on his face, as if to say that this was nothing.

Then Mr. Weasley introduced them to Bagman.

Bagman only glanced at Harry Potter a few times after hearing his name.

Scott ran his fingers through his hair while spying on the Head of Sports at the Ministry of Magic.

The former Quidditch star wore a slightly exaggerated bright robe, which was stretched tightly over his belly.

"Want to bet on the match, Arthur? Oh, and Sirius, you too!"

Bagman asked eagerly, and at the same time jingled the pockets of his yellow and black robes, which seemed to contain a lot of gold coins.

He rattled off his predictions for the match, encouraging Mr. Weasley and Sirius to place bets.

Both Mr. Weasley and Sirius bet Galleons on the Irish team to win the match.

"Fine, anyone else want to place a bet?"

Bagman started egging the others on again.

Mr. Weasley disapproved of children's gambling, but the twins were visibly enthusiastic.

Scott remembered how the twins were tricked by this guy with fake gold coins in the "Original Book", so he stopped them with his eyes.

Fortunately, although Fred and George didn't understand why Scott wanted to stop them, they trusted him enough to cancel their betting intentions.

Since the others were not interested in gambling, Bagman kept talking for a long time, and finally had no choice but to leave.

After he walked away, Fred and George curiously asked Scott why he stopped them.

Scott explained: "The gentleman's financial situation doesn't look very good. He even wears the old Hornets robe, which obviously doesn't fit. If you win, are you sure he can pay enough bets?"

Fred frowned. "I thought he was wearing an old robe just to show off his former status as a Quidditch star."

"He was a star in the past, and now he is the director of the sports department. He is not an inconspicuous person." George also said, "With such an identity, it would be too embarrassing if he cheated and refused to pay back the money!"

Mr. Weasley laughed, "Oh, maybe you have misunderstood Ludo, Scott, I know him, he is not a bad person. Of course, Fred and George are right not to gamble, thank you for stopping them. "

While Mr. Weasley was speaking, Percy looked at Scott with disapproval.

"Maybe I misunderstood." Scott said with a smile.

But while speaking, he winked at the twins again.

After breakfast, the three of them gathered in the woods again to talk.

"You know my perception ability." Scott said to them, "I can detect slight fluctuations in magic power, and the mood of the wizard will also affect the state of magic power in perception. In short, I judge that guy is not very good. letter."

"So it is."

"That guy is trying to cheat us of money!"

Fred and George believed him at once.

"I think we'll find a way to make money." Scott reassured them, "You don't have to worry about the funds to open the store in the future."

Fred and George are also optimistic.

"That's right, running a joke store is just our small target right now."

"Our ultimate goal is to revolutionize the wizarding world with inventions!"

Scott laughed when he heard this. It seems that his previous description gave the twins new goals.

While joking, Rimbaud led Roger and Eddie to find them.

"Oh, Eddie."

Scott looked up and down Eddie, who had not seen him for a long time and had gained a lot of weight.

"Did you eat too much in America?"


Eddie didn't care about that.

He was very excited and said to Scott: "Oh, I have heard Roger tell about your experience in Vienna. It is a pity that I did not go to Milton's concert. Of course, I also met new friends in the United States. , is a student of Ilvermorny!"

He began to talk endlessly about the information he had heard about the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States.

Scott and the others still listened with great interest, but Roger had obviously heard it, or more than once, and immediately showed a disinterested expression on his face.

When Eddie stopped talking, Roger had already started staring at Rimbaud.

While Eddie was thirsty for water, Scott reminded him and Roger.

"Do you already know the current situation in the magic world? I want to remind you to be careful."

"I know." Eddie nodded, "Roger told me."

"I heard from my dad, but we only know the general situation," Roger said.

"I don't think there will be any accidents here. There are too many wizards here, and the Ministry of Magic has also arranged a lot of people. Who would dare to make trouble?" Eddie said optimistically.

Scott was less sanguine.

"It's best if nothing happens." He said solemnly, "but don't let your guard down."

Although there are many wizards here, most of them are families.

If turmoil really occurs, he can be sure that most people will only add to the chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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