Chapter 437

Although Scott was a little speechless about Michael's inconsistency, he could understand it.

As a father, Michael was only concerned about his safety.

"I've always been cautious." He analyzed himself to his father, "Maybe it's because I haven't had a chance to verify my strength, so I'm a little restless."

Michael shook his head upon hearing this.

"You are still too young, my son, don't play all your cards easily, this is the truth you should have understood long ago."

Scott shrugged.

"Although the reason is clear, whether it can be done is another matter."

Michael looked him in the eyes and said, "You have to figure out what is most important to you."

"Of course it's you and mom." Scott said with a smile.

Michael froze for a moment, then laughed too.

"You should save this kind of words to coax Millie." He said with the corner of his mouth curled up.

Scott pouted, "I'm telling the truth."

Michael coughed, and his face became serious again.

"What I mean is that you should focus on the key points. The most important thing for you is to survive the catastrophe revealed by the prophecy."

Hearing his father's words, Scott also suppressed the smile on his face.

Michael put a hand on his shoulder and met his gaze.

"You have to get rid of something, Scott, don't let other things occupy your attention, you have to go all out to deal with the prophecy."

Scott looked into Michael's eyes, and saw not only concern, but also a lot of worry.

He thought again of talking to Michael on the first night of summer vacation, the sadness and powerlessness in his father's tone.

For as long as I can remember, the image of my father Michael in this life has been powerful and almost omnipotent.

This man is always calm and calm, as immobile as a mountain, and it seems that nothing can knock him down.

But now he has seen his father's weakness twice.

That's something that shouldn't have happened to Michael in the first place.

This is all because of himself, because he is in a world that he can't get involved in.

Scott opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

He had no way to stop Michael from worrying, and he could only be thankful that Emilia didn't know this. He couldn't prove that he could survive in the future, because even he himself didn't have full confidence.

Not only that, even Ravenclaw's mentor also said that he lacks the accumulation of time, and it is impossible for him to reach their level of strength in a short period of time.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Michael sighed, "If you don't have confidence, we can leave, no matter where we go. We can go to any country in the world, even the north and south poles at the two ends of the earth, or uninhabited islands in the ocean. "

"Do not."

Scott said no reflexively.

He is very clear that it is impossible to escape the prophecy, and escaping cannot solve any problems.

Besides, hiding XZ is not what he wants.

"I will cheer up, work harder, focus more, and be more cautious." He looked into Michael's eyes and said word by word.

At this moment, Scott's heart suddenly became firm.

Even if the opponent is Salazar Slytherin, he is not willing to admit defeat easily.

"In this case, let's work hard." Michael said, "In short, I will prepare for the way out."

Scott can only acquiesce to this.

After breakfast the next day, Scott summoned Ravenclaw's portrait in his room.

"Mentor, please tell me if there is a faster way to become stronger." He asked in a requesting tone.

Ravenclaw glanced at him and asked gently, "What happened?"

"My enemy is Salazar Slytherin. If this goes on, I will have no chance of winning, will I?" Scott said seriously, "I don't want my father to worry too much about me."

Ravenclaw said: "The route I planned for you is the best. Magic cannot be achieved overnight. Only step by step can you go further."

Scott shook his head, "However, I'm not sure if I will have a future if this continues."

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "That prophecy told us that you won in the end, didn't you?"

"It's not about doing nothing to win."

"Of course you haven't done nothing, you've been improving, boy."

"But I don't think that's enough."

"There is no shortcut to the accumulation of knowledge. Because of impatience, your request just now has fallen far short of the standard, my apprentice."

Big miss...

Scott froze.

Think of the black dragon I made with Transfiguration before.

Although the black dragon has a frightening appearance, a huge body, and can even imitate the dragon's breath and fire, it is actually just a superficial appearance.

It was not a real living thing, but a model that could fly and breathe fire, and all actions were controlled by Scott.

If the black dragon has the same ability to act independently as Rimbaud, and even generate wisdom, it can be done with his current level of transfiguration, but it is limited by the lack of magic power.

After creating the black dragon that day, he lost his strength.

Wanting to understand the key to the problem, Scott looked at Ravenclaw in the painting again.

"Dear mentor, is there any way to increase my magic power quickly?"

Ravenclaw smiled again, "Yes."

Scott's eyes lit up, "Please tell me."

"It's just that you really want to do that?" Ravenclaw asked. "I must warn you that the method I know is risky."

"So have you used it?" Scott asked curiously.

Ravenclaw nodded, "Yes, the environment in the magic world in the past was much bloodier and crueler than the modern one. We will use some methods that have been abandoned in modern times to enhance magic power."

"Please teach me." Scott asked again.

"You have two choices," said Ravenclaw. "One is a potion, and the other is a magical ritual."

Scott thought about it and asked, "Can't you use both?"

Ravenclaw shook his head, "Don't be too greedy, it will cause unpredictable consequences, and wizards in the past have proved it with their lives."

It turned out to be the case.

Scott said regretfully: "Then please tell me the difference between the two methods."

Ravenclaw nodded slightly.

"The potion is called the magic potion. The advantage is that it is safe and stable. The disadvantage is that the magic power that can be increased is not much, and the potion materials are hard to find."

"The magic ritual is called Bloody Looting. The advantage is that the increase in magic power is extremely impressive. The disadvantage is that the method is cruel and bloody. There is a high chance of uncontrollable side effects, and the materials are extremely precious and difficult to find."

"Bloody plunder..."

Scott unconsciously repeated the name of the magic ritual, from the name one could imagine the nature of the magic ritual.

"Are you interested in bloody plunder?"

Ravenclaw said meaningfully.

"Then you need to prepare one horn of a unicorn, one tail of a mermaid, two hearts of a dragon, a pair of wings of a thestral, ten tears of a phoenix, three heads of a rune snake, and the heads of a poisonous leopard. A poison sac, a centaur spine, and, all the blood in a grown wizard's body."


Scott was a little dumbfounded.

These things are not so easy for him to get.

There are some things that money can't buy.

Leaving aside other materials for the time being, there are basically no wizards in the magic world who dare to hunt and kill the poisonous leopard.

Because the venomous leopard is arguably the most dangerous animal in the world, it is said that it takes more than 100 skilled wizards to subdue it.


the most important is……

"All the blood in an adult wizard's body? Can't everyone put a little?"

"No." Ravenclaw said, "It must be the same person, and it is best to be someone who is related to you by blood, and the closer the better, so as to reduce uncontrollable side effects. Of course, you can't do this. arrive."

"A side effect?" Scott asked.

"It's probably going to be grotesque," Ravenclaw said. "Many wizards don't care about their appearance."

Scott swallowed, "This method is rarely used, right?"

He figured it out, this method is actually not reliable.

"No, it's not too uncommon in wizarding families in the past." Ravenclaw seemed to be telling a ghost story, "Old wizards will leave their blood to descendants before they die."


"I don't use it that way, but as far as I know, the Slytherin family has it."


Scott was silent for a few seconds.

He couldn't help asking, "So Slytherin looks weird? Is that why Voldemort lost his nose?"

A smile appeared on Ravenclaw's face, "I don't know about Voldemort, but Salazar is indeed not handsome. He had too many wrinkles on his face when he was young, and he didn't have hair yet."


Scott couldn't help touching his smooth face, and then his straight nose.

No, I'm not willing to sacrifice that much!
He cried out from the bottom of his heart.

"Please tell me how to make the enchantment potion!"

Ravenclaw in the painting laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"I'll leave it to you."

In the frame, her portrait slowly disappears, leaving dense words behind.

It is the formula and production method of magic potion.

Scott hurriedly took out a pen and paper to copy.

"The fruit of the guardian tree, the rhizome of the mandrake, the twig of the devil's net, the bud of the daffodil, the two-eared grass, the powder of the moonstone, the fin spine of Sirak..."

It started with some common herbs and materials.

But gradually, he discovered that the materials needed for this potion were as precious as Ravenclaw said.

The most precious part of it even overlaps with the materials needed for the bloody plunder.

The voluntary blood of a unicorn, the tears of a phoenix, the heart of a dragon, the beard of a mermaid, the tail hair of a thestral, and the afterbirth of a centaur.

Of course, the materials needed are far more than these.

Scott wrote the entire paper, looking at the recipe, still a little embarrassed.

The part that can be bought with money is okay, but many things can only be obtained by yourself, which is undoubtedly very difficult.

Not to mention that the production process of the potion is also very cumbersome, it will take at least half a year.

With Scott's unremarkable level of potion, there is no guarantee of a successful production. A potion master must be hired to complete it without risk.

Potions masters are not so easy to find.

The nearest potion master to Scott was Snape, and the professor had run out of time to make such troublesome potions for him.

The last time Snape followed Voldemort to Azkaban to rob prison, his name had already appeared in Ms. Burns's notebook, and the Ministry of Magic's arrest warrant had been issued.

As a double agent, Snape has lost one side, and he will probably not be able to see him at school next semester.

It is still unknown who Dumbledore will find to replace Snape as potions master.

Maybe it was Professor Slughorn who appeared in the "original book", maybe it was someone else.

Now if Scott wants to ask a potion master to make magic potions for himself, there is really no way.

He thought about it, and he could only ask Professor Flitwick or Dumbledore for help in this matter.

As he was thinking about it, Ravenclaw's figure reappeared in the frame.

"It seems that the copying has been completed."

"Yes, mentor, may I ask..."


Scott asked cautiously, "Can I use this lost formula to find a potions master in exchange for the finished product?"

Ravenclaw had no objection, "If you can do it."

"Thank you."

After hearing the affirmative answer, Scott felt a little more at ease.

It's not that he doesn't want to be self-reliant, but that he really can't.

In the following time, Ravenclaw didn't talk about this topic again, but started a new lesson.

Scott also temporarily put aside the matter of potions and began to listen to the class seriously.

After dinner that day, Scott used the [magic mirror] to make a "video call" to Professor Flitwick.

"Good evening, Scott, oh, is this your home in Spain?"

Professor Flitwick's face appeared in the mirror.

"Good evening, Professor Flitwick."

Scott showed the professor his room.

After chatting for a few words, Scott went straight to the topic.

"Professor, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. I wonder if you know any potion masters other than Professor Snape."

"Oh, of course, I do know some other potions masters, including Damocles Belby, who invented the wolfsbane potion, and graduated from Ravenclaw."

"Master Ravenclaw gave me a recipe for a magic potion, I think..."

Scott truthfully told Professor Flitwick about obtaining the enchantment potion formula and all his plans.

Professor Flitwick immediately agreed to his request, "Oh, I can try to contact some potion masters for you. If any of them agree to this deal, I will notify you immediately."

"Thank you so much, Professor." Scott thanked repeatedly.

After the call, he simply took a picture of the formula and sent it to Professor Flitwick.

If all goes well, he'll just have to wait for the potion to arrive.

After finishing all this, Scott wrote down the materials needed for the bloody plunder on a piece of paper.

Looking at the troublesome names on the paper, Scott sighed and finally stuffed the paper into a drawer.

He looked at his face in the mirror and sighed again.

So handsome.

After all, I still can't muster up the courage to be ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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