Chapter 429
"Are you in love with that girl?"

Back at the oak hut, Rimbaud asked Scott curiously.

Scott laughed, "Do you know what love is?"

"Of course I don't know," replied Rimbaud, "but I know that human beings love to talk about love."

At this time, the door of the cabin was open, and Scott sat on the wooden floor by the door, blowing the evening breeze comfortably.

The sun in the distance is about to set.

From the highest position in the forest, Scott could see far.

He quietly looked at the forest covered in warm colors by the afterglow of the setting sun, and it took a long time before he spoke again, "I don't know, and I haven't thought about it."

"Don't you want to think about it? I really like that girl." Rimbaud said in a regretful tone.

Of course you will.

Scott thought.

After all, people call you "King Crow" and "Lord Blackwing".

"He's still young," he said, "and what I'm about to face in the future is too dangerous."

He didn't want to talk too much about the subject.

"By the way." Scott stood up, "I don't know what was written in today's newspaper."

He was a little annoyed that he forgot to tell the crow to buy newspapers in the morning.

Regarding the scuffle that happened last night, he really wanted to see the follow-up.

"Go," he said to Rimbaud, "we're going to Hogsmeade."

He decided to go to the pub in Hogsmeade to inquire about it, and settle for dinner by the way.

However, appearing in Hogsmeade Village is likely to meet the professors of Hogwarts, so Scott decided to go in disguise.

Polyjuice's transfiguration lasted too short, and he decided to use Transfiguration to complete the disguise.

Unlike the natural Disguise Magus, it is far from easy to use body deformation to achieve the effect of disguise.

Of course, it won't be as convenient as Transfiguration Mags, and there will be certain risks.

Transfiguration Magus can easily change his appearance at will, but he can only fine-tune his facial features by using body deformation.

For example, an Animagus can easily change his nose into a pig's nose. Scott can only make his nose bigger or smaller by using body shapeshifting, but not too much.

Otherwise, accidents will result if you are not careful.

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Illness receives a lot of patients who have to be admitted to the hospital for treatment because they are too imaginative when they transform and cannot recover.

But Scott is already a successful Animagus, and he is quite proficient in the part of body deformation, so there is not much risk.

"I haven't fully tried this disguise yet."

Scott sat at the desk enthusiastically, using [Magic Mirror] as a normal mirror.

He looked at his face in the mirror, thinking about how to adjust.

"First the hair."

This can be solved with a hair growth mantra.

Scott picked up his wand and waved it at his head, chanting a spell.

His short hair began to grow wildly.

"It seems a little too long."

Rimbaud looked at his long hair that had fallen to the ground and said.

"It's ok."

Scott waved his wand again, and cut off a section of hair, resulting in a shoulder-length hair.

"Change your hair color again."

He turned his hair golden.

"Next is skin color."

He began to work on his skin, turning his white skin into a bronze color.

"Hmm... it's kind of weird."

Scott blinked at himself in the mirror, as if he had found the joy of pinching people when playing video games in his previous life.

"The face gets fatter...the eyebrows get thicker...the nose gets sunken...the mouth gets thicker..."

After a pause, Scott looked at himself in the mirror and laughed.

Except for the only eye that couldn't move on the face, the other facial features have been adjusted to look like two different people.

At this time, he has turned into a boy whose facial features look a bit simple and thick, and whose skin is bathed in sunlight all year round.

"In this way, no one will recognize me, right?" He turned his head and asked Rimbaud.

He felt that neither Emilia nor Michael recognized him now.


Rimbaud looked him up and down for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Scott started changing again.

Given that it was summer and wizarding attire was far less cool than Muggle attire, Scott simply changed into a short-sleeved T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops.

Finally, he tied his shawl-length hair into a ponytail and looked in the mirror again.

"Too Muggle-like also gets attention."

He muttered, and simply put on the flamboyant necklace that Luna gave him.

"It's nondescript, but it looks like a wizard now."

Nodding in satisfaction, I can finally go out.

Since the transformation of Animagus would destroy the disguise, Scott chose to make Rimbaud bigger and carried him to the vicinity of Hogsmeade village, and then walked out of the forest.

At this time, the sun has completely set, and the street lights in Hogsmeade Village have been lit up. Coupled with the glittering shop windows and signboards, the whole village looks like a scene that only appears in a fairy tale.

Although the village was brightly lit at this time, there were not many people wandering on the streets.

Scott came to the door of the Three Broomsticks with a clear goal.

Two drunken middle-aged wizards pushed open the door, supported each other and walked out of the bar.

Scott sideways avoided the two and walked into the bar.

Oncoming is a heat wave.

In the smoky bar, there were quite a few wizards gathered here at the moment, and the small space seemed very crowded and noisy.

Scott looked around, but he didn't see anyone he was familiar with, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although it was so easy that his mother didn't know him anymore, he still didn't want to meet the professors.

Gathering his mind, he raised his foot and walked towards the bar.

Ms. Rosmerta, the owner of the bar, is lying on the bar and chatting with a few guests.

"The Ministry of Magic has become a mess..."

But the few guests seemed to be a little absent-minded, and their eyes kept wandering between the proprietress's plump red lips and her bust.

Ms. Rosmerta spotted Scott as he walked to the bar.

"Oh? A new face?" She rested her chin on one hand and looked Scott up and down with charming eyes. "How come I've never seen you, boy."

"Because I've only recently come of age," Scott said brazenly.

"Really?" Ms. Rosmerta raised the corners of her lips and said in a teasing tone, "You'd better be an adult, boy, otherwise I won't sell you alcoholic drinks."

"Hahahaha." The wizard sitting on the side laughed out his yellow teeth, "You'd better order a glass of soda honestly, kid."

"What's the matter, I think I secretly tried drinking before I was an adult! Those are all good memories of my youth." Another wizard with a wrinkled face pretended to be chic and stroked his hair that had lost most of his hair .

"A butterbeer."

Scott sat down on the stool, ignoring the two wizards.

He looked at the menu hanging by the liquor cabinet.

"And a beef burger."

Ms. Rosmerta was a little surprised, "It's been a long time since anyone ordered food from me, even I forgot the menu."

Only then did Scott realize that the menu looked old and worn out.

Ms. Rosmerta smiled again and said, "But since I'm a new customer, I'll definitely satisfy your request, beef burger, right? Wait, boy."

After speaking, she first poured a glass of butter beer and put it in front of Scott, then turned and walked into a small door next to the wine cabinet.

"Hahahaha...some people really use this place as a restaurant." The toothless wizard sitting next to Scott laughed again.

Although Scott didn't understand his joke, he didn't pay attention to the drunkard.

He just sipped his butterbeer and listened to what the others in the bar were talking about.

"...I didn't expect Fudge to step down in this way."

Someone is talking loudly about a topic that interests him.

Scott turned his head to look, and it was a witch wearing a huge wide-brimmed hat. Because the brim of the hat was too wide, people couldn't see her face clearly.

Others chimed in.

"It's a pity. Speaking of which, Fudge is still very young, and it's not too long since he came to power."

"I can't believe it. If the obituary hadn't been published in today's "Daily Prophet", I wouldn't have believed it was real!"

"Who would have thought."

"However, he has not made any outstanding achievements in recent years."

"I don't know who the next minister will be. I hope it will be a wizard with a tougher style. Now..."

The speaker shook his head and concealed the second half of the sentence.

The witch wearing the wide-brimmed hat spoke again, "Do you believe that rumor? Some people say that the mysterious man has been resurrected, and he killed Fudge."

Her shrill voice instantly drowned out other people's voices.

However, the title of the mysterious man seems to have indescribable magic power, and the originally noisy bar suddenly became quiet.

" could it be?" Someone immediately denied it with a louder voice, "Didn't the newspaper say that Fudge died while fighting a group of dark wizards who were planning to rob the prison in Azkaban."

Hearing this, Scott's eyes flashed.

It appears that the Daily Prophet's press release deliberately left out some facts that would cause people to panic.

Although he doesn't know why this is and who indicated the content of the press release, Scott can be sure that if Dumbledore is in charge, he will not want to hide it.

"Don't be stupid! I think the rumors are true!"

The witch who took the initiative to talk about the mysterious man seemed to be drunk, and quickly spoke in a sharper voice.

"Didn't you see the arrest list and those new wanted lists announced by the Ministry of Magic? Everyone knows that the owners of those names are former Death Eaters!"

"Please tell me, apart from the mysterious man, who else can lead those Death Eaters and those arrogant purebloods to take action together? No one else can do it except him!"

"Wait and see, although it's only been over ten years, the brief peace is over! We're going back to those terrible, dark days!"

The more she talked, the more hysterical she became, and the sound shook everything in the bar, and Scott even felt that the chandelier on the ceiling was about to fall.

This time no one refuted her.

Of course, no one agreed.

Everyone started drinking in silence.

"Now, only Ms. Slytherin can save us!" The witch suddenly stood up, "Only she! The daughter of Salazar Slytherin, a legendary witch who has survived thousands of years!"

Scott's eyes widened.

Could this be Medea's propaganda offensive?

The witch's words successfully sparked some discussion.

Although people's attitudes are not too enthusiastic, they are obviously aroused by curiosity.

Then the witch continued to praise Medea endlessly with her shrill voice, describing her as the savior of the magic world.

Perhaps her attitude was too close to brainless worship, perhaps it was because the content of her "speech" was too empty, or she underestimated people's distrust of the surname "Slytherin". Nothing resonated.

As she chattered, many people's faces became ugly, and quite a few people even stood up and walked to the bar, slammed the coins on the bar, turned and left.

Scott also heard their whispers and mutterings.

"Let's go, I always think that crazy woman will cause trouble for everyone present here."

"Who's going to believe her, it's a Slytherin after all."

"We might as well place our hopes on Dumbledore."

"Who said it wasn't."

"Speaking of which, I hope that Dumbledore can take up the post of Minister of Magic..."

As the number of people leaving increased and no one echoed, the lady who gave the passionate "speech" finally shut up.

At that moment, Ms. Rosmerta came out from behind the liquor cabinet with a tray of hamburgers.

"Beef burger." She put the plate in front of Scott. "I hope it suits your appetite. Of course, there is nothing you can do if you are not used to it. After all, this is a bar, not a restaurant."

"Thank you."

Scott, who was already hungry, didn't care about whether it suited his appetite, so he grabbed the hamburger and started to eat it.

"What's going on here?"

Ms. Rosmerta looked at the bar that had become much empty in front of her, and seemed not to understand why her business had deteriorated in the blink of an eye.

Huo Ya and Pleated Zi hurriedly courted the glamorous proprietress, telling her what happened just now without giving in.

At the end, the two began to ask, "What do you think about those rumors, ma'am?"

After hearing this, Ms. Rosmerta's face became a little bad. She shook her head and refused to answer.

"Everyone comes to the bar just to drink and relax. There are many things that should not be discussed in a happy place." She said with a smile, "What's more, I am just an ordinary bar proprietress, and I dare not participate in many things."

Gaps and creases nodded again and again, with an expression of hearing the truth, and did not forget to praise Ms. Rosmerta's wisdom, fully and vividly showing the shape that a dog should have.

At this moment, the copper bell hanging on the wooden door of the bar rang again.

Scott looks back...

It turned out to be Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Babling.

Scott turned his head silently and lowered his head to eat his burger.

Fortunately, the three professors did not approach the bar, but sat down at a small table near the bar.

"A butterbeer."

"A glass of mead."

"A glass of currant rum."

The three ordered different drinks.

"Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Babling."

Someone took the initiative to greet the three professors. Of course, they wanted to seek some news from the professors.

"Professors, any updates?"

"Is the mysterious man really resurrected?"

"What is Dumbledore doing? Can he stop this?"

(End of this chapter)

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